This document provides ready-made definitions for counter styles and covers the needs of a range of cultures around the world. The code snippets provided in the document can be included in style declarations by simply copying and pasting, or they can be use as a starting point and modified as desired.
This document describes counter styles used by various cultures around the world and can be used as a reference for those wishing to define user-defined counter styles for CSS. The content of this document was originally part of the CSS Lists and Counters specification, but is now published as a standalone document by the W3C Internationalization Working Group. It is expected that the document will be updated from time to time to include new information.
Browsers that implement the CSS Counter Styles Level 3 specification provide a mechanism for authors to create user-defined counter styles for use with CSS list-markers and generated-content counters.
As a content author, unless the counter style you want to use is one of a small set that are predefined in the specification, you yourself will need to define how it works in your style sheet. To make it easier for you, this document provides code snippets that people have already worked out for a large set of user-defined and predefined styles, covering more than 45 writing systems around the world. The total number of styles is 181.
If you find what you are looking for, you can simply cut and paste the style you need into your stylesheet. Click on the icon to copy the template to your clipboard. Alternatively, you can use the styles here for inspiration, or adapt them to suit your preferences.
For example, the following CSS code defines the arabic-indic
counter style, then applies it to ordered lists using the list-style-type
@counter-style arabic-indic { system: numeric; symbols: '\660' '\661' '\662' '\663' '\664' '\665' '\666' '\667' '\668' '\669'; /* symbols: '٠' '١' '٢' '٣' '٤' '٥' '٦' '٧' '٨' '٩'; */ } ol { list-style-type: arabic-indic; }
The CSS Counter Styles Level 3 specification includes a number of predefined counter-styles for which browsers are expected to implement built-in support. The definitions of those styles are also included here, for ease of reference, and identified as such by a note. Click on the icon to go to the MDN page for
, which has indications of which styles are supported by browsers.
We try to only include in this document counter styles that are in regular use in the wild, and we are particularly interested in supporting the needs of people who use non-Latin scripts. You may find more experimental or new templates on other sites, such as that provided by Christoph Päper.
The likelihood that you will need to customise the basic counter symbols in the styles provided here is low. However, there is a much higher likelihood that you will want to vary the affixes (prefix and/or suffix) associated with counters. For example, counters used for numbering headings may look better as just the bare counter, whereas in lists the counter may be following by a period+space, be surrounded by parentheses, or be followed by a script-specific delimiter, etc. In fact, different strategies may be used on the same page, depending on the level of nesting or the context in which the list is used.
For the styles shown here we apply a common default. (Often, none is specified, which will result in a period+space suffix.) If you want a different affix you should make the appropriate change. Code for some common alternatives is given in the panel just below.
Space-only suffixes need to be explicitly defined as follows:
suffix: ' ';
Counters in parentheses need to have both prefix and suffix defined:
prefix: '('; suffix: ') ';
Notes are used to describe alternative affixes for a given style, and where they involve a non-ASCII character or some other special arrangement, suggested code is provided.
For example, Myanmar may use ။ [U+104B MYANMAR SIGN SECTION] as a suffix, so the Myanmar section includes:
suffix: '။ ';
If you want to provide multiple alternative affix declarations for a given counter style, you will find it most effective to add another style using the standard extension mechanism.
For example, the following defines two styles for Myanmar that differ only in the prefix/suffix used. Either style can be used for a given list just by specifying the appropriate name.
@counter-style myanmar { system: numeric; symbols: '၀' '၁' '၂' '၃' '၄' '၅' '၆' '၇' '၈' '၉'; prefix: '('; suffix: ') '; } @counter-style myanmar-section { system: extends myanmar; prefix: ''; suffix: "။ "; } ol { list-style-type: myanmar; } #toc ol { list-style-type: myanmar-section; }
At the time of writing, the CSS Counter Styles Level 3 specification is still in the Candidate Recommendation phase. Custom counter styles are not yet supported in all browsers. See a set of basic tests to find which browsers support this feature. On browsers that don't support custom counter styles, the counter styles will fall back to the default.
Many of the styles described here are already supported by name in browsers. See the tests for a list of what international styles are supported natively by which browsers.
You can call these styles or the ones you invent yourself by whatever name you prefer. For example, if you prefer to call the persian
counter style extended-arabic
, you can just change the name of the counter style. Bear in mind, however, that a counter style called persian
may be supported by browsers that don't support @counter-style
, so using standard names can sometimes be beneficial.
The Internationalization Working Group expects this document to be updated from time to time as new information or corrections are added. If you wish to propose new information to be included here, please raise an issue in github.
However, before submitting a counter-style template for inclusion, please gather evidence that it is actually in use in the wild. For example, it is easy to conceive different alphabetic lists that correspond to various European languages, but we haven't yet seen good evidence that such lists are used widely, and so they are not included here. You should also provide a counter style definition for a template you'd like to see included.
By clicking this button you will remove all counter-style declarations from the document. Counter styles that remain are those supported by the browser. To reinstate the custom counter styles, refresh the document.
@counter-style adlam {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\01E950' '\01E951' '\01E952' '\01E953' '\01E954' '\01E955' '\01E956' '\01E957' '\01E958' '\01E959';
/* symbols: '𞥐' '𞥑' '𞥒' '𞥓' '𞥔' '𞥕' '𞥖' '𞥗' '𞥘' '𞥙'; */
@counter-style arabic-indic {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\660' '\661' '\662' '\663' '\664' '\665' '\666' '\667' '\668' '\669';
/* symbols: '٠' '١' '٢' '٣' '٤' '٥' '٦' '٧' '٨' '٩'; */
@counter-style arabic-abjad {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\627' '\628' '\62C' '\62F' '\647\200D' '\648' '\632' '\62D' '\637' '\64A' '\643' '\644' '\645' '\646' '\633' '\639' '\641' '\635' '\642' '\631' '\634' '\62A' '\62B' '\62E' '\630' '\636' '\638' '\63A';
/* symbols: 'ا' 'ب' 'ج' 'د' 'ه' 'و' 'ز' 'ح' 'ط' 'ي' 'ك' 'ل' 'م' 'ن' 'س' 'ع' 'ف' 'ص' 'ق' 'ر' 'ش' 'ت' 'ث' 'خ' 'ذ' 'ض' 'ظ' 'غ'; */
@counter-style kashmiri {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\0627' '\0622' '\0628' '\067E' '\062A' '\0679' '\062B' '\062C' '\0686' '\062D' '\062E' '\062F' '\0688' '\0630' '\0631' '\0691' '\0632' '\0698' '\0633' '\0634' '\0635' '\0636' '\0637' '\0638' '\0639' '\063A' '\0641' '\0642' '\06A9' '\06AF' '\0644' '\0645' '\0646' '\06BA' '\0648' '\06C1' '\06BE' '\0621' '\06CC' '\06D2' '\06C4' '\0620';
suffix: ') ';
/* symbols: 'ا' 'آ' 'ب' 'پ' 'ت' 'ٹ' 'ث' 'ج' 'چ' 'ح' 'خ' 'د' 'ڈ' 'ذ' 'ر' 'ڑ' 'ز' 'ژ' 'س' 'ش' 'ص' 'ض' 'ط' 'ظ' 'ع' 'غ' 'ف' 'ق' 'ک' 'گ' 'ل' 'م' 'ن' 'ں' 'و' 'ہ' 'ھ' 'ء' 'ی' 'ے' 'ۄ' 'ؠ'; */
@counter-style maghrebi-abjad {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\627' '\628' '\62C' '\62F' '\647\200D' '\648' '\632' '\62D' '\637' '\64A' '\643' '\644' '\645' '\646' '\636' '\639' '\641' '\635' '\642' '\631' '\633' '\62A' '\62B' '\62E' '\630' '\638' '\63A' '\634';
/* symbols: 'ا' 'ب' 'ج' 'د' 'ه' 'و' 'ز' 'ح' 'ط' 'ي' 'ك' 'ل' 'م' 'ن' 'ص' 'ع' 'ف' 'ض' 'ق' 'ر' 'س' 'ت' 'ث' 'خ' 'ذ' 'ظ' 'غ' 'ش'; */
@counter-style persian {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\6F0' '\6F1' '\6F2' '\6F3' '\6F4' '\6F5' '\6F6' '\6F7' '\6F8' '\6F9';
/* symbols: '۰' '۱' '۲' '۳' '۴' '۵' '۶' '۷' '۸' '۹';*/
@counter-style persian-abjad {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\627' '\628' '\62C' '\62F' '\647\200D' '\648' '\632' '\62D' '\637' '\6CC' '\6A9' '\644' '\645' '\646' '\633' '\639' '\641' '\635' '\642' '\631' '\634' '\62A' '\62B' '\62E' '\630' '\636' '\638' '\63A';
/* symbols: 'ا' 'ب' 'ج' 'د' 'ه' 'و' 'ز' 'ح' 'ط' 'ی' 'ک' 'ل' 'م' 'ن' 'س' 'ع' 'ف' 'ص' 'ق' 'ر' 'ش' 'ت' 'ث' 'خ' 'ذ' 'ض' 'ظ' 'غ'; */
@counter-style persian-alphabetic {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\627' '\628' '\67E' '\62A' '\62B' '\62C' '\686' '\62D' '\62E' '\62F' '\630' '\631' '\632' '\698' '\633' '\634' '\635' '\636' '\637' '\638' '\639' '\63A' '\641' '\642' '\6A9' '\6AF' '\644' '\645' '\646' '\648' '\647\200D' '\6CC';
/* symbols: 'ا' 'ب' 'پ' 'ت' 'ث' 'ج' 'چ' 'ح' 'خ' 'د' 'ذ' 'ر' 'ز' 'ژ' 'س' 'ش' 'ص' 'ض' 'ط' 'ظ' 'ع' 'غ' 'ف' 'ق' 'ک' 'گ' 'ل' 'م' 'ن' 'و' 'ه' 'ی'; */
The arabic-indic
, and persian
styles are defined in the CSS Counter Styles Level 3 specification. Check browser support for arabic-indic
and persian
Note that HEH+ZWJ are used together in lists of this kind to distinguish the heh from the number 5. The symbols are listed in logical order where escapes are used and also in the underlying code when they are represented as characters (so the code should copy-paste correctly). When reading the displayed list of symbols as arabic characters, however, you should read them RTL. (In previous versions of the document a bdo
element was used to display everything LTR, but this interfered with the display of the HEH, which is followed by a ZWJ and should appear to join to the left.)
persian-abjad |
ا | ب | ج | د | ه | و | ز | ح | ط | ی | ک | ل | م | ن | س | ع | ف | ص | ق | ر | ش | ت | ث | خ | ذ | ض | ظ | غ | ||||
arabic-abjad |
ي | ك | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
magrebi-abjad |
ص | ض | س | ظ | غ | ش | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WP old magrebi | ت | ث | ج | ح | خ | د | ذ | ر | ز | ط | ظ | ك | ل | م | ن | ص | ض | ع | غ | ف | ق | س | ش | ه | و | ي | ||||||
WP hijai | س | ش | ص | ض | ط | ظ | ع | غ | ف | ق | ك | ل | م | ن | ||||||||||||||||||
persian-alphabetic |
پ | ت | ث | ج | چ | ح | خ | د | ذ | ر | ز | ژ | س | ش | ص | ض | ط | ظ | ع | غ | ف | ق | ک | گ | ل | م | ن | و | ه | ی |
This table shows the differences between the counter styles listed above for the arabic script. A blank cell uses the same letter as the nearest non-blank cell above it.
Also included for comparison are two letter sequences that are not included here as counter styles, but that are mentioned in Wikipedia – an old maghrebi sequence and the hijai sequence.
@counter-style urdu {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\6F0' '\6F1' '\6F2' '\6F3' '\6F4' '\6F5' '\6F6' '\6F7' '\6F8' '\6F9';
/* symbols: '۰' '۱' '۲' '۳' '۴' '۵' '۶' '۷' '۸' '۹';*/
suffix: '۔ ';
Blink and Webkit have built-in support for an urdu
style, which is identical to the Persian style above. Here we repeat that style, but add a default Arabic full stop as the suffix (not built-in to Blink or Webkit). There is no built-in support in Gecko browsers. This
template can be used to provide support in Firefox via a declaration in the CSS file.
@counter-style urdu-abjad {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\0627' '\0628' '\062C' '\062F' '\06C1' '\0648' '\0632' '\062D' '\0637' '\06CC' '\06A9' '\0644' '\0645' '\0646' '\0633' '\0639' '\0641' '\0635' '\0642' '\0631' '\0634' '\062A' '\062B' '\062E' '\0630' '\0636' '\0638' '\063A ';
/* symbols: 'ا' 'ب' 'ج' 'د' 'ہ' 'و' 'ز' 'ح' 'ط' 'ی' 'ک' 'ل' 'م' 'ن' 'س' 'ع' 'ف' 'ص' 'ق' 'ر' 'ش' 'ت' 'ث' 'خ' 'ذ' 'ض' 'ظ' 'غ'; */
We have reports of an alternative abjad style for Urdu that replaces ک, ل, and م for 11, 12, 13 with یا, یب, and یج, respectively. These two styles may be used in the same publication.
