w3cdevs Twitter archive for December 2021

#ThankYou #10kFollowers

All WAI #translations lists translations in 35 languages https://www.w3.org/WAI/translations/ #a11y https://twitter.com/w3c_wai/status/1466248084803964928

Web #browsers have started to restrict third-party #cookies to protect their users' #privacy. An unwanted outcome is to make it harder to detect fraudulent usage of browsers. Read the #w3cTPAC "Anti-Fraud" breakout discussions: https://github.com/WICG/trust-token-api/blob/main/meetings/tpac2021-antifraud-breakout.md
🎬 https://watch.videodelivery.net/2e114b2bdeeca4958e0966e182051a21

Based on the broad interest in making progress on this challenge, a new @w3c "Anti-Fraud for the Web" #CommunityGroup was launched shortly after

Their first meeting as a group is scheduled next week (14 Dec. 21) - this is a good time to get involved if the topic is of interest! 📢

Reminder: all the proceedings from #w3cTPAC breakouts are available from https://www.w3.org/2021/10/TPAC/breakouts.html!

The @tag's Ethical Web Principles have environmental sustainability identified as a principle:
A #w3cTPAC breakout dived into the questions arising from trying to put it in action

This discussion is based on the document published a few weeks ago gathering #a11y considerations when conducting remote and hybrid meetings

#Accessibility was a theme of more than 10 breakout sessions during #w3cTPAC. Among those, one was dedicated to guidance on how to make #RemoteMeetings more accessible
🎬 https://watch.videodelivery.net/a173fbea2d14daeb974a7597664a1024

All the proceedings from #w3cTPAC breakouts are available from https://www.w3.org/2021/10/TPAC/breakouts.html

Federated Credential Management is a proposal to bring JS primitives to facilitate logging-in using third-party systems like #OpenID - this was the topic of a presentation during #w3CTPAC
🎬 https://watch.videodelivery.net/29bab61e04e8cabf1517e5885c9fe4cf

The proposed #API is at https://wicg.github.io/FedCM/. This is a follow from a discussion started during #w3cTPAC 2020:

All the proceedings from #w3cTPAC breakouts are available at https://www.w3.org/2021/10/TPAC/breakouts.html

👏 Congrats to editors @stevefaulkner, Scott O'Hara and @patrick_h_lauke for the newly published @w3c #WebStandard "ARIA in HTML" #a11y
https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/ #timetoadopt https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1468865293258788868

The #CSS Scrollbars module is for styling #scrollbars, in particular their color and width #timetoimplement
https://www.w3.org/TR/2021/CR-css-scrollbars-1-20211209/ https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1468955893890904069

This CSS module solves 3 main use-cases: 1) coloring scrollbars to blend into the UI of a #WebApp, 2) thinner scrollbars on small elements and 3) hiding scrollbars while still allowing other ways to scroll.

We invite feedback and comments in this #GitHub repo: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/tree/main/css-scrollbars-1

👏👏 👏 Congratulations to @cssrossen (@Microsoft), Dapeng (Max) Liu (@AlibabaGroup) and @sangwhanmoon (@Google) for their election to the @tag! https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1471119056547762178

In addition to @tag's co-chairs @timberners_lee, @torgo and @plinss, continuing participants are: @hadleybeeman (#W3CInvitedExpert), @rhiaro (@digitalbazaar), @hober (@Apple) and @LeaVerou (#W3CInvitedExpert). @wz43rtx remains the staff contact. See https://github.com/w3ctag

Today, we highlight the progress of #CSS specifications in #FirstWorkingDraft status on 3 levels: 3, 5 and 6! #timetogiveinput https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1473211516627341314

To review and/or to understand the #CSS levels, read this #explainer 😉: https://twitter.com/w3cdevs/status/1234883952588075008

#CSS Containment Level 3 proposes to speed up rendering with ‘containment queries’: applying style rules only if an element has a certain size or other characteristic (like ‘media queries’ do for whole documents) https://www.w3.org/TR/css-contain-3/

#CSS Conditional Rules Module Level 5 includes and extends the functionality of CSS Conditional 4, adding the rules ‘@when’ and ‘@else’, as well as introducing font processing queries to the supports query syntax used in ‘@supports’ rules https://www.w3.org/TR/css-conditional-5/

#CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 6 explores another way of grouping style rules: the ‘scope’. An old idea, but which poses lots of questions https://www.w3.org/TR/css-cascade-6/