w3cdevs Twitter archive for October 2020

New 🎬 from the #WebMachineLearning #W3CWorkshop: "Paddle.js - #MachineLearning for the Web", by Ping Wu https://youtu.be/_I_j-J4gg1c #PaddleJS #WebAI

TPAC (aka Technical Plenary & Advisory Committee #w3cTPAC) is @w3c's biggest annual series of events bringing together W3C groups, etc. for exciting and coordinated work https://www.w3.org/2020/10/TPAC/

🗓️ October@VirtualW3C: TPAC month! https://www.w3.org/participate/eventscal.html

2 Oct.: Last session for the distributed online @w3c/@opengeospatial #W3CWorkshop series on #Maps4HTML dedicated to Web #developers priorities - https://www.w3.org/2020/maps/ - sponsored by @NRCan

.@w3c's first virtual #w3cTPAC event helps Working, Interest, Business and Community Groups to schedule their online meetings anytime from September to December 2020. See which group meets and when in this calendar view: https://www.w3.org/2020/10/TPAC/group-schedule.html#calendar

12-16 Oct.: #w3cTPAC Joint group meetings week, dedicated to discussions between groups sot to better coordinate the #WebStandards work: https://www.w3.org/2020/10/TPAC/group-schedule.html#schedule

2 Oct.: @hdv shows how your CMS is an #accessibility assistant at the #WPAccessibilityDay #WPAD2020 #ATAG

26-30 Oct.: #w3cTPAC #BreakOutSessions week on a wide variety of topics relating to @w3c activities: https://www.w3.org/2020/10/TPAC/breakout-schedule.html Some of these breakouts are open to the public. Check them out! https://twitter.com/w3cdevs/status/1310575554240876544

20 Oct.: @w3c member-only live session (Advisory Committee - AC) meeting that focus on strategic issues facing the Consortium and future directions envisioned by the membership and staff #w3cTPAC

New 🎬 from the #WebMachineLearning #W3CWorkshop: "ml5.js: Friendly Machine Learning for the Web", by @yining_shi https://youtu.be/QOCb_Yysg4M #ml5js #JavaScript #TensorFlowJS #MachineLearning

New 🎬 from the #WebMachineLearning #W3CWorkshop: "Pipcook, a front-end oriented #DL DL framework", by Wenhe Eric Li https://youtu.be/aAB541Ol7f8 #DeepLearning #AI #TensorFlowJS #MachineLearning

New 🎬 from the #WebMachineLearning #W3CWorkshop: "#MachineLearning on the Web for content filtering applications", by @shoniko https://youtu.be/oP-6Fgkz2_0 #DOM #TensorFlowJS #JavaScript #AI #GraphConvolutionalNetworks

New 🎬 from the #WebMachineLearning #W3CWorkshop: "Exploring unsupervised image segmentation results", by @pmigdal & Bartłomiej Olechno https://youtu.be/ea4KKD2l9eI #DeepLearning #RMarkdown #D3js #MachineLearning

New 🎬 from the #WebMachineLearning #W3CWorkshop: "Mobile-first web-based #MachineLearning", by @_josh_meyer_ and @lindyrocky https://youtu.be/gyjxCC6_O40 #AI

New 🎬 from the #WebMachineLearning #W3CWorkshop: "We Count: Fair Treatment, #Disability and #MachineLearning", by @juttatrevira https://youtu.be/3CjliYeqjrM #AI #privacy #ethics

New 🎬 from the #WebMachineLearning #W3CWorkshop: "#AI (#MachineLearning): Bias & Garbage In, Bias & Garbage Out", by @ClearHelper https://youtu.be/DdUgRoTKiik #Disability #fairness

New 🎬 from the #WebMachineLearning #W3CWorkshop: "#Cognitive #Accessibility and #MachineLearning", by @SeemanLisa and Joshue O’Connor https://youtu.be/_EsXc5Afuv4 #inclusion #disability

New 🎬 from the #WebMachineLearning #W3CWorkshop: "Interactive #ML - Powered Music #applications on the Web", by @teropa https://youtu.be/TmQl5s3lP9s #MachineLearning #TensorFlowJS #MagentaJS #WebAudio

New 🎬 from the #WebMachineLearning #W3CWorkshop: "Wreck a Nice Beach in the #Browser: Getting the Browser to Recognize #Speech", by @KellyJayDavis https://youtu.be/OI2sHJ12Us0 #WebSpeech #API #Privacy #MachineLearning

New 🎬 from the #WebMachineLearning #W3CWorkshop: "#Privacy focused #MachineTranslation in #Firefox", by @XapaJIaMnu https://youtu.be/nuiFXBS0CJo #multilingual #MachineLearning

