PNG, Third Edition:
Implementation Report

Chris Lilley
Last modified:


This report summarizes the implementation status of PNG, Third Edition at the time of publication: in browsers, image authoring tools, image viewers and other image utilities.

The changes in PNG Third Edition, compared to the Second Edition are divided into new (or newly-standardized) features, substantive changes to existing features, and many editorial corrections and clarifications.

1. Animated PNG (APNG)

Although proposed in 2007 and widely implemented in browsers between 2009 and 2017, APNG had not been adopted by the ad-hoc group which produced the early PNG specifications. PNG Third Edition retrospectively standardizes this useful extension. APNG has a distinct Internet Media type (MIME type) registered and standardized in PNG Third Edition.

APNG is directly supported at the OS level in iOS 9.0+, macOS 10.11+ and tvOS 9.0+. APNG is used for animated stickers in iMessage.

Implemented in Blink-based browsers (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Samsung Internet, etc), in Mozilla Firefox, in Ladybird, and in WebKit-based browsers (where it relies on the macOS or iOS platform support for APNG).

Implemented in APNG Assembler for converting a static sequence of images into APNG, and decompiling APNG to a set of static PNG images. Includes automatic inter-frame optimization.

Implemented in Bandisoft Bandiview, which also has HDR support, although not yet for HDR PNG.

screenshot of BandiView displaying an animated PNG
BandiView displaying an animated PNG

Implemented in RealWorld Paint 2013.1+ for creating and editing APNG.

Implemented in XnSoft XnView MP

Various low-level and utility tools support APNG:

In terms of libraries, APNG is supported by:

Animation control tests

Live Results Chrome 135 Edge 134 Firefox 137 Safari TP 213 Ladybird 1
Manual tests Chrome 135 Edge 134 Firefox 137 Safari TP 213

Frame control tests

Live Results Chrome 135 Edge 134 Firefox 137 Safari TP 213 Ladybird 1
Manual tests Chrome 135 Edge 134 Firefox 137 Safari TP 213

Frame data tests

Live Results Chrome 135 Edge 134 Firefox 137 Safari TP 213 Ladybird 1

General APNG tests

Live Results Chrome 135 Edge 134 Firefox 137 Safari TP 213 Ladybird 1

APNG timeout test

Live Results Chrome 135 Edge 134 Firefox 137 Safari TP 213 Ladybird 1

APNG Media Type test

Live Results Chrome 135 Edge 134 Firefox 137 Safari TP 213 Ladybird 1

2. Coding Independent Code Points (CICP) from ITU-R H.273

Originally developed for color space signalling in video workflows, CICP is also used in image formats such as HEIF, AVIF and JPEG-XL. CICP is more compact, and designed to signal the use of specific mathematically represented color primaries, transfer functions, matrix coefficients, and signal quantizations vs ICC profiles, which were originally created to match color between different mediums (display, print, scan). PNG Third Edition adds support for CICP metadata .

The widely used library libpng supports CICP in PNG (both reading and writing) as of varsion 1.6.45.

Implemented in Blink-based browsers (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Samsung Internet, etc), in Mozilla Firefox, in Ladybird, and in WebKit-based browsers where it uses the macOS or iOS platform to implement CICP.

Implemented in FFMPEG-dev for reading and writing PNG:

Implemented in Affinity Photo 2

Implemented in Avid Media Composer

what's new in Affinity apps
Affinity apps respect 'cICP' when importing and exporting HDR PNG

Implemented in MediaInfo from MediaArea

what's new in MediaInfo
MediaInfo parsing 'cICP', 'mDCV', and 'cLLI' from PNGs

Implemented in Pixelmator Pro 3.5 and Photomator 3.3 image editors.

Implemented in Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom and Camera Raw, MacOS ProApps, Compressor, Final Cut Pro

Implemented in libavif for export of AVIF to PNG and import from PNG into AVIF:

Implemented in pngcheck, a command-line PNG validator.

Implemented in png_cicp_editor , a command-line tool to add 'cICP' chunks to existing PNG files.

CICP tests

Live Results Chrome 135 Edge 134 Firefox 137 Safari TP 213 Ladybird 1

CICP in APNG tests

Live Results Chrome 135 Edge 134 Firefox 137 Safari TP 213 Ladybird 1

3. Priority of color space information

In the case where more than one source of color space information is provided, PNG Third Edition now defines the priority order.

cICP wins over iCCP

Live Results Chrome 135 Edge 134 Firefox 137 Safari TP 213 Ladybird 1

iCCP wins over sRGB

Live Results Chrome 135 Edge 134 Firefox 137 Safari TP 213 Ladybird 1

4. Mastering Display Color Volume

This metadata, which is commonly found with HDR content in the BT.2100-PQ colorspace, describes the color characteristics of the monitor used to create the content.

PNG Third Edition adds the mDCV chunk for this purpose.

