Open Screen Network Protocol

Editor’s Draft,

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This version:
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Inline In Spec
Mark Foltz (Google)


The Open Screen Network Protocol is a network protocol that allows two Open Screen agents to establish a secure network transport in an interoperable fashion.

Status of this document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at

This document was published by the Second Screen Working Group as an Editor’s Draft. This document is intended to become a W3C Recommendation.

Feedback and comments on this specification are welcome. Please use Github issues.

Publication as an Editor’s Draft does not imply endorsement by W3C and its Members. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.

This document was produced by a group operating under the W3C Patent Policy. W3C maintains a public list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains Essential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance with section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.

This document is governed by the 03 November 2023 W3C Process Document.

1. Introduction

The Open Screen Network Protocol provides a baseline set of network protocols for browsers and devices to discover each other and establish a secure network connection. This connection can be used as the transport layer for the Open Screen Application Protocol.

The Application Protocol and the Network Protocol are independent. However the Network Protocol is designed to meet the requirements of the Application Protocol. It may or may not be suitable for other application-level protocols that make use of its transport layer.

The fundamental flow of the network protocol is:

The flow chart in Appendix C: Entire Flow Chart illustrates the entire sequence of events.

The accompanying explainer provides more background on the protocol.

1.1. Terminology

An Open Screen Network Protocol agent (or OSP agent) is any implementation of this protocol (browser, display, speaker, or other software).

2. Requirements

2.1. General Requirements

  1. An Open Screen Network Protocol agent must be able to discover the presence of another OSP agent connected to the same IPv4 or IPv6 subnet and reachable by IP multicast.

  2. An OSP agent must be able to obtain the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the agent, a display name for the agent, and an IP port number for establishing a network transport to the agent.

2.2. Non-Functional Requirements

  1. It should be possible to implement the Open Screen Network Protocol using modest hardware requirements, similar to what is found in a low end smartphone, smart TV or streaming device. See the Device Specifications document for agent hardware specifications.

  2. The discovery and connection protocols should minimize power consumption, especially on a listening agent which is likely to be battery powered.

  3. The protocol should minimize the amount of information provided to a passive network observer about the identity of the user or activities on the agent, including presentations, remote playbacks, or the content of media streams.

  4. The protocol should prevent active network attackers from impersonating a display and observing or altering data intended for the controller or receiver.

  5. A listening agent should be able to discover quickly when an advertising agent becomes available or unavailable (i.e., when it connects or disconnects from the network).

  6. Agents should be able to remember that a user authenticated another agent. This means it is not required for the user to intervene and re-authenticate each time an agent wants to connect to an agent that the user has already authenticated.

  7. Message latency between agents should be minimized to permit interactive use. For example, it should be comfortable to type in a form in one agent and have the text appear in the presentation in real time. Real-time latency for gaming or mouse use is ideal, but not a requirement.

3. Discovery with mDNS

Open Screen Network Protocol Agents discover one another by advertising and listening for information identifying themselves along with an IP service endpoint. Agent advertisement and discovery through DNS-SD and mDNS is defined by this specification and is mandatory to implement by all agents. However, agents are free to implement additional discovery mechanisms, such as querying for the same DNS-SD records via unicast DNS.

OSP agents must use the DNS-SD Service Name _openscreen._udp.

An advertising agent is one that responds to mDNS queries for _openscreen._udp.local. Such an agent should have a display name (a non-empty string) that is a human readable description of the presentation display, e.g. "Living Room TV."

A listening agent is one that sends mDNS queries for _openscreen._udp.local. Listening agents may have a display name.

Advertising agents must use a DNS-SD Instance Name that is a prefix of the agent’s display name. If the Instance Name is not the complete display name, it must be terminated by a null (\000) character, so that a listening agent knows it has been truncated.

Advertising agents must follow the mDNS conflict resolution procedure, to prevent multiple advertising agents from using the same DNS-SD Instance Name.

Agents should be careful when displaying Instance Names to users; see § 7.4.1 Instance and Display Names for guidelines on Instance Name display.

Advertising agents must include DNS TXT records with the following keys and values:


The agent fingerprint of the advertising agent. The steps to compute the agent fingerprint are defined below.


An unsigned integer value that indicates that metadata has changed. The advertising agent must update it to a greater value. This signals to the listening agent that it should connect to the advertising agent to discover updated metadata. The value should be encoded as a variable-length integer.


