Publishing Business Group Telco — Minutes

Date: 2018-07-31

See also the Agenda and the IRC Log


Present: Dave Cramer, Luc Audrain, Bill Kasdorf, George Kerscher, Ric Wright, Ivan Herman, Garth Conboy, Junko Kamata, Tzviya Siegman, Julie Blair, Daihei Shiohama, Laurent Le Meur

Regrets: Wolfgang Schindler, Avneesh Singh


Chair: Luc Audrain

Scribe(s): Ric Wright


Dave Cramer: RRSAgent: make logs public

Ric Wright: scribenick rkwright

Julie Blair: new attendee from SAGE Publishing
… XML architect

1. EPUB3 Roadmap

Ric Wright: Luc Adrain: The agenda has a number of EPUB3 items

Julie Blair: It is time to start working on 3.2, which includes the CG

Dave Cramer: We, the CG, are comfortable with the current spec
… . Our intent is to query the community and get feedback and feed that to the BG
… The CG is also reviewing the spec. Rachel has assigned sections to all the members.

Bill Kasdorf: Can we put the draft in the IRC?

Dave Cramer: Not so easy as there are 6 or 7 parts to the spec. Please read as much as you can

Dave Cramer:

Dave Cramer:

Dave Cramer:

Dave Cramer:

Dave Cramer:

Dave Cramer:

2. epubcheck

Luc Audrain: EPUBCheck: We are working on this.

Tzviya Siegman: We have received responses from several parties.
… We are reviewing the proposals and we will be announcing who has been accepted by the end of August
… We are preparing a website (W3C) to manage the fund-raising process

Bill Kasdorf: Please let me know when the decision is final so we can manage the announcement and our committee members can manage the process
… Daihel is poised to manage the process from his end

Luc Audrain: Will there be any W3C input on this?

Ivan Herman: Yes, there will be support from the communication team

Luc Audrain: When will the fund-raising announcement be public?

Tzviya Siegman: Before the end of August

Garth Conboy: Hopefully, we will go out with the fund-raising BEFORE the end of August, i.e. not tied to the announcement of the “winner”

Luc Audrain: We are working on a document we call “EPUB 2 Sunset”
… The goal is to convince people to adopt EPUB 3 and not continue to work with or use EPUB 2

Bill Kasdorf: Joshua Talent and others are part of a BISG Content Structure Committee WG that is working with the industry on a similar effort, so please coordinate with them

3. Web Publication draft published

Ivan Herman:

Luc Audrain: New draft of Web Publication has been released

Ivan Herman: Yes, there is a new draft and it is quite significant
… It rolls some of the specs into one, which makes it easier to understand
… The manifest has been significantly modified to make it more amenable to Web Publications
… It has also has been worked to adapt more closely to patterns.
… We need as much feedback as possible. So please review and send us all your feedback.
… We are currently soliciting implementors to implement the spec so we can gather concrete feedback
… . We are also reviewing and updating the use-cases.

Luc Audrain: Note that the WG is also looking for concrete use-cases

Luc Audrain: We propose a summer break. The next meeting will be 28 August
… And that’s all folks!