Trojan Sagittal extension (12-EDO relative) accidentals (U+E370–U+E38F)
Glyph | Description | Glyph | Description |
| U+E370 accSagittal23CommaUp 23 comma up, (23C), 2° up [96 EDO], 1/8-tone up |
| U+E371 accSagittal23CommaDown 23 comma down, 2° down [96 EDO], 1/8-tone down |
| U+E372 accSagittal5v19CommaUp 5:19 comma up, (5:19C, 5C plus 19s), 1/20-tone up |
| U+E373 accSagittal5v19CommaDown 5:19 comma down, 1/20-tone down |
| U+E374 accSagittal5v23SmallDiesisUp 5:23 small diesis up, (5:23S, 5C plus 23C), 2° up [60 EDO], 1/5-tone up |
| U+E375 accSagittal5v23SmallDiesisDown 5:23 small diesis down, 2° down [60 EDO], 1/5-tone down |
| U+E376 accSagittalSharp5v23SDown Sharp 5:23S-down, 3° up [60 EDO], 3/10-tone up |
| U+E377 accSagittalFlat5v23SUp Flat 5:23S-up, 3° down [60 EDO], 3/10-tone down |
| U+E378 accSagittalSharp5v19CDown Sharp 5:19C-down, 9/20-tone up |
| U+E379 accSagittalFlat5v19CUp Flat 5:19C-up, 9/20-tone down |
| U+E37A accSagittalSharp23CDown Sharp 23C-down, 6° up [96 EDO], 3/8-tone up |
| U+E37B accSagittalFlat23CUp Flat 23C-up, 6° down [96 EDO], 3/8-tone down |
| U+E37C accSagittalSharp23CUp Sharp 23C-up, 10° up [96 EDO], 5/8-tone up |
| U+E37D accSagittalFlat23CDown Flat 23C-down, 10° down [96 EDO], 5/8-tone down |
| U+E37E accSagittalSharp5v19CUp Sharp 5:19C-up, 11/20-tone up |
| U+E37F accSagittalFlat5v19CDown Flat 5:19C-down, 11/20-tone down |
| U+E380 accSagittalSharp5v23SUp Sharp 5:23S-up, 7° up [60 EDO], 7/10-tone up |
| U+E381 accSagittalFlat5v23SDown Flat 5:23S-down, 7° down [60 EDO], 7/10-tone down |
| U+E382 accSagittalDoubleSharp5v23SDown Double sharp 5:23S-down, 8° up [60 EDO], 4/5-tone up |
| U+E383 accSagittalDoubleFlat5v23SUp Double flat 5:23S-up, 8° down [60 EDO], 4/5-tone down |
| U+E384 accSagittalDoubleSharp5v19CDown Double sharp 5:19C-down, 19/20-tone up |
| U+E385 accSagittalDoubleFlat5v19CUp Double flat 5:19C-up, 19/20-tone down |
| U+E386 accSagittalDoubleSharp23CDown Double sharp 23C-down, 14°up [96 EDO], 7/8-tone up |
| U+E387 accSagittalDoubleFlat23CUp Double flat 23C-up, 14° down [96 EDO], 7/8-tone down |
Implementation notes
The Trojan (or tone-fraction) set is not strictly-speaking an extension of Athenian, as there are a few Athenians (including Spartans) that are not Trojan. Those are the glyphs whose descriptions include “5:7k”, “7:11k”, “5:11S”, “25S” or “11L” and do not include a tone-fraction.
The descriptions below the Sagittal glyphs do not include all possible uses, only a selection of the most common. To determine which of these glyphs to use for tone-fractions not listed here (as well as for JI ratios and degrees of EDOs that are not listed here) please see