text-direction data type

The text-direction type is used to adjust and override the Unicode bidirectional text algorithm, similar to the Directionality data category in the W3C Internationalization Tag Set recommendation.

Base type: token

Allowed values

ltr Left-to-right embed.
rtl Right-to-left embed.
lro Left-to-right bidi-override.
rlo RIght-to-left bidi-override.

Where is this type used?

<accidental-text> — "dir" attribute

<credit-symbol> — "dir" attribute

<credit-words> — "dir" attribute

<display-text> — "dir" attribute

<footnote> — "dir" attribute

<rehearsal> — "dir" attribute

<symbol> — "dir" attribute

<text> — "dir" attribute

<words> — "dir" attribute