@counter-style urdu-alphabetic {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\0627' '\0628' '\067E' '\062A' '\0679' '\062B' '\062C' '\0686' '\062D' '\062E' '\062F' '\0688' '\0630' '\0631' '\0691' '\0632' '\0698' '\0633' '\0634' '\0635' '\0636' '\0637' '\0638' '\0639' '\063A' '\0641' '\0642' '\06A9' '\06AF' '\0644' '\0645' '\0646' '\06BA' '\0648' '\06C1' '\06BE' '\0621' '\06CC';
/* symbols: 'ا' 'ب' 'پ' 'ت' 'ٹ' 'ث' 'ج' 'چ' 'ح' 'خ' 'د' 'ڈ' 'ذ' 'ر' 'ڑ' 'ز' 'ژ' 'س' 'ش' 'ص' 'ض' 'ط' 'ظ' 'ع' 'غ' 'ف' 'ق' 'ک' 'گ' 'ل' 'م' 'ن' 'ں' 'و' 'ہ' 'ھ' 'ء' 'ی'; */
@counter-style armenian {
system: additive;
range: 1 9999;
additive-symbols: 9000 '\554', 8000 '\553', 7000 '\552', 6000 '\551', 5000 '\550', 4000 '\54F', 3000 '\54E', 2000 '\54D', 1000 '\54C', 900 '\54B', 800 '\54A', 700 '\549', 600 '\548', 500 '\547', 400 '\546', 300 '\545', 200 '\544', 100 '\543', 90 '\542', 80 '\541', 70 '\540', 60 '\53F', 50 '\53E', 40 '\53D', 30 '\53C', 20 '\53B', 10 '\53A', 9 '\539', 8 '\538', 7 '\537', 6 '\536', 5 '\535', 4 '\534', 3 '\533', 2 '\532', 1 '\531';
/* additive-symbols: 9000 'Ք', 8000 'Փ', 7000 'Ւ', 6000 'Ց', 5000 'Ր', 4000 'Տ', 3000 'Վ', 2000 'Ս', 1000 'Ռ', 900 'Ջ', 800 'Պ', 700 'Չ', 600 'Ո', 500 'Շ', 400 'Ն', 300 'Յ', 200 'Մ', 100 'Ճ', 90 'Ղ', 80 'Ձ', 70 'Հ', 60 'Կ', ;50 'Ծ', 40 'Խ', 30 'Լ', 20 'Ի', 10 'Ժ', 9 'Թ', 8 'Ը', 7 'Է', 6 'Զ', 5 'Ե', 4 'Դ', 3 'Գ', 2 'Բ', 1 'Ա'; */
@counter-style lower-armenian {
system: additive;
range: 1 9999;
additive-symbols: 9000 '\584', 8000 '\583', 7000 '\582', 6000 '\581', 5000 '\580', 4000 '\57F', 3000 '\57E', 2000 '\57D', 1000 '\57C', 900 '\57B', 800 '\57A', 700 '\579', 600 '\578', 500 '\577', 400 '\576', 300 '\575', 200 '\574', 100 '\573', 90 '\572', 80 '\571', 70 '\570', 60 '\56F', 50 '\56E', 40 '\56D', 30 '\56C', 20 '\56B', 10 '\56A', 9 '\569', 8 '\568', 7 '\567', 6 '\566', 5 '\565', 4 '\564', 3 '\563', 2 '\562', 1 '\561';
/* additive-symbols: 9000 'ք', 8000 'փ', 7000 'ւ', 6000 'ց', 5000 'ր', 4000 'տ', 3000 'վ', 2000 'ս', 1000 'ռ', 900 'ջ', 800 'պ', 700 'չ', 600 'ո', 500 'շ', 400 'ն', 300 'յ', 200 'մ', 100 'ճ', 90 'ղ', 80 'ձ', 70 'հ', 60 'կ', 50 'ծ', 40 'խ', 30 'լ', 20 'ի', 10 'ժ', 9 'թ', 8 'ը', 7 'է', 6 'զ', 5 'ե', 4 'դ', 3 'գ', 2 'բ', 1 'ա'; */
@counter-style upper-armenian {
system: additive;
range: 1 9999;
additive-symbols: 9000 '\554', 8000 '\553', 7000 '\552', 6000 '\551', 5000 '\550', 4000 '\54F', 3000 '\54E', 2000 '\54D', 1000 '\54C', 900 '\54B', 800 '\54A', 700 '\549', 600 '\548', 500 '\547', 400 '\546', 300 '\545', 200 '\544', 100 '\543', 90 '\542', 80 '\541', 70 '\540', 60 '\53F', 50 '\53E', 40 '\53D', 30 '\53C', 20 '\53B', 10 '\53A', 9 '\539', 8 '\538', 7 '\537', 6 '\536', 5 '\535', 4 '\534', 3 '\533', 2 '\532', 1 '\531';
/* additive-symbols: 9000 'Ք', 8000 'Փ', 7000 'Ւ', 6000 'Ց', 5000 'Ր', 4000 'Տ', 3000 'Վ', 2000 'Ս', 1000 'Ռ', 900 'Ջ', 800 'Պ', 700 'Չ', 600 'Ո', 500 'Շ', 400 'Ն', 300 'Յ', 200 'Մ', 100 'Ճ', 90 'Ղ', 80 'Ձ', 70 'Հ', 60 'Կ', 50 'Ծ', 40 'Խ', 30 'Լ', 20 'Ի', 10 'Ժ', 9 'Թ', 8 'Ը', 7 'Է', 6 'Զ', 5 'Ե', 4 'Դ', 3 'Գ', 2 'Բ', 1 'Ա'; */
All styles are defined in the CSS Counter Styles Level 3 specification. Check browser support for armenian
, lower-armenian
and upper-armenian
@counter-style balinese {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\1B50' '\1B51' '\1B52' '\1B53' '\1B54' '\1B55' '\1B56' '\1B57' '\1B58' '\1B59' ;
/* symbols: '᭐' '᭑' '᭒' '᭓' '᭔' '᭕' '᭖' '᭗' '᭘' '᭙'; */
@counter-style bamum {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\A6EF' '\A6E6' '\A6E7' '\A6E8' '\A6E9' '\A6EA' '\A6EB' '\A6EC' '\A6ED' '\A6EE' ;
/* symbols: 'ꛯ' 'ꛦ' 'ꛧ' 'ꛨ' 'ꛩ' 'ꛪ' 'ꛫ' 'ꛬ' 'ꛭ' 'ꛮ'; */
@counter-style bengali {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\9E6' '\9E7' '\9E8' '\9E9' '\9EA' '\9EB' '\9EC' '\9ED' '\9EE' '\9EF';
/* symbols: '০' '১' '২' '৩' '৪' '৫' '৬' '৭' '৮' '৯'; */
This style is defined in the CSS Counter Styles Level 3 specification. Check browser support for the bengali
@counter-style bangla {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\0995' '\0996' '\0997' '\0998' '\0999' '\099A' '\099B' '\099C' '\099D' '\099E' '\099F' '\09A0' '\09A1' '\09A1\09BC' '\09A2' '\09A2\09BC' '\09A3' '\09A4' '\09CE' '\09A5' '\09A6' '\09A7' '\09A8' '\09AA' '\09AB' '\09AC' '\09AD' '\09AE' '\09AF' '\09AF\09BC' '\09B0' '\09B2' '\09B6' '\09B7' '\09B8' '\09B9' ;
/* symbols: 'ক' 'খ' 'গ' 'ঘ' 'ঙ' 'চ' 'ছ' 'জ' 'ঝ' 'ঞ' 'ট' 'ঠ' 'ড' 'ড়' 'ঢ' 'ঢ়' 'ণ' 'ত' 'ৎ' 'থ' 'দ' 'ধ' 'ন' 'প' 'ফ' 'ব' 'ভ' 'ম' 'য' 'য়' 'র' 'ল' 'শ' 'ষ' 'স' 'হ' ; */
suffix: ') ';
@counter-style zhuyin {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: "\3105" "\3106" "\3107" "\3108" "\3109" "\310A" "\310B" "\310C" "\310D" "\310E" "\310F" "\3110" "\3111" "\3112" "\3113" "\3114" "\3115" "\3116" "\3117" "\3118" "\3119" "\311A" "\311B" "\311C" "\311D" "\311E" "\311F" "\3120" "\3121" "\3122" "\3123" "\3124" "\3125" "\3126" "\3127" "\3128" "\3129";
/* ㄅㄆㄇㄈㄉㄊㄋㄌㄍㄎㄏㄐㄑㄒㄓㄔㄕㄖㄗㄘㄙㄚㄛㄜㄝㄞㄟㄠㄡㄢㄣㄤㄥㄦㄧㄨㄩ */
suffix: "、";
The term "zhuyin" is used instead of "bopomofo" as the ordering follows the modern Taiwanese Mandarin order rather than one of the other possible bopomofo styles. Other bopomofo styles may be introduced at a later time.
@counter-style lower-belorussian {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\430' '\431' '\432' '\433' '\434' '\435' '\451' '\436' '\437' '\456' '\439' '\43A' '\43B' '\43C' '\43D' '\43E' '\43F' '\440' '\441' '\442' '\443' '\45E' '\444' '\445' '\446' '\447' '\448' '\44B' '\44C' '\44D' '\44E' '\44F';
/* symbols: 'а' 'б' 'в' 'г' 'д' 'е' 'ё' 'ж' 'з' 'і' 'й' 'к' 'л' 'м' 'н' 'о' 'п' 'р' 'с' 'т' 'у' 'ў' 'ф' 'х' 'ц' 'ч' 'ш' 'ы' 'ь' 'э' 'ю' 'я'; */
suffix: ') ';
@counter-style upper-belorussian {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\410' '\411' '\412' '\413' '\414' '\415' '\401' '\416' '\417' '\406' '\419' '\41A' '\41B' '\41C' '\41D' '\41E' '\41F' '\420' '\421' '\422' '\423' '\40E' '\424' '\425' '\426' '\427' '\428' '\42B' '\42C' '\42D' '\42E' '\42F';
/* symbols: 'А' 'Б' 'В' 'Г' 'Д' 'Е' 'Ё' 'Ж' 'З' 'І' 'Й' 'К' 'Л' 'М' 'Н' 'О' 'П' 'Р' 'С' 'Т' 'У' 'Ў' 'Ф' 'Х' 'Ц' 'Ч' 'Ш' 'Ы' 'Ь' 'Э' 'Ю' 'Я'; */
@counter-style lower-bulgarian {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\430' '\431' '\432' '\433' '\434' '\435' '\436' '\437' '\438' '\439' '\43A' '\43B' '\43C' '\43D' '\43E' '\43F' '\440' '\441' '\442' '\443' '\444' '\445' '\446' '\447' '\448' '\449' '\44A' '\44C' '\44E' '\44F';
/* symbols: 'а' 'б' 'в' 'г' 'д' 'е' 'ж' 'з' 'и' 'й' 'к' 'л' 'м' 'н' 'о' 'п' 'р' 'с' 'т' 'у' 'ф' 'х' 'ц' 'ч' 'ш' 'щ' 'ъ' 'ь' 'ю' 'я'; */
suffix: ') ';
@counter-style upper-bulgarian {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\410' '\411' '\412' '\413' '\414' '\415' '\416' '\417' '\418' '\419' '\41A' '\41B' '\41C' '\41D' '\41E' '\41F' '\420' '\421' '\422' '\423' '\424' '\425' '\426' '\427' '\428' '\429' '\42A' '\42C' '\42E' '\42F';
/* symbols: 'А' 'Б' 'В' 'Г' 'Д' 'Е' 'Ж' 'З' 'И' 'Й' 'К' 'Л' 'М' 'Н' 'О' 'П' 'Р' 'С' 'Т' 'У' 'Ф' 'Х' 'Ц' 'Ч' 'Ш' 'Щ' 'Ъ' 'Ь' 'Ю' 'Я'; */
@counter-style lower-macedonian {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\430' '\431' '\432' '\433' '\434' '\453' '\435' '\436' '\437' '\455' '\438' '\458' '\43A' '\43B' '\459' '\43C' '\43D' '\45A' '\43E' '\43F' '\440' '\441' '\442' '\45C' '\443' '\444' '\445' '\446' '\447' '\45F' '\448';
/* symbols: 'а' 'б' 'в' 'г' 'д' 'ѓ' 'е' 'ж' 'з' 'ѕ' 'и' 'ј' 'к' 'л' 'љ' 'м' 'н' 'њ' 'о' 'п' 'р' 'с' 'т' 'ќ' 'у' 'ф' 'х' 'ц' 'ч' 'џ' 'ш'; */
suffix: ') ';
@counter-style upper-macedonian {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\410' '\411' '\412' '\413' '\414' '\403' '\415' '\416' '\417' '\405' '\418' '\408' '\41A' '\41B' '\409' '\41C' '\41D' '\40A' '\41E' '\41F' '\420' '\421' '\422' '\40C' '\423' '\424' '\425' '\426' '\427' '\40F' '\428';
/* symbols: 'А' 'Б' 'В' 'Г' 'Д' 'Ѓ' 'Е' 'Ж' 'З' 'Ѕ' 'И' 'Ј' 'К' 'Л' 'Љ' 'М' 'Н' 'Њ' 'О' 'П' 'Р' 'С' 'Т' 'Ќ' 'У' 'Ф' 'Х' 'Ц' 'Ч' 'Џ' 'Ш'; */
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system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\430' '\431' '\432' '\433' '\434' '\435' '\436' '\437' '\438' '\43A' '\43B' '\43C' '\43D' '\43E' '\43F' '\440' '\441' '\442' '\443' '\444' '\445' '\446' '\447' '\448' '\449' '\44D' '\44E' '\44F';
/* symbols: 'а' 'б' 'в' 'г' 'д' 'е' 'ж' 'з' 'и' 'к' 'л' 'м' 'н' 'о' 'п' 'р' 'с' 'т' 'у' 'ф' 'х' 'ц' 'ч' 'ш' 'щ' 'э' 'ю' 'я'; */
suffix: ') ';
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system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\410' '\411' '\412' '\413' '\414' '\415' '\416' '\417' '\418' '\41A' '\41B' '\41C' '\41D' '\41E' '\41F' '\420' '\421' '\422' '\423' '\424' '\425' '\426' '\427' '\428' '\429' '\42D' '\42E' '\42F';
/* symbols: 'А' 'Б' 'В' 'Г' 'Д' 'Е' 'Ж' 'З' 'И' 'К' 'Л' 'М' 'Н' 'О' 'П' 'Р' 'С' 'Т' 'У' 'Ф' 'Х' 'Ц' 'Ч' 'Ш' 'Щ' 'Э' 'Ю' 'Я'; */
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system: alphabetic;
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/* symbols: 'а' 'б' 'в' 'г' 'д' 'е' 'ё' 'ж' 'з' 'и' 'й' 'к' 'л' 'м' 'н' 'о' 'п' 'р' 'с' 'т' 'у' 'ф' 'х' 'ц' 'ч' 'ш' 'щ' 'ъ' 'ы' 'ь' 'э' 'ю' 'я'; */
suffix: ') ';
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system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\410' '\411' '\412' '\413' '\414' '\415' '\401' '\416' '\417' '\418' '\419' '\41A' '\41B' '\41C' '\41D' '\41E' '\41F' '\420' '\421' '\422' '\423' '\424' '\425' '\426' '\427' '\428' '\429' '\42A' '\42B' '\42C' '\42D' '\42E' '\42F';
/* symbols: 'А' 'Б' 'В' 'Г' 'Д' 'Е' 'Ё' 'Ж' 'З' 'И' 'Й' 'К' 'Л' 'М' 'Н' 'О' 'П' 'Р' 'С' 'Т' 'У' 'Ф' 'Х' 'Ц' 'Ч' 'Ш' 'Щ' 'Ъ' 'Ы' 'Ь' 'Э' 'Ю' 'Я'; */
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system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\430' '\431' '\432' '\433' '\434' '\452' '\435' '\436' '\437' '\438' '\458' '\43A' '\43B' '\459' '\43C' '\43D' '\45A' '\43E' '\43F' '\440' '\441' '\442' '\45B' '\443' '\444' '\445' '\446' '\447' '\45F' '\448';
/* symbols: 'а' 'б' 'в' 'г' 'д' 'ђ' 'е' 'ж' 'з' 'и' 'ј' 'к' 'л' 'љ' 'м' 'н' 'њ' 'о' 'п' 'р' 'с' 'т' 'ћ' 'у' 'ф' 'х' 'ц' 'ч' 'џ' 'ш'; */
suffix: ') ';
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system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\410' '\411' '\412' '\413' '\414' '\402' '\415' '\416' '\417' '\418' '\408' '\41A' '\41B' '\409' '\41C' '\41D' '\40A' '\41E' '\41F' '\420' '\421' '\422' '\40B' '\423' '\424' '\425' '\426' '\427' '\40F' '\428';
