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        <header class="teaser-h">
                <span class="subtitle">Featured Resource</span>
                <span class="title">Easy Checks</span>
            Is accessibility addressed in even the most basic way on your site?
            <span class="button">Read More</span>
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  <a class="teaser-c stealthy-link col1" href="#">
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        <span class="subtitle">{{subtitle}}</span>
        <span class="title">{{title}}</span>
      {%render "@button", name="fake", type="fake", label="Read More" %}
  "title": "Easy Checks",
  "subtitle": "Featured Resource",
  "description": "Is accessibility addressed in even the most basic way on your site?",
  "icon": "checkmark",
  "image": "/assets/images/teaser-image@1x.jpg",
  "image1x": "/assets/images/teaser-image@1x.jpg",
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