An alphanumeric, unguessable token consisting of characters from the set [A-Za-z0-9+/].

Note: at prevents off-LAN parties from attempting authentication; see § 7.3.3 Remote active network attackers. at should have at least 32 bits of true entropy to make brute force attacks impractical.

NOTE: If an OSP agent suspends its network connectivity (e.g. for power saving reasons) it should attempt to retain cached and valid mDNS records so that discovery state is preserved when the network connection is resumed.

Future extensions to this QUIC-based protocol can use the same metadata discovery process to indicate support for those extensions, through a capabilities mechanism to be determined. If a future version of the Open Screen Network Protocol uses mDNS but breaks compatibility with the metadata discovery process, it should change the DNS-SD service name to a new value, indicating a new mechanism for metadata discovery.

3.1. Computing the Agent Fingerprint

The agent fingerprint of an agent is computed by following these steps:

  1. Compute the SKPI Fingerprint of the agent certificate according to [RFC7469] using SHA-256 as the hash algorithm.

  2. base64 encode the result of Step 1 according to [RFC4648].

Note: The resulting string will be 44 bytes in length.

3.2. Computing the Certificate Serial Number

Let the certificate serial number be the result of the following steps:

  1. If the agent has never generated an agent certificate:
    1. Let the certificate serial number base be a 128-bit UUID.
    2. Let the certificate serial number counter be a 32-bit unsigned integer, initially set to 0.
  2. Generate a 160-bit value as follows:
    1. Increment the certificate serial number counter by one.
    2. Assign the upper 128 bits to the certificate serial number base.
    3. Assign the lower 32 bits to the certificate serial number counter.

3.3. Computing the Agent Hostname

Each time the agent changes its DNS-SD Service Instance Name or certificate serial number it must compute an agent hostname as follows.

  1. Set hexSerialNumber to the base64 encoded certificate serial number.

  2. Set encodedInstanceName to the result of the following:

    1. Replace any character in the DNS-SD Instance Name other than [A-Za-z0-9-] with a hyphen -.

  3. Set encodedDomain to the result of the following:

    1. Replace any character in the DNS-SD Domain Name other than [A-Za-z0-9-] with a hyphen -.

  4. Set the agent hostname to the string hexSerialNumber + . + encodedInstanceName + . + encodedDomain

TODO: Add an appendix with examples of metadata, DNS-SD records and certificate fields for an advertising agent.

4. Transport and metadata discovery with QUIC

If a listening agent wants to connect to or learn further metadata about an advertising agent, it initiates a QUIC connection to the IP and port from its SRV record. Prior to authentication, a message may be exchanged (such as further metadata), but such info should be treated as unverified (such as indicating to a user that a display name of an unauthenticated agent is unverified).

The connection IDs used both by agents should be zero length. If zero length connection IDs are chosen, agents are restricted from changing IP or port without establishing a new QUIC connection. In such cases, agents must establish a new QUIC connection in order to change IP or port.

4.1. TLS 1.3

When an OSP Agent makes a QUIC connection to another agent, it must use TLS 1.3 to secure the connection. TLS 1.3 should be used with the following application-specific parameters to indicate that the connection will be used to communicate with a specific OSP Agent using OSP. An OSP Agent may refuse incoming connections that lack these parameters.

An OSP Agent must not send TLS early data.

Register ALPN with IANA. [Issue #228]

4.2. Agent Certificates

Each OSP Agent must generate an X.509 v3 agent certificate containing a public key to be used with the TLS 1.3 certificate exchange. Both advertising agents and listening agents must use the agent certificate in TLS 1.3 Certificate messages when making a QUIC connection.

The agent certificate must have the following characteristics:

Each agent certificate has a unique certificate serial number computed using the steps above. The value <sn> below should be substituted with that serial number.

The following X.509 v3 fields are to be set as follows:

Field Value
Version Number 3
Serial Number <sn> (as a big-endian integer)
Public Key AlgorithmIdentifier
  • ECC OID: 1.2.840.10045.2.1
  • ECDSA 256 OID: 1.2.840.10045.3.1.7
  • DER representation: 301306072a8648ce3d020106082a8648ce3d030107
Signature AlgorithmIdentifier
  • OID: 1.2.840.10045.4.3.2
  • DER representation: 300a06082a8648ce3d040302
Issuer Name CN = The model-name from the agent-info message, as also set in the agent-info message.
O = See note.
L = See note.
ST = See note.
C = See note.
Subject Name CN = agent hostname
O = See note.
Subject Public Key Algorithm Elliptic Curve Public Key
Certificate Key usage digitalSignature

Mandatory fields not mentioned above should be set according to [RFC5280].