/* symbols: 'А' 'Б' 'В' 'Г' 'Д' 'Ђ' 'Е' 'Ж' 'З' 'И' 'Ј' 'К' 'Л' 'Љ' 'М' 'Н' 'Њ' 'О' 'П' 'Р' 'С' 'Т' 'Ћ' 'У' 'Ф' 'Х' 'Ц' 'Ч' 'Џ' 'Ш'; */
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system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\430' '\431' '\432' '\433' '\434' '\435' '\454' '\436' '\437' '\438' '\456' '\43A' '\43B' '\43C' '\43D' '\43E' '\43F' '\440' '\441' '\442' '\443' '\444' '\445' '\446' '\447' '\448' '\44E' '\44F';
/* symbols: 'а' 'б' 'в' 'г' 'д' 'е' 'є' 'ж' 'з' 'и' 'і' 'к' 'л' 'м' 'н' 'о' 'п' 'р' 'с' 'т' 'у' 'ф' 'х' 'ц' 'ч' 'ш' 'ю' 'я'; */
suffix: ') ';
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system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\410' '\411' '\412' '\413' '\414' '\415' '\404' '\416' '\417' '\418' '\406' '\41A' '\41B' '\41C' '\41D' '\41E' '\41F' '\420' '\421' '\422' '\423' '\424' '\425' '\426' '\427' '\428' '\42E' '\42F';
/* symbols: 'А' 'Б' 'В' 'Г' 'Д' 'Е' 'Є' 'Ж' 'З' 'И' 'І' 'К' 'Л' 'М' 'Н' 'О' 'П' 'Р' 'С' 'Т' 'У' 'Ф' 'Х' 'Ц' 'Ч' 'Ш' 'Ю' 'Я'; */
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/* symbols: 'а' 'б' 'в' 'г' 'ґ' 'д' 'е' 'є' 'ж' 'з' 'и' 'і' 'ї' 'й' 'к' 'л' 'м' 'н' 'о' 'п' 'р' 'с' 'т' 'у' 'ф' 'х' 'ц' 'ч' 'ш' 'щ' 'ь' 'ю' 'я'; */
suffix: ') ';
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/* symbols: 'А' 'Б' 'В' 'Г' 'Ґ' 'Д' 'Е' 'Є' 'Ж' 'З' 'И' 'І' 'Ї' 'Й' 'К' 'Л' 'М' 'Н' 'О' 'П' 'Р' 'С' 'Т' 'У' 'Ф' 'Х' 'Ц' 'Ч' 'Ш' 'Щ' 'Ь' 'Ю' 'Я'; */
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/* symbols: 'क' 'ख' 'ग' 'घ' 'ङ' 'च' 'छ' 'ज' 'झ' 'ञ' 'ट' 'ठ' 'ड' 'ढ' 'ण' 'त' 'थ' 'द' 'ध' 'न' 'प' 'फ' 'ब' 'भ' 'म' 'य' 'र' 'ल' 'व' 'श' 'ष' 'स' 'ह' */
suffix: ') ';
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/* symbols: '०' '१' '२' '३' '४' '५' '६' '७' '८' '९'; */
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/* symbols: 'क' 'ख' 'ग' 'घ' 'ङ' 'च' 'छ' 'ज' 'झ' 'ञ' 'ट' 'ठ' 'ड' 'ढ' 'ण' 'त' 'थ' 'द' 'ध' 'न' 'प' 'फ' 'ब' 'भ' 'म' 'य' 'र' 'ल' 'व' 'श' 'ष' 'स' 'ह' */
suffix: ') ';
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symbols: '\915' '\916' '\917' '\918' '\919' '\91A' '\91B' '\91C' '\91D' '\91E' '\91F' '\920' '\921' '\922' '\923' '\924' '\925' '\926' '\927' '\928' '\92A' '\92B' '\92C' '\92D' '\92E' '\92F' '\930' '\932' '\935' '\936' '\937' '\938' '\939';
/* symbols: 'क' 'ख' 'ग' 'घ' 'ङ' 'च' 'छ' 'ज' 'झ' 'ञ' 'ट' 'ठ' 'ड' 'ढ' 'ण' 'त' 'थ' 'द' 'ध' 'न' 'प' 'फ' 'ब' 'भ' 'म' 'य' 'र' 'ल' 'व' 'श' 'ष' 'स' 'ह'; */
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/* symbols: 'क' 'ख' 'ग' 'घ' 'ङ' 'च' 'छ' 'ज' 'झ' 'ञ' 'ट' 'ठ' 'ड' 'ढ' 'ण' 'त' 'थ' 'द' 'ध' 'न' 'प' 'फ' 'ब' 'भ' 'म' 'य' 'र' 'ल' 'व' 'श' 'ष' 'स' 'ह' 'ळ' ; */
suffix: ') ';
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symbols: '\915' '\916' '\917' '\918' '\919' '\91A' '\91B' '\91C' '\91D' '\91E' '\91F' '\920' '\921' '\922' '\923' '\924' '\925' '\926' '\927' '\928' '\92A' '\92B' '\92C' '\92D' '\92E' '\92F' '\930' '\932' '\935' '\936' '\937' '\938' '\939' ;
/* symbols: 'क' 'ख' 'ग' 'घ' 'ङ' 'च' 'छ' 'ज' 'झ' 'ञ' 'ट' 'ठ' 'ड' 'ढ' 'ण' 'त' 'थ' 'द' 'ध' 'न' 'प' 'फ' 'ब' 'भ' 'म' 'य' 'र' 'ल' 'व' 'श' 'ष' 'स' 'ह' */
suffix: ') ';
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symbols: '\915' '\916' '\917' '\918' '\919' '\91A' '\91B' '\91C' '\91D' '\91E' '\91F' '\920' '\921' '\922' '\923' '\924' '\925' '\926' '\927' '\928' '\92A' '\92B' '\92C' '\92D' '\92E' '\92F' '\930' '\932' '\935' '\936' '\937' '\938' '\939' '\933';
/* symbols: 'क' 'ख' 'ग' 'घ' 'ङ' 'च' 'छ' 'ज' 'झ' 'ञ' 'ट' 'ठ' 'ड' 'ढ' 'ण' 'त' 'थ' 'द' 'ध' 'न' 'प' 'फ' 'ब' 'भ' 'म' 'य' 'र' 'ल' 'व' 'श' 'ष' 'स' 'ह' 'ळ' ; */
suffix: ') ';
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symbols: '\915' '\916' '\917' '\918' '\919' '\91A' '\91B' '\91C' '\91D' '\91E' '\91F' '\920' '\921' '\922' '\923' '\924' '\925' '\926' '\927' '\928' '\92A' '\92B' '\92C' '\92D' '\92E' '\92F' '\930' '\932' '\935' '\936' '\937' '\938' '\939' ;
/* symbols: 'क' 'ख' 'ग' 'घ' 'ङ' 'च' 'छ' 'ज' 'झ' 'ञ' 'ट' 'ठ' 'ड' 'ढ' 'ण' 'त' 'थ' 'द' 'ध' 'न' 'प' 'फ' 'ब' 'भ' 'म' 'य' 'र' 'ल' 'व' 'श' 'ष' 'स' 'ह'; */
suffix: ') ';
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/* symbols: 'क' 'ख' 'ख़' 'ग' 'ॻ' 'ग़' 'घ' 'ङ' 'च' 'छ' 'ज' 'ॼ' 'ज़' 'झ' 'ञ' 'ट' 'ठ' 'ड' 'ॾ' 'ड़' 'ढ' 'ढ़' 'ण' 'त' 'थ' 'द' 'ध' 'न' 'प' 'फ' 'फ़' 'ब' 'ॿ' 'भ' 'म' 'य' 'र' 'ल' 'व' 'श' 'ष' 'स' 'ह' ; */
suffix: ') ';
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/* symbols: 'ሀ' 'ለ' 'ሐ' 'መ' 'ሠ' 'ረ' 'ሰ' 'ሸ' 'ቀ' 'ቐ' 'በ' 'ተ' 'ቸ' 'ኀ' 'ነ' 'ኘ' 'አ' 'ከ' 'ኸ' 'ወ' 'ዐ' 'ዘ' 'ዠ' 'የ' 'ደ' 'ጀ' 'ገ' 'ጠ' 'ጨ' 'ጰ' 'ጸ' 'ፀ' 'ፈ' 'ፐ'; */
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suffix: '\1366 '; /* ፦ */
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/* symbols: 'ሀ' 'ሐ' 'ለ' 'ሐ' 'መ' 'ረ' 'ሰ' 'ሸ' 'ቀ' 'በ' 'ቨ' 'ተ' 'ቸ' 'ነ' 'ኘ' 'ገ' 'ጨ' 'ጰ' 'ፀ' 'ፐ'; */
suffix: '\1366 '; /* ፦ */
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/* symbols: 'ሀ' 'ለ' 'መ' 'ረ' 'ሰ' 'ሸ' 'ቀ' 'በ' 'ተ' 'ቸ' 'ነ' 'ጀ' 'ገ' 'ጠ' 'ጨ' 'ጰ' 'ፈ' 'ፐ'; */
suffix: '\1366 '; /* ፦ */
@counter-style harari {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\1210' '\1208' '\1218' '\1228' '\1230' '\1238' '\1240' '\1260' '\1270' '\1278' '\1290' '\1298' '\1300' '\1308' '\1320' '\1328' '\1348';
/* symbols: 'ሐ' 'ለ' 'መ' 'ረ' 'ሰ' 'ሸ' 'ቀ' 'በ' 'ተ' 'ቸ' 'ነ' 'ኘ' 'ጀ' 'ገ' 'ጠ' 'ጨ' 'ፈ'; */
suffix: '\1366 '; /* ፦ */
@counter-style kaffa {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\1200' '\1208' '\1210' '\1218' '\1220' '\1228' '\1230' '\1238' '\1240' '\1260' '\1270' '\1278' '\1280' '\1290' '\1300' '\1308' '\1320' '\1328' '\1330' '\1348' '\1350';
/* symbols: 'ሀ' 'ለ' 'ሐ' 'መ' 'ሠ' 'ረ' 'ሰ' 'ሸ' 'ቀ' 'በ' 'ተ' 'ቸ' 'ኀ' 'ነ' 'ጀ' 'ገ' 'ጠ' 'ጨ' 'ጰ' 'ፈ' 'ፐ'; */
suffix: '\1366 '; /* ፦ */
@counter-style kebena {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\1200' '\1208' '\1218' '\1228' '\1230' '\1238' '\1240' '\1260' '\1270' '\1278' '\1290' '\1300' '\1308' '\1320' '\1328' '\1330' '\1348' '\1350';
/* symbols: 'ሀ' 'ለ' 'መ' 'ረ' 'ሰ' 'ሸ' 'ቀ' 'በ' 'ተ' 'ቸ' 'ነ' 'ጀ' 'ገ' 'ጠ' 'ጨ' 'ጰ' 'ፈ' 'ፐ'; */
suffix: '\1366 '; /* ፦ */
@counter-style kembata {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\1200' '\1208' '\1218' '\1228' '\1230' '\1238' '\1240' '\1260' '\1268' '\1270' '\1278' '\1290' '\1300' '\1308' '\1320' '\1328' '\1330' '\1348';
/* symbols: 'ሀ' 'ለ' 'መ' 'ረ' 'ሰ' 'ሸ' 'ቀ' 'በ' 'ቨ' 'ተ' 'ቸ' 'ነ' 'ጀ' 'ገ' 'ጠ' 'ጨ' 'ጰ' 'ፈ'; */
suffix: '\1366 '; /* ፦ */
@counter-style konso {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\1200' '\1208' '\1218' '\1228' '\1230' '\1238' '\1240' '\1260' '\1270' '\1278' '\1290' '\1298' '\1300' '\1348' '\1350';
/* symbols: 'ሀ' 'ለ' 'መ' 'ረ' 'ሰ' 'ሸ' 'ቀ' 'በ' 'ተ' 'ቸ' 'ነ' 'ኘ' 'ጀ' 'ፈ' 'ፐ'; */
suffix: '\1366 '; /* ፦ */
@counter-style kunama {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\1200' '\1208' '\1218' '\1228' '\1230' '\1238' '\1260' '\1270' '\1278' '\1290' '\1298' '\1300' '\1308';
/* symbols: 'ሀ' 'ለ' 'መ' 'ረ' 'ሰ' 'ሸ' 'በ' 'ተ' 'ቸ' 'ነ' 'ኘ' 'ጀ' 'ገ'; */
suffix: '\1366 '; /* ፦ */
@counter-style meen {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\1200' '\1208' '\1218' '\1228' '\1230' '\1238' '\1240' '\1260' '\1270' '\1278' '\1280' '\1290' '\1298' '\1300' '\1308' '\1320' '\1328' '\1330' '\1350' '\1340';
/* symbols: 'ሀ' 'ለ' 'መ' 'ረ' 'ሰ' 'ሸ' 'ቀ' 'በ' 'ተ' 'ቸ' 'ኀ' 'ነ' 'ኘ' 'ጀ' 'ገ' 'ጠ' 'ጨ' 'ጰ' 'ፐ' 'ፀ'; */
suffix: '\1366 '; /* ፦ */
@counter-style oromo {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\1200' '\1208' '\1218' '\1228' '\1230' '\1238' '\1240' '\1260' '\1270' '\1278' '\1290' '\1298' '\12A0' '\12A8' '\12C8' '\12E8' '\12F0' '\12F8' '\1300' '\1308' '\1320' '\1328' '\1330' '\1338' '\1348';
/* symbols: 'ሀ' 'ለ' 'መ' 'ረ' 'ሰ' 'ሸ' 'ቀ' 'በ' 'ተ' 'ቸ' 'ነ' 'ኘ' 'አ' 'ከ' 'ወ' 'የ' 'ደ' 'ዸ' 'ጀ' 'ገ' 'ጠ' 'ጨ' 'ጰ' 'ጸ' 'ፈ'; */
suffix: '\1366 '; /* ፦ */
@counter-style saho {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\1200' '\1208' '\1210' '\1218' '\1228' '\1230' '\1240' '\1260' '\1270' '\1290' '\1308' '\1320' '\1328' '\1330' '\1338' '\1348';
/* symbols: 'ሀ' 'ለ' 'ሐ' 'መ' 'ረ' 'ሰ' 'ቀ' 'በ' 'ተ' 'ነ' 'ገ' 'ጠ' 'ጨ' 'ጰ' 'ጸ' 'ፈ'; */
suffix: '\1366 '; /* ፦ */
@counter-style sidama {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\1200' '\1208' '\1218' '\1228' '\1230' '\1238' '\1240' '\1260' '\1270' '\1278' '\1290' '\1298' '\12A0' '\12A8' '\12C8' '\12E8' '\12F0' '\12F8' '\1300' '\1308' '\1320' '\1328' '\1330' '\1338' '\1348';
/* symbols: 'ሀ' 'ለ' 'መ' 'ረ' 'ሰ' 'ሸ' 'ቀ' 'በ' 'ተ' 'ቸ' 'ነ' 'ኘ' 'አ' 'ከ' 'ወ' 'የ' 'ደ' 'ዸ' 'ጀ' 'ገ' 'ጠ' 'ጨ' 'ጰ' 'ጸ' 'ፈ'; */
suffix: '\1366 '; /* ፦ */
@counter-style silti {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\1200' '\1208' '\1218' '\1228' '\1230' '\1238' '\1240' '\1260' '\1270' '\1278' '\1290' '\1298' '\1300' '\1308' '\1320' '\1328' '\1330' '\1348';
/* symbols: 'ሀ' 'ለ' 'መ' 'ረ' 'ሰ' 'ሸ' 'ቀ' 'በ' 'ተ' 'ቸ' 'ነ' 'ኘ' 'ጀ' 'ገ' 'ጠ' 'ጨ' 'ጰ' 'ፈ'; */
suffix: '\1366 '; /* ፦ */
@counter-style tigre {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\1200' '\1208' '\1210' '\1218' '\1228' '\1230' '\1238' '\1240' '\1260' '\1270' '\1278' '\1290' '\12A0' '\12A8' '\12C8' '\12D0' '\12D8' '\12E8' '\12F0' '\1300' '\1308' '\1320' '\1328' '\1330' '\1338' '\1348' '\1350';
/* symbols: 'ሀ' 'ለ' 'ሐ' 'መ' 'ረ' 'ሰ' 'ሸ' 'ቀ' 'በ' 'ተ' 'ቸ' 'ነ' 'አ' 'ከ' 'ወ' 'ዐ' 'ዘ' 'የ' 'ደ' 'ጀ' 'ገ' 'ጠ' 'ጨ' 'ጰ' 'ጸ' 'ፈ' 'ፐ'; */
suffix: '\1366 '; /* ፦ */
@counter-style wolaita {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\1200' '\1208' '\1218' '\1228' '\1230' '\1238' '\1240' '\1260' '\1270' '\1278' '\1290' '\1298' '\1230' '\1308' '\1320' '\1328' '\1330' '\1338' '\1340' '\1348' '\1350';
/* symbols: 'ሀ' 'ለ' 'መ' 'ረ' 'ሰ' 'ሸ' 'ቀ' 'በ' 'ተ' 'ቸ' 'ነ' 'ኘ' 'ሰ' 'ገ' 'ጠ' 'ጨ' 'ጰ' 'ጸ' 'ፀ' 'ፈ' 'ፐ'; */
suffix: '\1366 '; /* ፦ */
@counter-style yemsa {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\1200' '\1208' '\1218' '\1228' '\1230' '\1238' '\1240' '\1260' '\1268' '\1270' '\1278' '\1290' '\1298' '\1300' '\1308' '\1318' '\1320' '\1328' '\1330' '\1348' '\1350';
/* symbols: 'ሀ' 'ለ' 'መ' 'ረ' 'ሰ' 'ሸ' 'ቀ' 'በ' 'ቨ' 'ተ' 'ቸ' 'ነ' 'ኘ' 'ጀ' 'ገ' 'ጘ' 'ጠ' 'ጨ' 'ጰ' 'ፈ' 'ፐ'; */
suffix: '\1366 '; /* ፦ */
The following are built-in styles in Blink, and some in Webkit, but none work out of the box in Firefox: ethiopic-halehame
, ethiopic-halehame-am
, ethiopic-halehame-ti-er
, ethiopic-halehame-ti-et
. Use the templates provided here if you want those names to work on all browsers that support counter-styles definitions.
