<aside class="box box-highlighted">
    <header class="box-h box-h-highlighted">Highlighted
    <div class="box-i">
        <p>When you want to learn more about how different disabilities affect Web use, and read about scenarios of people with disabilities using the Web, see <a href="#">How People with Disabilities Use the Web</a>.</p>
<aside class="box{% for mod in mods %} box-{{ mod }}{% endfor %}">
  {%render '@box-header', type=headertype, label=headerlabel, mods=headermods, icon=headericon %}
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    {%- render '@list-links' -%}
    {%- elseif content == "listwithlinks" -%}
    {%- render '@list-unordered-with-link' -%}
    {%- elseif content == "help-box-content" -%}
    {%- render '@box-help-content' -%}
    {%- else -%}
    {%- endif -%}
  "headerlabel": "Highlighted",
  "headermods": [
  "mods": [
  "content": "<p>When you want to learn more about how different disabilities affect Web use, and read about scenarios of people with disabilities using the Web, see <a href=\"#\">How People with Disabilities Use the Web</a>.</p>"

There are no notes for this item.