Last year, @MDN launched the 1st edition of this #survey designed in collaboration with browser vendors and @w3c. That 2019 edition collected data from nearly 30,000 developers from which @atopal presented early results during TPAC2019: https://twitter.com/w3cdevs/status/1183767368813686784

The 2nd edition of the MDN Web Developer Needs Assessment is out! It is is actively used to prioritize browser roadmaps. We invite Web #developers and #designers to let browser vendors and the Web standardization community know what needs to change and what you are happy with https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1315672322062381056

The MDN browser compatibility report was issued last month, and it identifies specific issues and possible solutions - Read the full 120-page report: https://mdn-web-dna.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/MDN-Browser-Compatibility-Report-2020.pdf (pdf, 1.9MB)

The major identified pain points were related to browser compatibility: having to support specific browsers, making a design look/work testing across browsers, etc. https://twitter.com/MozDevNet/status/1308430517897957376

First results of this new survey will be discussed at one of the #w3cTPAC public breakout sessions in 2 weeks:
https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2020/SessionIdeas#MDN_Developer_Need_Assessments:_results_and_next_steps Join the discussion!

New 🎬 from the #WebMachineLearning #W3CWorkshop: "A virtual character web meeting with expression enhance power by #MachineLearning", by Zelun Chen https://youtu.be/5TM1c1OaxCY

New 🎬 from the #WebMachineLearning #W3CWorkshop: "RNNoise, Neural #Speech Enhancement, and the #browser, by Jean-Marc Valin https://youtu.be/nsscrYdrGRE #SignalProcessing #MachineLearning

New 🎬 from the #WebMachineLearning #W3CWorkshop: "#RNNoise, Neural Speech Enhancement, and the #Browser", by Jean-Marc Valin https://youtu.be/nsscrYdrGRE #speech #SignalProcessing #MachineLearning

In addition to the core capabilities provided by the #WebXR Device API, the demo shows how the Hit Test API allows integrating virtual 3D objects in a real world environment https://immersive-web.github.io/hit-test/

Among the demos provided by groups for #w3cTPAC, this one from @Lady_Ada_King for @ImmersiveWebW3C explains in less than 5 minutes many of the the creative opportunities that new AR & VR APIs are bringing to the Web https://www.w3.org/2020/10/TPAC/iw-demos.html#talk #ImmersiveWeb #WebXR

It puts the Lightning Estimation API under the spotlight to make these objects more credibly part of their surrounding https://immersive-web.github.io/lighting-estimation/

It also gives a hands-on view of how hand input can complete controller input in AR & VR experiences https://immersive-web.github.io/webxr-hand-input/

It shows how to bring the full declarative power of the Web in building UI in AR with to DOM Overlays https://immersive-web.github.io/dom-overlays/

And it ends with the Layers API to bring videos EVERYWHERE in your immersive experiences https://immersive-web.github.io/layers/

Learn from similar demos and updates groups have prepared for #w3cTPAC https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1316108160701263872

New 🎬 from the #WebMachineLearning #W3CWorkshop: "Empowering Musicians and Artists using #MachineLearning to Build Their Own Tools in the #Browser", by @LouisMcCallum https://youtu.be/1qmIm_XvBqE #WebGPU #Audio #AudioWorklets #JavaScript

#w3cTPAC month: curious to know what @w3c groups are working on? Watch demos and lightning talks related to #a11y #w3ctag #TimedText #WebNetworks #WoT #XR #media, as well as 2 educational videos taken from @w3cx's Intro. to Web Accessibility #MOOC: https://www.w3.org/2020/10/TPAC/group-updates.html

This 1-hour meeting is a short introduction of what @w3c is and how the upcoming virtual “TPAC” #unconference (week of October 26-30) offers an opp. for Web #developers and #designers to discover the #W3CCommunity!

For #w3cTAC participants unfamiliar with how the breakouts work, @w3c is holding a briefing call on Monday #19October2020 at 15:00 UTC: https://www.w3.org/2020/10/TPAC/intro.html with @dontcallmeDOM @sheilamouss and @torgo https://twitter.com/w3cdevs/status/1310575554240876544

#w3cTPAC https://twitter.com/w3cdevs/status/1316743618124750849

New 🎬: "Ideas for #IoT #MiniApp Standardization", by Ping Shen (Alibaba) https://youtu.be/nvcBFGmBE90

New 🎬: "#MiniApp Manifest and Packaging", by Yongjing Zhang (Huawei) https://youtu.be/8TERdAXo-eQ