@counter-style georgian {
system: additive;
range: 1 19999;
additive-symbols: 10000 '\10F5', 9000 '\10F0', 8000 '\10EF', 7000 '\10F4', 6000 '\10EE', 5000 '\10ED', 4000 '\10EC', 3000 '\10EB', 2000 '\10EA', 1000 '\10E9', 900 '\10E8', 800 '\10E7', 700 '\10E6', 600 '\10E5', 500 '\10E4', 400 '\10F3', 300 '\10E2', 200 '\10E1', 100 '\10E0', 90 '\10DF', 80 '\10DE', 70 '\10DD', 60 '\10F2', 50 '\10DC', 40 '\10DB', 30 '\10DA', 20 '\10D9', 10 '\10D8', 9 '\10D7', 8 '\10F1', 7 '\10D6', 6 '\10D5', 5 '\10D4', 4 '\10D3', 3 '\10D2', 2 '\10D1', 1 '\10D0';
/* additive-symbols: 10000 'ჵ', 9000 'ჰ', 8000 'ჯ', 7000 'ჴ', 6000 'ხ', 5000 'ჭ', 4000 'წ', 3000 'ძ', 2000 'ც', 1000 'ჩ', 900 'შ', 800 'ყ', 700 'ღ', 600 'ქ', 500 'ფ', 400 'ჳ', 300 'ტ', 200 'ს', 100 'რ', 90 'ჟ', 80 'პ', 70 'ო', 60 'ჲ', 50 'ნ', 40 'მ', 30 'ლ', 20 'კ', 10 'ი', 9 'თ', 8 'ჱ', 7 'ზ', 6 'ვ', 5 'ე', 4 'დ', 3 'გ', 2 'ბ', 1 'ა'; */
@counter-style greek-lower-modern {
system: additive;
range: 1 999;
additive-symbols: 900 \3E1, 800 \3C9, 700 \3C8, 600 \3C7, 500 \3C6, 400 \3C5, 300 \3C4, 200 \3C3, 100 \3C1, 90 \3DF, 80 \3C0, 70 \3BF, 60 \3BE, 50 \3BD, 40 \3BC, 30 \3BB, 20 \3BA, 10 \3B9, 9 \3B8, 8 \3B7, 7 \3B6, 6 \3C3\3C4, 5 \3B5, 4 \3B4, 3 \3B3, 2 \3B2, 1 \3B1;
/* additive-symbols: 900 ϡ, 800 ω, 700 ψ, 600 χ, 500 φ, 400 υ, 300 τ, 200 σ, 100 ρ, 90 ϟ, 80 π, 70 ο, 60 ξ, 50 ν, 40 μ, 30 λ, 20 κ, 10 ι, 9 θ, 8 η, 7 ζ, 6 στ, 5 ε, 4 δ, 3 γ, 2 β, 1 α; */
@counter-style greek-upper-modern {
system: additive;
range: 1 999;
additive-symbols: 900 \3E0, 800 \3A9, 700 \3A8, 600 \3A7, 500 \3A6, 400 \3A5, 300 \3A4, 200 \3A3, 100 \3A1, 90 \3DE, 80 \3A0, 70 \39F, 60 \39E, 50 \39D, 40 \39C, 30 \39B, 20 \39A, 10 \399, 9 \398, 8 \397, 7 \396, 6 \3A3\3A4, 5 \395, 4 \394, 3 \393, 2 \392, 1 \391;
/* additive-symbols: 900 Ϡ, 800 Ω, 700 Ψ, 600 Χ, 500 Φ, 400 Υ, 300 Τ, 200 Σ, 100 Ρ, 90 Ϟ, 80 Π, 70 Ο, 60 Ξ, 50 Ν, 40 Μ, 30 Λ, 20 Κ, 10 Ι, 9 Θ, 8 Η, 7 Ζ, 6 ΣΤ, 5 Ε, 4 Δ, 3 Γ, 2 Β, 1 Α; */
@counter-style greek-lower-ancient {
system: additive;
range: 1 999;
additive-symbols: 900 \3E1, 800 \3C9, 700 \3C8, 600 \3C7, 500 \3C6, 400 \3C5, 300 \3C4, 200 \3C3, 100 \3C1, 90 \3DF, 80 \3C0, 70 \3BF, 60 \3BE, 50 \3BD, 40 \3BC, 30 \3BB, 20 \3BA, 10 \3B9, 9 \3B8, 8 \3B7, 7 \3B6, 6 \3DB, 5 \3B5, 4 \3B4, 3 \3B3, 2 \3B2, 1 \3B1;
/* additive-symbols: 900 ϡ, 800 ω, 700 ψ, 600 χ, 500 φ, 400 υ, 300 τ, 200 σ, 100 ρ, 90 ϟ, 80 π, 70 ο, 60 ξ, 50 ν, 40 μ, 30 λ, 20 κ, 10 ι, 9 θ, 8 η, 7 ζ, 6 ϛ, 5 ε, 4 δ, 3 γ, 2 β, 1 α; */
@counter-style greek-upper-ancient {
system: additive;
range: 1 999;
additive-symbols: 900 \3E0, 800 \3A9, 700 \3A8, 600 \3A7, 500 \3A6, 400 \3A5, 300 \3A4, 200 \3A3, 100 \3A1, 90 \3DE, 80 \3A0, 70 \39F, 60 \39E, 50 \39D, 40 \39C, 30 \39B, 20 \39A, 10 \399, 9 \398, 8 \397, 7 \396, 6 \3DA, 5 \395, 4 \394, 3 \393, 2 \392, 1 \391;
/* additive-symbols: 900 Ϡ, 800 Ω, 700 Ψ, 600 Χ, 500 Φ, 400 Υ, 300 Τ, 200 Σ, 100 Ρ, 90 Ϟ, 80 Π, 70 Ο, 60 Ξ, 50 Ν, 40 Μ, 30 Λ, 20 Κ, 10 Ι, 9 Θ, 8 Η, 7 Ζ, 6 Ϛ, 5 Ε, 4 Δ, 3 Γ, 2 Β, 1 Α; */
@counter-style lower-greek {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\3B1' '\3B2' '\3B3' '\3B4' '\3B5' '\3B6' '\3B7' '\3B8' '\3B9' '\3BA' '\3BB' '\3BC' '\3BD' '\3BE' '\3BF' '\3C0' '\3C1' '\3C3' '\3C4' '\3C5' '\3C6' '\3C7' '\3C8' '\3C9';
/* symbols: 'α' 'β' 'γ' 'δ' 'ε' 'ζ' 'η' 'θ' 'ι' 'κ' 'λ' 'μ' 'ν' 'ξ' 'ο' 'π' 'ρ' 'σ' 'τ' 'υ' 'φ' 'χ' 'ψ' 'ω'; */
/* This style is only defined because CSS2.1 has it. It doesn't appear to actually be used in Greek texts. */
@counter-style gujarati {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\AE6' '\AE7' '\AE8' '\AE9' '\AEA' '\AEB' '\AEC' '\AED' '\AEE' '\AEF';
/* symbols: '૦' '૧' '૨' '૩' '૪' '૫' '૬' '૭' '૮' '૯'; */
@counter-style gujarati-alpha {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\0A95' '\0A96' '\0A97' '\0A98' '\0A99' '\0A9A' '\0A9B' '\0A9C' '\0A9D' '\0A9E' '\0A9F' '\0AA0' '\0AA1' '\0AA2' '\0AA3' '\0AA4' '\0AA5' '\0AA6' '\0AA7' '\0AA8' '\0AAA' '\0AAB' '\0AAC' '\0AAD' '\0AAE' '\0AAF' '\0AB0' '\0AB2' '\0AB5' '\0AB6' '\0AB7' '\0AB8' '\0AB9' '\0AB3';
/* symbols: 'ક' 'ખ' 'ગ' 'ઘ' 'ઙ' 'ચ' 'છ' 'જ' 'ઝ' 'ઞ' 'ટ' 'ઠ' 'ડ' 'ઢ' 'ણ' 'ત' 'થ' 'દ' 'ધ' 'ન' 'પ' 'ફ' 'બ' 'ભ' 'મ' 'ય' 'ર' 'લ' 'વ' 'શ' 'ષ' 'સ' 'હ' 'ળ' ; */
prefix: '( ';
suffix: ' ) ';
@counter-style gurmukhi {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\A66' '\A67' '\A68' '\A69' '\A6A' '\A6B' '\A6C' '\A6D' '\A6E' '\A6F';
/* symbols: '੦' '੧' '੨' '੩' '੪' '੫' '੬' '੭' '੮' '੯'; */
This style is defined in the [[[css-counter-styles-3]]] specification. Check browser support for the gurmukhi
@counter-style punjabi {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\0A73' '\0A05' '\0A72' '\0A38' '\0A39' '\0A15' '\0A16' '\0A17' '\0A18' '\0A19' '\0A1A' '\0A1B' '\0A1C' '\0A1D' '\0A1E' '\0A1F' '\0A20' '\0A21 ' '\0A22' '\0A23' '\0A24' '\0A25' '\0A26' '\0A27' '\0A28' '\0A2A' '\0A2B ' '\0A2C' '\0A2D' '\0A2E' '\0A2F' '\0A30' '\0A32' '\0A35' '\0A5C' ;
/* symbols: 'ੳ' 'ਅ' 'ੲ' 'ਸ' 'ਹ' 'ਕ' 'ਖ' 'ਗ' 'ਘ' 'ਙ' 'ਚ' 'ਛ' 'ਜ' 'ਝ' 'ਞ' 'ਟ' 'ਠ' 'ਡ' 'ਢ' 'ਣ' 'ਤ' 'ਥ' 'ਦ' 'ਧ' 'ਨ' 'ਪ' 'ਫ' 'ਬ' 'ਭ' 'ਮ' 'ਯ' 'ਰ' 'ਲ' 'ਵ' 'ੜ' ; */
suffix: ') ';
@counter-style hanifi-rohingya {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\10D30' '\10D31' '\10D32' '\10D33' '\10D34' '\10D35' '\10D36' '\10D37' '\10D38' '\10D39';
/* symbols: '𐴰' '𐴱' '𐴲' '𐴳' '𐴴' '𐴵' '𐴶' '𐴷' '𐴸' '𐴹'; */
@counter-style hebrew {
system: additive;
range: 1 10999;
additive-symbols: 10000 \5D9\5F3, 9000 \5D8\5F3, 8000 \5D7\5F3, 7000 \5D6\5F3, 6000 \5D5\5F3, 5000 \5D4\5F3, 4000 \5D3\5F3, 3000 \5D2\5F3, 2000 \5D1\5F3, 1000 \5D0\5F3, 400 \5EA, 300 \5E9, 200 \5E8, 100 \5E7, 90 \5E6, 80 \5E4, 70 \5E2, 60 \5E1, 50 \5E0, 40 \5DE, 30 \5DC, 20 \5DB, 19 \5D9\5D8, 18 \5D9\5D7, 17 \5D9\5D6, 16 \5D8\5D6, 15 \5D8\5D5, 10 \5D9, 9 \5D8, 8 \5D7, 7 \5D6, 6 \5D5, 5 \5D4, 4 \5D3, 3 \5D2, 2 \5D1, 1 \5D0;
/* additive-symbols: 10000 י׳, 9000 ט׳, 8000 ח׳, 7000 ז׳, 6000 ו׳, 5000 ה׳, 4000 ד׳, 3000 ג׳, 2000 ב׳, 1000 א׳, 400 ת, 300 ש, 200 ר, 100 ק, 90 צ, 80 פ, 70 ע, 60 ס, 50 נ, 40 מ, 30 ל, 20 כ, 19 יט, 18 יח, 17 יז, 16 טז, 15 טו, 10 י, 9 ט, 8 ח, 7 ז, 6 ו, 5 ה, 4 ד, 3 ג, 2 ב, 1 א; */
This system manually specifies the values for 19-15 to force the correct display of 15 and 16, which are commonly rewritten to avoid a close resemblance to the Tetragrammaton. Predefined implementations may, and some do, choose to implement this manually to a higher range. (Users can define it how they like, of course.)
