Zaima Styling Use Cases & CSS Limitation Exploration

Intended audience: W3C reviewers familiar with the Ruby Markup and the CSS Ruby Layout Module Level 1 who can suggest refinements and styling techniques. Specialists in the Yaredic Zaima practice who can review the use cases and suggest others.

Viewing Note: The correct arrangement and styling of Zaima in this document is highly sensistive to browser version and typeface choices. This content has been optimized for wide screen viewing in the Chrome 61 web browser with the Abyssinica SIL font used for Ethiopic script samples. The content displays acceptably in Safari 11. Layout is broken under Chrome 60 and Firefox 56 (a previous version of this document optimized for Chrome 60 is available here). A PDF version of this page is offered as a reference for what correct layout presentation should appear like.

Zaima is the name given to the small cantillation annotations in the Ge'ez language hymnary that are rendered in one or more rows above base text. In this article the markup and CSS styling elements developed for rendering Ruby content are applied to Zaima samples that represent the most challenging use cases. The goal is to discover from application any limitations in markup and styling fascilities to support the requirements of Zaima presentation and thus derive a complete model for Zaima representation.

An equally important goal in developing digitally rendered samples is determining with practitioners what characteristics of the calligraphic tradition must be preserved in electronic media. Stylistic features in Zaima presentation may be idiosyncratic to a scribe, artifacts of the scribal process and tools, and need not be rendered in electronic documents. Other features may convey meaning that is critical to the practice and must be rendered in the same way electronically.

Use Cases

Use cases are selected that represent particular challenges in presentation beyond the regular Ruby use cases. Use cases are borrowed from a previous survey in a, now depreciated, article on Zaima Annotation which in turn provides the full page sources of the samples appearing here.

The samples here present focused layout requirements in isolation from their larger context. Larger samples will be produced to help access the overall readibility of electronically laid out Zaima in general, and to evaluate the layout choices made here.

Use Case 1


Alternate Rendering
በሮ᎔᎖ በሮ᎓ሞኂ በሮሥቱ
በሮ᎔᎖ ሞኂ ሥቱ

Figure 1 Selot Kidassie p. 113


Use Case 2


፡ክቡ ᎑ ᎓᎔ ᎖᎓᎔ ኑሆ᎓ ፡ክቡምጽ ᎖᎓᎔ ተዒ   ᎖᎓᎔ ሊባ ጸጋ

Figure 2 Zimarie Wemewasit p. 34


Use Case 3


ሊባ ስሃ፡ና ክብ      ባኖ᎖᎔ ስሃ፡ና ክብ      ᎑  ባኖስ᎖መን ፡ናክብ ᎐  ባኖስ᎓᎔᎖᎓᎔᎓᎔᎖᎖ ᎖᎖ ክብ ባኖስ᎑ደረ᎓᎔᎖᎖ ᎖᎖ ክብ

