Publishing Business Group Telecon — Minutes

Date: 17/18 March 2020

See also the Agenda and the IRC Log


Present: Jun’Ichi Yoshii, Liisa McCloy-Kelley, Shinya Takami, Junko Kamata, Murata Makoto, Daihei Shiohama (塩濱大平)



Chair: Daihei Shiohama (塩濱大平)

Scribe(s): Liisa McCloy-Kelley


1. Digital Publishing Survey

Daihei Shiohama (塩濱大平): sent out Feb 7, almost a month
… getting a lot of inputs from people
… more than 270 results

: jeff joined (Jeff@public.cloak)

Liisa McCloy-Kelley: explain overall summary
… explanation of the way we will share

Shinya Takami: are there responses from Japan?

Liisa McCloy-Kelley: we don’t know exactly how many, there were not questions for that, but there are answers that were in Japanese

Daihei Shiohama (塩濱大平): ask about communication of survey results to Japanese market

Jun’Ichi Yoshii: idea is that there is supposed to be an annual get together for APL
… will happen somehow and one agenda item will be to report about the survey summary
… the blog post about the F2F could also be shared
… the japanese community when we sent out the survey, Daihei and Yoshii-san sent to Japanese industry organizations
… will check back in with them and see that they see results too
… large membership with educational publishing to share as well

2. Blog Post

Daihei Shiohama (塩濱大平): explain about the blog post to be public shortly and what was discussed at the meeting
… EPUB 3.2 moving to rec track
… new WG for this work

Murata Makoto: concerned about 3.2 on rec track
… worried about removing features with no implementations
… if W3C procedures will apply

Liisa McCloy-Kelley: backwards compatability is important and anything that is used somewhere should be supported

Murata Makoto: is a charter issue, not yet done

Murata Makoto: Qq+

Daihei Shiohama (塩濱大平): translate this convo back into english

Murata Makoto: I understand we are under the control of the W3C procedure doc and I am concerned

: Jkamata joined (~Jkamata@public.cloak)

Shinya Takami: rather than the concern from Murata-san, what is very important is that any change of EPUB 3.2 will be sll impact to ndustry n Japan

Murata Makoto: I agree to drop features that are not really used.

Jun’Ichi Yoshii: +1 to Takami-san

Daihei Shiohama (塩濱大平): backward compatibility is a core premise for moving to Rec Track

Murata Makoto: I am glad that we are not going to repeat the mistake of 3.1.

Liisa McCloy-Kelley: there is great understanding from the SC and people working on the charter to ensure that we can support the eustry and also
… find a way to move forward with a W3C standard

Jun’Ichi Yoshii: summarizing his understanding from membership of SC
… people talked about backward compatibility and not messing with global epub ecosystem
… co-chairs of PBG and all other chairs of PBG have confirmed backwards compatibility as a key issue

Murata Makoto: have to make sure that normative references are standard
… there are non-stable and non-normative references
… don’t think it is an easy task
… if everyone cares about backwards compatibility
… worried about the work, but not as much unintended changes

Daihei Shiohama (塩濱大平): keep close eye on the charter work and raise concerns
… PBG will make sure that you will not be disappointed and will make sure that your concerns are raised

Liisa McCloy-Kelley: happy to see that we are building the future on the roots of what is already successfully used for business

Daihei Shiohama (塩濱大平): the blog also talks about the future of the groups to support this work
… PBG role is confirmed that we will be working with the coordination of business for global publishing interests
… PBG co-chairs will remain as Daihei, Liisa and Luc

Liisa McCloy-Kelley: PBG will also be working to vet business interest in innovations coming from CG for future standardization
… and to coordinate communication and outreach for better understanding of EPUB and standards in the publishing world

Daihei Shiohama (塩濱大平): would like to have more participation in Japan for PBG and more voices in Asia and help to make that happen
… to have more exciting conversation and more information, we will have some guest speakers to address specific issues
… maybe to talk about LCP or other W3C groups
… would like to hear thoughts from PBG members about who they would like to hear from

Junko Kamata: extend invitations to people, need to go beyond trade to education publishers
… their participation would be very important
… extend to more people and try to get to calls

Daihei Shiohama (塩濱大平): the next call is 3/31 and would be 4/1 in Japan
… next Asia call is 4/15

Murata Makoto: when will EPUB WG charter be ready for review?

Liisa McCloy-Kelley: not sure, we’ll try to find out