Note: The OSP agent may use the implementer or device model name as the value for the O key for user interface and debugging purposes. It may use the agent implementer’s or device manufacturer’s location as the value for the location keys (L, ST, and C) for user interface and debugging purposes.

If an OSP agent sees an agent certificate it has not yet verified through § 6 Authentication, it must treat that agent as unverified and initiate authentication with that agent before allowing additional messages to be exchanged with that agent.

If an OSP agent sees a valid agent certificate it has verified through authentication, it is not required to initiate authentication with that agent before sending further messages.

If a listening agent wishes to receive messages from an advertising agent or an advertising agent wishes to send messages to a listening agent, it may wish to keep the QUIC connection alive by periodically sending data on the connection.

If an OSP agent suspends its network connectivity (e.g. for power saving reasons), it should attempt to resume QUIC connections to the OSP agents to which it was previously connected once network connectivity is restored.

5. Messages delivery using CBOR and QUIC streams

Messages are serialized using CBOR. To send a group of messages in order, that group of messages must be sent in one QUIC stream. Independent groups of messages (with no ordering dependency across groups) should be sent in different QUIC streams. In order to put multiple CBOR-serialized messages into the the same QUIC stream, the following is used.

NOTE: Open Screen Agents should configure QUIC stream limits (MAX_STREAMS) to not hinder application performance, keeping in mind the number of concurrent streams that may be necessary for audio, video, or data streaming use cases.

For each message, the OSP agent must write into a unidirectional QUIC stream the following:

  1. A type key representing the type of the message, encoded as a variable-length integer (see Appendix A: Messages for type keys)

  2. The message encoded as CBOR.

If an agent receives a message for which it does not recognize a type key, it must close the QUIC connection with an application error code of 404 and should include the unknown type key in the reason phrase of the CONNECTION_CLOSE frame.

Variable-length integers are encoded in the Variable-Length Integer Encoding used by QUIC.

6. Authentication

Each supported authentication method is implemeted via authentication messages specific to that method. The authentication method is explicitly specified by the message itself. The authentication status message is common for all authentication methods. Any new authentication method added must define new authentication messages.

Open Screen Network Protocol agents must implement § 6.1 Authentication with SPAKE2 with pre-shared keys.

Prior to authentication, agents exchange auth-capabilities messages specifying pre-shared key (PSK) ease of input for the user and supported PSK input methods. The agent with the lowest PSK ease of input presents a PSK to the user when the agent either sends or receives an authentication request. In case both agents have the same PSK ease of input value, the server presents the PSK to the user. The same pre-shared key is used by both agents. The agent presenting the PSK to the user is the PSK presenter, the agent requiring the user to input the PSK is the PSK consumer.

PSK ease of input is an integer in the range from 0 to 100 inclusive, where 0 means it is not possible for the user to input PSK on this device and 100 means that it’s easy for the user to input PSK on the device. Supported PSK input methods are numeric and scanning a QR-code. Devices with non-zero PSK ease of input must support the numeric PSK input method.

Any authentication method may require an auth-initiation-token before showing a PSK to the user or requesting PSK input from the user. For an advertising agent, the at field in its mDNS TXT record must be used as the auth-initation-token in the the first authentication message sent to or from that agent. Agents should discard any authentication message whose auth-initation-token is set and does not match the at provided by the advertising agent.

In the psk-min-bits-of-entropy field of the auth-capabilities messsage, agents may specify the minimum bits of entropy it requires for a PSK, in the range of 20 to 60 bits inclusive, with a default of 20. The PSK presenter must generate a PSK that has at least as many bits of entropy as it receives in this field, and at least as many bits of entropy as it sends in this field.

If an agent chooses to show a user a PSK in more than one way (such as both a QR-code and a numeric PSK), they should be for the same PSK. If they were different, the PSK presenter would not know which one the user chose to use, and that may lead to authentication failures.

Appendix C: Entire Flow Chart describes two encoding schemes for PSKs that agents may support to produce either a string or a QR code for display to the user.

