The Web of Things is applicable to multiple IoT domains, including Smart Home, Industrial, Smart City, Retail, and Health applications, where usage of the W3C WoT standards can simplify the development of IoT systems that combine devices from multiple vendors and ecosystems. During the last charter period of the WoT Working Group several specifications were developed to address requirements for these domains.

This Use Cases and Requirements Document is created to collect new IoT use cases from various domains that have been contributed by various stakeholders. These serve as a baseline for identifying requirements for the standardization work in the W3C WoT groups.


The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has published the Web of Things (WoT) Architecture and Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description (TD) as official W3C Recommendations in May 2020. These specifications enable easy integration across Internet of Things platforms and applications.

The W3C Web of Thing Architecture [[wot-architecture]] defines an abstract architecture, the WoT Thing Description [[wot-thing-description]] defines a format to describes a broad spectrum of very different devices, which may be connected over various protocols.

During the inception phase of the WoT 1.0 specifications in 2017-2018 the WoT IG collected use cases and requirements to enable interoperability of Internet of Things (IoT) services on a worldwide basis. These released specifications have been created to address the use cases and requirements for the first version of the WoT specifications, which are documented in

The present document gathers and describes new use cases and requirements for future standardization work in the WoT standard.

This document contains chapters describing the use cases that were contributed by multiple authors, functional and technical requirements on the Web of Things standards. Additionally it contains a summary of the liaisons, where active collaboration is taking place at the time of writing. Since this document is a WG note, additional use cases will be added in future revisions of this document.


The collection of use cases can be separated into two categories:

Domain specific use cases are described in , horizontal use cases are described in

Terminology, Stakeholders and Roles


The present document uses the terminology from WoT Architecture [[wot-architecture]].

Stakeholders and Roles

The following stakeholders and actors were identified when the use cases have been collected and requirements were identified. Note that these stakeholders and roles may overlap in some use cases.

Domain Specific Use Cases

Smart Agriculture

Greenhouse Horticulture

Ryuichi Matsukura, Takuki Kamiya
Target Users
Agricultural corporation, Farmer, Manufacturers (Sensor, other facilities), Cloud provider
Greenhouse Horticulture controlled by computers can create an optimal environment for growing plants. This enables to improve productivity and ensure stable vegetable production throughout the year, independent of the weather. This is the result of research on the growth of plants in the 1980s. For example, in tomatoes, switching to hydroponics and optimizing the temperature, humidity and CO2 concentration required for photosynthesis resulted in a five times increase in yield. The growth conditions for other vegetables also have been investigated, and this control system is applied now.
Expected Devices
Sensors (temperature, humidity, brightness, UV brightness, air pressure, and CO2) Heating, CO2 generator, open and close sunlight shielding sheet.
Expected Data
Sensors values to clarify the gaps between conditions for maximizing photosynthesis and the current environment. Following sensors values at one or some points in the greenhouse: temperature, humidity, brightness, and CO2.
WoT Architecture
WoT Thing Description
Sensors and some facilities like heater, CO2 generator, sheet controllers are connected to the gateway via wired or wireless networks. The gateway is connected to the cloud via the Internet. All sensors and facilities can be accessed and controlled from the cloud. To maximize photosynthesis, the temperature, CO2 concentration, and humidity in the greenhouse are mainly controlled. When the sunlight comes in the morning and CO2 concentration inside decreases, the application turns on the CO2 generator to keep over 400 ppm, the same as the air outside. The temperature in the greenhouse is adjusted by controlling the heater and the sunlight shielding sheet. The cloud gathers all sensor data and the status of the facilities. The application makes the best configuration for the region of the greenhouse located.
In the case of the wireless connection to the sensors, the gateway should keep the latest value of the sensors since the wireless connection is sometimes broken. The gateway can create a virtual entity corresponding to the sensor and allow the application to access this virtual entity having the actual sensor status like sleeping.

Open-field Agriculture

Cristiano Aguzzi
Target Users
Agricultural corporation, Farmer, Manufacturers (Sensor, other facilities), Cloud provider, Middleware provider, Network providers, service provider.
Water is vital for ensuring food security to the world’s population, and agriculture is the biggest consumer amounting for 70% of freshwater. Field irrigation application methods are one of the main causes of water wastage. The most common technique, surface irrigation, wastes a high percentage of the water by wetting areas where no plants benefit from it. On the other hand, localized irrigation can use water more efficiently and effectively, avoiding both under-irrigation and over-irrigation. However, in an attempt to avoid under-irrigation, farmers feed more water than is needed resulting not only to productivity losses, but also water wastages. Therefore, technology should be developed and deployed for sensing water needs and automatically manage water supply to crops. However, open field agriculture is characterized by a quite dynamic range of requirements. Usually, solutions developed for one particular crop type cannot be reused in other cultivations. Moreover, the same field can have different crop types or different sizes/shapes during the years, meaning that technology to monitor the state of crop growth should be highly configurable and adaptive. Even agriculture and irrigation methods can change and also they are very different depending on the size of the field and its clime type. Consequently, silos applications are deployed leveraging on IoT technologies to gather data about the crop growth state and irrigation needs. The Web of Things may help to create a single platform where cost-effective applications could adapt seamlessly between different scenarios, breaking the silos and giving value both to the environment and the market.
Expected Devices


  • Weather sensors (maybe collected together inside a weather station)
    • temperature
    • air humidity
    • air pressure
    • pluviometer
    • global solar radiation
    • anemometer (wind speed)
    • wind direction
    • global solar radiation and photosynthetically active radiation
    • gas/air quality sensor (i.e. CO2)
  • Soil sensors (usually packed together in soil probes)
    • soil temperature
    • soil moisture/water content
    • soil conductivity (detecting salt levels in the soil)
    • water table sensor
  • Drone sensors
    • camera
    • temperature sensitive camera
    • multispectral camera


  • drones: used for data collection or pesticed/impollination
  • sprinklers
  • pumps
  • central pivot sprinklers
  • hose-reel irrigation machine

Additional devices:

  • Solar panels
  • Loggers: units that collect data from close sensors.
  • Gateways
Expected Data
Sensor data plays a central role in Smart Agriculture. In particular, it is critical that the information sensed is associated with a timestamp. Common algorithms use *time series* to calculate the water needs of a crop. Furthermore, soil sensors usually are calibrated over a specific soil type (which may differ even in the same geographic region). For example, the calibration data for a soil moisture sensor is represented by a function that maps sensor output to soil water content. In literature, this function is knowns as a *calibration curve*. Commercial sensors are precalibrated with a "standard" curve but on most occasions, it fails to accurately measure the water content. Therefore, it can be configured during the installation phase (which may happen every time the soil is plowed). Finally, a crucial aspect is forecasting. Farmers use this information to actively change their management procedures. Services exploit it to suggest irrigation schedule or change device settings to behave accordingly to environmental changes. To summarize here it is a list of most important expected data from Open field agriculture:
  • Calibration curve
  • Time series
  • Forecast data
  • Geolocations: sensor data must be contextualized in geolocation. Also, geolocation is critical in massive open fields to localize instrument position.
  • Weather data
  • Unit of measure: commercial soli sensor may output their value in a different unit of measures (i.e. volts or % water in an m^3 of soil)
  • Relative values
  • Depth position: geolocation is not sufficient to describe the parameters of the soil. Depth is an additional context that should be added to an observed value.
  • Device owner information
  • Battery level and energy consumption
WoT Architecture, WoT Thing Description
In open-field agriculture, the IoT solutions leverage on different radio protocols and devices. Usually, radio protocols should cover long distances (even kilometers) and be energy efficient. Devices too need to be energy saving as they are deployed for months and sometimes even years in harsh environments. A sleeping-cycle is one mechanism they use to save energy usually coordinated by *loggers/gateways* or preprogrammed. *Loggers* are deployed closed to sensor devices and have more storage space. They serve as buffers between sensors and higher services. Often *loggers* and sensors are embedded in the same board, otherwise, they are connected using cables or close-ranged radio protocols. On the other hand, *gateways* serve as a collection point for data of an entire field or farm. They are much more capable devices and usually are more energy-consuming. In some deployment scenarios, they host a full operating system with multiple software facilities installed. Otherwise, gateways only serve as relays of data sent from the loggers and sensors to cloud services and vice-versa. The cloud services may be partially hosted in edge servers to preserve data privacy and responsiveness of the whole IoT solution. Possible cloud services are:
  • Weather forecasting/local weather forecasting
  • Soil digital twin to simulate and predict water content
  • Plant digital twin (growth and water needs prediction)
  • Irrigation advice service: combining the previous services and knowing the irrigation system topology is possible to advise farms with the best times to irrigate a crop.
  • Pesticide and fertilize planning
The complete deployment topology of an open field agriculture solution is described in the diagram below:

deployment topology of an open field agriculture solution

Open-field agriculture varies a lot between geographical location and methods. For example in the SWAMP project there three different pilots with different requirement/constraints:
  • Italian pilot (Reggio Emilia region):
    • Relative small field size
    • Multiple connectivity solutions available: 4G, LPWAN, and WiFi
    • Variance in crop types, sometimes even inside the same farm
    • Small soil type variance
    • Precise model soil behavior
    • A great influence of the water table
    • Variance in the irrigation system
    • Channel-based water distribution
    • The main goal is to optimize water consumption
  • Brazilian pilot (Matopiba and Guaspari location):
    • Huge field size
    • Centra pivot irrigation systems: need to optimize each sprinkler output
    • Soil type variance within the same field
    • A low number of connectivity options: no 4G, only radio communication base on LPWAN
    • Low crop type variance
    • the main goal is to optimize energy consumption
  • Spain pilot:
    • Efficient localized irrigation and application of the right amount of water to the crop
    • arid location
    • The goal is to minimize water consumption but maintaining a good field yield.
Currently, there is no specification on how to model device status (i.e. connected/disconnected) Examples of how to handle a device calibration phase may help developers to use a standardized approach. Possibly define standard links types to define the relation between loggers and sensors Handle both geographical position and depth information. Ontology class for battery and energy consumption Model historical and forecast data
Existing Standards
  • LPWAN [[rfc8376]]
  • SDI 12
  • CoAP [[rfc7252]]
  • MQTT [[MQTT]]
This use case is designed using the experience gained in the European-Brazil Horizon 2020 SWAMP project. Please follow the link for further information. Since SWAMP is heavily oriented to optimize water consumption, this document just mentioned issues like plant feeding, fertilizing, pollination, yield prediction, crop quality measurement, etc. Nevertheless, WoT technologies may be employed also in these scenarios.

Irrigation in Outdoor Environment

  • Catherine Roussey
  • Jean-Pierre Chanet
Target Users
  • device users: farmers
  • service provider
Depending on the type of crops (e.g. maize), cultivated plots may need specific irrigation processes in outdoor environments. Depending on the country there exist some specific pedo-climatic conditions and some water consumption restrictions. Thus an irrigation system is installed on the plot. It is used on a several days basis (e.g. every 7 days), for each plot. The goal is to optimize the irrigation decision based on the crop development stage and the quantity of rain that has already fallen down on the plot. For example an important rain may postpone the irrigation decision.

This use case aims to evaluate the number of days to delay the irrigation system, in addition to the basis irrigation frequency (e.g. 2 delay days means 9 days between two irrigations).
Expected Devices
  • 6 tensiometers in the plot (soil moisture):
    • 3 tensiometers at 30 cm depth
    • 3 tensiometer at 60 cm depth
  • 1 weather station:
    • thermometer (outdoor temperature)
    • pluviometer (rain quantity)
  • 1 mobile pluviometer (quantity of water provided by the watering system)
Expected Data
To decide when to water a cultivated plot, we evaluate the crop growth stage, the root zone moisture level and the number of delay days:
  • To evaluate the Crop growth stage, we need:
    • Min and max temperature per day: the min temperature per day is evaluated on the period [d-1 18:00, d 18:00[. The *max temperature per day is evaluated on the period [d 06:00:00, d+1 06:00:00[.i
    • Growing degree day values uses min and max temperature per day, the sowing day and the type of seed. The Growing degree day is compared to some thresholds to evaluate the crop growth stage
  • To evaluate the Root zone moisture level, we need:
    • Mean moisture per day per probe: in order to get reliable values, each tensiometer sends several measurements of soil moisture, at fixed hours of the day (usually in the morning), that are aggregated; their mean value is considered
    • For the set of 3 tensiometers localised at the same level of depth, the median value is evaluated from their mean per day moisture measurements. One tensiometer may not provide accurate values (the soil around the probe is too dry and the soil matter is not connected to the probe). The median value of three different tensiometers at the same depth will improve the accuracy of the moisture measurement.
    • Then the sum of the two median values at two different depths is evaluated, to take into account the quantity of water available in the root zone volume. This aggregated value estimates the root zone moisture level.
    • The root zone moisture level is compared to some thresholds (dependent on the crop growth stage) to evaluate if the crop needs water or not at the end of the basis irrigation period.
  • To determine the number of delay days, we need:
    • The time period between two waterings of the same plot is dependent on the farm and known by the farmer. When a watering is launched, no new watering should be planned during the basic irrigation frequency. The quantity of rain that falls down on the plot may postpone the watering plan. The total quantity of rain per day is compared to some thresholds to determine the number of delay days.
The mobile pluviometer is used to validate that the quantity of water received by the crop actually corresponds to the quantity of water provided by the watering system.

At the end, the farmer may decide if they follow the irrigation recommendations or not. They could force the watering for one of the next days.
Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
  • WoT Architecture: wireless communication in outdoor environments presents some issues: communication consumes lots of energy, sensor nodes have limited energy, weather conditions impact communication quality
  • WoT Thing Description: the affordance should be precise enough to describe the soil at a specific depth or the root zone volume or the min temperature per day
To avoid Property right and consent management issues between farmers and cloud service providers on these computed data, sensors are connected to the farm infrastructure and the services that evaluate aggregated data are executed locally on this infrastructure.

The weather station may be located outside of the farm.