This style is defined in the [[[css-counter-styles-3]]] specification. Check browser support for the hebrew
@counter-style cjk-decimal {
system: numeric;
range: 0 infinite;
symbols: '\3007' '\4E00' '\4E8C' '\4E09' '\56DB' '\4E94' '\516D' '\4E03' '\516B' '\4E5D';
/* symbols: 〇 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九; */
suffix: '\3001';
/* suffix: "、" */
@counter-style cjk-earthly-branch {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\5B50' '\4E11' '\5BC5' '\536F' '\8FB0' '\5DF3' '\5348' '\672A' '\7533' '\9149' '\620C' '\4EA5';
suffix: '\3001';
fallback: cjk-decimal;
/* symbols: '子' '丑' '寅' '卯' '辰' '巳' '午' '未' '申' '酉' '戌' '亥'; */
/* suffix: '、'; */
@counter-style cjk-heavenly-stem {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\7532' '\4E59' '\4E19' '\4E01' '\620A' '\5DF1' '\5E9A' '\8F9B' '\58EC' '\7678';
suffix: '\3001';
fallback: cjk-decimal;
/* symbols: '甲' '乙' '丙' '丁' '戊' '己' '庚' '辛' '壬' '癸'; */
/* suffix: '、'; */
@counter-style circled-ideograph {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\3280' '\3281' '\3282' '\3283' '\3284' '\3285' '\3286' '\3287' '\3288' '\3289';
/* symbols: '㊀' '㊁' '㊂' '㊃' '㊄' '㊅' '㊆' '㊇' '㊈' '㊉'; */
suffix: ' ';
@counter-style parenthesized-ideograph {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\3220' '\3221' '\3222' '\3223' '\3224' '\3225' '\3226' '\3227' '\3228' '\3229';
/* symbols: '㈠' '㈡' '㈢' '㈣' '㈤' '㈥' '㈦' '㈧' '㈨' '㈩'; */
suffix: ' ';
@counter-style cjk-tally-mark {
system: additive;
additive-symbols: 5 '\1D376', 4 '\1D375', 3 '\1D374', 2 '\1D373', 1 '\1D372';
/* symbols: 5 𝍶, 4 𝍵, 3 𝍴, 2 𝍳, 1 𝍲; */
suffix: ' ';
@counter-style cjk-stem-branch {
system: cyclic;
symbols: '\7532\5B50' '\4E59\4E11' '\4E19\5BC5' '\4E01\536F' '\620A\8FB0' '\5DF1\5DF3' '\5E9A\5348' '\8F9B\672A' '\58EC\7533' '\7678\9149'
'\7532\620C' '\4E59\4EA5' '\4E19\5B50' '\4E01\4E11' '\620A\5BC5' '\5DF1\536F' '\5E9A\8FB0' '\8F9B\5DF3' '\58EC\5348' '\7678\672A'
'\7532\7533' '\4E59\9149' '\4E19\620C' '\4E01\4EA5' '\620A\5B50' '\5DF1\4E11' '\5E9A\5BC5' '\8F9B\536F' '\58EC\8FB0' '\7678\5DF3'
'\7532\5348' '\4E59\672A' '\4E19\7533' '\4E01\9149' '\620A\620C' '\5DF1\4EA5' '\5E9A\5B50' '\8F9B\4E11' '\58EC\5BC5' '\7678\536F'
'\7532\8FB0' '\4E59\5DF3' '\4E19\5348' '\4E01\672A' '\620A\7533' '\5DF1\9149' '\5E9A\620C' '\8F9B\4EA5' '\58EC\5B50' '\7678\4E11'
'\7532\5BC5' '\4E59\536F' '\4E19\8FB0' '\4E01\5DF3' '\620A\5348' '\5DF1\672A' '\5E9A\7533' '\8F9B\9149' '\58EC\620C' '\7678\4EA5';
/* 甲子 乙丑 丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 */
/* 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 戊寅 己卯 庚辰 辛巳 壬午 癸未 */
/* 甲申 乙酉 丙戌 丁亥 戊子 己丑 庚寅 辛卯 壬辰 癸巳 */
/* 甲午 乙未 丙申 丁酉 戊戌 己亥 庚子 辛丑 壬寅 癸卯 */
/* 甲辰 乙巳 丙午 丁未 戊申 己酉 庚戌 辛亥 壬子 癸丑 */
/* 甲寅 乙卯 丙辰 丁巳 戊午 己未 庚申 辛酉 壬戌 癸亥 */
suffix: '、';
@counter-style hiragana {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\3042' '\3044' '\3046' '\3048' '\304A' '\304B' '\304D' '\304F' '\3051' '\3053' '\3055' '\3057' '\3059' '\305B' '\305D' '\305F' '\3061' '\3064' '\3066' '\3068' '\306A' '\306B' '\306C' '\306D' '\306E' '\306F' '\3072' '\3075' '\3078' '\307B' '\307E' '\307F' '\3080' '\3081' '\3082' '\3084' '\3086' '\3088' '\3089' '\308A' '\308B' '\308C' '\308D' '\308F' '\3090' '\3091' '\3092' '\3093';
/* symbols: あ い う え お か き く け こ さ し す せ そ た ち つ て と な に ぬ ね の は ひ ふ へ ほ ま み む め も や ゆ よ ら り る れ ろ わ ゐ ゑ を ん; */
suffix: '、';
@counter-style hiragana-iroha {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\3044' '\308D' '\306F' '\306B' '\307B' '\3078' '\3068' '\3061' '\308A' '\306C' '\308B' '\3092' '\308F' '\304B' '\3088' '\305F' '\308C' '\305D' '\3064' '\306D' '\306A' '\3089' '\3080' '\3046' '\3090' '\306E' '\304A' '\304F' '\3084' '\307E' '\3051' '\3075' '\3053' '\3048' '\3066' '\3042' '\3055' '\304D' '\3086' '\3081' '\307F' '\3057' '\3091' '\3072' '\3082' '\305B' '\3059';
/* symbols: い ろ は に ほ へ と ち り ぬ る を わ か よ た れ そ つ ね な ら む う ゐ の お く や ま け ふ こ え て あ さ き ゆ め み し ゑ ひ も せ す; */
suffix: '、';
@counter-style katakana {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\30A2' '\30A4' '\30A6' '\30A8' '\30AA' '\30AB' '\30AD' '\30AF' '\30B1' '\30B3' '\30B5' '\30B7' '\30B9' '\30BB' '\30BD' '\30BF' '\30C1' '\30C4' '\30C6' '\30C8' '\30CA' '\30CB' '\30CC' '\30CD' '\30CE' '\30CF' '\30D2' '\30D5' '\30D8' '\30DB' '\30DE' '\30DF' '\30E0' '\30E1' '\30E2' '\30E4' '\30E6' '\30E8' '\30E9' '\30EA' '\30EB' '\30EC' '\30ED' '\30EF' '\30F0' '\30F1' '\30F2' '\30F3';
/* symbols: ア イ ウ エ オ カ キ ク ケ コ サ シ ス セ ソ タ チ ツ テ ト ナ ニ ヌ ネ ノ ハ ヒ フ ヘ ホ マ ミ ム メ モ ヤ ユ ヨ ラ リ ル レ ロ ワ ヰ ヱ ヲ ン; */
suffix: '、';
@counter-style katakana-iroha {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\30A4' '\30ED' '\30CF' '\30CB' '\30DB' '\30D8' '\30C8' '\30C1' '\30EA' '\30CC' '\30EB' '\30F2' '\30EF' '\30AB' '\30E8' '\30BF' '\30EC' '\30BD' '\30C4' '\30CD' '\30CA' '\30E9' '\30E0' '\30A6' '\30F0' '\30CE' '\30AA' '\30AF' '\30E4' '\30DE' '\30B1' '\30D5' '\30B3' '\30A8' '\30C6' '\30A2' '\30B5' '\30AD' '\30E6' '\30E1' '\30DF' '\30B7' '\30F1' '\30D2' '\30E2' '\30BB' '\30B9';
/* symbols: イ ロ ハ ニ ホ ヘ ト チ リ ヌ ル ヲ ワ カ ヨ タ レ ソ ツ ネ ナ ラ ム ウ ヰ ノ オ ク ヤ マ ケ フ コ エ テ ア サ キ ユ メ ミ シ ヱ ヒ モ セ ス; */
suffix: '、';
@counter-style circled-katakana {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\32D0' '\32D1' '\32D2' '\32D3' '\32D4' '\32D5' '\32D6' '\32D7' '\32D8' '\32D9' '\32DA' '\32DB' '\32DC' '\32DD' '\32DE' '\32DF' '\32E0' '\32E1' '\32E2' '\32E3' '\32E4' '\32E5' '\32E6' '\32E7' '\32E8' '\32E9' '\32EA' '\32EB' '\32EC' '\32ED' '\32EE' '\32EF' '\32F0' '\32F1' '\32F2' '\32F3' '\32F4' '\32F5' '\32F6' '\32F7' '\32F8' '\32F9' '\32FA' '\32FB' '\32FC' '\32FD' '\32FE';
/* symbols: ㋐ ㋑ ㋒ ㋓ ㋔ ㋕ ㋖ ㋗ ㋘ ㋙ ㋚ ㋛ ㋜ ㋝ ㋞ ㋟ ㋠ ㋡ ㋢ ㋣ ㋤ ㋥ ㋦ ㋧ ㋨ ㋩ ㋪ ㋫ ㋬ ㋭ ㋮ ㋯ ㋰ ㋱ ㋲ ㋳ ㋴ ㋵ ㋶ ㋷ ㋸ ㋹ ㋺ ㋻ ㋼ ㋽ ㋾; */
suffix: ' ';
@counter-style japanese-informal {
system: additive;
range: -9999 9999;
additive-symbols: 9000 \4E5D\5343, 8000 \516B\5343, 7000 \4E03\5343, 6000 \516D\5343, 5000 \4E94\5343, 4000 \56DB\5343, 3000 \4E09\5343, 2000 \4E8C\5343, 1000 \5343, 900 \4E5D\767E, 800 \516B\767E, 700 \4E03\767E, 600 \516D\767E, 500 \4E94\767E, 400 \56DB\767E, 300 \4E09\767E, 200 \4E8C\767E, 100 \767E, 90 \4E5D\5341, 80 \516B\5341, 70 \4E03\5341, 60 \516D\5341, 50 \4E94\5341, 40 \56DB\5341, 30 \4E09\5341, 20 \4E8C\5341, 10 \5341, 9 \4E5D, 8 \516B, 7 \4E03, 6 \516D, 5 \4E94, 4 \56DB, 3 \4E09, 2 \4E8C, 1 \4E00, 0 \3007;
/* additive-symbols: 9000 九千, 8000 八千, 7000 七千, 6000 六千, 5000 五千, 4000 四千, 3000 三千, 2000 二千, 1000 千, 900 九百, 800 八百, 700 七百, 600 六百, 500 五百, 400 四百, 300 三百, 200 二百, 100 百, 90 九十, 80 八十, 70 七十, 60 六十, 50 五十, 40 四十, 30 三十, 20 二十, 10 十, 9 九, 8 八, 7 七, 6 六, 5 五, 4 四, 3 三, 2 二, 1 一, 0 〇; */
suffix: '\3001';
/* suffix: '、'; */
negative: "\30DE\30A4\30CA\30B9";
/* negative: マイナス; */
fallback: cjk-decimal;
@counter-style japanese-formal {
system: additive;
range: -9999 9999;
additive-symbols: 9000 \4E5D\9621, 8000 \516B\9621, 7000 \4E03\9621, 6000 \516D\9621, 5000 \4F0D\9621, 4000 \56DB\9621, 3000 \53C2\9621, 2000 \5F10\9621, 1000 \58F1\9621, 900 \4E5D\767E, 800 \516B\767E, 700 \4E03\767E, 600 \516D\767E, 500 \4F0D\767E, 400 \56DB\767E, 300 \53C2\767E, 200 \5F10\767E, 100 \58F1\767E, 90 \4E5D\62FE, 80 \516B\62FE, 70 \4E03\62FE, 60 \516D\62FE, 50 \4F0D\62FE, 40 \56DB\62FE, 30 \53C2\62FE, 20 \5F10\62FE, 10 \58F1\62FE, 9 \4E5D, 8 \516B, 7 \4E03, 6 \516D, 5 \4F0D, 4 \56DB, 3 \53C2, 2 \5F10, 1 \58F1, 0 \96F6;
/* additive-symbols: 9000 九阡, 8000 八阡, 7000 七阡, 6000 六阡, 5000 伍阡, 4000 四阡, 3000 参阡, 2000 弐阡, 1000 壱阡, 900 九百, 800 八百, 700 七百, 600 六百, 500 伍百, 400 四百, 300 参百, 200 弐百, 100 壱百, 90 九拾, 80 八拾, 70 七拾, 60 六拾, 50 伍拾, 40 四拾, 30 参拾, 20 弐拾, 10 壱拾, 9 九, 8 八, 7 七, 6 六, 5 伍, 4 四, 3 参, 2 弐, 1 壱, 0 零; */
suffix: '\3001';
/* suffix: 、; */
negative: "\30DE\30A4\30CA\30B9";
/* negative: マイナス; */
fallback: cjk-decimal;
@counter-style javanese {
system: numeric;
symbols: \A9D0 \A9D1 \A9D2 \A9D3 \A9D4 \A9D5 \A9D6 \A9D7 \A9D8 \A9D9 ;
/* symbols: ꧐ ꧑ ꧒ ꧓ ꧔ ꧕ ꧖ ꧗ ꧘ ꧙; */
@counter-style kannada {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\CE6' '\CE7' '\CE8' '\CE9' '\CEA' '\CEB' '\CEC' '\CED' '\CEE' '\CEF';
/* symbols: '೦' '೧' '೨' '೩' '೪' '೫' '೬' '೭' '೮' '೯'; */
@counter-style kannada-alpha {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\0C85' '\0C86' '\0C87' '\0C88' '\0C89' '\0C8A' '\0C8B' '\0C8E' '\0C8F' '\0C90' '\0C92' '\0C93' '\0C94' '\0C95' '\0C96' '\0C97' '\0C98' '\0C99' ;
/* symbols: 'ಅ' 'ಆ' 'ಇ' 'ಈ' 'ಉ' 'ಊ' 'ಋ' 'ಎ' 'ಏ' 'ಐ' 'ಒ' 'ಓ' 'ಔ' 'ಕ' 'ಖ' 'ಗ' 'ಘ' 'ಙ'; */
suffix: ') ';
@counter-style kayah-li {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\A901' '\A902' '\A903' '\A904' '\A905' '\A906' '\A907' '\A908' '\A909' '\A900';
/* symbols: ꤁ ꤂ ꤃ ꤄ ꤅ ꤆ ꤇ ꤈ ꤉ ꤀; */
@counter-style cambodian {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\17E0' '\17E1' '\17E2' '\17E3' '\17E4' '\17E5' '\17E6' '\17E7' '\17E8' '\17E9';
/* symbols: '០' '១' '២' '៣' '៤' '៥' '៦' '៧' '៨' '៩'; */
@counter-style khmer {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\17E0' '\17E1' '\17E2' '\17E3' '\17E4' '\17E5' '\17E6' '\17E7' '\17E8' '\17E9';
/* symbols: '០' '១' '២' '៣' '៤' '៥' '៦' '៧' '៨' '៩'; */
@counter-style khmer-consonant {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\1780' '\1781' '\1782' '\1783' '\1784' '\1785' '\1786' '\1787' '\1788' '\1789' '\178A' '\178B' '\178C' '\178D' '\178E' '\178F' '\1790' '\1791' '\1792' '\1793' '\1794' '\1795' '\1796' '\1797' '\1798' '\1799' '\179A' '\179B' '\179C' '\179F' '\17A0' '\17A1' '\17A2';
/* symbols: 'ក' 'ខ' 'គ' 'ឃ' 'ង' 'ច' 'ឆ' 'ជ' 'ឈ' 'ញ' 'ដ' 'ឋ' 'ឌ' 'ឍ' 'ណ' 'ត' 'ថ' 'ទ' 'ធ' 'ន' 'ប' 'ផ' 'ព' 'ភ' 'ម' 'យ' 'រ' 'ល' 'វ' 'ស' 'ហ' 'ឡ' 'អ'; */
@counter-style circled-korean-consonant {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\3260' '\3261' '\3262' '\3263' '\3264' '\3265' '\3266' '\3267' '\3268' '\3269' '\326A' '\326B' '\326C' '\326D';