6.1. Authentication with SPAKE2

[Meta] Track CFRG PAKE competition outcome [Issue #242]

For all messages and objects defined in this section, see Appendix A: Messages for the full CDDL definitions.

The default authentication method is SPAKE2 with the following cipher suite:

  1. Elliptic curve is edwards25519.

  2. Hash function is SHA-256.

  3. Key derivation function is HKDF.

  4. Message authentication code is HMAC.

  5. Password hash function is SHA-512.

Open Screen Network Protocol does not use a memory-hard hash function to hash PSKs with SPAKE2 and uses SHA-512 instead, as the PSK is one-time use and is not stored in any form.

SPAKE2 provides explicit mutual authentication.

This authentication method assumes the agents share a low-entropy secret, such as a number or a short password that could be entered by a user on a phone, a keyboard or a TV remote control.

SPAKE2 is not symmetric and has two roles, Alice (A) and Bob (B).

The messages used in this authentication method are: auth-spake2-handshake, auth-spake2-confirmation and auth-status. [SPAKE2] describes in detail how auth-spake2-handshake and auth-spake2-confirmation are computed.

The values A and B used in SPAKE2 are the agent fingerprints of the client and server, respectively. pw is the PSK presented to the user.

The PSK presenter or the PSK consumer may initiate authentication (assuming the role of Alice in SPAKE2).

If the PSK presenter wants to initiate authentication, it starts the authentication process by presenting the PSK to the user and sending a auth-spake2-handshake message. The public-value field of the auth-spake2-handshake message must be set to the value of pA from SPAKE2 and the psk-status field must be set to psk-shown.

When the PSK consumer receives the auth-spake2-handshake message, the PSK consumer prompts the user for the PSK input if it has not done so yet. Once it receives the PSK, it sends an auth-spake2-handshake message with the public-value field set to the value of pB from SPAKE2 and the psk-status field set to psk-input.

If the PSK consumer wants to initiate authentication, the PSK consumer sends a auth-spake2-handshake message to the PSK presenter with the psk-status field set to psk-needs-presentation and the public-value field set to pA. The PSK presenter, on receiving this message, creates a PSK and presents it to the the user. Once that is done, it sends an auth-spake2-handshake message to the PSK consumer with psk-status set to psk-input and the public-value field set to pB.

Once an agent knows both pA and pB from auth-spake2-handshake messages, it computes and sends a auth-spake2-confirmation with the confirmation-value field set to cA (for Alice) or cB (for Bob) to the other agent.

Once an agent receives an auth-spake2-confirmation message, it validates that message using the procedure in [SPAKE2] and then replies with an auth-status authenticated message to the other agent. Any value of result other than authenticated means that authentication failed, and the agent must immediately disconnect.

NOTE: The auth-status message is merely informative as each agent independently computes the outcome of SPAKE2 through key confirmation verification.

Appendix C: Entire Flow Chart shows the entire process when agents have not authenticated each other, including discovery, QUIC connection establishment, metadata exchange and authentication. When agents have completed authentication, the authentication phase can be omitted.

7. Security and Privacy

The Open Screen Network Protocol allows two OSP agents to discover each other and exchange user and application data. As such, its security and privacy considerations should be closely examined. We evaluate the protocol itself using the W3C Security and Privacy Questionnaire and also discuss recommended mitigations that agents can use to meet these security and privacy requirements.

7.1. Threat Models

7.1.1. Passive Network Attackers

The Open Screen Network Protocol should assume that all parties that are connected to the same LAN are able to observe all data flowing between OSP agents.

These parties will be able collect any data exposed through unencrypted messages, such as mDNS records and the QUIC handshakes.

These parties may attempt to learn cryptographic parameters by observing data flows on the QUIC connection, or by observing cryptographic timing.

7.1.2. Active Network Attackers

Active attackers, such as compromised routers, will be able to manipulate data exchanged between agents. They can inject traffic into existing QUIC connections and attempt to initiate new QUIC connections. These abilities can be used to attempt the following:

One particular attack of concern is misconfigured or compromised routers that expose local network devices (such as OSP agents) to the Internet. This vector of attack has been used by malicious parties to take control of printers and smart TVs by connecting to local network services that would normally be inaccessible from the Internet.

7.1.3. Denial of Service

Parties with connected to the LAN may attempt to deny access to OSP agents. For example, an attacker my attempt to open a large number of QUIC connections to an agent in an attempt to block legitimate connections or exhaust the agent’s system resources. They may also multicast spurious DNS-SD records in an attempt to exhaust the cache capacity for mDNS listeners, or to get listeners to open a large number of bogus QUIC connections.