Figure 3 Zimarie Wemewasit p. 34


Use Case 4


Alternate Rendering
ወኮ ነ፡፩᎖᎓᎓᎓᎖ ᎔᎓ ኮነ፡፩ ንሴ᎒᎖᎒᎒᎒᎐᎖
ወኮ ነ፡፩᎖᎓᎓᎓᎖ ᎔᎓ ኮነ፡፩ ንሴ᎒᎒᎒᎒᎐᎖

Figure 4 Zimarie Wemewasit p. 68


Use Case 5


Alternate Rendering

ወወ᎒ሙላ ᎐᎖᎖ ጐ᎖ ᎖᎓᎔ ሀብ ቡር ወሀብከ
ወወ᎒ሙላ ᎐᎖᎖ ወወኢይ ጐ᎖ ᎖᎓᎔ ሀብ ቡር ወሀብከ

Figure 5 Merha Liqawnt p. 127


Use Case 6


Alternate Rendering

ነሕ ᎐᎘ ባነአጽነ ሕራንኒ ነሕ ንኒርእሶ
ነሕ ᎐᎘ አጽነ ነሕራንኒ ነሕ ንኒርእሶ

Figure 6 Merha Liqawnt p. 128


Use Case 7


ከ፡᎒ሙ᎘ ዕ፡ ርኢ ከ፡ከመ ዕ፡ ርኢ መከ፡ክዎ᎓᎔ ᎖᎔᎓ ዕ፡

Figure 7 Merha Liqawnt p. 128


Use Case 8


ሀገ ኪ፡ወ ኢት᎒ሙ᎘ ንድ ᎐᎘ ሀገ ኪ፡ወኢ ᎐᎔ ሀገ ኪ፡ወ ትጐየሱስ ንድዪክርስቶ ገረኪርጥቁ ፡ወ ᎖᎓᎔

Figure 8 Merha Liqawnt p. 23


Use Case 9


Alternate Rendering
ያን᎒᎓᎒᎖᎒ ሰ᎔
᎒᎓ ᎒᎖᎒ ሰ᎔

Figure 9 Selot Kidasie p. 9


Use Case 10


ሐዋሰማ᎓ ያት᎒᎖᎒᎓ ሰማ ታት

Figure 10 Selot Kidassie p. 129


Use Case 11


ገብ ል፡ ᎒ሙ᎘ ገብርኤ ል፡ ሌሊ ገብ᎖ ዮ ል፡ንስ᎖᎔᎖᎔

Figure 11 Selot Kidasie p. 83


Use Case 12


መ፡ ᎙  ᎙ ᎙  ᎐ መ፡ ዩ᎖᎓᎔᎖᎓᎔᎓᎔ ከመወተ

Figure 12 Merha Liqawnt p. 66


Use Case 13


ዘኮ ᎐ ᎙ ᎙ ነ፡᎙ሙ᎘ ዘኮ ወኮ᎖᎓᎔᎓᎖ ነ፡᎖᎔᎖᎔

Figure 13 Merha Liqawnt p. 84


Use Case 14


፡ኦ  ᎙ ᎙ ᎙ ጽን ፡ኦ   ቡበ᎖᎓᎔᎖᎓᎔᎓᎔

Figure 14 Merha Liqawnt p. 84


Use Case 15


᎒ሙ᎘ ቡር᎖᎓᎔᎓ ርዔሁ ወሡ

Figure 15 Merha Liqawnt p. 21


Use Case 16


Alternate Rendering
ምሕ በእ ምሕ ቡበ ምሕ ገጸ ምሕ በእ
ምሕ በእ ምሕ ቡበ ምሕ በእ

Figure 16 Selot Kidasie p. 213


Use Case 17


ይሕ፤ ፡ን ሴብሕ᎓ጢረ᎓᎖᎓᎓ ግዚ ረዩ ያከ᎓᎖᎓᎖᎓᎓᎖᎓፡ን ᎑ ᎖᎖  ᎗ ግዚ ፡ን ᎑  ᎗ ግዚ

ይሕ፤ ኪያ᎓᎖᎓᎖ ረዩ ፡ን ᎑ ᎖᎖  ᎗ ግዚ ፡ን ᎑  ᎗ ግዚ

Figure 17 Merha Liqawnt p. 103


Use Case 18


Alternate Rendering

ለትለ᎖᎓ ኵነ᎖᎓ ለትለገ ለትቀጽ ነኔጾመ
ለትለ᎖᎓ ኵነ᎖᎓ ለትለገ ለት ኵነ ለትቀጽ ነኔጾመ

Figure 18 Merha Liqawnt p. 145


Use Case 19


ንቅረ ነነ ፡ለመድኃኒተ፡ሕይወት ደስ ጥም ፡ለመድኃኒተ፡ሕይወ ᎖᎓ ቅረቅጹ ፡ሕይወ ጥሮ ንቅረ ፡ሕይወ ለኪ ንቅረ ᎒ጽ ኃኒ ፡ሕይወ

Figure 19 Selot Kidasie p. 189


Use Case 20


ይዲ፤ ጽር᎖᎓ራቀ᎖᎓᎙ ነጽ ጽር᎑᎓ራቀ᎒ዑ

ይካ፤ ቅድሳት፡ለ ልየ ራቀ᎒ዑ ፡ለቅዱሳን፤ ቅዱ ን፤ጽራ ᎔᎖ ን፤ስ᎖᎔

Figure 20 Selot Kidasie p. 253


Browser support

The article describes behavior for the following browser versions. We will try to update the article as behavior changes.