/* symbols: '㉠' '㉡' '㉢' '㉣' '㉤' '㉥' '㉦' '㉧' '㉨' '㉩' '㉪' '㉫' '㉬' '㉭'; */
suffix: ' ';
@counter-style circled-korean-syllable {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\326E' '\326F' '\3270' '\3271' '\3272' '\3273' '\3274' '\3275' '\3276' '\3277' '\3278' '\3279' '\327A' '\327B';
/* symbols: '㉮' '㉯' '㉰' '㉱' '㉲' '㉳' '㉴' '㉵' '㉶' '㉷' '㉸' '㉹' '㉺' '㉻'; */
suffix: ' ';
@counter-style hangul {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\AC00' '\B098' '\B2E4' '\B77C' '\B9C8' '\BC14' '\C0AC' '\C544' '\C790' '\CC28' '\CE74' '\D0C0' '\D30C' '\D558';
/* symbols: '가' '나' '다' '라' '마' '바' '사' '아' '자' '차' '카' '타' '파' '하'; */
@counter-style hangul-consonant {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\3131' '\3134' '\3137' '\3139' '\3141' '\3142' '\3145' '\3147' '\3148' '\314A' '\314B' '\314C' '\314D' '\314E';
/* symbols: 'ㄱ' 'ㄴ' 'ㄷ' 'ㄹ' 'ㅁ' 'ㅂ' 'ㅅ' 'ㅇ' 'ㅈ' 'ㅊ' 'ㅋ' 'ㅌ' 'ㅍ' 'ㅎ'; */
@counter-style korean-consonant {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\3131' '\3134' '\3137' '\3139' '\3141' '\3142' '\3145' '\3147' '\3148' '\314A' '\314B' '\314C' '\314D' '\314E';
/* symbols: 'ㄱ' 'ㄴ' 'ㄷ' 'ㄹ' 'ㅁ' 'ㅂ' 'ㅅ' 'ㅇ' 'ㅈ' 'ㅊ' 'ㅋ' 'ㅌ' 'ㅍ' 'ㅎ'; */
@counter-style korean-hangul-formal {
system: additive;
range: -9999 9999;
additive-symbols: 9000 '\AD6C\CC9C', 8000 '\D314\CC9C', 7000 '\CE60\CC9C', 6000 '\C721\CC9C', 5000 '\C624\CC9C', 4000 '\C0AC\CC9C', 3000 '\C0BC\CC9C', 2000 '\C774\CC9C', 1000 '\C77C\CC9C', 900 '\AD6C\BC31', 800 '\D314\BC31', 700 '\CE60\BC31', 600 '\C721\BC31', 500 '\C624\BC31', 400 '\C0AC\BC31', 300 '\C0BC\BC31', 200 '\C774\BC31', 100 '\C77C\BC31', 90 '\AD6C\C2ED', 80 '\D314\C2ED', 70 '\CE60\C2ED', 60 '\C721\C2ED', 50 '\C624\C2ED', 40 '\C0AC\C2ED', 30 '\C0BC\C2ED', 20 '\C774\C2ED', 10 '\C77C\C2ED', 9 '\AD6C', 8 '\D314', 7 '\CE60', 6 '\C721', 5 '\C624', 4 '\C0AC', 3 '\C0BC', 2 '\C774', 1 '\C77C', 0 '\C601';
/* additive-symbols: 9000 구천, 8000 팔천, 7000 칠천, 6000 육천, 5000 오천, 4000 사천, 3000 삼천, 2000 이천, 1000 일천, 900 구백, 800 팔백, 700 칠백, 600 육백, 500 오백, 400 사백, 300 삼백, 200 이백, 100 일백, 90 구십, 80 팔십, 70 칠십, 60 육십, 50 오십, 40 사십, 30 삼십, 20 이십, 10 일십, 9 구, 8 팔, 7 칠, 6 육, 5 오, 4 사, 3 삼, 2 이, 1 일, 0 영 */
suffix:', ';
negative: "\B9C8\C774\B108\C2A4 ";
/* 마이너스 (followed by a space) */
@counter-style korean-syllable {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\AC00' '\B098' '\B2E4' '\B77C' '\B9C8' '\BC14' '\C0AC' '\C544' '\C790' '\CC28' '\CE74' '\D0C0' '\D30C' '\D558';
/* symbols: '가' '나' '다' '라' '마' '바' '사' '아' '자' '차' '카' '타' '파' '하'; */
@counter-style parenthesized-hangul-consonant {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\3200' '\3201' '\3202' '\3203' '\3204' '\3205' '\3206' '\3207' '\3208' '\3209' '\320A' '\320B' '\320C' '\320D';
/* symbols: '㈀' '㈁' '㈂' '㈃' '㈄' '㈅' '㈆' '㈇' '㈈' '㈉' '㈊' '㈋' '㈌' '㈍'; */
suffix: ' ';
@counter-style parenthesized-hangul-syllable {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\320E' '\320F' '\3210' '\3211' '\3212' '\3213' '\3214' '\3215' '\3216' '\3217' '\3218' '\3219' '\321A';
/* symbols: '㈎' '㈏' '㈐' '㈑' '㈒' '㈓' '㈔' '㈕' '㈖' '㈗' '㈘' '㈙' '㈚'; */
suffix: ' ';
@counter-style korean-hanja-informal {
system: additive;
range: -9999 9999;
additive-symbols: 9000 \4E5D\5343, 8000 \516B\5343, 7000 \4E03\5343, 6000 \516D\5343, 5000 \4E94\5343, 4000 \56DB\5343, 3000 \4E09\5343, 2000 \4E8C\5343, 1000 \5343, 900 \4E5D\767E, 800 \516B\767E, 700 \4E03\767E, 600 \516D\767E, 500 \4E94\767E, 400 \56DB\767E, 300 \4E09\767E, 200 \4E8C\767E, 100 \767E, 90 \4E5D\5341, 80 \516B\5341, 70 \4E03\5341, 60 \516D\5341, 50 \4E94\5341, 40 \56DB\5341, 30 \4E09\5341, 20 \4E8C\5341, 10 \5341, 9 \4E5D, 8 \516B, 7 \4E03, 6 \516D, 5 \4E94, 4 \56DB, 3 \4E09, 2 \4E8C, 1 \4E00, 0 \96F6;
/* additive-symbols: 9000 九千, 8000 八千, 7000 七千, 6000 六千, 5000 五千, 4000 四千, 3000 三千, 2000 二千, 1000 千, 900 九百, 800 八百, 700 七百, 600 六百, 500 五百, 400 四百, 300 三百, 200 二百, 100 百, 90 九十, 80 八十, 70 七十, 60 六十, 50 五十, 40 四十, 30 三十, 20 二十, 10 十, 9 九, 8 八, 7 七, 6 六, 5 五, 4 四, 3 三, 2 二, 1 一, 0 零; */
suffix:', ';
negative: "\B9C8\C774\B108\C2A4 ";
/* 마이너스 (followed by a space) */
@counter-style korean-hanja-formal {
system: additive;
range: -9999 9999;
additive-symbols: 9000 \4E5D\4EDF, 8000 \516B\4EDF, 7000 \4E03\4EDF, 6000 \516D\4EDF, 5000 \4E94\4EDF, 4000 \56DB\4EDF, 3000 \53C3\4EDF, 2000 \8CB3\4EDF, 1000 \58F9\4EDF, 900 \4E5D\767E, 800 \516B\767E, 700 \4E03\767E, 600 \516D\767E, 500 \4E94\767E, 400 \56DB\767E, 300 \53C3\767E, 200 \8CB3\767E, 100 \58F9\767E, 90 \4E5D\62FE, 80 \516B\62FE, 70 \4E03\62FE, 60 \516D\62FE, 50 \4E94\62FE, 40 \56DB\62FE, 30 \53C3\62FE, 20 \8CB3\62FE, 10 \58F9\62FE, 9 \4E5D, 8 \516B, 7 \4E03, 6 \516D, 5 \4E94, 4 \56DB, 3 \53C3, 2 \8CB3, 1 \58F9, 0 \96F6;
/* additive-symbols: 9000 九仟, 8000 八仟, 7000 七仟, 6000 六仟, 5000 五仟, 4000 四仟, 3000 參仟, 2000 貳仟, 1000 壹仟, 900 九百, 800 八百, 700 七百, 600 六百, 500 五百, 400 四百, 300 參百, 200 貳百, 100 壹百, 90 九拾, 80 八拾, 70 七拾, 60 六拾, 50 五拾, 40 四拾, 30 參拾, 20 貳拾, 10 壹拾, 9 九, 8 八, 7 七, 6 六, 5 五, 4 四, 3 參, 2 貳, 1 壹, 0 零; */
suffix:', ';
negative: "\B9C8\C774\B108\C2A4 ";
/* 마이너스 (followed by a space) */
@counter-style lanna-hora {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\1A80' '\1A81' '\1A82' '\1A83' '\1A84' '\1A85' '\1A86' '\1A87' '\1A88' '\1A89';
/* symbols: ᪀ ᪁ ᪂ ᪃ ᪄ ᪅ ᪆ ᪇ ᪈ ᪉; */
@counter-style lanna-tham {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\1A90' '\1A91' '\1A92' '\1A93' '\1A94' '\1A95' '\1A96' '\1A97' '\1A98' '\1A99';
/* symbols: ᪐ ᪑ ᪒ ᪓ ᪔ ᪕ ᪖ ᪗ ᪘ ᪙; */
@counter-style lao {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\ED0' '\ED1' '\ED2' '\ED3' '\ED4' '\ED5' '\ED6' '\ED7' '\ED8' '\ED9';
/* symbols: '໐' '໑' '໒' '໓' '໔' '໕' '໖' '໗' '໘' '໙'; */
@counter-style lower-alpha {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\61' '\62' '\63' '\64' '\65' '\66' '\67' '\68' '\69' '\6A' '\6B' '\6C' '\6D' '\6E' '\6F' '\70' '\71' '\72' '\73' '\74' '\75' '\76' '\77' '\78' '\79' '\7A';
/* symbols: 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' 'f' 'g' 'h' 'i' 'j' 'k' 'l' 'm' 'n' 'o' 'p' 'q' 'r' 's' 't' 'u' 'v' 'w' 'x' 'y' 'z'; */
@counter-style upper-alpha {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\41' '\42' '\43' '\44' '\45' '\46' '\47' '\48' '\49' '\4A' '\4B' '\4C' '\4D' '\4E' '\4F' '\50' '\51' '\52' '\53' '\54' '\55' '\56' '\57' '\58' '\59' '\5A';
/* symbols: 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' 'G' 'H' 'I' 'J' 'K' 'L' 'M' 'N' 'O' 'P' 'Q' 'R' 'S' 'T' 'U' 'V' 'W' 'X' 'Y' 'Z'; */
@counter-style fullwidth-lower-alpha {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\FF41' '\FF42' '\FF43' '\FF44' '\FF45' '\FF46' '\FF47' '\FF48' '\FF49' '\FF4A' '\FF4B' '\FF4C' '\FF4D' '\FF4E' '\FF4F' '\FF50' '\FF51' '\FF52' '\FF53' '\FF54' '\FF55' '\FF56' '\FF57' '\FF58' '\FF59' '\FF5A';
/* symbols: 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' 'f' 'g' 'h' 'i' 'j' 'k' 'l' 'm' 'n' 'o' 'p' 'q' 'r' 's' 't' 'u' 'v' 'w' 'x' 'y' 'z'; */
suffix: '\FF0E';
@counter-style fullwidth-upper-alpha {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\FF21' '\FF22' '\FF23' '\FF24' '\FF25' '\FF26' '\FF27' '\FF28' '\FF29' '\FF2A' '\FF2B' '\FF2C' '\FF2D' '\FF2E' '\FF2F' '\FF30' '\FF31' '\FF32' '\FF33' '\FF34' '\FF35' '\FF36' '\FF37' '\FF38' '\FF39' '\FF3A';
/* symbols: 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' 'G' 'H' 'I' 'J' 'K' 'L' 'M' 'N' 'O' 'P' 'Q' 'R' 'S' 'T' 'U' 'V' 'W' 'X' 'Y' 'Z'; */
suffix: '\FF0E';
@counter-style lower-alpha-symbolic {
system: symbolic;
symbols: '\61' '\62' '\63' '\64' '\65' '\66' '\67' '\68' '\69' '\6A' '\6B' '\6C' '\6D' '\6E' '\6F' '\70' '\71' '\72' '\73' '\74' '\75' '\76' '\77' '\78' '\79' '\7A';
/* symbols: 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' 'f' 'g' 'h' 'i' 'j' 'k' 'l' 'm' 'n' 'o' 'p' 'q' 'r' 's' 't' 'u' 'v' 'w' 'x' 'y' 'z'; */
@counter-style upper-alpha-symbolic {
system: symbolic;
symbols: '\41' '\42' '\43' '\44' '\45' '\46' '\47' '\48' '\49' '\4A' '\4B' '\4C' '\4D' '\4E' '\4F' '\50' '\51' '\52' '\53' '\54' '\55' '\56' '\57' '\58' '\59' '\5A';
/* symbols: 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' 'G' 'H' 'I' 'J' 'K' 'L' 'M' 'N' 'O' 'P' 'Q' 'R' 'S' 'T' 'U' 'V' 'W' 'X' 'Y' 'Z'; */
@counter-style lower-oromo-qubee {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\61' '\61\61' '\62' '\63' '\64' '\65' '\65\65' '\66' '\67' '\68' '\69' '\69\69' '\6A' '\6B' '\6C' '\6D' '\6E' '\6F' '\6F\6F' '\70' '\71' '\72' '\73' '\74' '\75' '\75\75' '\76' '\77' '\78' '\79' '\7A' '\63\68' '\64\68' '\6B\68' '\6E\79' '\70\68' '\73\68';
/* symbols: 'a' 'aa' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' 'ee' 'f' 'g' 'h' 'i' 'ii' 'j' 'k' 'l' 'm' 'n' 'o' 'oo' 'p' 'q' 'r' 's' 't' 'u' 'uu' 'v' 'w' 'x' 'y' 'z' 'ch' 'dh' 'kh' 'ny' 'ph' 'sh'; */
@counter-style upper-oromo-qubee {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\41' '\41\41' '\42' '\43' '\44' '\45' '\45\45' '\46' '\47' '\48' '\49' '\49\49' '\4A' '\4B' '\4C' '\4D' '\4E' '\4F' '\4F\4F' '\50' '\51' '\52' '\53' '\54' '\55' '\55\55' '\56' '\57' '\58' '\59' '\5A' '\43\48' '\44\48' '\4B\48' '\4E\59' '\50\48' '\53\48';
/* symbols: 'A' 'AA' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'EE' 'F' 'G' 'H' 'I' 'II' 'J' 'K' 'L' 'M' 'N' 'O' 'OO' 'P' 'Q' 'R' 'S' 'T' 'U' 'UU' 'V' 'W' 'X' 'Y' 'Z' 'CH' 'DH' 'KH' 'NY' 'PH' 'SH'; */
@counter-style parenthesized-lower-latin {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\249C' '\249D' '\249E' '\249F' '\24A0' '\24A1' '\24A2' '\24A3' '\24A4' '\24A5' '\24A6' '\24A7' '\24A8' '\24A9' '\24AA' '\24AB' '\24AC' '\24AD' '\24AE' '\24AF' '\24B0' '\24B1' '\24B2' '\24B3' '\24B4' '\24B5';
/* symbols: '⒜' '⒝' '⒞' '⒟' '⒠' '⒡' '⒢' '⒣' '⒤' '⒥' '⒦' '⒧' '⒨' '⒩' '⒪' '⒫' '⒬' '⒭' '⒮' '⒯' '⒰' '⒱' '⒲' '⒳' '⒴' '⒵'; */