New 🎬: "#MiniApp Lifecycle", by Qing An (Alibaba) https://youtu.be/En68A9PV8q4

It's today at 15:00 UTC! Sign up to this "intro to #w3cTPAC" briefing call: https://www.w3.org/2020/10/TPAC/intro.html#briefing for Web #developers #designers. https://twitter.com/bocoup/status/1316841191225393155

New 🎬: "#MiniApp Overview", by Yinli Chen (Xiaomi) https://youtu.be/MWjchL4np7I

Join @w3c's #CodeOfConduct live training session with @jeff_jaffe @TzviyaSiegman @jorydotcom and Judy Brewer to learn more about the history, development, and implementation of the W3C CEPC: https://www.w3.org/Consortium/cepc/ https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1318197258840625154

To maintain a positive work environment, this CEPC document defines accepted and acceptable behaviors and promotes high standards of professional practice. Read more: https://twitter.com/w3cdevs/status/1284117064148451329

New 🎬: "#MiniApp URI Scheme", by Zhou Dan (Baidu) https://youtu.be/LMFqLDmM5To

Reminder that we are looking for as much and as diverse an input as possible on how the Web needs to evolve to better fit the needs from developers and designers ✅ https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1315672322062381056

Please fill in this survey - this is your chance to make yourself heard: https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/5897636/W3C Thank you!

New initiative to help create smarter #ecommerce experiences for consumers globally using Web #technologies - #BusinessGroup #Merchants #WebPayments https://www.w3.org/community/merchantbg/ https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1318900388549042177

Sample of identified areas of work: good practices for reducing #OnlineFraud, evolution of Web advertising, emerging #regulatory requirements, transaction integrity and assurance, etc. Contribute to their repo! https://github.com/w3c/merchantbg/

@ImmersiveWebW3C #XR https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1319235132977516545

Get group updates during #w3cTPAC! In this 🎬, @torgo goes over @tag's current work, incl. principles for the Web: https://youtu.be/Icv-HqVBXSE

Get group updates during #w3cTPAC! In this 🎬, @michaelmccool summarizes the standardization efforts happening in @wot: https://youtu.be/i_bNWV1CgeA #WoT #IoT

One more week to fill in the @MDN #developers needs assessment survey! Available in 8 languages, it takes approx 25 minutes to answer:

Over 5,2k complete responses so far, 60% full stack developers, identified pain points in web #accessibility, web testing, #CSS and #WebAssembly development are among the first results discussed at the #w3cTPAC breakout: https://www.w3.org/2020/10/TPAC/breakout-schedule.html#mdn-dna

Get group updates during #w3cTPAC! In this 🎬, Chuck Adams, summarizes ongoing work in @wai's #accessibility guidelines #WorkingGroup and introduces goals for #WCAG 3.0: https://youtu.be/NhY5o7ni-6Q #a11y

Get group updates during #w3cTPAC! In this 🎬, @DanDruta, Sudeep Divakaran and Song Xu of the @w3c Web & Networks #InterestGroup share discussion topics related to network use cases: https://youtu.be/Dh0qygPWbjU

Additionally, a few of the group's members have prepared videos demonstrating these new ideas for which they encourage feedback and contributions. Check them out! https://www.w3.org/2020/10/TPAC/group-updates.html#webnetworks

Get group updates during #w3cTPAC! In this 🎬, @palemieux describes the @w3c's #media and entertainment #InterestGroup activities: https://youtu.be/cYNO34vZyw4 #WebTV

... and #w3cTPAC week is not yet over ;) Two more days of breakout sessions - see calendar: https://www.w3.org/2020/10/TPAC/breakout-schedule.html#calendar https://t.co/OnqG6tevzc

Watch group demos 🎬 during #w3cTPAC! @jsajka and @mhakkinen from the @wai Accessible Platform Architecture #WorkingGroup explain why #prononciation matters on the Web: https://youtu.be/L89by65Mr40 #SSML #voice #alexa99 #VoiceReader #TextToSpeech #a11y

#pronunciation! https://twitter.com/w3cdevs/status/1321760595784441857

Watch group demos 🎬 during #w3cTPAC! @meerfinder of the @w3c Timed Text #WorkingGroup shows an implementation of the Internet Media #Subtitles and #Captions (IMSC) profile: https://youtu.be/nycme5ijPbc #TTML #Unicode

Watch group demos 🎬 during #w3cTPAC! Janina Sajka and @SeemanLisa from the @wai Accessible Platform Architecture #WorkingGroup show how to enable user driven personalization for people with #cognitive and learning #disabilities : https://youtu.be/pNBqhTCLbys #a11y #UserAgent