W3C Workshop on WebVR Authoring:
Opportunities and Challenges

David Bruyndonckx

The event is recorded and available at DigitYser

Discover who attended.


Day 1: Tuesday, December 5, 2017

  1. 08:30-09:00 AM Registration
  2. 09:00-09:15 AM Welcome plenary
  3. 09.15–10:15 AM Present and future of WebVR [See on GitHub] plenary
    Explain the maturity of the standard; anticipate the impact of the new additions to the Web platform on WebVR experiences; identify the flaws of the standard and missing opportunities.
    Lightning talks
    The state of WebVR implementation in present browsers (Diego González, Samsung)
    WebVR, supporting technologies (Salvador de la Puente, Mozilla)
    Usage of WebRTC in combining communication with WebVR. Technologies for efficiently processing realtime media (video, pointclouds, lightfields...) (Rick Hindriks, TNO)
  4. 10:15–11:00 AM Coffee break
  5. 11.00–12:00 AM Landscape of WebVR authoring tools [See on GitHub] plenary
    Identify the key players authoring VR experiences on the Web, the processes, types of audience, what is missing and what can be improved.
    Lightning talks
    Runtime DevTools for WebXR (Jordan Santell, Google)
    A-Frame & its Component System (Monika Kedrova, Archilogic)
    ReactVR (Fabien Benetou, LucidWeb)
  6. 12:00–01:00 PM Follow-up sessions follow-up
    Open one-hour session for discussions in smaller groups on specific topics proposed by workshop participants.
    Follow-up sessions
    Present and future of WebVR
    Landscape of WebVR authoring tools
  7. 01.00–02:00 PM Lunch
  8. 02:00–03:00 PM Practical approaches to building accessible WebVR experiences [See on GitHub]plenary
    Define what enables an accessible VR experience; what are the do's and don'ts to provide functional and pleasant experiences for the physically or sensory impaired.
    Lightning talks
    Web accessibility at W3C (Shadi Abou-Zahra, W3C)
    Blind Date with A-Frame (Uri Shaked, Black Berry)
    Approaches to A11Y in WebVR (A-Frame) (Roland Dubois, GRAVR)
  9. 03:00–03:45 PM Coffee break
  10. 03:45–05:30 PM Follow-up sessions follow-up
    Open time for discussions in smaller groups on the topics covered during plenary sessions or those proposed by workshop participants.
    Follow-up sessions
    Practical approaches to building accessible WebVR experiences
    3D sound for WebVR
    Use/business cases and commercialisation of WebVR
    The perfect platform for WebVR

Day 2: Wednesday, December 6, 2017

  1. 08:30-09:00 AM Registration
  2. 09:00–10:00 AM Impact of performance factors on authoring WebVR content [See on GitHub] plenary
    Get a sense of the impact of hardware and software production factors on WebVR performance. Predict the impact of user's equipment when experiencing VR content.
    Lightning talks
    Doubling draw call performance with WEBGL_multiview (Olli Etuaho, NVIDIA)
    Limits of high-resolution omnidirectional video for the web (Rick Hindriks, TNO)
    Performance takeaways from game development (Madlaina Kalunder, Archilogic)
  3. 10:00–11:00 AM Creating, packaging and delivering 3D assets and video 360º for WebVR [See on GitHub] plenary
    Identify the optimal pipelines for creating 3D assets and 360 content, subsequent storage and publication on the Web. Know the acceptable trade-offs of different formats, recognizing performance-harmful practices and pinpointing best practices.
    Lightning talks
    3D for newcomers: negotiating the obstacles (Madlaina Kalunder, Archilogic)
    A new 3D file format (Youri Gicquel, Speedernet)
  4. 11:00–11:45 AM Coffee break
  5. 11:45–12:45 PM Progressive enhancement and user interaction applied to the variety of user input in WebVR [See on GitHub] plenary
    Classify the ways in which the audience can experience WebVR content depending on gear capabilities. Know how to adapt interactions in VR through the variety of input methods.
    Lightning talks
    Engaging the user through WebVR interactions: design for every use, plan for the exception (Thomas Balouet, Virtuleap)
    Polyfilling WebVR (Jordan Santell, Google)
    A whirlwind tour of the most frequent UX cliffs in VR development and how to avoid them. (Martin Splitt, Archilogic)
    Progressively enhanced controller schemes for consistent UX (Nikolay Babanov, Coherent Labs)
  6. 12:45–01:45 PM Follow-up sessionsfollow-up
    Open one-hour session for discussions in smaller groups on specific topics proposed by workshop participants.
    Follow-up sessions
    Impact of performance factors on authoring WebVR content
    Creating, packaging and delivering 3D assets and video 360º for WebVR
  7. 01:45–02:45 PMLunch
  8. 02:45–03:45 PM VR storytelling [See on GitHub] plenary
    This session was defined by the workshop attendees who manifested their curiosity about the VR storytelling including opportunities, recommendations and bad practices.
    Lightning talks
    Cinema/Film VR Experience & Storytelling (Isabel Catalan Sada)
    VR Storytelling (Hristian Ignev, Empact)
    Immersio (Aurélien Merceron, Immersio)
  9. 03:45–04:30 PMCoffee break
  10. 03:45–06:00 PM Follow-up sessionsfollow-up
    Open time for discussions in smaller groups on the topics covered during plenary sessions or those proposed by workshop participants.
    Follow-up sessions
    Progressive enhancement and user interaction applied to the variety of user input in WebVR
    VR storytelling
    Encouraging diversity in WebVR development
    Social VR

Day 3: Thursday, December 7, 2017

  1. 08:30-09:00 AM Registration
  2. 09:00–10:00 AM What's next? plenary
    We have enjoyed two full days of conversations, discussions and networking but what's next? The goal of this session is to determine what we do next, after the workshop, to continue pushing WebVR forward.
    Indira Knight, Future Cities Catapult
  3. 10:00–10:30 PMDemo introductions plenary
    Because VR is much better experienced than talked about, we encourage anyone with demos worth sharing to come prepared to show them.
    Lightning talks
    Defining optimal 360° video formats to go from video on mobile/desktop to WebVR in the VR headset. (Leen Segers, LucidWeb)
    Approaches to A11Y in WebVR (Roland Dubois, GRAVR)
    Play the WebVR game: a progressively enhanced WebVR Tower Defense game (Thomas Balouet, Virtuleap)
  4. 10:30–11:15 AMCoffee break
  5. 10:30–12:00 PM Demo time!
  6. 12:00–12:45 PM Opportunities & challenges [See on GitHub]plenary
    Expose the summaries gathered during the digest sessions. Offer an overview of the state of the art regarding each topic.
    All sessions
  7. 12:45–01:00 PM Closure plenary

(This schedule may change based on discussions with the program committee.)

Instructions for participants

The workshop will focus around several topics identified by the expressions of interest and position statements. Each topic will be introduced by one or more related lightning talks, and will be explored more in-depth in follow-up sessions, concluded with a joint summary. The goal of each discussion at the workshop is not to resolve the technical issues of the topic, but to determine its relevance and foresee opportunities at the same time of identifying the challenges.


Discussion topic (up to 60 minutes) starts off with three to five 5-minutes lightning talks by speakers nominated in advance. Lightning talks are followed by group discussion and joint summary.
Participants break into smaller breakout groups to discuss more specific topics. The follow-up session schedule is identified and built collaboratively by the participants in the course of the workshop. Each topic has a host, a person in charge of note-taking and facilitating interactions. Each host to provide a written summary of their breakout session.

Suggested reading