suffix: ' ';
@counter-style lepcha {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\1C40' '\1C41' '\1C42' '\1C43' '\1C44' '\1C45' '\1C46' '\1C47' '\1C48' '\1C49';
/* symbols: '᱀' '᱁' '᱂' '᱃' '᱄' '᱅' '᱆' '᱇' '᱈' '᱉'; */
@counter-style limbu {
system: numeric;
symbols: \1946 \1947 \1948 \1949 \194A \194B \194C \194D \194E \194F ;
/* symbols: ᥆ ᥇ ᥈ ᥉ ᥊ ᥋ ᥌ ᥍ ᥎ ᥏; */
@counter-style malayalam {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\D66' '\D67' '\D68' '\D69' '\D6A' '\D6B' '\D6C' '\D6D' '\D6E' '\D6F';
/* symbols: '൦' '൧' '൨' '൩' '൪' '൫' '൬' '൭' '൮' '൯'; */
This style is defined in the [[[css-counter-styles-3]]] specification. Check browser support for the malayalam
@counter-style malayalam-alpha {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\D15' '\D7F' '\D16' '\D17' '\D18' '\D19' '\D1A''\D1B' '\D1C' '\D1D' '\D1E' '\D1F' '\D20' '\D21' '\D22' '\D23' '\D7A' '\D24' '\D25' '\D26' '\D27' '\D28' '\D7B' '\D2A' '\D2B' '\D2C' '\D2D' '\D2E' '\D2F' '\D30' '\D7C' '\D32' '\D7D' '\D35' '\D36' '\D37' '\D38' '\D39' '\D33' '\D7E' '\D34' '\D31' ;
/* symbols: 'ക' 'ൿ ''ഖ' 'ഗ' 'ഘ' 'ങ' 'ച' 'ഛ' 'ജ' 'ഝ' 'ഞ' ട' 'ഠ' 'ഡ' 'ഢ' 'ണ' 'ൺ' 'ത' 'ഥ' 'ദ' 'ധ' 'ന' 'ൻ' 'പ' 'ഫ' 'ബ' 'ഭ' 'മ' 'യ' 'ര' 'ർ' 'ല' 'ൽ' 'വ' 'ശ' 'ഷ' 'സ' 'ഹ' 'ള' 'ൾ' 'ഴ' 'റ' ; */
prefix: '(';
suffix: ') ';
@counter-style meetei {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\ABF0' '\ABF1' '\ABF2' '\ABF3' '\ABF4' '\ABF5' '\ABF6' '\ABF7' '\ABF8' '\ABF9';
/* symbols: '꯰' '꯱' '꯲' '꯳' '꯴' '꯵' '꯶' '꯷' '꯸' '꯹'; */
suffix: ') ';
@counter-style manipuri {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\ABC0' '\ABC1' '\ABC2' '\ABC3' '\ABC4' '\ABC5' '\ABC6' '\ABC7' '\ABC8' '\ABC9' '\ABCA' '\ABCB' '\ABCC' '\ABCD' '\ABCE' '\ABCF' '\ABD0' '\ABD1' '\ABD2' '\ABD3' '\ABD4' '\ABD5' '\ABD6' '\ABD7' '\ABD8' '\ABD9' '\ABDA' ;
/* symbols: 'ꯀ' 'ꯁ' 'ꯂ' 'ꯃ' 'ꯄ' 'ꯅ' 'ꯆ' 'ꯇ' 'ꯈ' 'ꯉ' 'ꯊ' 'ꯋ' 'ꯌ' 'ꯍ' 'ꯎ' 'ꯏ' 'ꯐ' 'ꯑ' 'ꯒ' 'ꯓ' 'ꯔ' 'ꯕ' 'ꯖ' 'ꯗ' 'ꯘ' 'ꯙ' 'ꯚ'; */
@counter-style mongolian {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\1810' '\1811' '\1812' '\1813' '\1814' '\1815' '\1816' '\1817' '\1818' '\1819';
/* symbols: '᠐' '᠑' '᠒' '᠓' '᠔' '᠕' '᠖' '᠗' '᠘' '᠙'; */
@counter-style mro {
system: numeric;
symbols: \016A60 \016A61 \016A62 \016A63 \016A64 \016A65 \016A66 \016A67 \016A68 \016A69 ;
/* symbols: 𖩠 𖩡 𖩢 𖩣 𖩤 𖩥 𖩦 𖩧 𖩨 𖩩; */
@counter-style myanmar {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\1040' '\1041' '\1042' '\1043' '\1044' '\1045' '\1046' '\1047' '\1048' '\1049';
/* symbols: '၀' '၁' '၂' '၃' '၄' '၅' '၆' '၇' '၈' '၉'; */
prefix: '('; suffix: ') ';
@counter-style shan {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\1090' '\1091' '\1092' '\1093' '\1094' '\1095' '\1096' '\1097' '\1098' '\1099';
/* symbols: '႐' '႑' '႒' '႓' '႔' '႕' '႖' '႗' '႘' '႙'; */
prefix: '('; suffix: ') ';
@counter-style nko-cardinal {
system: numeric;
symbols: \07C1 \07C2 \07C3 \07C4 \07C5 \07C6 \07C7 \07C8 \07C9 \07C0;
/* symbols: ߁ ߂ ߃ ߄ ߅ ߆ ߇ ߈ ߉ ߀ */
suffix: ' - ';
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system: numeric;
symbols: '\01E4F0' '\01E4F1' '\01E4F2' '\01E4F3' '\01E4F4' '\01E4F5' '\01E4F6' '\01E4F7' '\01E4F8' '\01E4F9' ;
/* symbols: 𞓰 𞓱 𞓲 𞓳 𞓴 𞓵 𞓶 𞓷 𞓸 𞓹; */
@counter-style newa {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\011450' '\011451' '\011452' '\011453' '\011454' '\011455' '\011456' '\011457' '\011458' '\011459';
/* symbols: 𑑐 𑑑 𑑒 𑑓 𑑔 𑑕 𑑖 𑑗 𑑘 𑑙; */
@counter-style ol-chiki {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\1C50' '\1C51' '\1C52' '\1C53' '\1C54' '\1C55' '\1C56' '\1C57' '\1C58' '\1C59';
/* symbols: '᱐' '᱑' '᱒' '᱓' '᱔' '᱕' '᱖' '᱗' '᱘' '᱙'; */
suffix: '. ';
@counter-style santali {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\1C5A' '\1C5B' '\1C5C' '\1C5D' '\1C5E' '\1C5F' '\1C60' '\1C61' '\1C62' '\1C63' '\1C64' '\1C65' '\1C66' '\1C67' '\1C68' '\1C69' '\1C6A' '\1C6B' '\1C6C' '\1C6D' '\1C6E' '\1C6F' '\1C70' '\1C71' '\1C72' '\1C73' '\1C74' '\1C75' '\1C76' '\1C77' ;
/* symbols: 'ᱚ' 'ᱛ' 'ᱜ' 'ᱝ' 'ᱞ' 'ᱟ' 'ᱠ' 'ᱡ' 'ᱢ' 'ᱣ' 'ᱤ' 'ᱥ' 'ᱦ' 'ᱧ' 'ᱨ' 'ᱩ' 'ᱪ' 'ᱫ' 'ᱬ' 'ᱭ' 'ᱮ' 'ᱯ' 'ᱰ' 'ᱱ' 'ᱲ' 'ᱳ' 'ᱴ' 'ᱵ' 'ᱶ' 'ᱷ' */
prefix: '('; suffix: ') ';
@counter-style oriya {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\B66' '\B67' '\B68' '\B69' '\B6A' '\B6B' '\B6C' '\B6D' '\B6E' '\B6F';
/* symbols: '୦' '୧' '୨' '୩' '୪' '୫' '୬' '୭' '୮' '୯'; */
@counter-style odia {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\0B15' '\0B16' '\0B17' '\0B18' '\0B19' '\0B1A' '\0B1B' '\0B1C' '\0B1D' '\0B1E' '\0B1F' '\0B20' '\0B21' '\0B21\0B3C' '\0B22' '\0B22\0B3C' '\0B23' '\0B24' '\0B25' '\0B26' '\0B27' '\0B28' '\0B2A' '\0B2B' '\0B2C' '\0B2D' '\0B2E' '\0B2F' '\0B5F' '\0B30' '\0B32' '\0B33' '\0B71' '\0B36' '\0B37' '\0B38' '\0B39' ;
/* symbols: 'କ' 'ଖ' 'ଗ' 'ଘ' 'ଙ' 'ଚ' 'ଛ' 'ଜ' 'ଝ' 'ଞ' 'ଟ' 'ଠ' 'ଡ' 'ଡ଼' 'ଢ' 'ଢ଼' 'ଣ' 'ତ' 'ଥ' 'ଦ' 'ଧ' 'ନ' 'ପ' 'ଫ' 'ବ' 'ଭ' 'ମ' 'ଯ' 'ୟ' 'ର' 'ଲ' 'ଳ' 'ୱ' 'ଶ' 'ଷ' 'ସ' 'ହ' ; */
prefix: '(';
suffix: ') ';
@counter-style sundanese {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\1BB0' '\1BB1' '\1BB2' '\1BB3' '\1BB4' '\1BB5' '\1BB6' '\1BB7' '\1BB8' '\1BB9';
/* symbols: ᮰ ᮱ ᮲ ᮳ ᮴ ᮵ ᮶ ᮷ ᮸ ᮹; */
@counter-style tai-lue {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\19D0' '\19D1' '\19D2' '\19D3' '\19D4' '\19D5' '\19D6' '\19D7' '\19D8' '\19D9';
/* symbols: ᧐ ᧑ ᧒ ᧓ ᧔ ᧕ ᧖ ᧗ ᧘ ᧙; */
@counter-style ancient-tamil {
system: additive;
range: 1 9999;
additive-symbols: 9000 '\BEF\BF2', 8000 '\BEE\BF2', 7000 '\BED\BF2', 6000 '\BEC\BF2', 5000 '\BEB\BF2', 4000 '\BEA\BF2', 3000 '\BE9\BF2', 2000 '\BE8\BF2', 1000 '\BF2', 900 '\BEF\BF1', 800 '\BEE\BF1', 700 '\BED\BF1', 600 '\BEC\BF1', 500 '\BEB\BF1', 400 '\BEA\BF1', 300 '\BE9\BF1', 200 '\BE8\BF1', 100 '\BF1', 90 '\BEF\BF0', 80 '\BEE\BF0', 70 '\BED\BF0', 60 '\BEC\BF0', 50 '\BEB\BF0', 40 '\BEA\BF0', 30 '\BE9\BF0', 20 '\BE8\BF0', 10 '\BF0', 9 '\BEF', 8 '\BEE', 7 '\BED', 6 '\BEC', 5 '\BEB', 4 '\BEA', 3 '\BE9', 2 '\BE8', 1 '\BE7';
/* additive-symbols: 9000 '௯௲', 8000 '௮௲', 7000 '௭௲', 6000 '௬௲', 5000 '௫௲', 4000 '௪௲', 3000 '௩௲', 2000 '௨௲', 1000 '௲', 900 '௯௱', 800 '௮௱', 700 '௭௱', 600 '௬௱', 500 '௫௱', 400 '௪௱', 300 '௩௱', 200 '௨௱', 100 '௱', 90 '௯௰', 80 '௮௰', 70 '௭௰', 60 '௬௰', 50 '௫௰', 40 '௪௰', 30 '௩௰', 20 '௨௰', 10 '௰', 9 '௯', 8 '௮', 7 '௭', 6 '௬', 5 '௫', 4 '௪', 3 '௩', 2 '௨', 1 '௧'; */
@counter-style tamil {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\BE6' '\BE7' '\BE8' '\BE9' '\BEA' '\BEB' '\BEC' '\BED' '\BEE' '\BEF';
/* symbols: '௦' '௧' '௨' '௩' '௪' '௫' '௬' '௭' '௮' '௯'; */
@counter-style telugu {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\C66' '\C67' '\C68' '\C69' '\C6A' '\C6B' '\C6C' '\C6D' '\C6E' '\C6F';
/* symbols: '౦' '౧' '౨' '౩' '౪' '౫' '౬' '౭' '౮' '౯'; */
This style is defined in the [[[css-counter-styles-3]]] specification. Check browser support for the telugu
@counter-style telugu-alpha {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\C15' '\C16' '\C17' '\C18' '\C19' '\C1A' '\C58' '\C1B' '\C1C' '\C1D' '\C1E' '\C1F' '\C20' '\C21' '\C22' '\C23' '\C24' '\C25' '\C26' '\C27' '\C28' '\C2A' '\C2B' '\C2C' '\C2D' '\C2E' '\C2F' '\C30' '\C31' '\C32' '\C33' '\C34' '\C35' '\C36' '\C37' '\C38' '\C39' ;
/* symbols: 'క' 'ఖ' 'గ' 'ఘ' 'ఙ' 'చ' 'ౘ' 'ఛ' 'జ' 'ఝ' 'ఞ' 'ట' 'ఠ' 'డ' 'ఢ' 'ణ' 'త' 'థ' 'ద' 'ధ' 'న' 'ప' 'ఫ' 'బ' 'భ' 'మ' 'య' 'ర' 'ఱ' 'ల' 'ళ' 'ఴ' 'వ' 'శ' 'ష' 'స' 'హ' ; */
suffix: ') ';
@counter-style thai {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\E50' '\E51' '\E52' '\E53' '\E54' '\E55' '\E56' '\E57' '\E58' '\E59';
/* symbols: '๐' '๑' '๒' '๓' '๔' '๕' '๖' '๗' '๘' '๙'; */
@counter-style thai-alpha {
system: alphabetic;
symbols: '\E01' '\E02' '\E04' '\E07' '\E08' '\E09' '\E0A' '\E0B' '\E0C' '\E0D' '\E0E' '\E0F' '\E10' '\E11' '\E12' '\E13' '\E14' '\E15' '\E16' '\E17' '\E18' '\E19' '\E1A' '\E1B' '\E1C' '\E1D' '\E1E' '\E1F' '\E20' '\E21' '\E22' '\E23' '\E25' '\E27' '\E28' '\E29' '\E2A' '\E2B' '\E2C' '\E2D' '\E2E';
/* symbols: 'ก' 'ข' 'ค' 'ง' 'จ' 'ฉ' 'ช' 'ซ' 'ฌ' 'ญ' 'ฎ' 'ฏ' 'ฐ' 'ฑ' 'ฒ' 'ณ' 'ด' 'ต' 'ถ' 'ท' 'ธ' 'น' 'บ' 'ป' 'ผ' 'ฝ' 'พ' 'ฟ' 'ภ' 'ม' 'ย' 'ร' 'ล' 'ว' 'ศ' 'ษ' 'ส' 'ห' 'ฬ' 'อ' 'ฮ'; */
@counter-style tibetan {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\F20' '\F21' '\F22' '\F23' '\F24' '\F25' '\F26' '\F27' '\F28' '\F29';
/* symbols: '༠' '༡' '༢' '༣' '༤' '༥' '༦' '༧' '༨' '༩'; */
@counter-style warang-citi {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\118E90' '\118E1' '\118E2' '\118E3' '\118E4' '\118E5' '\118E6' '\118E7' '\118E8' '\118E9';
/* symbols: '𑣠' '𑣡' '𑣢' '𑣣' '𑣤' '𑣥' '𑣦' '𑣧' '𑣨' '𑣩'; */
@counter-style binary {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\30' '\31';
/* symbols: '0' '1'; */
@counter-style tally-mark {
system: additive;
additive-symbols: 5 '\1D378', 1 '\1D377';
/* symbols: 5 𝍸, 1 𝍷; */
suffix: ' ';
@counter-style circled-decimal {
system: fixed 0;
symbols: '\24EA' '\2460' '\2461' '\2462' '\2463' '\2464' '\2465' '\2466' '\2467' '\2468' '\2469' '\246A' '\246B' '\246C' '\246D' '\246E' '\246F' '\2470' '\2471' '\2472' '\2473' '\3251' '\3252' '\3253' '\3254' '\3255' '\3256' '\3257' '\3258' '\3259' '\325a' '\325b' '\325c' '\325d' '\325e' '\325f' '\32b1' '\32b2' '\32b3' '\32b4' '\32b5' '\32b6' '\32b7' '\32b8' '\32b9' '\32ba' '\32bb' '\32bc' '\32bd' '\32be' '\32bf';
/* symbols: '⓪' '①' '②' '③' '④' '⑤' '⑥' '⑦' '⑧' '⑨' '⑩' '⑪' '⑫' '⑬' '⑭' '⑮' '⑯' '⑰' '⑱' '⑲' '⑳' '㉑' '㉒' '㉓' '㉔' '㉕' '㉖' '㉗' '㉘' '㉙' '㉚' '㉛' '㉜' '㉝' '㉞' '㉟' '㊱' '㊲' '㊳' '㊴' '㊵' '㊶' '㊷' '㊸' '㊹' '㊺' '㊻' '㊼' '㊽' '㊾' '㊿'; */
suffix: ' ';
There is significant variation in the number of circled decimal characters supported by a given Chinese or Japanese font or character set. For safety and interoperability, it is probably best to limit the use of these counters to around 20. (More information.)