The tensiometers are located inside the farm. The tensiometers and the mobile pluviometer are connected using wireless communication to the gateway. The gateway sends the measurements to the farm infrastructure.
The crop growth stage may be observed by the farmer. In this case, they can force this value to update the service inputs.
Security Considerations
The 6 tensiometers and 1 pluviometer are installed on the plot, but only the farmer should be able to change their configurations (frequency of communication). Wireless communication should be used but the measurement data should only be accessible through the farm network infrastructure.
Privacy Considerations
Data concerning quantity of water, type of seed, sowing day should be protected.
The main potential issues come from tensiometers located in the plot, as they are known to be cheap and easy to use probes but not always reliable. They can face multiple issues: if the soil gets too dry or the probe is improperly installed, there may be air between the probe and the soil, therefore preventing the probe from providing accurate conductivity measurements.

To be sure of the quality of those measurements each tensiometer sends its measurements several times (3 to 5) per day. The tensiometer may send an inappropriate value due to the bad connection between the soil and the probe, that is the reason why three tensiometers are used and the median value is computed. If the gateway does not receive the value of one sensor during a whole day, an alert should be sent. To take an irrigation decision, at least one measurement per sensor and per day should be provided.

The gateway can create a virtual entity corresponding to the sensor and allow the application to access this virtual entity having the actual sensor status like sleeping.

Sensor nodes deployed in outdoor environments may take into account that their energy supply device (battery, solar panel) constrains the lifetime of the device. Thus they should be able to alert that they may not be able to provide a service due to lack of energy or they should be able to change their configuration and switch communication protocols to save as much energy as possible.

Moreover wireless communication can be impacted by weather conditions or any outdoor conditions. For example a tractor that comes too close to the sensor node may move the communication device and destroy some components. Some kind of network supervision must be achieved (for instance by the gateway) to check node availability.
Existing Standards
  • Semantic Sensor Network Ontology (SSN/SOSA) [[vocab-ssn]]
  • PROV-O
  • CASO
The CASO and IRRIG ontologies extend SSN, PROV-O and SAREF4AGRI to implement an irrigation expert system.

A thesaurus climate and forecast that describes the weather properties and associated phenomenon is available at

The weather measurements provided by the agricultural weather station of Agrotechnopole is available at [5]
This use case has been implemented in France, following local conditions and regulations. There exists an open manual irrigation decision method called IRRINOV® developed by Arvalis [2] and INRAE dedicated to France and some specific crops: maize, wheat and cereals, potatoes and beans.

IRRINOV® can be automated using wireless sensor networks and semantic web technologies. The considered network is of star type: all sensors can communicate with a common gateway, which is connected to the Internet. The IRRINOV® implementation was developed in [3]. This work presents an expert system for maize using drools. It automates the irrigation decision for maize based on sensor measurements.

To measure weather properties, we use the recommendation provided by the French National Weather Institute: Météo France[4]. Its web site defines how to evaluate the min and max temperatures per day in (in French, we found no equivalent description in English).
[3] Q-D. Nguyen, C. ROUSSEY, M. Poveda-Villalón, C. de Vaulx , J-P. Chanet. Development Experience of a Context-Aware System for Smart Irrigation Using CASO and IRRIG Ontologies. Applied Science 2020, 10(5), 1803;
[5] C. ROUSSEY,S. BERNARD, G. ANDRÉ, D. BOFFETY. Weather Data Publication on the LOD using SOSA/SSN2022-11-07 Ontology. Semantic Web Journal, 2019

Automatic milking system for dairy farm

Mun Hwan CHOI, ChangKyu LEE, Sunghyun YOON
Target Users
Service provider, device manufacturer, device owner, cloud provider

Dairy farming requires significant labor in the feeding, milking, breeding, and manure disposal as well as the control and management of the environmental conditions inside and outside the livestock barn. In particular, the milking accounts for more than 40% of the total working time for handling a cow.

Recently, advanced countries in the dairy industry have introduced an IoT-based automatic milking system using various IoT devices and equipment to reduce the labor for milking. The automatic milking system (AMS) with IoT devices and equipment, such as sensors, high performance cameras, laser equipment, and robot arms, can perform the entire milking process which includes identification of cows entering the milking box, washing udders, milking, collection, sterilization, storage, and milk composition analysis. The AMS has advantage of solving the labor shortage problem in the dairy farm by enabling labor allocation for tasks other than milking unlike conventional methods like pipeline, herringbone, tandem machines, etc. In addition, the AMS can improve productivity and quality of milk while reducing the incidence rate of disease in cows.

Expected devices
  • Object (cow) identifier such as RFID reader, QR code scanner or barcode scanner
  • sensors for detecting position and behavioral characteristic of cows, for measuring milking volume, and for monitoring environmental conditions inside and outside the livestock barn
  • 3D camera, laser equipment for identification of nipple location of a cow
  • Robot arms for attaching/removing milking cups
  • Milk composition analyzer
  • Milk tank with cooling function
  • Expected data

    The AMS generates the following data, and the data need to be managed in an organic relationship with data for other purposes such as feeding, parturition, disease control, and growth control in order to establish a comprehensive production and operation management strategy for dairy farms.

  • Daily Number of milking, milking volume, and milking time per cow
  • Target production and actual production of the farm
  • Historical data for milking
  • Target milk yield for each cow and/or farm based on historical data
  • Health and disease management data for each cow
  • Component analysis results of milk
  • Operational status of devices, equipment, etc. installed in dairy farm
  • Dependencies - Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    WoT Thing Description

    When a cow enters a milking box, a object identifier installed in the milking room identifies the cow’s ID from the RFID tag, QR code or bar code attached to the cow. Through this, the milking can be performed more systematically based on historical data, such as the number of milking or milk yield, managed by AMS.

    Then, 3D camera, laser equipment, and sensors accurately identify the position of udders, and the robot arm attaches the milking cups to the udders quickly to perform milking. Before and after the milking, cleaning and disinfection should be performed to remove any contaminant and bacteria. A sensor installed in the milking cup measures the elapsed time and milk yield during milking.

    In addition, the components of milk, which are content of fat, protein, lactose, etc., are analyzed, and the analysis results are transmitted to the AMS in order to manage the quality of milk, disease and health status of the cow. After milking, the milk is delivered to a milk tank with cooling capability to maintain freshness of the milk. The AMS collects the data generated during the entire milking process, and analyzes the data to establish a milk production strategy of a dairy farm. The farmer or the manager of a dairy farm can monitor the milking process through a web page or a mobile app.

    Automated system should be designed to minimize human intervention; however, it is more desirable to have the capability to directly control the AMS in order to respond to an emergency situation.

    The devices and equipment such as RFID reader/tags, milking cups, robot arms, milk component analyzer, and sensor are connected to a gateway, which is a controller, installed in a dairy farm through wired or wireless networks. The gateway controlling various actuators and transferring the data is connected to the cloud system through the Internet. Thus, all devices and equipment on the dairy farm can be accessed and controlled through the cloud. The cloud utilizes technologies, such as AI and big data, to analyze the data transferred from the AMS. The analysis result can be shared and distributed to all stakeholders and can be utilized as basic information for the creation of various new services enhancing productivity and convenience of the dairy farm.

    Security Considerations

    This use case does not specify any specific requirements on security matters. Any well-defined security management mechanisms can be applied for this use case.

    Privacy Considerations

    In addition to farmers, various stakeholders such as farm workers, service providers, manufacturers, consumers of agricultural products, third-party companies and government departments are also involved with the operation of a dairy farm. The data with various types and characteristics generated during the operation of the AMS can be shared and distributed to one or more stakeholders.

    Consequently, the right to access the data must be systematically managed according to the type, characteristics, and purpose of data utilization. Through this, it is possible to protect the experience, know-how and unique agricultural knowledge or techniques of a farmer, and to secure the dairy farm’s competitiveness.

    Accessibility Considerations
    Internationalisation (i18n) Considerations

    A wired or wireless communication link is required to exchange data generated by operation of AMS and commands for controlling IoT devices and equipment. To prevent interfering with the free movement of cows and other agricultural works, using wireless communication link is recommended.

    The data for the AMS should be delivered and stored with a common format regardless of device types and manufacturers, and should be expressed in a standardized way for AI-based analysis and processing.


    In general, a gateway, which is a controller, installed in a dairy farm collects data and transmits the data to an external cloud connected through a network. The gateway also delivers the control commands received from the cloud to the various actuators through the network. However, if data loss or delay occurs due to a bottleneck, a disconnection between the gateway and the cloud, or due to the excessive internal processing time of the cloud, it may be difficult to perform efficient and reliable milking operations. In order to solve these problems, it is recommended to applying edge computing technologies to maintain essential functionalities for performing agricultural works including the milking.

    Existing standards

    Pest control in Open-field

    Mun Hwan CHOI, ChangKyu LEE, Sunghyun YOON
    Target Users
    Service provider, device manufacturer, device owner, device user, cloud provider
    Recently, the interest in pest control using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), such as drones, for open-field agriculture is growing as the technology related to smart agriculture is advanced.

    UAVs equipped with high-performance cameras and a variety of sensors closely monitor a wide range of agricultural land and detect unique spectral signals of crops. Meanwhile, sensors installed on the ground collect crop-growth status information. The data collected by UAVs and ground sensors are analyzed using various technologies including AI. UAVs take appropriate pest control, if the occurrence of pests is identified according to the analysis results. UAVs can set the target area and use the minimum amount of pesticides on the area in order to improve the productivity of farmhouses while minimizing the damage caused by pests. The pest control using UAVs can alleviate the labor shortage in rural areas due to the decrease of the agricultural population and the aging of the farmers. In addition, UAVs can also be an effective solution to protect farmers from serious side effects of pesticides by reducing the frequency of farmer’s contact with chemicals such as pesticides.
    Expected devides
  • UAVs (drones) equipped with high-performance cameras and sensors for monitoring and detecting pests
  • Sensors for monitoring crop-growth status in ground
  • Controllers for UAVs, and for related actuators installed in ground
  • Data (image, video, etc.) analyzer in cloud
  • Expected data
  • Image and/or video data of farmland and crops
  • Data of soil conditions and crop-growth status
  • Data on types of pests and appropriate control methods
  • Result of pest control works
  • Dependencies - Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    WoT Thing Description
    The pest control using UAVs includes the steps of data collection, data analysis and prescription, pest control operation, and utilization of data including operation results.

  • In data collection step, UAVs collect data, such as images and/or videos, on farmland and crops by using built-in high-performance cameras and sensors, and transmit them to the cloud. In addition, the sensors installed on the ground collect data related to the soil condition and crop-growth status and transmit them to the cloud through a controller.
  • In data analysis and prescription step, the cloud analyzes the collected data using various technologies including AI and big data technologies to identify the occurrence of pests, occurrence area and the range of occurred pests, and types of occurred pests. Then the cloud generates a prescription including the type, amount, and spray method of appropriate pesticides based on the analysis results. This prescription is delivered to UAVs or a separate ground-operated pest control machine. To generate accurate and effective prescription, the cloud may utilize public database provided by government or related service providers.
  • In pest control operation step, according to the prescription received from the cloud, UAVs perform pest control operation. UAVs can spray the correct amount of pesticide around the area where the pests occur, depending on the type of pests and the severity of symptoms.
  • In data utilization step, the cloud stores and manages the data collected throughout the entire process for pest control. The accumulated data are used as basic materials for establishing an optimal control plan regarding the location of farmland, soil condition, the types and status of crops, the types of pests. Farmers can monitor the details and results of the overall control operations using the web page or mobile app.
  • Variants
    Security Considerations
    This use case does not specify any specific requirements on security matters. Any well-defined existing security capabilities can be applied for this use case. However, appropriate security plan is required to protect the image or video data for pest control which are closely related to the profits of the farmhouse.
    Privacy Considerations
    To protect the agricultural technology of the farmer and secure competitiveness, it is required to establish a systematic access method for all data acquired during the pest control using UAVs. Only the stakeholders who have been contracted or promised in advance are allowed to access the data to be share or distributed, because various stakeholders may participate in other agricultural works as well as pest control.
    Accessibility Considerations
    Internationalisation (i18n) Considerations
    In addition to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), each country has regulations for the safe operation and management of UAVs for non-military purposes. UAVs for pest control should be operated safely within the scope of related regulations, such as the available altitude and range of flight and the allowable weight of the payload.

    UAVs, sensors and equipment from different manufacturers may not be compatible with each other. For data sharing and analysis, a standardized data format and compatible connection interface between different types of equipment and devise should be provided.
    Farmers may have own database and analysis system for pest control using UAVs. However, a significant cost is required to secure high-performance computing resources for analyzing images or videos and to manage large-capacity storage space. Therefore, it can be much more economical to utilize the cloud service.

    In addition, a large-capacity battery and fast charging technology should be considered for the stable operation of UAVs that require a long flight. Wireless power transfer (WPT) technology may be a potential charging method for future agricultural UAVs.
    Existing Standards

    Livestock Health Management

    ChangKyu LEE, Mun Hwan CHOI, Sunghyun YOON
    Target Users
    service providers, device manufacturers, device users

    IoT and AI-based animal health management technologies are being introduced to overcome the difficulty of separating sick livestock from other livestock in narrow spaces where many livestock herds live. This helps to safely maintain livestock by monitoring their behavior and health status and taking quick and appropriate responses if disease is expected or occurs.

    IoT and AI-based animal health management technology plays an important role in monitoring livestock health, preventing diseases, and detecting them early. Through this technology, livestock's health status can be monitored in real-time by collecting and analyzing their biological signals, such as body temperature, heart rate, and respiration, and setting normal ranges. If abnormal data is detected, it sends an alert to the famer to take appropriate measures.

    Additionally, AI technology can be used to predict livestock's health status. By analyzing the relationship between livestock's health status and disease occurrence using AI models, predictive results on health status can be provided to take preventive measures.

    This IoT and AI-based animal health management technology is very useful for maintaining livestock's health, improving productivity, and minimizing disease occurrence by monitoring their health status, taking preventive measures, and providing early responses.

