Publishing Business Group Telco — Minutes

Date: 2019-05-15


Present: Junko Kamata, Wendy Reid, Karen Myers, Shinya Takami, Jun-ichi Yoshii, Murata Makoto, Dave Cramer, Yanni Chang, Rachel Comerford, Yoshii Ishii



Chair: Daihei Shiohama

Scribe(s): Daihei Shiohama


1. PWG F2F in Boston

PBG presentation slides (by Luc Audrain):

Discussion on the Business Group:

The chair addressed that it had been over a month since the last East Asia time PBG call was held in April. Since then, EPUB 3.2 final report from CG was voted favorably, thanks to the work of CG and there was two-day PWG F2F meetings were held in Boston last week, which turned out very productive as you can see from the minutes in the agenda email.

Luc Audrain, PBG co-chair made a presentation about the Business Group with the slides above and the discussion on the BG activities held as in the above link.

The chair went over the slides and explained about the last slide listed Questions/Future Works.

Yanni mentioned that the Audiobook subject discussed at the PWG meetings were too difficult to understand by Taiwanese publishers and would like to seek more explanatory materials.

The chair asked Yanni if he could send an email to the PBG members mailing list to inquire what TDPF and the Taiwanese publishers want to be clarified. Yanni mentioned he would do it.

Makoto Murata requested more simplified minutes from the PWG F2F.

The chair responded to ask the co-chairs and PWG to provide a simplified version of the minutes to PBG members.

Global communication on EPUB 3.2 and EPUBCheck 4.2.0

Publishing newsletters/ magazines

What would help adoption of EPUB 3.2 / EPUBCheck 4.2.0 for PBG members ?

Start a review all vendors ingestion and validation technology for EPUB

The chair confirmed that the EPUB 3.2 final report and EPUBCheck 4.2.0 are now open and it is time to develop PR to promote adoptions globally. So, the PBG members should go out and get connected to the local publishing newsletters and magazines to maximize publicities about EPUB 3.2 and EPUBCheck 4.2.0 .

Yanni said TDPF would make an announcement about EPUB 3.2 and EPUBCheck 4.2.0 in Taiwan.

The chair mentioned that he would contact the publishing industry organizations such as EBPAJ, Digital Comic Association and APL to also publicize about EPUB 3.2 and EPUBCheck 4.2.0 in Japan.

Also, the chair explained testimonial from Kodansha and JEPA were already sent to PBG co-chairs and asked the PBG members to seek testimonials made as much as possible to be sent to co-chairs or Ivan.

Makoto Murata mentioned that DAISY Consortium should have also made testimonial already. It is in fact already published on the W3C Publishing website. He also mentioned DRM INSIDE is a good one to promote EPUB 3.2 and EPUBCheck 4.2.0.

The chair mentioned that the PBG members should socialite adoptions of EPUB 3.2 and make use of EPUBCheck 4.2.0 in each territory. Also, the fundraising efforts for EPUBCheck 4.2.0 is still necessary to fill the reming balance to the targeted amount and asked supports of the PBG members to assist the efforts.

Avneesh candidacy to AB elections: Advisory Board Election (Call for Votes until 30 May 2019)

The chair addressed that the AB elections is now open and the PBG member Avneesh is one of the candidates.

Yanni and Makoto both +1 to Aveneesh.

Digital Publishing Summit in Paris (6/25-6/26)

DPS Teaser:

The chair explained that there would be DPS in Paris held on June 25th and 26th. There are a number of PBG members are scheduled to make speeches at the conference. It would be a very good opportunity to promote EPUB 3.2 and EPUBCheck 4.2.0.

TPAC 2019 Fukuoka registration open (9/16-9/20)

The chair announced that he got notice just now from W3C that the proposed PBG F2F conference on 9/19 in the morning was officially accepted. So, the co-chairs will work to put together content of the conference in conjunction with APL and will come back to PBG members.

Makoto Murata mentioned that it would be a great opportunity to have MathML group meeting held at the PBG F2F during the TPAC Fukuoka.

The chair asked if Makoto could send an email to PBG members mailing list an email to suggest that, or Makoto could attend the Next PBG Europe/US call next week to address it. He asked if it would be 1 or 2 am next Wednesday in Japan and the chair told him to come back to him.

Makoto also asked if the agenda and individual meetings relating to PBG during and/or before/after TPAC already discussed. He also wanted to know if any meeting rooms are available at the TPAC venue for such individual meetings.

The chair responded that the agenda would be coordinated and would be discussed with PBG members accordingly. On the individual meetings and the room availabilities, he would confirm and get back to him.

Global Accessibility Awareness day (5/16)

The chair explained about the opportunity on May 16th.

Future work:

The chair addressed the above items and any topics/cases that PBG members would like to discuss should be listed in the Future Discussion topics for the BG: