Publishing Business Group Telco — Minutes
Date: 2019-04-23
See also the Agenda and the IRC Log
Present: Luc Audrain, Wolfgang Schindler, Jonathan Greenberg, Ivan Herman, Wendy Reid, Avneesh Singh, Rachel Comerford, Jeff Jaffe, George Kerscher, Garth Conboy, Julie Blair, David Stroup
Regrets: Tzviya Siegman, Daihei Shiohama (塩濱大平), Karen Myers, Liisa McCloy-Kelley, Dave Cramer
Chair: Luc Audrain
Scribe(s): Rachel Comerford
- 1. event calendar
- 2. EPUB 3.2 status update
- 3. epubcheck 4.2
- 4. communication
- 5. Fundraising
- 6. Resolutions
1. event calendar
Luc Audrain: we are ready to add events of interest to the event calendar
2. EPUB 3.2 status update
Luc Audrain: epub 3.2 has been finalized by the community group
Rachel Comerford: we have received nothing but +1’s in votes
Luc Audrain: the official count is 36 +1 and no -1 or abstain
… voting ends tomorrow
… the CG is confident this will be adopted
… after this call we will launch a call for consensus in the PBG
… there is still an issue in patent commitments
… it can be done on the fly next week without disturbing the vote of the PBG
Ivan Herman: -> Final specification agreement:
Jeff Jaffe: the nature of the rec track is that you are committed to the patent commitment, as a part of the CG you are only committed to individual level (not organizational level)
… in the SC meeting we agreed that we would attempt to get organizational level commitment but that this would not impede the movement forward
Garth Conboy: CLA:
Garth Conboy: FSA:
Jeff Jaffe: FSA summary:
Garth Conboy: my understanding is that you can acknowledge agreement with the FSA after
… (garth provides more caveats than the scribe can keep track of including references to elicit substances and suggestions that he should be ignored entirely)
Luc Audrain: many thanks to CG for the work on 3.2
Resolution #1: epub3.2 to be sent for vote to PBG
3. epubcheck 4.2
Luc Audrain: epubcheck 4.2.0 is ready. The release candidate was released a month ago.
… a small addition from the spec was implemented and tested
… the translations are ready
… we are ready to announce
… thank you to the daisy consortium for this work
Ivan Herman: clap clap to Avneesh, George, Romain, and all the Daisy Consortium people…
Dave Cramer: Romain!
Rachel Comerford: Avneesh Singh and George Kerscher: many thanks to all the contributors!
4. communication
Luc Audrain: we need to be aggressive in communication about epub 3.2 and epubcheck 4.2.0
… one part of this is testimonials
… we need this from companies big and small from around the world
Ivan Herman: -> communication plan:
Ivan Herman: send your testimonials to me with the name of the person from your company signing off on it along with their title
… testimonials can come in any language
Rachel Comerford: what is a testimonial? Is it bigger than a bread box?
Luc Audrain: are there samples?
Ivan Herman: example testimonials in the PR for W3C and FIDO alliance:
5. Fundraising
Luc Audrain: we recently got the t-shirt money - $630
… we can pay for the next milestone
… the next phases still need to be funded
George Kerscher: we should divide and concur the remaining companies that should be contributing
Luc Audrain: I’ve been approaching Apple
George Kerscher: can we approach the AC reps via the ac-forum mailing list?
Ivan Herman: coralie or karen could comment on whether contacting the AC would be appropriate
Jeff Jaffe: I think it would be okay to contact the AC
Luc Audrain: thanks Rachel
George Kerscher: so we send an email to the AC list, announce our success and have a lightweight fundraising appeal
Luc Audrain: reminder of boston face to face meeting and that we should continue communication to our groups
Rachel Comerford: action item: laudrain launches vote for epub3.2
Rachel Comerford: action item: daihei relays vote for 3.2 to Asian publishing community
Rachel Comerford: action item: laudrain sends email call for testimonials
Rachel Comerford: action item: dauwhe (?) and garth pursuing patent commitments (follow up needed)
6. Resolutions
- Resolution #1: epub3.2 to be sent for vote to PBG