    Expected devides
  • Sensors and/or cameras to collect data on behavioral characteristics and health status of livestock, environmental conditions inside and outside the livestock barn
  • Wearable devices such as collars or ear tags attached to the livestock’s body to monitor the livestock’s location, behavior, and vital signs
  • Communication devices including object identifiers (RFID readers, QR code scanners or barcode scanners), Bluetooth or Wi-Fi modules, and cellular to transmit the data from the sensors, cameras or wearable devices to a cloud server for analysis
  • Environmental control devices such as light, air conditioner, etc.) to control the breeding environment of livestock
  • Cloud-based analytical system to analyze the collected data. Edge devices including microcontrollers, gateways, and edge servers may be required for network stability and real-time data processing
  • Expected data
  • Identification data of a livestock: identification number, sex, age, etc.
  • Health status data of a livestock: body weight, body temperature, heart rate, respiration rate, activity level, feed and water intake, fecal volume and its condition, etc.
  • Disease data of a livestock: disease occurrence, type of disease, diagnosis and prescription results, etc.
  • Environmental condition data of a livestock barn: temperature, humidity, ammonia, carbon dioxide level, etc.
  • Dependencies - Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    WoT Thing Description

    Overall, livestock health management involves a complex system of data collection, transmission, processing, analysis, and decision-making. By using this, it is possible to improve livestock health, prevent the spread of disease, and increase productivity. Livestock health management can be described from the perspective of data flow as follows.

    (Data collection) Data for livestock health management are collected from the livestock and the livestock barn being monitored. This data can include various types of physiological data, such as body temperature, heart rate, respiration rate, and fecal output, as well as environmental data, such as temperature, humidity, and air quality.

    (Data Processing) The data is then preprocessed on edge devices before being sent to the cloud server. The preprocessing step can involve cleaning the data, compressing it, and performing basic analysis to reduce the amount of data that needs to be transmitted.

    (Data transmission) Collected data is transmitted to a cloud server for analysis. This is typically done using wireless communication technologies such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, RFID, or cellular networks.

    (Data Analysis) The cloud server uses machine learning algorithms and AI models to analyze the data collected from the sensors and wearable devices. The analysis can include identifying patterns, predicting future health risks, and detecting early signs of illness or disease.

    (Decision Making) Based on the data analysis results, the livestock health management service provider or veterinarian with insights can make decisions about the care and treatment of the livestock. This can include taking preventative measures to reduce the risk of disease or illness, administering medication, or isolating sick livestock from the rest of the herd. Also, the livestock health management service provider or veterinarian establish a livestock health management plan that reflects the results of analysis.

    Security Considerations
    This use case does not define specific considerations for security issues. However, all data collected and analyzed for livestock health management should be managed using well-defined security technologies. In particular, it should be treated more safely because it is used as data for prescribing medicines for disease treatment.
    Privacy Considerations
    Establishing a systematic access method for all data acquired in livestock health management is necessary to protect the agricultural technology of farmers and ensure competitiveness. Only stakeholders who have a pre-existing contract or agreement are permitted to access and share/distribute the data.
    Accessibility Considerations
    Internationalisation (i18n) Considerations
  • Protocol Requirements: Flexible.
  • Contents Type Requirements: Flexible.
  • Platform or Standard Requirements: None.
  • Authentication and Authorization Mechanisms Requirements: Flexible.
  • Communication Requirements: To transmit and share data collected from livestock or from the livestock barn, appropriate communication links and identification methods for individual livestock are necessary. High-speed communication links may be required to collect large data such as images or videos in real-time or to transmit data to external cloud server for data analysis.
  • Data expression Requirements: Various data for livestock health management should be represented in a standardized format that is independent of the type or manufacturer of the device or equipment. Furthermore, all of this data must be stored and managed in a separate repository to maintain a history of the data, and data interoperability must be ensured.
  • Other Requirements: Unlike a greenhouse or an open field, a livestock barn has an environment that is very humid and easily exposed to toxic gases due to manure. Since devices such as sensors and cameras installed in livestock barn can easily fail, the state of the device must be continuously managed remotely, and it must be replaced immediately if necessary.
  • Gaps
    Existing Standards

    Agricultural Machinery Management

    Mun Hwan CHOI, ChangKyu LEE, Sunghyun YOON
    Target Users
    service providers, machinery manufacturers, machinery owners, device manufacturer

    Smart agriculture in open fields, which covers a considerably large area, requires various types of agricultural machinery such as tractors, combines, weeders, and pesticide sprayers, unlike greenhouse with limited space. However, since the cost of agricultural machinery is generally high, it is important to efficiently operate and manage the machinery to save costs and labor required for operating them.

    To manage agricultural machinery efficiently, farmers need to first establish an agricultural works plan that reflects the type of agricultural works required for each growth stage of the crops, the estimated time required, the type and quantity of machinery needed for each agricultural works. By implementing the established agricultural work plan, farmers can use machinery to complete the required agricultural work in the shortest time possible. In addition, IoT-connected machinery can share real-time progress status of the agricultural work and, if necessary, additional idle machinery can be added to shorten the time required for agricultural work.

    Various types of sensor devices installed on agricultural machinery collect data related to environmental conditions of the field and crop growth status. The collected data is used for the establishment of optimal production management strategies and optimization (update) of agricultural works plan to improve the productivity (convenience, operating cost) of farmhouse through AI-based analysis. Farmers can monitor the operational status of the agricultural machinery and the progress of the agricultural work anytime, anywhere through web or mobile devices, and can also transmit appropriate instructions in case of changes in the farming plan or equipment failures.

    Expected devides
  • Communication device for data sharing between agricultural machinery and farm operation system
  • GNSS (Global navigation satellite system) device or other geolocation system for tracking and monitoring the location of agricultural machinery
  • IoT sensor devices for collecting environmental conditions and crop-growth status of farmland
  • Operation recording devices of agricultural machinery and component failure monitoring sensors
  • Data analysis systems for optimizing agricultural works plan and agricultural machinery management model
  • Expected data
  • Data including type of agricultural works, necessary agricultural machinery, required working hours for agricultural works plan according to crop-growth stages
  • Operation status of the agricultural machinery, including location, operation status, fuel consumption, failure occurrence, etc.
  • Environmental condition data of farmland and crop-growth status data collected from IoT sensor devices
  • Agricultural work progress status and result report data
  • Historical data related to agricultural works and agricultural machinery
  • Dependencies - Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    WoT Thing Description

    Efficient management of agricultural machinery is achieved through systematic management of various data, such as optimal agricultural works plans, machinery operation status, agricultural works execution results, and history of malfunctions or damages. This data can be analyzed based on AI and big data technology to establish the optimal production management strategy. Through this series of procedures, farm productivity can be improved.

    The farmer or agricultural machinery management service provider establish an agricultural works plan based on data such as the location of farmland, the types of agricultural works required, the time required to perform the agricultural works, the types of agricultural machinery required and their availability, and the history of past agricultural works execution. The establishment of the agricultural works plan is crucial because it serves as the basis for efficiently operating and managing agricultural machinery at the lowest cost possible. To establish an agricultural works plan, the farmer's requirements must be reflected, and consulting results from an agricultural expert group or expert system should be incorporated as necessary. The system may also take into account factors such as local weather conditions and forecasts, including historical conditions such as accumulated precipitation. Management of machinery can also take into account predicted events, such as the possible need for maintenance or repairs.

    Based on the established agricultural works plan, the necessary agricultural machinery is deployed and executes the corresponding agricultural works. During the process of agricultural works, the agricultural machinery collects and reports data on its operating status, occurrence of malfunctions or damages, agricultural works execution status and its results, as well as the status of the farmland and crops-growth to the farm operation system. The farm operation system can monitor the agricultural works progress in real-time, and can modify the agricultural works plan to immediately deploy the machinery that is not yet deployed or that can finish the assigned agricultural work soon, thus improving the operational efficiency of the agricultural machinery for the farm.

    The farm operation system analyzes the collected data comprehensively and utilizes it to update existing agricultural works plan and optimize production management strategies for the improvement of farm productivity. The collected and analyzed data can be shared with stakeholders, such as service providers, agricultural machinery manufacturers, and maintenance companies. Based on the shared data, service providers can improve the quality of agricultural machinery management services, while agricultural machinery manufacturers and maintenance companies can utilize the data to produce and maintain agricultural machinery that is optimized for the agricultural works demanded by farmers. Additionally, farmers can monitor the progress status and results of agricultural works through web or mobile devices.

    In small-scale farms, individual systems can be installed for managing agricultural machinery, but for managing various types of machinery in large-scale farms, it would be more cost-effective to use agricultural machinery management services provided by related business. In this case, the agricultural machinery is directly connected to the cloud server of the service provider to receive instructions for performing agricultural works and to report the results of the agricultural works.
    Security Considerations
    This use case does not define specific considerations for security issues. However, all data collected and analyzed for the agricultural machinery management should be managed using well-defined security technologies.
    Privacy Considerations
    In order to safeguard the agricultural technology utilized by farmers and maintain their competitiveness, it is essential to establish a structured approach for accessing all the data collected and shared during agricultural machinery management. Only stakeholders who have a pre-existing contract or agreement may be granted access to the data that is intended to be shared or distributed.
    Accessibility Considerations
    Internationalisation (i18n) Considerations
    The data formats and units need to be adapted to the local standards, instructions need to be made available in the farmer's language, and scheduling needs to take into account cultural differences, such as holidays, daylight saving changes, or required breaks and hours for workers.
  • Protocol Requirements: Flexible.
  • Contents Type Requirements: Flexible.
  • Platform or Standard Requirements: None.
  • Authentication and Authorization Mechanisms Requirements: Flexible.
  • Communication Requirements: Diverse agricultural machinery and farm operation systems must be connected through a communication network to direct agricultural works and transmits the agricultural works execution results and collected data. As agricultural machinery is placed across a significantly large area for agricultural works, wireless communication methods utilizing technologies such as GSM, UMTS, LTE, CDMA, or 5G should be considered.
  • Data Expression Requirement: Farmers may need or want to use equipment from various different manufacturers, either simultaneously or over time. Therefore, various data for agricultural machinery management should be represented in a standardized format that is independent of the type or manufacturer of the agricultural machinery or equipment. Furthermore, all of this data must be stored and managed in a separate repository to maintain a history of the data, and data interoperability must be ensured.
  • Gaps
    Existing Standards

    Smart City

    Smart City Geolocation

    Jennifer Lin, Michael McCool
    Target Users

    A Smart City managing mobile devices and sensors, including passively mobile sensor packs, packages, vehicles, and autonomous robots, where their location needs to be determined dynamically.


    Smart Cities need to track a large number of mobile devices and sensors. Location information may be integrated with a logistics or fleet management system. A reusable geolocation module is needed with a common network interface to include in these various applications. For outdoor applications, GPS could be used, but indoors other geolocation technologies might be used, such as WiFi triangulation or vision-based navigation (SLAM). Therefore the geolocation information should be technology-agnostic.

    NOTE: we prefer the term "geolocation", even indoors, over "localization" to avoid confusion with language localization.

    Expected Devices

    One of the following:

    • A geolocation system on a personal device, such as a smart phone.
    • A geolocation system to be attached to some other portable device.
    • A geolocation system attached to a mobile vehicle.
    • A geolocation system on a payload transported by a vehicle.
    • A geolocation system on an indoor mobile robot.

    Expected Data
    • Sensor ID
    • Timestamp of last geolocation
    • 2D location
      • typically latitude and longitude
      • May also be semantic, i.e. room in a building, exit
    • Semantic location
      • Possibly in addition to numerical lat/long location.
    • Altitude
      • May also be semantic, i.e. floor of a building
    • Heading
    • Speed
    • Accuracy information
      • Confidence interval, e.g. distance that true location will be within some probability.
      • Gaussian covariance matrix
      • For each measurement
      • For lat/long, may be a single value (see web browser API; radius?)
    • Geolocation technology (GPS, SLAM, etc.).
      • Note that multiple technologies might be used together.
      • Include parameters such as sample interval, accuracy
    • For each geolocation technology, data specific to that technology:
      • GPS: NMEA type [[NMEA-0183]]
    • Historical data

    Note: the system should be capable of notifying consumers of changes in location. This may be used to implement geofencing by some other system. This may require additional parameters, such as the maximum distance that the device may be moved before a notification is sent, or the maximum amount of time between updates. Notifications may be sent by a variety of means, some of which may not be traditional push mechanisms (for example, email might be used). For geofencing applications, it is not necessary that the device be aware of the fence boundaries; these can be managed by a separate system.


    Smart Cities have the need to observe the physical locations of large number of mobile devices in use in the context of a Fleet or Logistics Management System, or to place sensor data on a map in a Dashboard application. These systems may also include geofencing notifications and mapping (visual tracking) capabilities.


    • A version of the system may log historical data so the past locations of the devices can be recovered.
    • Geolocation technologies other than GPS may be used. The payload may contain additional information specific to the geolocation technology used. In particular, in indoor situations technologies such as WiFi triangulation or (V)SLAM may be more appropriate.
    • Geofencing may be implemented using event notifications and will require setting of additional parameters such as maximum distance.

    Security Considerations

    High-resolution timestamps can be used in conjunction with cache manipulation to access protected regions of memory, as with the SPECTRE exploit. Certain geolocation APIs and technologies can return high-resolution timestamps which can be a potential problem. Eventually these issues will be addressed in cache architecture but in the meantime a workaround is to artificially limit the resolution of timestamps.

    Privacy Considerations

    Location is generally considered private information when it is used with a device that may be associated with a specific person, such as a phone or vehicle, as it can be used to track that person and infer their activities or who they associate with (if multiple people are being tracked at once). Therefore APIs to access geographic location in sensitive contexts are often restricted, and access is allowed only after confirming permission from the user.


    There is no single standardized semantic vocabulary for representing location data. Location data can be point data, a path, an area or a volumetric object. Location information can be expressed using multiple standards, but the reader of location data in a TD or in data returned by an IoT device must be able to unambiguously describe location information.

    There are both dynamic (data returned by a mobile sensor) and static (fixed installation location) applications for geolocation data. For dynamic location data, some recommended vocabulary to annotate data schemas would be useful. For static location data, a standard format for metadata to be included in a TD itself would be useful.

    Existing Standards

    • NMEA: defines sentences from GPS devices [[NMEA-0183]]
    • World Geodetic System (WGS84) [[WGS84]]:
      • Defines lat/long/alt coordinate system used by most other geolocation standards
      • More complicated than you would think (need to deal with deviations of Earth from a true sphere, gravitational irregularities, position of centroid, etc. etc.)
    • Basic Geo Vocabulary [[w3c-basic-geo]]:
      • Very basic RDF definitions for lat, long, and alt
      • Does not define heading or speed
      • Does not define accuracy
      • Does not define timestamps
      • Uses string as a data model (rather than a number)
    • W3C Geolocation API [[geolocation-API]]:
      • W3C Devices and Sensors WG is now handling
      • There is an updated proposal:
      • Data schema of updated proposal is similar to existing API, but all elements are now optional
      • Data includes latitude, longitude, altitude, heading, and speed
      • Accuracy is included for latitude/longitude (single number in meters, 95% confidence, interpretation a little ambiguous, but probably intended to be a radius) and altitude, but not for heading or speed.
    • Open Geospatial Consortium [[OGC]]:
      • See OGC Abstract Specification Topic 2: Referencing by coordinates [[OGC-coords]]
      • Referring to locations by coordinates
      • Has standards defining semantics for identifying locations
      • Useful for mapping
    • ISO:
      • ISO 19111 [[iso-19111-2007]], [[iso-19111-2019]]
        • Standard for referring to locations by coordinates
        • Related to OGS standard above and WGS84
      • Various other standards that relate to remote sensing, geolocation, etc.
      • Here is an example (see references):
    • Semantic Sensor Network Ontology (SSN/SOSA) [[vocab-ssn]]:
    • Timestamps:
      • W3C High Resolution Time [[hr-time-3]]
      • See also related issues such as latency defined in SSN

    Note that accuracy and time are issues that apply to all kinds of sensors, not just geolocation. However, the specific geolocation technology of GPS is special since it is also a source of accurate time.

    Smart City Dashboard

    Michael McCool
    Target Users

    A Smart City managing a large number of devices whose data needs to be visualized and understood in context.

    Stakeholders include:

    • device owners: need to make data from devices available to dashboard system.
    • device user: users of the dashboard system, such as members of city management, are indirectly "using" the devices by accessing their data, and in one variant, sending commands to actuators.
    • cloud provider: the dashboard system itself or components of it (such as a database or data ingestion system) may be hosted in the cloud.


    In order to facilitate Smart City planning and decision-making, a Smart City dashboard interface makes it possible for city management to view and visualize all sensor data through the entire city in real time, with data identified as to geographic source location.

    Expected Devices

    Actuators can include robots; for these, commands might be given to robots to move to new locations, drop off or pick up sensor packages, etc. However, it could also include other kinds of actuators, such as flood gates, traffic signals, lights, signs, etc. For example, posting a public message on an electronic billboard might be one task possible through the dashboard.

    Sensors can include those for the environment and for people and traffic management (density counts, thermal cameras, car speeds, etc.). status of robots, other actuators, and sensors, data visualization, and (optionally) historical comparisons.

    Dashboard would include mapping functionality. Mapping implies a need for location data for every actuator and sensor, which could be acquired through geolocation sensors (e.g. GPS) or assigned statically during installation.

    This use case also includes images from cameras and real-time image and data streaming.

    Expected Data

    • Environmental data for temperature, humidity, UV levels, pollution levels, etc.
    • Infrastructure status (water flow, electrical grid, road integrity, etc.)
    • Emergency sensing (flooding, earthquake, fire, etc.)
    • Traffic (both people and vehicles)
    • Health monitoring (e.g.fever tracking, mask detection, social distancing)
    • Safety monitoring (e.g.wearing construction helmets on a construction site)
    • Reports from non-IoT sources (for example, police reports of crimes, hospital emergency case reports)
    • Images and data derived from images (people traffic and density can be derived from image analysis). All data would need an associated geolocation and timestamp so it can be placed in time and space.

    Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    • Thing description - support for data ingestion and normalization, geolocation and timestamp standards.
    • Discovery - directories capable of tracking and managing a large number of devices on a large and possibly segmented network


    Data from a large number and wide variety of sensors needs to be integrated into a single database and normalized, then placed in time and space, and finally visualized.

    The user, a member of city management responsible for making planning decisions, sees data visualized on a map suitable for planning decisions.


    • Historical data may also be available (allowing an analysis of trends over time).
    • It may be possible to also issue commands to actuators through the interface.
    • The system may be used for emergency response (for instance, closing floodgates in response to an expected tsunami)
    • A subset of the data visualization capabilities may be made available to the public (for example, traffic)
    • Filtering based on parameters such as location (area, state, county, country, zip code, etc.), sensor type, subject matter, etc.
    • Ability to generate alerts off of various parameters
    • Ability to produce logs off historical data

    Security Considerations

    • Access to data should only be provided to authorized users, although some may be made available publicly
    • Access to actuators should only be provided to authorized users, and commands should be recorded for auditing.

    Privacy Considerations

    • Management of privacy-sensitive information, for example images of people, should be controlled and ideally not associated with specific individuals
    • Data that can be used to track movements of particular individuals should be controlled or eliminated.
    • Data purge functions should be supported to allow the permanent deletion of private data.


    • Geolocation data standards
    • Timestamp data standards
    • Scalable Discovery

    Interactive Public Spaces

    Michael McCool
    Public spaces provide many opportunities for engaging, social and fun interaction. At the same time, preserving privacy while sharing tasks and activities with other people is a major issue in ambient systems. These systems may also deliver personalized information in combination with more general services presented publicly. A trustful discovery of the services and devices available in such environments is a necessity to guarantee personalization and privacy in public-space applications.
    Expected Devices
    Public spaces supporting personalizable services and device access.
    Expected Data
    Command and status information transferred between the personal mobile device application and the public space's services and devices.

    Profile data for user preferences.
    • WoT Thing Description
    • WoT Discovery
    • WoT Scripting API in application on mobile personal device and possibly in IoT orchestration services in the public space.
    Interactive installations such as touch-sensitive or gesture-tracking billboards may be set up in public places. Objects that present public information (e.g. a map of a shopping mall) can use a multimodal interface (built-in or in tandem with the user's mobile devices) to simplify user interaction and provide faster access. Other setups can stimulate social activities, allowing multiple people to enter an interaction simultaneously to work together towards a certain goal (for a prize) or just for fun (e.g. play a musical instrument or control a lighting exhibition). In a context where privacy is an issue (for example, with targeted/personalized alerts or advertisements), the user's mobile device acts as a mediator for the services running on the public network. This allows the user to receive relevant information in the way they see fit. Notifications can serve as triggers for interaction with public devices and services if the user chooses to do so.
    The user may have additional mobile devices they want to incorporate into an interaction, for example a headset acting as an auditory aid or personal speech output device.
    Data format describing user interface preferences.
    Existing Standards
    This use case is based on MMI UC 3.1 [[mmi-use-cases]].
    Does not include Requirements section from original MMI use case.

    Meeting Room Event Assistance

    Michael McCool
    Expected Devices
    Meeting space supporting personalizable services and device access.
    Expected Data
    Command and status information transferred between the personal mobile device application and the meeting space's services and devices. Profile data for user preferences.
    • WoT Thing Description
    • WoT Discovery
    • Optional: WoT Scripting API in application on mobile personal device and possibly in IoT orchestration services in the meeting space.
    A conference room where a series of meetings will take place. People can go in and out of the room before, after and during the meeting. The door is "touched" by a badge. An application on the user's mobile device can activate any available display in the room and the room and can access and receive notification from devices and services in the room. The chair of the meeting is notified by a dynamically composed graphic animation, audio notification or a mobile phone notification, about available devices and services, and can install applications indicated by links. The chair of the meeting selects a setup procedure by text amongst the provided links. These options could be, for example: photo step-by-step instructions (smartphone, HDTV display, Web site), audio instructions (MP3 audio guide, room speakers reproduction, HDTV audio) or RFID enhanced instructions (mobile SmartTag Reader, RFID Reader for smartphone). The chair of the meeting chooses the room speakers reproduction, then the guiding Service is activated and they start to set the video projector. After some attendees arrive, the chair of the meeting changes to the slide show option and continues to follow the instructions at the same step it was paused but with another more private modality for example, a smartphone slideshow.
    The user may have additional mobile devices they want to incorporate into an interaction, for example a headset acting as an auditory aid or personal speech output device.
    Data format describing user interface preferences. Ability to install applications based on links that can access IoT services.
    Existing Standards
    This use case is based on MMI UC 3.2 [[mmi-use-cases]].
    Does not include Requirements section from original MMI use case.

    Cross-Domain Discovery in a Smart Campus

    Andrea Cimmino and Raúl García Castro
    Target Users
    • device owners
    • service provider
    • network operator (potentially transparent for WoT use cases)
    • directory service operator
    In this use case a network full of IoT devices is presented, in which these devices are registered in several Middle-Nodes. The challenge presented in this scenario is to be able to discover the different sensors, by issues a SPARQL query, and without having prior knowledge of where those devices are allocated. Therefore, the discovery SPARQL query must start from a specific Middle-Node and reach all those Middle-Nodes that are relevant to answer the query. This scenario requires that discovery does not only happen locally when a Middle-Node receives the query and checks if some Thing Description registered is suitable to answer the query. Instead, the scenario requires also that the Middle-Node forwards the query through the network (topology conformed by the middle-nodes) in order to find those Middle-Nodes that actually contain relevant Thing Descriptions. Notice from the following example that the query is not broadcasted in the network to prevent flooding, instead the Middle-Nodes follow some discovery heuristic to know where the query should be forwarded. Also, notice that in this scenario not all the Middle-Nodes have the IoT devices registered directly within, they are Middle-Nodes collectors, such as Middle-Node C, I, G, and D.
    Expected Devices
    Any device from the energy context (e.g. solar panels, smart plugs, or smart energy meters), devices from the building context (e.g. light bulbs, light switches, occupancy sensors, or thermostats), devices from the environmental context (e.g. soil moisture, flood detection, or air humidity), devices from the wearables context (e.g. smart bands), and/or devices from the water context (e.g. water valves, or water quality sensors)
    Expected Data
    Data coming from different contexts, such as Energy, Building, Environmental Wearables and Water.
    Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    Current WoT-Discovery approach
    A campus has a wide range of IoT devices distributed across their grounds. These IoT devices belong to very different domains in a smart city, such as, energy, buildings, environment, water, wearable, etc. The IoT devices are distributed across the campus and belong to different infrastructures or even to individuals. A sample topology of this scenario could be the following:

    sample topology of a smart campus

    In this scenario, energy-related IoT devices monitor the energy use and income in the campus, among other things. From these measurements, an Energy Management System may predict a negative peak of incoming energy that would entail the failure of the whole system. In this case, a Service or a User needs to discover all those IoT devices that are not critical for the normal functioning of the campus (such as indoor or outdoor illumination, HVAC systems, or water heaters) and interact with them in order to save energy, by switching them off or reducing their consumption. Besides, the same Service or User will look for those IoT devices that are critical for the well-functioning of the campus (such as magnetic locks, water distribution system, or fire/smoke sensors) and ensure that they are up and running. Additionally, the Service or the User, will discover relevant people's wearable to warn them about the situation.

    Sample flow:

    A service, or a user, sends a (SPARQL) query to the discovery endpoint of a known Middle-Node (which can be wrapped by a GUI). The Middle-Node will try to answer the query first checking the Thing Descriptions of the IoT devices registered in such Middle-Node. Then, if the query requires further discovery, or it was not successfully answered the Middle-Node will forward the query to its *known* Middle-Nodes. Recursively, the Middle-Nodes will try to answer the query and/or forward the query to their known Middle-Nodes. When one Middle-Node is able to answer the query it will forward back to the former Middle-Node the partial query answer. Finally, when the discovery task finishes, the former Middle-Node will join all the partial query answers producing an unified view (which could be synchronous or asynchronous).

    For instance, assuming Middle-Node F receives a query that asks about all the discoverable Building IoT devices in the campus. First, the Middle-Node F will try to answer the query with the Thing Descriptions of the IoT registered within. Since Middle-Node F contains some Building IoT devices a partial query answer is achieved. However, since they query asked about all the discoverable Building IoT devices Middle-Node F should forward the query to its other known Middle-Nodes, i.e., Middle-Node G. This process will be repeated by the Middle-Nodes until the query reaches the Middle-Nodes H and B which are the ones that have registered Thing Descriptions about IoT buildings. Therefore, the query will travel through the topology as follows:

    query goes through the topology for a smart campus

    Finally, when Middle Nodes B and H compute two partial query answers, those answers will be forwarded back to Middle-Node F which will join them with its former partial query answer obtained from its registered Thing Descriptions. Finally, a global query answer will be provided.
    Security Considerations
    None, in this case an underneath infrastructure that handles security is assumed
    Privacy Considerations
    None, although relevant in this case the core of the use case relies on the feature of finding across the network different IoT devices. It is assumed that there is an underneath infrastructure that handles privacy
    Been able to find suitable Middle-Nodes that are relevant to answer the query, with no prior knowledge
    Existing Standards

    Cultural Spaces (Museums)

    Konstantinos Kotis, K. Zachila, A. Dimara
    Target Users
    • device owners
    • device user
    • service provider

    This use case is related to the semantic modeling of trustworthy IoT entities in energy-efficient cultural spaces such as museums.

    Nowadays, energy-saving issues have awakened the research community's interest due to the more and more increasing global electricity demand. An excessive use of energy is believed to derive from public and industrial buildings to cover their daily load requirements in the context of the provision of their services. Thus, the necessity of developing energy-efficient buildings could be proved beneficial. Notably, the improvement of buildings' energy efficiency leads to Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS).

    BEMS objectives include but not limited to:
    1. the continuous management of energy towards energy consumption optimization;
    2. the optimization of buildings' visiting conditions towards enhancing visitors experience and comfort,
    3. the optimization of buildings' environmental conditions towards the protection and preservation of
    4. artifacts (indirect contribution).

    The application of BEMS in the context of energy-saving at cultural spaces, and especially at the museums' spaces, is an evolving recent research interest. The protection and preservation of artworks and ancient objects isolated in museums, leads to the necessity of continuous monitoring of the environmental factors and indoor conditions like temperature, humidity and CO2. This monitoring involves Internet of Things (IoT) entities, which may be considered as an integral part of BEMS, to reduce energy consumption without: a) sacrificing humans' visiting experience and comfort indoor levels, and b) sacrificing artworks' protection and preservation.

    The aim of the presented use case is to sketch and highlight the following requirements for knowledge representation:
    1. representing knowledge related to the trustworthy IoT entities that are deployed in a museum i.e., things (e.g, exhibits, spaces), sensors, actuators, people, data, applications;
    2. dealing with entities' heterogeneity via semantic interoperability and integration, especially for 'smart' museum applications and generated data;
    3. representing knowledge related to saving energy e.g., lights, air-conditioning;
    4. representing knowledge related to museum visits and visitors towards enhancing visiting experience while preserving comfort;
    5. representing knowledge related to environmental conditions towards protecting and preserving museum artwork via continuous monitoring.
    A selective representative list of scenarios related to such a use case are listed below. Its scenario is classified to one of the abovementioned requirements:
    • Requirement (a) (trustworthy IoT entities representation and management):  Count all the sculptures of the museum that are related to visits made by trustworthy students (with a trust degree more than 0.8).  Name all the trustworthy paintings of the museum created by "Picasso" (paintings that were created by Picasso with a trust degree more than 0.9).
    • Requirement (b) (interoperability and integration):  If there are more than two visitors in room "UoAMuseumRoomA1" close to (nearby) an exhibit, classify this exhibit as an "interesting exhibit in room UoAMuseumRoomA1", turn up the light of this exhibit, and lower the light of the remaining exhibits in the room. This scenario is related to objectives (c) and (d) at the same time.  If the temperature of room "UoAMuseumRoomA1" and room "UoA-MuseumRoomA2" is less than 18 degrees Celsius, and there are visits in progress in these rooms, then activate the heating device in the rooms that those visits take place, and deactivate other sources of energy in the remaining rooms of the building.
    • Requirement (c) (energy saving):  If there are no visitors in room "UoAMuseumRoomA1", then turn the lights off (or all the sources of energy).  If the museum's internal and external temperature is between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius, then keep the heating and cooling devices off.
    • Requirement (d) (enhancing visiting experience and comfort):  When a visitor enters the museum for the first time, send him a message (e.g., SMS or tweet) with the number and types of rooms, the number and collections of exhibits, and the average duration of a visit per room.  If a visitor comes out of the museum, then send him a message with the names of the exhibits he liked most based on the observations he made during his/her visit.
    • Requirement (e) (environmental conditions):  If the temperature in room "UoAMuseumRoomA1" is less than 18 degrees Celsius, then activate the heating device (for visitors' comfort).  If the humidity in room A is more than 55%, then activate the humidifier device (for exhibits protection). In respect to current WoT Things Description, the requirement here is to extend schema in order to represent trust (trustworthy things, trustworthy devices, trustworthy IoT entities in general).
    Expected Devices
    Humidity sensor, temperature sensor, motion sensor, light sensor, proximity sensor, camera, aircondition, humidifier, light, smart lamp, smart lock, smart door.
    Expected Data
    Weather (indoors/outdoors) and climate data, sensor data, visitors/visiting data, profile data, movement (trajectory) data, cultural data.
    Dependencies - Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    Web of Things Thing Description (WoT TD): to represent trust (trustworthy things and trustworthy IoT entities in general i.e., devices, people, processes, data).
    From users perspective, this use case sketches knowledge required for an ontology-based BEMS to answer queries such as:
  • Which exhibits are located in UoAMuseumRoomA1?
  • How many sensors (all kinds) are hosted by IoTmuseumPlatformLG?
  • Which rooms have been visited by Visitor01?
  • What temperature measurements have been made in UoAMuseumRoomA1 between 09.00 and 17.00 on 07/12/2020?
  • For observations that are made for Painting01 (in UoAMuseumRoomA1) at 09.00 on 15/01/2021, what is its status in terms of its lamp brightness level and nearby visitors?
  • Reasoning with this knowledge, the identification of interesting exhibits and energy-related observations (based on sensing visitors' proximity to exhibits and observation of exhibits' lamp brightness level) is realized.

    For instance, if the brightness level of an exhibit's lamp is "medium" and there are more than two visitors near the exhibit, then this observation is classified as a) an interesting-exhibit observation and b) an observation to high level energy, meaning that the level of energy (light) for the lamp of the exhibit of this observation must be raised to high. In addition (another example), if the brightness level of the exhibit's lamp is "medium" and less than two visitors are nearby this, then classify this as an observation to low level energy, meaning that the level of energy (light) for the lamp of the exhibit of this observation must be raised to low. These examples indicate that a change (decrease or increase) to the level of light (energy) of the observed exhibit must be applied.

    Security Considerations
    Due to visitors/visiting and profile data access requirement, as well as access to data related to public/private buildings, security issues must be considered.
    Privacy Considerations
    Due to visitors/visiting and profile data access requirement, as well as access to data related to public/private buildings, privacy issues must be considered.
    Accessibility Considerations
    Accessibility must be a concern in the Cultural Spaces domain. Collabration with the W3C Linked Data for Accessbility Community Group is needed.
    Internationalisation (i18n) Considerations
    Internationalization must be a concern as the Culture is an international industry. Need to provide multilanguage labels in different languages e.g., English, French, Chinese.

    Web of Things Thing Description (WoT TD): representation of IoT entities trust (trustworthy things, trustworthy IoT entities in general i.e., devices, people, processes, data). An IoT-trust related knowledge representation (in OWL) is provided by Kotis et al. as an example: (or

    Related paper: Kotis, K., I. Athanasakis, and G. A. Vouros, "Semantically Enabling IoT Trust to Ensure and Secure Deployment of IoT Entities", Int. J. of Internet of Things and Cyber-Assurance, vol. 1, issue 1: Inderscience, pp. 3-21, 2018. (

    Existing standards
    • Semantic Sensor Network Ontology (SSN/SOSA) [[vocab-ssn]]
    This use case has been driven by the research directions discussed in the following papers:
    • Zachila, K., K. Kotis, A. Dimara, S. Ladikou, and C. N. Anagnostopoulos, "Semantic modeling of trustworthy IoT entities in energy-efficient cultural spaces", 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI 2021), Crete, Springer, 2021
    • Dimara, A., C. N. Anagnostopoulos, K. Kotis, S. Krinidis, and T. Tzovaras, "BEMS in the Era of Internet of Energy: A Review", 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI 2021), Crete, Springer, 2021.
    These directions focus on requirements to represent knowledge in a Smart Cultural space, to support semantic interoperability and trust of heterogeneous IoT entities (things, devices, people, processes, data). In respect to the WoT Thing Description (WoT TD), the need to represent trust of IoT entities is accentuated. An IoT-trust related knowledge representation (in OWL) is provided by Kotis et al. here (as an example): (or

    Building Technologies

    Smart Building

    Sebastian Kaebisch
    Target Users
    Motivation and Description
    Buildings such as office buildings, hotels, airports, hospitals, train stations and sports stadiums typically consist of heterogeneous IoT systems such as lightings, elevators, security (e.g. door control), air-conditionings, fire warnings, heatings, pools, parking control, etc. Monitoring, controlling, and management of such a heterogeneous IoT landscape is quite challenging in terms of engineering and maintenance.
    Expected Devices
    All kind of sensors and actuators (e.g. HVAC).
    Expected Users
    • systems engineers
    • system administrators
    • third party user
    Expected Data
    Heterogeneous data models from different IoT systems such as BACnet, KNX, and Modbus.
    Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    WoT Thing Description and Thing Model, WoT Architecture, WoT Binding Templates (covering protocol specifica)
    Existing Standards
    BACnet [[BACnet]], KNX [[KNX]], OPC UA [[OPC UA]], Modbus [[Modbus]]

    Connected Building Energy Efficiency

    Farshid Tavakolizadeh
    Target Users
    • device owners
    • device user
    • directory service operator
    Construction and renovation companies often deal with the challenge of delivering target energy-efficient buildings given specific budget and time constraints. Energy efficiency, as one of the key factors for renovation investments, depends on the availability of various data sources to support the renovation design and planning. These include climate data and building material along with residential comfort and energy consumption profiles. The profiles are created using a combination of manual inputs and sensory data collected from residents.
    Expected Devices
    • Gateway (e.g. Single-board computer with a Z-Wave controller)
    Z-wave Sensors:
    • Power Meter
    • Gas Meter
    • Smart Plug
    • Heavy Duty Switch
    • Door/Window Sensors
    • CO2 Sensor
    • Thermostat
    • Multi-sensors (Motion, Temperature, Light, Humidity, Vibration, UV)
    Expected Data
    • Ambient conditions
    • Occupancy model
    Renovation of residential buildings to improve energy efficiency depend on a wide range of sensory information to understand the building conditions and consumption models. As part of the pre-renovation activities, the renovation companies deploy various sensors to collect relevant data over a period of time. Such sensors become part of a wireless sensor network (WSN) and expose data endpoint with the help of one or more gateway devices. Depending on the protocols, the endpoints require different interaction flows to securely access the current and historical measurements. The renovation applications need to discover the sensors, their endpoints and how to interact with them based on search criteria such as the physical location, mapping to the building model or measurement type.
    Privacy Considerations
    The TD may expose personal information about the building layout and residents.
    There is no standard vocabulary for embedding application-specific meta data inside the TD. It is possible to extend the TD context and add additional fields but with too much flexibility, every application may end up with a completely different structure, making such information more difficult to discover. In this use-case, the application specific data are:
    • the mapping between each thing and the space in the building model
    • various identifiers for each thing (e.g. sensor serial number, z-wave ID, SenML name)
    • indoor coordinates
    There is no standard API specification for the WoT Thing Directory to maintain and query TDs.
    Existing Standards
    • OGC Sensor Things [[OGC Sensor Things]] model includes a `properties` property for each Thing which is a non-normative JSON Object for application-specific information (not to be confused with TD's `properties` which is a Map of instances of PropertyAffordance

    Automated Smart Building Management

    Edison Chung, Hervé Pruvost, Georg Ferdinand Schneider
    Smart Building
    Target Users
    • device owners
    • device user
    • service provider
    • device manufacturer
    • gateway manufacturer
    • identity provider
    • directory service operator

    When operating smart buildings, aggregating and managing all data provided by heterogeneous devices in these buildings still require a lot of manual effort. Besides the hurdles of data acquisition that relies on multiple protocols, the acquired data generally lacks contextual information and metadata about its location and purpose. Usually, each service or application that consumes data from building things requires information about its content and its context like, e.g.:

    • which thing produces the data (sensor, meter, actuator, other technical component...) in a building;
    • which physical quantity or process is represented (temperature, energy supply, monitoring, actuation);
    • which other building things are involved (e.g. sensor hosted by a duct or a space).

    Through the increased use of model-based data exchange over the whole life cycle of a building, often referred to as Building Information Modeling (BIM) (Sacks et al., 2018), a curated source for data describing the building itself is available including, amongst others, the topology of the building structured into e.g. sites, stores and spaces.

    Automatically tracking down data and their related things in a building would especially ease the configuration and operation of Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS) and Heating Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) services during commissioning, operation, maintenance and retrofitting. To tackle these challenges, still, building experts make use of metadata and naming conventions which are manually implemented in Building Management Systems (BMS) databases to annotate data and things. An important property of a thing is its location within the topology of a building as well as where its related data are produced or used. For example, this applies to the temperature sensor of a space, the temperature setpoint of a zone, a mixing damper flap actuator of a HVAC component, etc. In addition, other attributes of things are of interest, such as cost or specific manufacturer data. One difficulty is especially the lack of a standardized way of creating, linking and sharing this information in an automated manner. On the contrary, manufacturers, service providers and users introduce their own metadata for their own purpose. As a solution, the Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description (TD) aims at providing normalized and syntactic interoperability between things.

    To support this effort, this use case is motivated by the need to enhance semantic interoperability between things in smart buildings and to provide them with contextual links to building information. This building information is usually obtained from a BIM model. The use case builds on Web of Data technologies and reuses schemas available from the Linked Building Data domain. It should serve as a use case template for many applications in an Internet of Building Things (IoBT).

    Expected Devices
    • Actuators
    • Sensors
    • Devices from the building context
    • Devices from the HVAC system
    • Smart devices
    Expected Data
    • Sensor ID
    • Thing Descriptions
    • Protocol integrations
    • Sensor readings
    • Building topology
    • Semantic location
    • Geolocation
    Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    • Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description (TD) [[wot-thing-description]]
    • Web of Things (WoT) Binding Templates [[wot-binding-templates]]
    • WoT Discovery - Geolocation (Proposal) [[wot-geolocation-proposal]]

    The goal of this use case is to show the potential to automate workflows and address the heterogeneity of data as observed in the smart building domain. The examples show the potential benefits of combining WoT TD with contextual data obtained from BIM.

    The use cases is based on the Open Smart Home Dataset, which introduces a BIM model for a residential flat combined with observations made by typical smart home sensors. We extend the dataset with Thing Descriptions of some of the items. The respective Thing Description of a temperature sensor in the kitchen of the considered flat is as follows:

                            "id": "",
                            "@context": [
                                    "osh": "",
                                    "bot": "",
                                    "sosa": "",
                                    "om": "",
                                    "ssns": "",
                                    "brick": "",
                                    "schema": ""
                            "title": "TemperatureSensor",
                            "description": "Kitchen Temperature Sensor",
                            "@type": ["sosa:Sensor", "brick:Zone_Air_Temperature_Sensor", "bot:element"],
                            "@reverse": {
                                "bot:containsElement": {
                                    "@id": "osh:Kitchen"
                            "securityDefinitions": {
                                "basic_sc": {
                                    "scheme": "basic",
                                    "in": "header"
                            "security": [
                            "properties": {
                                "Temperature": {
                                    "type": "number",
                                    "unit": "om:degreeCelsius",
                                    "forms": [
                                            "href": "",
                                            "contentType": "application/json",
                                            "op": "readproperty"
                                    "readOnly": true,
                                    "writeOnly": false
                            "sosa:observes": {
                                "@id": "osh:Temperature",
                                "@type": "sosa:ObservableProperty"
                            "ssns:hasSystemCapability": {
                                "@id": "osh:SensorCapability",
                                "@type": "ssns:SystemCapability",
                                "ssns:hasSystemProperty": {
                                    "@type": ["ssns:MeasurementRange"],
                                    "schema:minValue": 0.0,
                                    "schema:maxValue": 40.0,
                                    "schema:unitCode": "om:degreeCelsius"

    Where the contextual information on the measurement range of the sensor is specified using the SSNS schema. The location information of the thing TemperatureSensor is provided based on the Building Topology Ontology (BOT), a minimal ontology developed by the W3C Linked Building Data Community Group (W3C LBD CG) to describe the topology of buildings in the semantic web. Additionally, the thing description of the corresponding actuator is given below.