7.2. Open Screen Network Protocol Security and Privacy Considerations

7.2.1. Personally Identifiable Information & High-Value Data

The following data cannot be reasonably made confidential and should be considered public:

  1. IP addresses and ports used by the Open Screen Network Protocol.

  2. Data advertised through mDNS, including the display name prefix, the certificate fingerprint and serial number, and the metadata version.

7.2.2. Cross Origin State Considerations

The network protocol does not directly handle origin state.

7.2.3. Origin Access to Other Devices

By design, the Open Screen Network Network Protocol allows access to devices from the Web, through application protocols that use it. By implementing the protocol, these devices are knowingly making themselves available to the Web and should be designed accordingly.

Below, we discuss mitigation steps to prevent malicious use of these devices.

7.2.4. Private Browsing Mode

It’s recommended that user agents use separate authentication contexts (see § 6 Authentication) and QUIC connections (see § 4 Transport and metadata discovery with QUIC) for normal and private browsing from the same user agent instance. This makes it more difficult for other devices to match activities occurring in normal and private browsing by the same user.

7.2.5. Persistent State

An agent is likely to persist the identity of agents that have successfully completed § 6 Authentication. This may include the public key fingerprints, metadata versions, and metadata for those parties.

However, this data is not normally exposed to the Web, only through the native UI of the user agent during the display selection or display authentication process. It can be an implementation choice whether the user agent clears or retains this data when the user clears browsing data.

7.2.6. Other Considerations

The Open Screen Network Network Protocol does not grant to the Web additional access to the following:

7.3. Mitigation Strategies

7.3.1. Local passive network attackers

Local passive attackers may attempt to harvest data about user activities and device capabilities using the Open Screen Network Protocol. The main strategy to address this is data minimization, by only exposing opaque public key fingerprints before user-mediated authentication takes place.

Passive attackers may also attempt timing attacks to learn the cryptographic parameters of the TLS 1.3 QUIC connection. The application profile for TLS 1.3 mandates constant-time ciphers and TLS 1.3 implementations should use elliptic curve signing operations that are resistant to side channel attacks.

7.3.2. Local active network attackers

Local active attackers may attempt to impersonate a presentation display the user would normally trust. The § 6 Authentication step of the Open Screen Network Protocol prevents a man-in-the-middle from impersonating an agent, without knowledge of a shared secret. However, it is possible for an attacker to impersonate an existing, trusted agent or a newly discovered agent that is not yet authenticated and try to convince the user to authenticate to it. (Trust in this context means that a user has completed § 6 Authentication from their agent to another agent.)

This can be addressed through a combination of techniques. The first is detecting attempts at impersonation. Agents should detect the following situations and flag an agent that meets any of the criteria as a suspicious agent:

The second is through management of the low-entropy secret during mutual authentication:

The active attacker may also attempt to disrupt data exchanged over the QUIC connection by injecting or modifying traffic. These attacks should be mitigated by a correct implementation of TLS 1.3. See Appendix E of [RFC8446] for a detailed security analysis of the TLS 1.3 protocol.

7.3.3. Remote active network attackers

Unfortunately, we cannot rely on network devices to fully protect OSP agents, because a misconfigured firewall or NAT could expose a LAN-connected agent to the broader Internet. OSP agents should be secure against attack from any Internet host.

Advertising agents must set the at field in their mDNS TXT record to protect themselves from off-LAN attempts to initiate § 6 Authentication, which result in user annoyance (display or input of PSK) and potential brute force attacks against the PSK.

7.3.4. Denial of service

It will be difficult to completely prevent denial service of attacks that originate on the user’s local area network. OSP agents can refuse new connections, close connections that receive too many messages, or limit the number of mDNS records cached from a specific responder in an attempt to allow existing activities to continue in spite of such an attack.

7.3.5. Malicious input

OSP agents should be robust against malicious input that attempts to compromise the target device by exploiting parsing vulnerabilities.

Where possible, OSP agents (including application level components like content and media rendering) should use defense-in-depth techniques like sandboxing to prevent vulnerabilities from gaining access to user data or leading to persistent exploits.

7.4. User Interface Considerations

This specification does not make any specific requirements of the security relevant user interfaces of OSP agents. However there are important considerations when designing these user interfaces, as PSK-based authentication requires users to make informed decisions about which agents to trust.

