number-of-lines data type

The number-of-lines type is used to specify the number of lines in text decoration attributes.

Base type: nonNegativeInteger

Minimum allowed value: 0

Maximum allowed value: 3

Where is this type used?

<accidental-text> — "underline" attribute

<accidental-text> — "overline" attribute

<accidental-text> — "line-through" attribute

<credit-symbol> — "underline" attribute

<credit-symbol> — "overline" attribute

<credit-symbol> — "line-through" attribute

<credit-words> — "underline" attribute

<credit-words> — "overline" attribute

<credit-words> — "line-through" attribute

<display-text> — "underline" attribute

<display-text> — "overline" attribute

<display-text> — "line-through" attribute

<dynamics> — "underline" attribute

<dynamics> — "overline" attribute

<dynamics> — "line-through" attribute

<footnote> — "underline" attribute

<footnote> — "overline" attribute

<footnote> — "line-through" attribute

<rehearsal> — "underline" attribute

<rehearsal> — "overline" attribute

<rehearsal> — "line-through" attribute

<symbol> — "underline" attribute

<symbol> — "overline" attribute

<symbol> — "line-through" attribute

<text> — "underline" attribute

<text> — "overline" attribute

<text> — "line-through" attribute

<words> — "underline" attribute

<words> — "overline" attribute

<words> — "line-through" attribute