                        "id": "",
                        "@context": [
                                "osh": "",
                                "bot": "",
                                "sosa": "",
                                "ssn": "",
                                "brick": ""
                        "title": "TemperatureActuator",
                        "description": "Kitchen Temperature Actuator",
                        "@type": ["sosa:Actuator", "brick:Zone_Air_Temperature_Setpoint", "bot:element"],
                        "@reverse": {
                            "bot:containsElement": {
                                "@id": "osh:Kitchen"
                        "securityDefinitions": {
                            "basic_sc": {
                                "scheme": "basic",
                                "in": "header"
                        "security": [
                        "actions": {
                            "TemperatureSetpoint": {
                                "forms": [
                                        "href": ""
                        "ssn:forProperty": {
                            "@id": "osh:Temperature",
                            "@type": "sosa:ActuatableProperty"
    Combining Topological Context and Thing Descriptions

    The scenario considered is related to the replacement of a temperature sensor in a BACS. The topological information localizing the things, e.g. the temperature sensor can be used to automatically commission the newly replaced sensor and link it to existing control algorithms. For this purpose, the identifiers of suitable sensors and actuators are needed and can be, for example, queried via SPARQL. Here the query uses some additional classification of sensors from the Brick schema, v1.1 [[Brick]].

                                PREFIX bot: <>
                                PREFIX brick: <>
                                PREFIX osh: <>
                                SELECT ?sensor ?actuator
                                  ?space a bot:Space .
                                  ?space bot:containsElement ?sensor .
                                  ?space bot:containsElement ?actuator .
                                  ?sensor a brick:Zone_Air_Temperature_Sensor .
                                  ?actuator a brick:Zone_Air_Temperature_Setpoint .

    Similarly this data can be obtained via a REST API built upon the HTTP protocol. Below is an example endpoint applying REST style for getting the same information for a specific space name:

                            GET ""
                            API response:
                              "location": {
                                "site": {
                                  "id": "",
                                  "name": "Site1"
                                "building": {
                                  "id": "",
                                  "name": "Building1"
                                "zone": null,
                                "storey": {
                                  "id": "",
                                  "name": "Level2"
                                "space": {
                                  "id": "",
                                  "name": "Kitchen"
                              "sensors": [
                              "actuators": [

    In this example query, the REST endpoint has been defined using the OpenAPI specification and is provided by a RESTful server. A data binding is needed between the server and the underlying backend storage, here the triple store that contains the involved ontologies (osh, bot, ssn, brick...). The data binding relies on similar SPARQL queries as the one shown above. As a result the endpoint can deliver information to a target application that consumes custom JSON rather than triples. Similar implmentation could be achieved using GraphQL.

    Automated Update of Fault Detection Rule based on Thing Description

    Another related use case in smart buildings, which would greatly benefit from harmonised thing descriptions and attached location information is related to the detection of unexpected behavior, errors and faults. An example for such a detection of faults is the rule-based surveillance of sensor values. A generic rule applicable to sensors is that the observation values stay within the measurement range of the sensor. Again, in the case of maintenance as described above a sensor is replaced.

    Some agent configuring fault detection rules can obtain the measurement range from the sensor's TD (see above) to obtain the parameters to configure the mentioned rule. Again, a query or API call retrieving this information (schema:minValue/ schema:maxValue) can be used to update the upper and lower bound of the values provided by the sensor.

    Security Considerations

    Security in smart buildings is of importance. In particular, access control needs to be properly secured. This applies also for data access which can be secured using existing security schemes (API Keys, OAuth2...). Moreover, from certain observations, e.g. electricity consumption, clues can be indirectly given such as presence in a home. Hence, security needs must be defined and properly addressed.

    Privacy Considerations

    Privacy considerations can be of a concern if observations of sensors can be matched to individuals. It is of the responsibility of building owners, managers and users to define their own privacy policies for their data and share necessary consents if necessary.

    Accessibility Considerations

    Accessibility is a major concern in the buildings domain. Efforts exist in also providing accessibility data in a electronic format. The W3C LBD CG is in contact with the W3C Linked Data for Accessbility Community Group.

    Internationalization (i18n) Considerations

    Internationalization is a concern as the Buildings industry is a global industry. This is reflected in some efforts, e.g. BOT used in the examples above does provide multilanguage labels in up to 16 different languages including english, french and chinese.

    Existing Standards

    Portable Building Applications

    Gabe Fierro
    Target Users
    • device owners
    • device user
    • cloud provider
    • service provider
    • device manufacturer
    • gateway manufacturer
    • directory service operator
    The growing adoption of energy management systems, building automation and management systems and IoT devices is producing larger volumes and varieties of data. As a result, data-driven smart building applications are becoming increasingly common and practical to adopt. Examples of these applications include:
    • automated fault detection and diagnosis
    • virtual metering (calculating the energy or power consumption of a subsystem that is not directly metered)
    • building performance measurement and energy audits
    • predictive occupancy, energy consumption models
    • high-performance "sequences of operations" for various subsystems, such as HVAC
    There is still significant cost in deploying these applications because of the effort required to customize and configure their operation for each individual building. While ontologies exist for describing sensors and the data they produce and for describing the spatial topology of buildings, the applications above require modeling the context of data sources that are embedded within building subsystems. Therefore, there is a need to model the topology and composition of building subsystems, including HVAC systems, lighting systems, electrical systems, domestic water systems and hot and chilled water systems. This must be done in a way that adequately contextualizes data but also provides necessary metadata to determine which applications or which analyses are appropriate.
    Expected Devices
    • Actuators
    • Sensors
    • Devices from the building context
    • Devices from the HVAC system
    • Smart devices
    Expected Data
    • thing descriptions
    • building system topology and composition
    • building topology and composition
    Dependencies - Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    • Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description (TD) [[wot-thing-description]]

    In these settings, devices are usually not commercial off-the-shelf IoT devices, but rather "packaged units" and other "lower level" devices that perform physical tasks on behalf of a larger system: pumps, fans, variable frequency drives, variable air volume boxes and chillers are all examples. Such devices are connected to one another using wires, pipes, ducts and other mechanisms. Sensors, actuators and other data sources and sinks are associated with the devices in these subsystems. Through some digital control system, they relay telemetry on the current behavior, status and performance of devices and properties of the substances and media touched by the building subsystem.

    It is important for descriptions of these systems to be built on standardized, well-known names for equipment and other devices in building subsystems. Reliance on generic terminology is not sufficient to distinguish the different kinds of systems and different kinds of equipment in a broadly consistent and interpretable manner. Research and practice shows that a common terminology must be established in order to reduce the costs associated with developing and deploying data-driven applications that touch the internals of cyber-physical systems.

    To support this use case, WoT descriptions should describe the networked devices present in building subsystems and their data capabilities. These capabilities should be related to properties of the substances or media that a device is operating on. For example, a smart thermostat's API may present a "mode" as a read-only property. "Mode" commonly refers to what the thermostat is "calling for", e.g. cooling, heating, fan; this is commonly captured as a numerical value. The mode is read by HVAC equipment, such as a rooftop-unit, which then enacts the desired conditioning. The WoT description of the mode property should permit the determination of what properties of other devices and entities in the building may be affected by the value of the mode property. In this example, the mode property representation should indicate that the mode property indirectly affects the temperature of air in the rooms that are connected to the equipment controlled by the thermostat.

    Example: Rogue Zone Detection

    "Rogue zones" are regions of the building that drive demand by calling for heating or cooling significantly more than other zones. One simple way to detect rogue zones is to observe zones (which may consist of multiple rooms) which are consistently above or below their setpoint by more than some delta. The following SPARQL query uses Brick to identify the air temperature setpoint and sensors associated with terminal units, and to identify the zones fed by those terminal units.

                PREFIX brick: <>
                SELECT ?term ?zone ?sat ?sp WHERE {
                ?term a brick:Terminal_Unit .
                ?zone a brick:HVAC_Zone .
                ?sat a brick:Supply_Air_Temperature_Sensor .
                ?sp a brick:Supply_Air_Temperature_Setpoint .
                ?term brick:feeds ?zone .
                ?term brick:hasPoint ?sat, ?sp .

    Example: Measuring Temperature Before and After a Cooling Coil

    A common fault detection and diagnosis operation is to detect broken or underperforming cooling coils. These are hollow loops through which chilled water flows; the loops are placed into an air stream in order to cool the air. The flow of chilled water through the coil is controlled by a valve. In order to tell if the coil is broken or underperforming, the temperature of the air before and after the coil is measured. If the temperature after the coil is not appreciably lower than the temperature before the coil while the valve is open, then there may be a fault on the coil.

                PREFIX brick: <>
                SELECT ?ahu ?mat ?sat ?pos ?room WHERE {
                ?ahu a brick:AHU .
                ?sat a brick:Supply_Air_Temperature_Sensor .
                ?mat a brick:Mixed_Air_Temperature_Sensor .
                ?ccv a brick:Cooling_Valve .
                ?pos a brick:Position_Sensor .
                ?room a brick:Room .
                ?ahu brick:hasPoint ?mat, ?sat .
                ?ahu brick:hasPart ?ccv .
                ?ccv brick:hasPoint ?pos .
                ?ahu brick:feeds+/brick:hasPart? ?room .
    Security Considerations
    It is important to protect access to this representation of the building and its devices; access to the model can reveal the uses of space within the building and what equipment is required to make those spaces comfortable and safe. Proper threat models, modes of access and effective security must all be developed.
    Privacy Considerations
    With the detail available in the model, it is possible to associate data sources with the spaces in the building (indeed, this is one of the purposes of the use case) which may then be linked to individuals or organizations within the building. It is of the responsibility of building owners, managers and users to define their own privacy policies for their data and share necessary consents if necessary.
    Accessibility Considerations
    Accessibility is a major concern in the buildings domain. Efforts exist in also providing accessibility data in a electronic format. The W3C LBD CG is in contact with the W3C Linked Data for Accessibility Community Group.
    Internationalisation (i18n) Considerations
    Internationalization is a concern as the building industry is a global industry. Not only are translations of the concepts and properties to other languages necessary, but the ontology should give consideration to alternative categories and organizations. For example, in hot and humid climates, the term HVAC (*Heating*, Ventilation and Air Condition) is often abandoned in favor of ACMV (Air-Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation) due to the lack of a need for heating.
    • Integration with Brick Ontology [[Brick]]: Brick has not yet decided on how the values coming out of devices, sensors, etc. should be represented. WoT has the potential to fulfill that role.

    A very useful feature would be semantic descriptions of standard enumerations of device statuses, alarms and other multi-valued properties. One example is the numerical encoding of the thermostat mode above (e.g. "0 means off", "1 means 1-stage heat", etc.).

    Many of the semantics are standard across manufacturers and models because they describe well-known and industry standard properties that must be accessible by users, but are encoded in different ways. The ability to refer to standardized error codes, device status, and so on would be a tremendous advance towards enabling vendor-agnostic treatment of data.

    Existing standards
    • Brick Schema [[Brick]]
    • Building Topology Ontology (BOT) [[BOT]]
    • Semantic Sensor Network Ontology (SSN/SOSA) [[vocab-ssn]]
    • Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description (TD) [[wot-thing-description]]


    Production Monitoring

    Michael Lagally
    Target Users
    Device owners, cloud provider.

    Production lines for industrial manufacturing consist of multiple machines, where each machine incorporates sensors for various values. A failure of a single machine can cause defective products or a stop of the entire production.

    Big data analysis enables to identify behavioral patterns across multiple production lines of the entire production plant and across multiple plants.

    The results of this analysis can be used for optimizing consumption of raw materials, checking the status of production lines and plants and predicting and preventing fault conditions.

    Expected Devices
    Various sensors, e.g. temperature, light, humidity, vibration, noise, air quality.
    Expected Data
    Discrete sensor values, such as temperature, light, humidity, vibration, noise, air quality readings. The data can be delivered periodically or on demand.
    Thing Description: groups of devices, aggregation / composition mechanism, thing models Discovery/Onboarding: Onboarding of groups of devices

    A company owns multiple factories which contain multiple production lines. Examples are production lines and environment sensors. These devices collect data from multiple sensors and transmit this information to the cloud. Sensor data is stored in the cloud, can be visualized and analyzed using machine learning / AI.

    The cloud service allows to manage single and groups of devices. Combining the data streams from multiple devices allows to get an easy overview of the state of all connected devices in the user's realm.

    In many cases there are groups of devices of the same kind, so the aggregation of data across devices can serve to identify anomalies or to predict impending outages.

    The cloud service allows to manage single and groups of devices and can help to identify abnormal conditions. For this purpose a set of rules can be defined by the user, which raises alerts towards the user or triggers actions on devices based on these rules.

    This enables the early detection of pending problems and reduces the risk of machine outages, quality problems or threats to the environment or life of humans. It increases production efficiency, improves production logistics (such as raw material delivery and production output).

    See also Digital Twin use case.