Implemented in Blink-based browsers (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Samsung Internet, etc):

Implemented in FFMPEG v2 for reading and writing PNG:

Implemented in a JavaScript PNG file chunk inspector:

screenshot showing an mDCV chunk
PNG file chunk inspector: decoding 'cICP' and 'mDCV' chunks

Tone-mapping to the consumer display can benefit from knowing this metadata; it is also required for HDR10 compatibility. Currently there is no mandated tone mapping operator and thus the results of tone-mapping cannot be verified in an automatic test.

MediaInfo (see cICP section) also parses the mDCV chunk.

Implemented in pngcheck.

5. Content Light Level Information

This metadata, which is commonly found with HDR content in the BT.2100-PQ colorspace, describes the maximum value of the frame average light level (MaxFALL) and the Maximum Content Light Level (MaxCLL). Knowing this information up-front is required for consistent and timely tone mapping, particularly for long animation sequences, where computing it for all frames in real time is impractical.

PNG Third Edition adds the cLLI chunk for this purpose.

Implemented in Blink-based browsers (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Samsung Internet, etc):

Implemented in FFMPEG v2 for reading and writing PNG:

Implemented in a JavaScript PNG file chunk inspector:

screenshot showing a cLLI chunk
PNG file chunk inspector: decoding 'cLLI' chunk

Tone-mapping to the consumer display can benefit from knowing this metadata; it is also required for HDR10 compatibility. Currently there is no mandated tone mapping operator and thus the results of tone-mapping cannot be verified in an automatic test.

MediaInfo (see cICP section) also parses the cLLI chunk.

Implemented in pngcheck.

6. ICC profile version

PNG Second Edition only referenced the then-current v2 of International Color Consortium (ICC) profiles, although it had since become industry practice to also use higher versions such as 4.3.

PNG Third Edition clarified that the iCCP chunk, which contains the ICC profile, can contain profiles conforming to any version of the ICC.1 specification.

(There is also a newer ICC.2 specification, known as ICCMax; this is not currently supported in browsers, and PNG does not currently provide a way to embed ICC.2 profiles).

Baseline tests

Manual tests (Archived results) Chrome 135 Edge 134 Firefox 137 Safari TP 213
'sRGB' chunk, relative colorimetric intent
untagged image, must be treated as sRGB

ICC v2 profiles

Manual tests (Archived results) Chrome 135 Edge 134 Firefox 137 Safari TP 213
sRGB with red and green colorants swapped
ProPhoto RGB, gamma 1.8

ICC v4 profiles

Manual tests (Archived results) Chrome 135 Edge 134 Firefox 137 Safari TP 213
ProPhoto RGB, gamma 1.8
Display P3

7. Exchangeable Image File (Exif)

Widely used in other image formats such as JPEG/JFIF, EXIF metadata is also available in PNG. PNG Third Edition moves the eXIf chunk, which was already in the PNG Extensions document, into the main specification.

Exif mostly contains metadata (copyright, lens focal length) which does not affect the display of the image.

The Web Platform places a constraint on Exif image metadata that affects layout, such as image orientation: it is required to be placed before the image data. PNG Third Edition enforces that constraint, for Exif in PNG.

Respecting Exif image orientation for PNG images in CSS is implemented in WebKit-based browsers.

Respecting Exif image orientation for PNG images in Canvas 2D is implemented in WebKit-based browsers and Blink-based browsers.

Blink-based browsers (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Samsung Internet, etc), and Mozilla Firefox implement Exif orientation in CSS for JPEG/JFIF images, and are expected to implement it for PNG as well. (Chrome bug and Firefox bug).

Exif in Canvas 2D tests (PNG)

Live Results Chrome 135 Edge 134 Firefox 137 Safari TP 213 Ladybird 1

Exif in CSS tests (JPEG)

Live Results Chrome 135 Edge 134 Firefox 137 Safari TP 213
Live Results Chrome 135 Edge 134 Firefox 137 Safari TP 213

Exif in CSS tests (PNG)

Live Results Chrome 135 Edge 134 Firefox 137 Safari TP 213 Ladybird 1
image-orientation-exif-png-3.html [1]

Note that CSS Images 3 makes this hard to test for the CSS `image-orientation` property.

8. Invalid Palette Indexes

PNG supports palette images, where each pixel contains an index into a palette (a table of colors) rather than holding an RGB value directly. The handling of an invalid palette index (for example, index 20 when there are only 16 colors) was previously undefined.

PNG Third Edition has standardized a common error recovery method, where pixels with undefined indexes are rendered as opaque black. This gives improved interoperability.

Invalid tRNS handling

Live Results Chrome 135 Edge 134 Firefox 137 Safari TP 213 Servo 0 Ladybird 1

9. Unknown, Invalid Ancillary Chunks

PNG Third Edition has clarified that encountering an unknown ancillary chunk is never an error. This includes invalid ancillary chunks. This error recovery gives improved interoperability.

Invalid Ancillary

Live Results Chrome 135 Edge 134 Firefox 137 Safari TP 213 Servo 0 Ladybird 1