MNX specification >
MNX reference >
Objects >
global data
The global data object
Type: Dictionary
The global object represents a set of measures, each of which provides content that is shared by a set of parts within the score. Examples of such content are key signatures and time signatures.
This object is used in the following examples:
Accidentals, Articulations, Beams, Beams (across barlines), Beams (hooks), Beams (secondary beam breaks), Beams (with inner grace notes), Clef changes, Dotted notes (augmentation dots), Grace note, Grace notes (beamed), Grand staff piano music, Jumps (D.S. al Fine), Jumps (Dal Segno), Key signatures, Multimeasure rests, Multiple layouts, Multiple voices, Orchestral layout, Organ layout, Ottavas (8va), Parts, Repeats, Repeats (more than once repeated), Repeats (with alternate endings, advanced), Repeats (with alternate endings, simple), Repeats (with implied start repeat), Rest positions, Slurs, Slurs (for chords), Slurs (incomplete slurs), Slurs (targeting specific notes), Styling elements (basic), Styling via a class (basic), System layouts, Tempo markings, Three-note chord and half rest, Ties, Time signatures, Tremolos (single-note), Tuplets, Two-bar C major scale, “Hello world”