    Cross-protocol Interaction in Industry 4.0 Scenarios

    Sebastian Kaebisch
    Michael McCool, Ryuichi Matsukura, Kunihiko Toumura, Michael Legally, Michael Koster
    Target Users
    • device owners
    • device user
    • cloud provider
    • service provider
    • device manufacturer
    • gateway manufacturer
    • network operator (potentially transparent for WoT use cases)
    • identity provider
    • directory service operator
    Industry 4.0 is associated with next generation of manufacturing to increase efficiency, flexibility, and productivity. This also includes the broader interplay between the OT and IT domain as well as the further integration of services from different application areas. Technology domains such as from smart infrastructure and web forecasting services like traffic and weather forecasts are expected to be integrated directly into the manufacturing process as well as in the product lifecycle. To realize cross-domain applications for the Industrie 4.0 context, a frequent exchange with suppliers or local infrastructure providers (e.g., power supplier) is needed and it is necessary to interact with manufacturing systems that usally offers an OPC UA [[OPC UA]] interface. WoT can act as a common and standardized application layer and can be used to support Industry 4.0 use cases. In this context, well-formed bindings for most established industry standards such as OPC UA should be supported.
    Expected Devices
    Typically automation devices or server endpoints that are able to host an OPC UA server (controller, gateways / edges, etc).
    Dependencies - Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    There are some experiences of OPC UA bindings in previous WoT PlugFests and there is a sample binding implementation in node-wot. However, there needs to be a formal definition to map the interaction affordances of a TD to OPC UA. In that context an official OPC UA Binding Note document schould be developed that can be used as official reference to design Thing Descriptions for OPC UA use cases.
    A bottling line consists of a filling module (switchable between 2 fillers and 4 fillers), a capping module, a labeling module, and a transport system. The production line is provided via an OPC UA endpoint for control and monitoring purposes.
    Bottling Line Example
    In the context of enhancing productivity and sustainability, the goal is to operate the bottling line in such a way that production is further increased when sufficient or surplus renewable energy is available. The backend system checks periodically a Smart Grid endpoint (via HTTP) how the current power production is and how much renewable energy is produced. Based on the bottling line's current power consumption, which is measured via Modbus, the backend system decides to increase productivity when surplus renewable energy is available. In doing so, the backend system interacts via OPC UA to release the 4 fillers of the filling module and increases the speed of the transport system. If the backend system detects that less renewable energy is being produced, it will initiate standard production and reduce the transport speed and return the 2 fillers of the filling module.
    Security Considerations
    OPC UA has different security modes (sign and/or encrypted, policies, and authentication). Those should be addressed and described in Thing Descriptions with a standardized vocabulary definition. Additional security considerations may apply if a web bridge is created using WoT servients. OT networks are often isolated and OPC UA may have special requirements for distribution of key materials and credentials.
    Privacy Considerations
    OPC UA comes with different approaches to protect data (also see Security Considerations above).
    Accessibility Considerations
    Internationalisation (i18n) Considerations
    OPU-UA data model contains some places to provide human-readable text (e.g., browse name). This should be also reflected in the Thing Description with the correct language context.
    An OPC UA binding for Web of Things needs an own set of OPC UA specific vocabulary definitions which should be developed together with the experts from the OPC Foundation. Also see the liaison.


    Retail Operations

    David Ezell, Michael Lagally, Michael McCool
    Target Users
    Retailers, customers, suppliers.

    Integrating and interconnecting multiple devices into the common retail workflow (i.e., transaction log) drastically improves retail business operations at multiple levels. It brings operational visibility,including consumer behavior and environmental information, that was not previously possible or viable in a meaningful way.

    It drastically speeds up the process of root cause analysis of operational issues and simplifies the work of retailers.

    Expected Devices
    Connected sensors, such as people counters, presence sensors, air quality, room occupancy, door sensors. Cloud services. Video analytics edge services.
    Expected Data
    Inventory data, supply chain status information, discrete sensor data or data streams.
    Falling costs of sensors, communications, and handling of very large volumes of data combined with cloud computing enable retail business operations with increased operational efficiency, better customer service, and even increased revenue growth and return on investment. Accurate forecasts allow retailers to coordinate demand-driven outcomes that deliver connected customer interactions. They drive optimal strategies in planning, increasing inventory productivity in retail supply chains, decreasing operational costs and driving customer satisfaction from engagement, to sale, to fulfilment. Understanding of store activity juxtaposed with traditional information streams can boost worker and consumer safety, comply better with work safety regulations, enhance system and site security, and improve worker efficiency by providing real-time visibility into worker status, location, and work environment.
    • Use edge computing, in particular video analytics, in combination with IoT devices to deliver an enhanced customer experience, better manage inventory, or otherwise improve the store workflow.
    Security Considerations
    • In retail, replay attacks can cause monetary loss, customers may be incorrectly charged or over-charged.
    • To avoid replay attacks, "Things" should implement a sequence number for each message and digital signature.
    • Servers ("Things" or "Cloud") should verify the signature and disallow for duplicated messages.
    • For "Things" relying on electronic payments, "Things" must comply with PCI-DSS requirements.
    • "Things" must never store credit card information.
    • Customer satisfaction and trust depends on availability, so attacks such as Denial-of-Service (DoS) need to be prevented or mitigated.
    • To prevent DoS, implement "Things" with early DoS detection.
    • Have an automated DoS system that will notify the controlling unit of the problem.
    • Implement IP white list, that could be part of the DoS early detection system.
    • Make sure your network perimeter is defended with up to date firewall software.
    Privacy Considerations
    As a general rule, personal consumer information should not be stored. That is especially true in the retail industry where a security breach could cause financial, reputation, and brand damage. If personal or information that can identify a consumer is to be stored, it should be to conduct business and with the explicit acknowledgment of the consumer. WoT vendors and integrators should always have a privacy policy and make it easily available. By default, devices should adopt an opt-out policy. That means, unless the consumer explicitly allowed for the data capture and storage, avoid doing it.

    Retail All Stop Button (Outdoor Emergency Stop Plunger)

    • David Ezell, Conexxus
    • Jack Dickinson, Conexxus (Dover Fueling Solutions)
    Outdoor Facility Equipment
    Target Users
    • device owners (retailers)
    • device manufacturer
    • gateway manufacturer
    • network operator (potentially transparent for WoT use cases)
    • identity provider
    • directory service operator
    Identifying data and information relative to the devices and systems described within this document can reduce downtime and delays related to customer transactions. Long lines can lead to customers leaving, diminishing customer service, and lead to lost sale opportunities for new or existing customers. Additionally, important health and safety regulations can be observed, automated, and managed to ensure quality is consistent and accurate. There is a lack of visibility to equipment problems for maintenance, as well as safety issues from inoperable E-Stop systems. There is also a lack of visibility or knowledge of a tripped/faulty E-Stop that can disrupt fuel operations altogether. Expected outcomes:
    • Proactively respond to device issues.
    • Respond to safety-related issues quickly and efficiently.
    • Return to normal fuel operations when equipment has been triggered accidentally or due to faulty equipment.
    Expected Devices
    • All stop button device for the fueling system.
    Expected Data
    • The button is operational and online;
    • An alert for when the button is used or reset to normal operations; and
    • The date and time it was used or reset to normal operations.
    Dependencies - Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    • WoT Thing Description
    • WoT Discovery
    Retailers want to ensure that the fuel emergency All Stop Button for shutting off all the pumps at the island is operational.
    Security Considerations
    Devices subject to replay attacks and DOS attacks.
    Privacy Considerations
    None. The required data is not PII.
    Accessibility Considerations
    None. No direct user (human) interface is affected.
    Internationalisation (i18n) Considerations
    None. No direct user (internationalized) interface is affected.

    Retail Indoor Door Sensor

    • David Ezell, Conexxus
    • Jack Dickinson, Conexxus (Dover Fueling Solutions)
    Indoor Facilities and Power Equipment
    Target Users
    • device owners (retailers)
    • device manufacturer
    • gateway manufacturer
    • network operator (potentially transparent for WoT use cases)
    • identity provider
    • directory service operator
    Identifying data and information relative to the devices and systems described within this document can reduce downtime and delays related to customer transactions. Long lines can lead to customers leaving, diminishing customer service, and lead to lost sale opportunities for new or existing customers. Additionally, important health and safety regulations can be observed, automated, and managed to ensure quality is consistent and accurate. Not being able to access door sensors can drive security and possible theft scenarios. Open refrigeration and freezer access doors can lead to spoilage of product and food safety concerns. Door sensors can also create false temperature alarms or cause additional wear on equipment that is maintaining temperatures. Store personnel are responsible to manage access points, which can be difficult and impacts their ability to service customers and manage labor. Furthermore, corporate loss prevention, security, and store support teams are not able to address concerns in real-time. Expected outcomes:
    • The status of delivery or rear entry doors can be used to send notifications if left open or unattended for long periods of time.
    • The status of office and restricted area doors is also important for securing cash and reporting data, as well as access to electrical or network equipment rooms.
    • Refrigerated areas also need to be monitored to protect inventory from spoilage or theft.
    • Restroom doors can be monitored for usage, maintenance, or ensuring customer health issues do not emerge while using the facilities.
    Expected Devices
    • Door sensor device.
    Expected Data
    • The status of facility door sensors (i.e., online, offline, open, closed) coupled with date and time details for pairing with camera/video data for monitoring access;
    • The status of office and restroom door sensors with details from time elapsed and from last change in status;
    • The status of refrigeration door sensors (i.e., online, offline) paired with temperature sensors, which allows for temperature threshold limits to be evaluated with door sensors to explain temperature deviations, send notifications, and manage quality and safety;
    • The door sensor usage for date/time and duration for monitoring and evaluating deliveries or equipment problems; and
    • Tracking for the number of times refrigeration doors are opened/closed within specific time periods to allow merchandising and marketing personnel to understand usage and traffic flow, inventory management, promotional program impacts, or product placement details.
    Dependencies - Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    • WoT Thing Description
    • WoT Discovery
    Retailers need to ensure that the door sensors are functional, as these can be vital to employee and customer safety, as well as operations. Having the ability to accurately identify the number of associates and customers within the facility, as well as the status of access points, is important for physical security, facilities, and loss prevention groups to ensure health and safety compliance. There are multiple door sensors within the store:
    • Door sensor for beverage vaults
    • Door sensor for refrigeration
    • Door sensor for bathrooms and bathroom Stalls
    • Door sensors for delivery or rear entry to the facility
    • Door sensor for back office/management or storage rooms
    Security Considerations
    Devices subject to replay attacks and DOS attacks.
    Privacy Considerations
    None. The required data is not PII.
    Accessibility Considerations
    None. No direct user (human) interface is affected.
    Internationalisation (i18n) Considerations
    None. No direct user (internationalized) interface is affected.

    Retail Indoor and Outdoor Freezers

    • David Ezell, Conexxus
    • Jack Dickinson, Conexxus (Dover Fueling Solutions)
    Indoor Food Preparation and Food Service Devices
    Target Users
    • device owners (retailers)
    • device manufacturer
    • gateway manufacturer
    • network operator (potentially transparent for WoT use cases)
    • identity provider
    • directory service operator
    Identifying data and information relative to the devices and systems described within this document can reduce downtime and delays related to customer transactions. Long lines can lead to customers leaving, diminishing customer service, and lead to lost sale opportunities for new or existing customers. Additionally, important health and safety regulations can be observed, automated, and managed to ensure quality is consistent and accurate. Not being able to monitor freezer equipment (temperatures, condenser energy, etc.) places the burden on store personnel. Freezer issues can lead to spoilage of product and food safety concerns. Expected outcomes:
    • The status of freezer issues can be used to send notifications to both store and service personnel.
    • Equipment patterns can identify issues before they occur, which avoids large losses due to spoilage and/or equipment failure that then impacts ongoing sales.
    Expected Devices
    • Indoor or Outdoor Freezer devices.
    Expected Data
    • The status of the freezer (i.e., on, off, defrost, or maintenance mode);
    • The current operating temperature of the freezer;
    • The door status (i.e., open or closed), including the date and time of activity for evaluating excessive usage and temperature impacts; and
    • A log of times that the temperature varied above or below desired set ranges.
    Dependencies - Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    • WoT Thing Description
    • WoT Discovery
    Retailers need to ensure that the freezers are online and operating within normal parameters. Monitoring freezers supports health and safety requirements and avoids wasted product, whether it’s food or other consumable items (e.g., ice). Outdoor Food Preparation and Food Service Devices
    Security Considerations
    Devices subject to replay attacks and DOS attacks.
    Privacy Considerations
    None. The required data is not PII.
    Accessibility Considerations
    None. No direct user (human) interface is affected.
    Internationalisation (i18n) Considerations
    None. No direct user (internationalized) interface is affected.

    Retail Kitchen Refrigerator

    • David Ezell, Conexxus
    • Jack Dickinson, Conexxus (Dover Fueling Solutions)
    Indoor Food Preparation and Food Service Devices
    Target Users
    • device owners (retailers)
    • device manufacturer
    • gateway manufacturer
    • network operator (potentially transparent for WoT use cases)
    • identity provider
    • directory service operator
    Identifying data and information relative to the devices and systems described within this document can reduce downtime and delays related to customer transactions. Long lines can lead to customers leaving, diminishing customer service, and lead to lost sale opportunities for new or existing customers. Additionally, important health and safety regulations can be observed, automated, and managed to ensure quality is consistent and accurate. Not being able to monitor kitchen equipment (temperatures, condenser energy, etc.) places the burden on store personnel. Refrigeration issues can lead to spoilage of product and food safety concerns, as well as energy usage issues and other kitchen efficiency problems. Expected outcomes:
    • The status of refrigeration can be used to send notifications to both store and service personnel.
    • Equipment patterns can identify issues before they occur, which avoids large losses due to spoilage and/or equipment failure that then impacts ongoing sales.
    • Retailers can also use the data to better understand operational details in order to improve efficiencies during specific time periods or change standards related to kitchen work area designs.
    Expected Devices
    • Kitchen Refrigerator device.
    Expected Data
    • The status of the refrigerator (i.e., on, off, offline);
    • The current operating temperature of the refrigerator;
    • Door status (i.e., open or closed), including the date and time of activity for evaluating excessive usage and temperature impacts;
    • Times that the temperature varied above or below a desired set range;
    • The history of high and low temperature alerts; and
    • Internal light status.
    Dependencies - Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    • WoT Thing Description
    • WoT Discovery
    Retailers need to ensure that the kitchen refrigerator is online and operating within normal parameters. Temperature monitoring and control will ensure food is safe for sale and consumption, while also supporting temperature recordkeeping requirements.
    Security Considerations
    Devices subject to replay attacks and DOS attacks.
    Privacy Considerations
    None. The required data is not PII.
    Accessibility Considerations
    None. No direct user (human) interface is affected.
    Internationalisation (i18n) Considerations
    None. No direct user (internationalized) interface is affected.