  1. Before an agent has authenticated another device, the agent should make it clear that any data from that device has not been verified by authentication. (See below for how this applies to DNS-SD Instance Names.)

  2. A suspicious agent should be displayed differently from trusted agents that are not suspicious, or not displayed at all.

  3. The user interface to present a PSK during authentication should be done in trusted UI and be difficult to spoof. It should be clear to the user which physical device is presenting the PSK.

  4. The user interface to input a PSK during authentication should be done in trusted UI and be difficult to spoof.

  5. The user should be required to take action to input the PSK, to prevent the user from blindly clicking through this step.

  6. The user interfaces to render and input a PSK should meet accessibility guidelines.

7.4.1. Instance and Display Names

Because DNS-SD Instance Names are the primary information that the user sees prior to authentication, careful presentation of these names is necessary.

Rephrase to not link DNS-SD with an agent-info, an application message. [Issue #346]

Agents must treat Instance Names as unverified information, and should check that the Instance Name is a prefix of the display name received through the agent-info message after a successful QUIC connection. Once an agent has done this check, it can show the name as a verified display name.

Agents should show only complete display names to the user, instead of truncated display names from DNS-SD. A truncated display name should be verified as above before being shown in full as a verified display name.

This means there are three categories of display names that agents should be capable of handling:
  1. Truncated and unverified DNS-SD Instance Names, which should not be shown to the user.
  2. Complete but unverified DNS-SD Instance Names, which can be shown as unverified prior to § 6 Authentication.
  3. Verified display names.

Appendix A: Messages

The following messages are defined using the Concise Data Definition Language syntax. When integer keys are used, a comment is appended to the line to indicate the name of the field. Object definitions in this specification have this unusual syntax to reduce the number of bytes-on-the-wire, while maintaining a human-readable name for each key. Integer keys are used instead of object arrays to allow for easy indexing of optional fields.

Each root message (one that can be put into a QUIC stream without being enclosed by another message) has a comment indicating the message type key.

Smaller numbers should be reserved for message that will be sent more frequently or are very small or both and larger numbers should be reserved for messages that are infrequently sent or large or both because smaller type keys encode on the wire smaller.

; type key 1001
auth-capabilities = {
  0: uint ; psk-ease-of-input
  1: [* psk-input-method] ; psk-input-methods
  2: uint ; psk-min-bits-of-entropy

psk-input-method = &(
  numeric: 0
  qr-code: 1

auth-initiation-token = {
  ? 0: text ; token

auth-spake2-psk-status = &(
  psk-needs-presentation: 0
  psk-shown: 1
  psk-input: 2

; type key 1003
auth-spake2-confirmation = {
  0: bytes .size 64 ; confirmation-value

auth-status-result = &(
  authenticated: 0
  unknown-error: 1
  timeout: 2
  secret-unknown: 3
  validation-took-too-long : 4
  proof-invalid: 5

; type key 1004
auth-status = {
  0: auth-status-result ; result

; type key 1005
auth-spake2-handshake = {
  0: auth-initiation-token; initiation-token
  1: auth-spake2-psk-status ; psk-status
  2: bytes ; public-value

Appendix B: PSK Encoding Schemes

The following appendix describes two encoding schemes for PSKs that take a value P between 20 bits and 80 bits in length and produce either a string or a QR code for display to the user.

Agents should use these encoding schemes to maximize the interoperability of the authentication step, which typically requires displaying the PSK on one device and the user inputting it on another device.

Base-10 Numeric

To encode P into a numeric string, follow these steps:

  1. Convert P to a base-10 integer N.

  2. If N has fewer than 9 digits:

    • Zero-pad N on the left with 3 - len(N) mod 3 digits.

    • Output N in groups of three digits separated by dashes.

  3. If N has more than 9 digits:

    • Zero-pad N on the left with 4 - len(N) mod 4 digits.

    • Output N in groups of four digits separated by dashes.

For PSK 61488548833, the steps would produce the string 0614-8854-8833.

To decode a string N into a PSK P, follow these steps:

  1. Remove dashes and leading zeros from N.

  2. Parse N as a base-10 decimal number to obtain P.

Note: P values between approximately 2^30 and 2^40 will produce values between 10 and 12 digits in length. Values over 12 digits are inconvenient to input and have limited additional security value.

