Section Headings

W3 Accessibility Guidelines Original

Section Headings

Section headings are used to organize the content. (Level AAA)

Note 1: "Heading" is used in its general sense and includes titles and other ways to add a heading to different types of content.

Note 2: This success criterion covers sections within writing, not user interface components. User Interface components are covered under Success Criterion 4.1.2.

W3 Accessibility Guidelines alt2

2.4.10 Section Headings: Use Lots of Headings and Sub-Headings for your text


  • Headings are a road map to help people understand and navigate what you write.
  • All readers benefit from clear organization and navigation, especially when they have limited time and energy.
  • Mobile users find it easier to scan material with clear headings.
  • Headings also make it easier to find updated content.

Who it helps?

  • Visually impaired and blind people use headings to navigate sections.
  • People with cognitive disabilities use headings to understand how you organize your thoughts.
  • People who use keyboard navigation use headings to jump to content they are interested in.


  • Organize your text into sections and give each of them a heading.
  • Use headings that clearly communicate the topic of the text below, so readers can skim to understand what you’re writing about, and can choose which parts they want to learn about it in more depth.


  • You don't need to insert headings into documents you upload from another author, or in a place where they won't work for artistic reasons.
  • But remember to add them where you can -- your readers will appreciate it.

Technical Tips:

  1. In HTML: Use H1, H2, H3 where H1 is for page titles, H2 is for headings, H3 for subheadings. This helps those with screen readers navigate, and helps create a site map of headings that describe their relative importance.
  2. Keep headings and subheadings consistent in terms of font colour and size, so readers can easily recognize them.



H2 - Appetizers, Entree, Dessert

H3 - Under Appetizers: Salads, Soups