@counter-style circled-lower-latin {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\24D0' '\24D1' '\24D2' '\24D3' '\24D4' '\24D5' '\24D6' '\24D7' '\24D8' '\24D9' '\24DA' '\24DB' '\24DC' '\24DD' '\24DE' '\24DF' '\24E0' '\24E1' '\24E2' '\24E3' '\24E4' '\24E5' '\24E6' '\24E7' '\24E8' '\24E9';
/* symbols: 'ⓐ' 'ⓑ' 'ⓒ' 'ⓓ' 'ⓔ' 'ⓕ' 'ⓖ' 'ⓗ' 'ⓘ' 'ⓙ' 'ⓚ' 'ⓛ' 'ⓜ' 'ⓝ' 'ⓞ' 'ⓟ' 'ⓠ' 'ⓡ' 'ⓢ' 'ⓣ' 'ⓤ' 'ⓥ' 'ⓦ' 'ⓧ' 'ⓨ' 'ⓩ'; */
suffix: ' ';
@counter-style circled-upper-latin {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\24B6' '\24B7' '\24B8' '\24B9' '\24BA' '\24BB' '\24BC' '\24BD' '\24BE' '\24BF' '\24C0' '\24C1' '\24C2' '\24C3' '\24C4' '\24C5' '\24C6' '\24C7' '\24C8' '\24C9' '\24CA' '\24CB' '\24CC' '\24CD' '\24CE' '\24CF';
/* symbols: 'Ⓐ' 'Ⓑ' 'Ⓒ' 'Ⓓ' 'Ⓔ' 'Ⓕ' 'Ⓖ' 'Ⓗ' 'Ⓘ' 'Ⓙ' 'Ⓚ' 'Ⓛ' 'Ⓜ' 'Ⓝ' 'Ⓞ' 'Ⓟ' 'Ⓠ' 'Ⓡ' 'Ⓢ' 'Ⓣ' 'Ⓤ' 'Ⓥ' 'Ⓦ' 'Ⓧ' 'Ⓨ' 'Ⓩ'; */
suffix: ' ';
@counter-style decimal {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\30' '\31' '\32' '\33' '\34' '\35' '\36' '\37' '\38' '\39';
/* symbols: '0' '1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' '8' '9'; */
@counter-style decimal-leading-zero {
system: fixed -9;
symbols: '\2D\30\39' '\2D\30\38' '\2D\30\37' '\2D\30\36' '\2D\30\35' '\2D\30\34' '\2D\30\33' '\2D\30\32' '\2D\30\31' '\30\30' '\30\31' '\30\32' '\30\33' '\30\34' '\30\35' '\30\36' '\30\37' '\30\38' '\30\39';
/* symbols: '-09' '-08' '-07' '-06' '-05' '-04' '-03' '-02' '-01' '00' '01' '02' '03' '04' '05' '06' '07' '08' '09'; */
@counter-style dotted-decimal {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\2488' '\2489' '\248A' '\248B' '\248C' '\248D' '\248E' '\248F' '\2490' '\2491' '\2492' '\2493' '\2494' '\2495' '\2496' '\2497' '\2498' '\2499' '\249A' '\249B';
/* symbols: '⒈' '⒉' '⒊' '⒋' '⒌' '⒍' '⒎' '⒏' '⒐' '⒑' '⒒' '⒓' '⒔' '⒕' '⒖' '⒗' '⒘' '⒙' '⒚' '⒛'; */
suffix: ' ';
@counter-style double-circled-decimal {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\24F5' '\24F6' '\24F7' '\24F8' '\24F9' '\24FA' '\24FB' '\24FC' '\24FD' '\24FE';
/* symbols: '⓵' '⓶' '⓷' '⓸' '⓹' '⓺' '⓻' '⓼' '⓽' '⓾'; */
suffix: ' ';
@counter-style filled-circled-decimal {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\2776' '\2777' '\2778' '\2779' '\277a' '\277b' '\277c' '\277d' '\277e' '\277f' '\24EB' '\24EC' '\24ED' '\24EE' '\24EF' '\24F0' '\24F1' '\24F2' '\24F3' '\24F4';
/* symbols: '❶' '❷' '❸' '❹' '❺' '❻' '❼' '❽' '❾' '❿' '⓫' '⓬' '⓭' '⓮' '⓯' '⓰' '⓱' '⓲' '⓳' '⓴'; */
suffix: ' ';
@counter-style fullwidth-decimal {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\FF10' '\FF11' '\FF12' '\FF13' '\FF14' '\FF15' '\FF16' '\FF17' '\FF18' '\FF19';
/* symbols: '0' '1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' '8' '9'; */
suffix: '\FF0E';
/* suffix: '.'; */
@counter-style § {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\2170' '\2171' '\2172' '\2173' '\2174' '\2175' '\2176' '\2177' '\2178' '\2179' '\217A' '\217B';
/* symbols: 'ⅰ' 'ⅱ' 'ⅲ' 'ⅳ' 'ⅴ' 'ⅵ' 'ⅶ' 'ⅷ' 'ⅸ' 'ⅹ' 'ⅺ' 'ⅻ'; */
suffix: ' ';
@counter-style fullwidth-upper-roman {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\2160' '\2161' '\2162' '\2163' '\2164' '\2165' '\2166' '\2167' '\2168' '\2169' '\216A' '\216B';
/* symbols: 'Ⅰ' 'Ⅱ' 'Ⅲ' 'Ⅳ' 'Ⅴ' 'Ⅵ' 'Ⅶ' 'Ⅷ' 'Ⅸ' 'Ⅹ' 'Ⅺ' 'Ⅻ'; */
suffix: ' ';
@counter-style lower-hexadecimal {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\30' '\31' '\32' '\33' '\34' '\35' '\36' '\37' '\38' '\39' '\61' '\62' '\63' '\64' '\65' '\66';
/* symbols: '0' '1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' '8' '9' 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' 'f'; */
@counter-style lower-roman {
system: additive;
range: 1 3999;
additive-symbols: 1000 '\6D', 900 '\63\6D', 500 '\64', 400 '\63\64', 100 '\63', 90 '\78\63', 50 '\6C', 40 '\78\6C', 10 '\78', 9 '\69\78', 5 '\76', 4 '\69\76', 1 '\69';
/* additive-symbols: 1000 'm', 900 'cm', 500 'd', 400 'cd', 100 'c', 90 'xc', 50 'l', 40 'xl', 10 'x', 9 'ix', 5 'v', 4 'iv', 1 'i'; */
@counter-style new-base-60 {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\30' '\31' '\32' '\33' '\34' '\35' '\36' '\37' '\38' '\39' '\41' '\42' '\43' '\44' '\45' '\46' '\47' '\48' '\4A' '\4B' '\4C' '\4D' '\4E' '\50' '\51' '\52' '\53' '\54' '\55' '\56' '\57' '\58' '\59' '\5A' '\5F' '\61' '\62' '\63' '\64' '\65' '\66' '\67' '\68' '\69' '\6A' '\6B' '\6D' '\6E' '\6F' '\70' '\71' '\72' '\73' '\74' '\75' '\76' '\77' '\78' '\79' '\7A';
/* symbols: '0' '1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' '8' '9' 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' 'G' 'H' 'J' 'K' 'L' 'M' 'N' 'P' 'Q' 'R' 'S' 'T' 'U' 'V' 'W' 'X' 'Y' 'Z' '_' 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' 'f' 'g' 'h' 'i' 'j' 'k' 'm' 'n' 'o' 'p' 'q' 'r' 's' 't' 'u' 'v' 'w' 'x' 'y' 'z'; */
@counter-style octal {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\30' '\31' '\32' '\33' '\34' '\35' '\36' '\37';
/* symbols: '0' '1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7'; */
@counter-style parenthesized-decimal {
system: fixed;
symbols: '\2474' '\2475' '\2476' '\2477' '\2478' '\2479' '\247A' '\247B' '\247C' '\247D' '\247E' '\247F' '\2480' '\2481' '\2482' '\2483' '\2484' '\2485' '\2486' '\2487';
/* symbols: '⑴' '⑵' '⑶' '⑷' '⑸' '⑹' '⑺' '⑻' '⑼' '⑽' '⑾' '⑿' '⒀' '⒁' '⒂' '⒃' '⒄' '⒅' '⒆' '⒇'; */
suffix: ' ';
There is significant variation in the number of parenthesized decimal characters supported by a given Chinese or Japanese font or character set. For safety and interoperability, it is probably best to limit the use of these counters to around 20. (More information.)
@counter-style simple-lower-roman {
system: additive;
range: 1 4999;
additive-symbols: 1000 '\6D', 500 '\64', 100 '\63', 50 '\6C', 10 '\78', 5 '\76', 1 '\69';
/* additive-symbols: 1000 'm', 500 'd', 100 'c', 50 'l', 10 'x', 5 'v', 1 'i'; */
@counter-style simple-upper-roman {
system: additive;
range: 1 4999;
additive-symbols: 1000 '\4D', 500 '\44', 100 '\43', 50 '\4C', 10 '\58', 5 '\56', 1 '\49';
/* additive-symbols: 1000 'M', 500 'D', 100 'C', 50 'L', 10 'X', 5 'V', 1 'I'; */
@counter-style super-decimal {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\2070' '\B9' '\B2' '\B3' '\2074' '\2075' '\2076' '\2077' '\2078' '\2079';
/* symbols: '⁰' '¹' '²' '³' '⁴' '⁵' '⁶' '⁷' '⁸' '⁹'; */
@counter-style upper-hexadecimal {
system: numeric;
symbols: '\30' '\31' '\32' '\33' '\34' '\35' '\36' '\37' '\38' '\39' '\41' '\42' '\43' '\44' '\45' '\46';
/* symbols: '0' '1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' '8' '9' 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F'; */
@counter-style upper-roman {
system: additive;
range: 1 3999;
additive-symbols: 1000 '\4D', 900 '\43\4D', 500 '\44', 400 '\43\44', 100 '\43', 90 '\58\43', 50 '\4C', 40 '\58\4C', 10 '\58', 9 '\49\58', 5 '\56', 4 '\49\56', 1 '\49';
/* additive-symbols: 1000 'M', 900 'CM', 500 'D', 400 'CD', 100 'C', 90 'XC', 50 'L', 40 'XL', 10 'X', 9 'IX', 5 'V', 4 'IV', 1 'I'; */
The following summarises substantive changes since the previous publication.
See the github commit log for more details.
Ian Hickson and Tantek Çelı̇k provided the majority of early contributions to this content. Additional significant contributions were made by Tab Atkins.
Additional thanks to the following: Mati Allouche for help with Hebrew; George Schizas for help with Greek; cjk-tally-mark
and cjk-stem-branch
were proposed by @c933103, and tally-mark
by Mike Bremford; Yaibeelen Mangang and Amir Aharoni proposed meetei
; Prashant Verma and CDAC provided templates for 17 Indian styles, including
[Ol Chiki]
Klemen Kogovšek proposed changing 'serbo-croatian' to just 'serbian';
Saadat Mateen for help with Urdu;
@NFSL2001 for proposing 'zhuyin'.