Note: We do not allow the use of hexadecimal encoding here, because it would be ambiguous with base-10 numeric encodings, and not all devices may support alphanumeric input.

QR Code

To encode a PSK into a QR code, follow these steps:

  1. Set N to the value of P converted to an ASCII-encoded, hexadecimal string.

  2. Construct a text QR code with the value of N.

For PSK 61488548833, the steps would produce the following QR code:

To decode a PSK P given a QR code, follow these steps:

  1. Obtain the string N by decoding the QR code.

  2. Parse N as a hexadecimal number to obtain P.

Appendix C: Entire Flow Chart

This section is non-normative.

Before a listening agent (client) and an advertising agent (server) may exchange application messages, they first need to discover each other through an mDNS exchange, establish a QUIC connection through ClientHello and ServerHello exchanges and sharing of certificates, and run an SPAKE2 authentication handshake and confirmation. They may also exchange messages to discover metadata at any time after a QUIC connection has been established.


Document conventions

Conformance requirements are expressed with a combination of descriptive assertions and RFC 2119 terminology. The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in the normative parts of this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. However, for readability, these words do not appear in all uppercase letters in this specification.

All of the text of this specification is normative except sections explicitly marked as non-normative, examples, and notes. [RFC2119]

Examples in this specification are introduced with the words “for example” or are set apart from the normative text with class="example", like this:

This is an example of an informative example.

Informative notes begin with the word “Note” and are set apart from the normative text with class="note", like this:

Note, this is an informative note.

Conformant Algorithms

Requirements phrased in the imperative as part of algorithms (such as "strip any leading space characters" or "return false and abort these steps") are to be interpreted with the meaning of the key word ("must", "should", "may", etc) used in introducing the algorithm.

Conformance requirements phrased as algorithms or specific steps can be implemented in any manner, so long as the end result is equivalent. In particular, the algorithms defined in this specification are intended to be easy to understand and are not intended to be performant. Implementers are encouraged to optimize.


Terms defined by this specification

Terms defined by reference


Normative References

Information technology — Automatic identification and data capture techniques — QR Code bar code symbology specification. Published. URL:
S. Bradner. Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. March 1997. Best Current Practice. URL:
P. Leach; M. Mealling; R. Salz. A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace. July 2005. Proposed Standard. URL:
S. Josefsson. The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data Encodings. October 2006. Proposed Standard. URL:
D. Cooper; et al. Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile. May 2008. Proposed Standard. URL:
S. Turner; et al. Elliptic Curve Cryptography Subject Public Key Information. March 2009. Proposed Standard. URL:
Q. Dang; et al. Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure: Additional Algorithms and Identifiers for DSA and ECDSA. January 2010. Proposed Standard. URL:
D. Eastlake 3rd. Transport Layer Security (TLS) Extensions: Extension Definitions. January 2011. Proposed Standard. URL:
S. Cheshire; M. Krochmal. Multicast DNS. February 2013. Proposed Standard. URL:
S. Cheshire; M. Krochmal. DNS-Based Service Discovery. February 2013. Proposed Standard. URL:
S. Friedl; et al. Transport Layer Security (TLS) Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Extension. July 2014. Proposed Standard. URL:
C. Evans; C. Palmer; R. Sleevi. Public Key Pinning Extension for HTTP. April 2015. Proposed Standard. URL:
E. Rescorla. The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3. August 2018. Proposed Standard. URL:
H. Birkholz; C. Vigano; C. Bormann. Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL): A Notational Convention to Express Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) and JSON Data Structures. June 2019. Proposed Standard. URL:
C. Bormann; P. Hoffman. Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR). December 2020. Internet Standard. URL:
J. Iyengar, Ed.; M. Thomson, Ed.. QUIC: A UDP-Based Multiplexed and Secure Transport. May 2021. Proposed Standard. URL:
Recommendation X.690 — Information Technology — ASN.1 Encoding Rules — Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER), and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER). URL:

Informative References

D. Eastlake 3rd; T. Hansen. US Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA and SHA-based HMAC and HKDF). May 2011. Informational. URL:
Theresa O'Connor; Peter Snyder. Self-Review Questionnaire: Security and Privacy. URL:

Issues Index

Register ALPN with IANA. [Issue #228]
[Meta] Track CFRG PAKE competition outcome [Issue #242]
Rephrase to not link DNS-SD with an agent-info, an application message. [Issue #346]