Browser Version Engine Other browsers using that engine
Chrome Chrome 61.0.3163.100 Blink Opera, Vivaldi, etc.
Safari Safari 11.0 (11604. Webkit iOS-based browsers, Yandex, UC Browser, etc.
Firefox Firefox 56.0.0 Fails Gecko Conkeror, etc.
Edge Edge Untested EdgeHTML

Normative References

Tu’um Lisan Kasa, ያሬድና ዜማው Yared Zeimaw, Tinsaie Zegubaie Matemiya Beit, Addis Ababa, 1981EC/1988
YeTinsaie YeMetsahft Mastemiya Dirjit, የዜማ አርዕስት ምልክት YeZaima Arist Milikt, Addis Ababa, 1983EC/1990
Birhanu Gesesse, Merigeta Dimtse, Priest and Zaima teacher at Urael Orthodox Church, Addis Ababa, 1999
Tinsaie Zegubaie Matamiya Beit, የቅዱስ ያሬድ ታሪክና የዜማ ምልክቶች YeKidus Yared Tarikna YeZaima Milketoc, Tinsaie Zegubaie Matemiya Beit, Addis Ababa, 1959EC/1966

Informative References

Afewerk Ambaw, Memhir, ቍመተ አርያም K’wumete Aryam, Bahir Dar Matemiya Beit Tateme, Bahir Dar, 1990EC/1998
Biete Kahne, መጽሐፍ ቅዳሴ ጕልሕ - በግእዝና በአማርኛ ከነምልክቱ Metsehaf Kidasie Gwulih - BeGe'ezna BeAmarigna Kenemilketu, Addis Ababa, 1991EC/1999
Gebre-Amanuel, Like Kahnat Berhanu, ed., ጸሎት ቅዳሴ - የሕዝብ ተስጥዎ Selot Kidasie - YeHezb Tesetwo, Berhanina Selam Matemiya Dirjit, Addis Ababa, 1989EC/1997
Gebre-Amanuel, Like Kahnat Berhanu, ed., መጽሐፈ ድጓ - ዘቅዱስ ያሬድ Metsehaf Degua - ZeKedus Yared, Nigid Matemiya Dirjit, Addis Ababa, 1988EC/1995
Gebre-Amanuel, Like Kahnat Berhanu, ed., ዝማሬ ወመዋሥዕት Zimarie WeMewas'et, Berhanina Selam Matemiya Dirjit, Addis Ababa, 1986EC/1993
Gebre-Sellasie, Tesfa, ዝማሬ - ዘደረስ ቅዱስ ያሬድ Zimarie - Zederese Kidus Yared, Tesfa Gebre-Sellasie Matemiya Biet, Addis Ababa, 1976EC/1983
Habte-Mariam, Memhir Enbakom, መርሐ ሊቃውንት Merha Likawunt, Nigid Matemiya Dirjit, Addis Ababa, 1991EC/1999
Kessis Kefyalew Merahi, The Most Versative Ethiopian Scholar, St. Yared and His Outstanding Works, Commercial Printing Enterprises, Addis Ababa, April 11, 2004

Kenfe Mikael Muchei, Merigeita, አንቀጽ፡ዘድጓ፡ወዘጸዋትወ፡ዜማ፡ዘቤተልሔም Ankets Zedgwa WeZetsewatwe Zeima ZeBeitlheim, YeTinsaie YeMetsahft Mastemiya Dirjit, 1995 EC/2003
Tesema Habte Mikael Gisew, የአማርኛ መዝገበ ቃላት YeAmarigna Mezgebe Kalat Addis Ababa, 1951EC/1958
Tinsaie Zegubaie Matamiya Beit, ሥርዓት ቅዳሴ - የሕዝብ ተሠጥዎ Sirat Kidasie – YeHezb Tesetwo, Addis Ababa, 1979EC/1986
Woube Kassaye, Liturgical Music of Ethiopia, LISSAN: Journal of African Languages and Linguistics, Volume XIX Number 2, Addis Ababa, 2005
YeTinsaie YeMetsahft Mastemiya Dirjit, መዝሙር ዳዊት Mezmur Dawit, YeTinsaie YeMetsahft Mastemiya Dirjit, Addis Ababa, 1986EC/1993
YeTinsaie YeMetsahft Mastemiya Dirjit, መጽሐፈ፡ቅዳሴ፥ (መዝገበ፡ቅዳሴ፡ዘደብረ፡ዓባይ) Metsihafe Kidasei (Mezigebe Kidasei ZeDebre Abay), YeTinsaie YeMetsahft Mastemiya Dirjit, Addis Ababa, 1984 EC/1991
YeTinsaie YeMetsahft Mastemiya Dirjit, መጽሐፈ፡ዚቅ፡ወመዝሙር Metsihaf Zik WeMezmur, YeTinsaie YeMetsahft Mastemiya Dirjit, Addis Ababa, 1979EC/1986
YeTinsaie YeMetsahft Mastemiya Dirjit, ምዕራፍ ዘቅዱስ ያሬድ Me’eraf ZeKidus Yareid, Comercial Publishing Enterprise, Addis Ababa, 1987