w3cdevs Twitter archive for July 2023

July@w3c: @thew3c MOOCs #HTML5 #JavaScript, #a11y event, #W3CWorkshop. See also https://www.w3.org/events/

4 July: opening a new session of @w3cx "#HTML5 Coding Essentials and Best Practices" #MOOC, with Prof. @micbuffa on @edXOnline
Enroll now! https://www.edx.org/course/html5-coding-essentials-and-best-practices

11 July: Learn #JavaScript with this @w3cx #MOOC, cc @micbuffa on @edXOnline

4 July: Kevin White, from the @wai team, participates at the AccessibleEU launch event to create a common European 🇪🇺 one-stop-shop on #accessibility in Brussels, 🇧🇪

28 July: Deadline to submit a position paper or a statement of interest to the "Secure the Web Forward" #W3CWorkshop - to be held 26-28 Sept. - jointly organized by @w3c, @owasp, @theopenssf and @openjsf
https://w3.org/2023/03/secure-the-web-forward/cfp.html #security #developers

🎮First @w3c #CommunityGroup to have been created, the #Games group is still well and alive!
Read what they're up to after organizing 2 successful online #meetups cc @end3r : https://www.w3.org/community/games/2023/07/10/recent-activity-april-and-june-2023-meetups/

🎬 Watch @chadwallacehart's itw of @tidoust talking about #Streams and explaining the game of processing dominoes #WebCodecs, #WebTransport, #WebRTC
https://youtu.be/lyOSQW6ic_I?t=933 https://twitter.com/webrtcHacks/status/1681268215236665345

To find out what #developers' main pain points are when it comes to #security, read a recent survey's detailed results: https://github.com/web-platform-dx/developer-research/blob/main/mdn-short-surveys/2023-05-15-security-dx/interpretation.md

📢 Only a few days left to submit topics for discussion to this important #W3CWorkshop! Security remains a key concern for web #developers, hence the need for enhanced education, tools, and best practices to help detect and prevent #security vulnerabilities. https://twitter.com/w3cdevs/status/1675888495271845890

... which are summarized in this blog post by @torgo@mastodon.social: https://www.w3.org/blog/2023/securing-the-web-forward-addressing-developer-concerns-in-web-security/

The @ab has published a first draft note of "Vision for W3C". This document is an articulation of @w3c’s mission, values, purpose, and principle. It attempts to help people understand what W3C is, what it does and why it's important. https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1683763989212168198