
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  MusicXML to31.xsl stylesheet

  Version 4.0

  Copyright © 2004-2021 the Contributors to the MusicXML 
  Specification, published by the W3C Music Notation Community
  Group under the W3C Community Final Specification Agreement 

  A human-readable summary is available:

  To31.xsl converts from MusicXML 4.0 to 3.1 for
  compatibility with older products.


    XML output, with a DOCTYPE referring the partwise DTD.
    Here we use the full Internet URL.

  <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" encoding="UTF-8"
	  omit-xml-declaration="no" standalone="no"
	  doctype-public="-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 3.1 Partwise//EN"/>

    For the root, only look for score-partwise. Anything else
    as a root element gets ignored.
  <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="./score-partwise"/>

    Transformations that remove post-3.1 elements and

  <!-- Additions in note.mod -->

  <!-- Remove new elements. -->
  <!-- Remove all but the first instrument element -->
    match="instrument[position() > 1]"/>

    Remove accidental SMuFL attributes with new values.
    match="accidental/@smufl[not(starts-with(., 'acc'))]"/>

    Remove elements with number attributes greater than 6.
    match="arpeggiate[number(@number) > 6] |
    glissando[number(@number) > 6] |
    hammer-on[number(@number) > 6] |
    non-arpeggiate[number(@number) > 6] |
    other-notation[number(@number) > 6] |
    pull-off[number(@number) > 6] |
    slide[number(@number) > 6] |
    slur[number(@number) > 6] |
    tied[number(@number) > 6] |
    tuplet[number(@number) > 6]"/>

  <!-- Remove new attributes. -->
    match="arpeggiate/@unbroken | bend/@shape | 
      figured-bass/@halign | figured-bass/@valign |
      figured-bass/@placement | release/@offset"/>

  <!-- Additions in attributes.mod -->

    Remove double elements that have an above value other
    than no, then remove the above attribute altogether.
    Make sure the tests have the right priority so the
    doubles are removed first, before the above attribute
    is removed.

  <xsl:template priority="1"
    match="double[@above != 'no']"/>

  <!-- Remove new elements. -->
    match="for-part | line-detail"/>
  <!-- Remove new attributes. -->
  <!-- Additions in barline.mod -->

  <!-- Remove new attributes. -->
    match="ending/@system | repeat/@after-jump"/>

  <!-- Additions in common.mod -->

    Remove level elements that have a type other than
    single, then remove the type attribute altogether.
    Make sure the tests have the right priority so the
    levels are removed first, before the type attribute
    is removed.

  <xsl:template priority="1"
    match="level[@type != 'single']"/>

    Remove enclosure attributes with inverted-bracket value.
    match="@enclosure[. = 'inverted-bracket']"/>

    Remove elements with number attributes greater than 6.
  <xsl:template priority="1"
    match="wavy-line[number(@number) > 6]"/>
  <!-- Remove new attributes. -->
  <!-- Additions in direction.mod -->

    Convert discontinue pedal types to stop pedal types,
    and resume pedal types to start pedal types. We do this
    instead of removing the entire element so that we do not
    leave dangling pedal elements after the conversion.
    match="pedal/@type[. = 'discontinue']">
    <xsl:attribute name="type">stop</xsl:attribute>
    match="pedal/@type[. = 'resume']">
    <xsl:attribute name="type">start</xsl:attribute>
    Remove entire harmony that has a new numeral child element.
    Remove elements with number attributes greater than 6.
    match="direction[direction-type/bracket[number(@number) > 6]] |
      direction[direction-type/dashes[number(@number) > 6]] |
      direction[direction-type/octave-shift[number(@number) > 6]] |
      direction[direction-type/pedal[number(@number) > 6]] |
      direction[direction-type/wedge[number(@number) > 6]]"/>
  <!-- Remove new elements. -->
    match="bass-separator | instrument-change | 
      listening | swing"/>
  <!-- Remove new attributes. -->
    match="direction/@system | harmony/@system |
      harmony/@arrangement | bass/@arrangement | 
      inversion/@text | metronome/@print-object | 
      measure-numbering/@system | measure-numbering/@staff |
      measure-numbering/@multiple-rest-always | 
      measure-numbering/@multiple-rest-range |
      effect/@smufl | membrane/@smufl | metal/@smufl | 
      timpani/@smufl | wood/@smufl"/>
  <!-- Additions in score.mod -->

  <!-- Remove new elements. -->
    match="concert-score | part-link | player"/>
    Convert score version attribute to 3.1.
    <xsl:attribute name="version">3.1</xsl:attribute>

    The identity transformation. Used for everything that
    stays the same in 3.1.

  <xsl:template match="text()">
    <xsl:value-of select="." />

    Whitespace within an xsl:copy could cause problems with
    empty elements.
  <xsl:template match="*|@*|comment()|processing-instruction()">