    Retail Restroom Devices

    • David Ezell, Conexxus
    • Jack Dickinson, Conexxus (Dover Fueling Solutions)
    Indoor Facilities and Power Equipment
    Target Users
    • device owners (retailers)
    • device manufacturer
    • gateway manufacturer
    • network operator (potentially transparent for WoT use cases)
    • identity provider
    • directory service operator
    Identifying data and information relative to the devices and systems described within this document can reduce downtime and delays related to customer transactions. Long lines can lead to customers leaving, diminishing customer service, and lead to lost sale opportunities for new or existing customers. Additionally, important health and safety regulations can be observed, automated, and managed to ensure quality is consistent and accurate. There is a lack of visibility to the equipment for maintenance and issue identification. Restroom issues can go unnoticed and unreported for periods of time. Restrooms often are a priority for customers, so restroom issues can directly drive away business and customer traffic inside the store. Restroom service also creates inefficiencies in the store’s labor. Expected outcomes:
    • Quickly and proactively identifying issues from misuse or faulty devices can avoid health, safety and customer facing problems.
    • Timely identification allows onsite personnel to respond, reduce problems, and avoid additional impacts to the store’s operations.
    • Proactive efforts at the store level can also improve labor efficiencies by scheduling activities as needed or prior to busy periods.
    Expected Devices
    • Restroom devices.
    Expected Data
    • The toilets are operational and serviceable;
    • The status of motion sensors and their frequency of engagement, which is used for preventative maintenance or to address issues (e.g., constant running water);
    • The status of sensors for water consumption, such as flush/actuator monitoring;
    • The status of bowl water levels and +/- level tolerance for preventative maintenance;
    • Paper levels and the status of auto paper dispensers;
    • Hand dryer status (i.e., powered on, offline, online); and
    • Sink water pressure level and status.
    Dependencies - Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    • WoT Thing Description
    • WoT Discovery
    Retailers need to ensure that restroom toilets are operational and not experiencing malfunctions.
    Security Considerations
    Devices subject to replay attacks and DOS attacks.
    Privacy Considerations
    None. The required data is not PII.
    Accessibility Considerations
    None. No direct user (human) interface is affected.
    Internationalisation (i18n) Considerations
    None. No direct user (internationalized) interface is affected.

    Retail Lighting Control

    • David Ezell, Conexxus
    • Jack Dickinson, Conexxus (Dover Fueling Solutions)
    Indoor Facilities and Power Equipment
    Target Users
    • device owners (retailers)
    • device manufacturer
    • gateway manufacturer
    • network operator (potentially transparent for WoT use cases)
    • identity provider
    • directory service operator
    Identifying data and information relative to the devices and systems described within this document can reduce downtime and delays related to customer transactions. Long lines can lead to customers leaving, diminishing customer service, and lead to lost sale opportunities for new or existing customers. Additionally, important health and safety regulations can be observed, automated, and managed to ensure quality is consistent and accurate. There is a lack of visibility to the equipment for maintenance and issue identification. Lighting issues impact aesthetics and the customer experience. It also presents safety concerns for store personnel and customers. Overuse of lighting, such as in storage rooms, can increase costs unnecessarily. Energy consumption can impact store efficiencies and costs. Expected outcomes:
    • Service
    • Tracking energy consumption
    • Improving interior aesthetics
    • Ensuring lighting is appropriate for time of day and areas within the store (both customer and store associate related) for safety reasons
    Expected Devices
    • Lighting Control device.
    Expected Data
    • The status of lights (i.e., on, off, offline);
    • The status of light ballasts, where applicable; and
    • The date/time information of status changes (e.g., on/off) and the location within the store.
    Dependencies - Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    • WoT Thing Description
    • WoT Discovery
    Retailers need to ensure that the indoor lights are operational. Controlling and monitoring lighting is applicable to restrooms, storage spaces, refrigeration units, offices, and equipment and electrical rooms.
    Security Considerations
    Devices subject to replay attacks and DOS attacks.
    Privacy Considerations
    None. The required data is not PII.
    Accessibility Considerations
    None. No direct user (human) interface is affected.
    Internationalisation (i18n) Considerations
    None. No direct user (internationalized) interface is affected.

    Retail Outdoor Canopy Lighting Control

    • David Ezell, Conexxus
    • Jack Dickinson, Conexxus (Dover Fueling Solutions)
    Outdoor Facility Equipment
    Target Users
    • device owners (retailers)
    • device manufacturer
    • gateway manufacturer
    • network operator (potentially transparent for WoT use cases)
    • identity provider
    • directory service operator
    Identifying data and information relative to the devices and systems described within this document can reduce downtime and delays related to customer transactions. Long lines can lead to customers leaving, diminishing customer service, and lead to lost sale opportunities for new or existing customers. Additionally, important health and safety regulations can be observed, automated, and managed to ensure quality is consistent and accurate. There is a lack of visibility for the store operator into equipment problems for maintenance and energy management. There are safety concerns for the forecourt and store entry locations. There are customer experience and brand identity issues stemming from safety and aesthetic issues. Expected outcomes:
    • Proactively respond to device issues.
    • Provide better insight into energy consumption.
    • Keep locations well-lit and safe.
    Expected Devices
    • Lighting monitor.
    Expected Data
    • The status of lights (e.g., on, off, or offline);
    • The status of light ballasts, where applicable; and
    • The date/time information of status changes (e.g., on/off) and location within the store.
    Dependencies - Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    • WoT Thing Description
    • WoT Discovery
    Retailers want to ensure that all the canopy lights are operational and turned on at the correct times of day. Lighting is important for aesthetics but also for customer and facility safety requirements. Being able to identify when lighting is out of order, insufficient, or enabled at the wrong times can have energy and safety implications, as well as affect the overall customer experience of the brand.
    Security Considerations
    Devices subject to replay attacks and DOS attacks.
    Privacy Considerations
    None. The required data is not PII.
    Accessibility Considerations
    None. No direct user (human) interface is affected.
    Internationalisation (i18n) Considerations
    None. No direct user (internationalized) interface is affected.

    Retail Fountain Drink Ice Machine

    • David Ezell, Conexxus
    • Jack Dickinson, Conexxus (Dover Fueling Solutions)
    Indoor Food Preparation and Food Service Devices
    Target Users
    • device owners (retailers)
    • device manufacturer
    • gateway manufacturer
    • network operator (potentially transparent for WoT use cases)
    • identity provider
    • directory service operator
    Identifying data and information relative to the devices and systems described within this document can reduce downtime and delays related to customer transactions. Long lines can lead to customers leaving, diminishing customer service, and lead to lost sale opportunities for new or existing customers. Additionally, important health and safety regulations can be observed, automated, and managed to ensure quality is consistent and accurate. There is a lack of visibility to the fountain drink devices for maintenance and issue identification. Because the equipment is self serve and customer facing, problems will directly impact the customer experience. Additionally, a lack of visibility can create issues for inventory management and sales when product is out or unavailable. Expected outcomes:
    • Proactively monitor fountain drink equipment and schedule maintenance.
    • Inform store personnel of issues so they can take necessary measures for labor effectiveness and customer service.
    • Utilize equipment patterns to proactively schedule maintenance to occur at appropriate times for the operations of the store.
    Expected Devices
    • Fountain Drink Ice Machine device.
    Expected Data
    • The status of the ice machine (i.e., powered on, off, offline);
    • The machine’s ice temperature and ice quality settings;
    • The status of the water supply;
    • The status of the water filter quality and date/time of last maintenance;
    • Notifications for temperature deviations or maintenance requirements; and
    • The status of available ice and reports of when the measurement has dropped below a predefined level (e.g., 25%).
    Dependencies - Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    • WoT Thing Description
    • WoT Discovery
    Retailers need to ensure that the ice machine is operational with no malfunctions. Ice availability is important for product quality and can impact the customer experience.
    Security Considerations
    Devices subject to replay attacks and DOS attacks.
    Privacy Considerations
    None. The required data is not PII.
    Accessibility Considerations
    None. No direct user (human) interface is affected.
    Internationalisation (i18n) Considerations
    None. No direct user (internationalized) interface is affected.

    Retail Camera Device

    • David Ezell, Conexxus
    • Jack Dickinson, Conexxus (Dover Fueling Solutions)
    Indoor Facilities and Power Equipment
    Target Users
    • device owners (retailers)
    • device manufacturer
    • gateway manufacturer
    • network operator (potentially transparent for WoT use cases)
    • identity provider
    • directory service operator
    Identifying data and information relative to the devices and systems described within this document can reduce downtime and delays related to customer transactions. Long lines can lead to customers leaving, diminishing customer service, and lead to lost sale opportunities for new or existing customers. Additionally, important health and safety regulations can be observed, automated, and managed to ensure quality is consistent and accurate. Not being able to access cameras remotely is problematic to loss prevention and store security. It also can make research and investigations more difficult, costly (labor), or even impossible, depending on the scenario. Expected outcomes:
    • Proactively monitor cameras and schedule service proactively.
    • Inform internal stakeholders of potential issues (e.g., loss prevention).
    • Use other functioning equipment to remediate potential collection challenges until service is restored.
    Expected Devices
    • Digital camera device.
    Expected Data
    • The positioning of the camera relative to its settings and date/time stamp of any movement;
    • Camera status (i.e., power, online, offline) relative to the video recording system;
    • Camera status (i.e., power, online, offline) relative to the invoicing system; and
    • Details related to the recording frame rate and resolution.
    Dependencies - Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    • WoT Thing Description
    • WoT Discovery
    Retailers would like to ensure that loss prevention and security cameras are operational and recording events as expected, which would be required in concert with the objectives of the camera recording system.
    Security Considerations
    Devices subject to replay attacks and DOS attacks.
    Privacy Considerations
    Any recording of individuals must be protected as PII.
    Accessibility Considerations
    None. No direct user (human) interface is affected.
    Internationalisation (i18n) Considerations
    None. No direct user (internationalized) interface is affected.


    Public Health

    Smart City Public Health Monitoring

    Jennifer Lin
    Target Users
    Agencies, companies and other organizations in a Smart City with significant pedestrian traffic in a pandemic situation.
    A system to monitor the health of people in public places is useful to control the spread of infectious diseases. In particular, we would like to identify individuals with temperatures outside the norm (i.e. running a fever) and then take appropriate action. Actions can include sending a notification or actuating a security device, such as a gate. This mechanism should be non-invasive and non-contact since the solution should not itself contribute to the spread of infectious diseases. Data may also be aggregated for statistics purposes, for example, to identify the number of people in an area with elevated temperatures. This has additional requirements to avoid double-counting individuals.
    Expected Devices
    One of the following:
    • A thermal camera.
    • Face detection (AI) service
      • May be on device or be an edge or cloud service.
    • RGB and/or depth camera registered with the thermal camera
    • Cloud service for data aggregation and analytics.
    • Some way to identify location (optional) Note that location might be static and configured during installation, but might also be based on a localization technology if the device needs to be portable (for example, if it needs to be set up quickly for an event).
    Expected Data
    • Sensor ID
    • Timestamp
    • Number of people identified with a fever in image
    • Estimated temperature for each person
      • May be coarse, low/normal/high
    • Location
      • Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Accuracy
      • Semantic (e.g. a particular building entrance)
    • Thermal image
    • RGB image
    • Depth image
    • Localization technology (see localization use case)
    • Integration with local IoT devices: gates, lights, or people (guards)
    • Bounding boxes around faces of identified people in image(s)
    • Data that can be used to uniquely identify a face (distinguish it from others)
      • Aggregation system may output the total number of unique faces with fever

    Note 1: the system should be capable of notifying consumers (such as security personnel), of fever detections. This may be email, SMS, or some other mechanism, such as MQTT publication.

    Note 2: In all cases where images are captured, privacy considerations apply.

    It would also be useful to count unique individuals for statistics purposes, but not necessarily based on identifying particular people. This is to avoid counting the same person multiple times.

    A thermal camera image is taken of a group of people and an AI service is used to identify faces in the image. The temperature of each person is then estimated from the registered face; for greater accuracy, a consistent location for sampling should be used, such as the forehead. The estimated temperature is compared to high (and optionally, low) thresholds and a notification (or other action) is taken if the temperature is outside the norm. Additional features may be extracted to identify unique individuals.
    • Enough information is included in the notification that the specific person that raised the alarm can be identified. For example, if an RGB camera is also registered with the thermal camera, then a bounding box may be indicated via JSON and the RGB image included; or the bounding box could be actually drawn into the sent image, or the face could be cropped out. This is useful if, for example, a notification needs to be sent to health or security workers who need to identify the person in a crowd.
    • Instead of simply a notification, an action may be taken, such as closing or refusing to open a gate at the entrance to a building, to prevent sick employees from entering the building.
    • To generate statistics, for example to count the number of people with fevers, then unique individuals need to be identified to avoid counting the same person more than once.
    • The same sensors might be used to determine the number of people in an area and send a notification if crowded conditions are detected, in order to support social distancing behavior (for instance, supporting an app that notifies users when a destination is crowded) in a pandemic situation.
    • Cameras that provide video streams rather than still images.
    Security Considerations
    • Because PII is involved (see below) access should be controlled (only provided to authorized users) and communications protected (encrypted).
    Privacy Considerations
    • Images of people and their health status is involved.
      • If later these are made public then the health information of a particular person would be released publicly.
      • There is also the possibility that the camera data could be in error, and should be confirmed with a more accurate sensor.
      • This information needs to be treated as PII and protected: only distributed to authorized users, and deleted when no longer needed.
      • However, derived aggregate information can be kept and published.
    • Onboarding mechanism for rapidly deploying a large number of devices
    • Standard vocabulary for geolocation information
    • Implementations able to handle image payload formats, possibly in combination with non-image data (e.g. images and JSON in a single response)
    • Video streaming support (if we wish to serve video stream from the camera instead of still images)
    • Standard ways to specify notification mechanisms and data payloads for things like SMS and email (in addition to the expected MQTT, CoAP, and HTTP event mechanisms)
    • May be additional requirements for privacy since images of people and their health status is involved.
    • Different sub-use cases: immediate alerts or actions vs. aggregate data gathering

    Interconnected Medical Devices in a Hospital ICU

    Taki Kamiya
    Target Users
    • device owners
    • device user
    • cloud provider
    • service provider
    • device manufacturer
    • gateway manufacturer
    • identity provider
    Preventable medical errors may account for more than 100,000 deaths per year in U.S. alone. These errors are mainly caused by failures of communication such as a chart misread or the wrong data passed along to machines or staffs. Part of the problem could be solved if the machines could speak to one another. Manufacturers have little incentive to make their proprietary code and data easily to accessible and process able by their competitors’ machines. So the task of middleman falls to the hospital staffs. In addition to saving lives, a common framework could result in collecting and recording more clinical data on patients, making it easier to deliver precision medicine.

    Physiological Closed-Loop Control (PCLC) devices are a group of emerging technologies, which use feedback from physiological sensor(s) to autonomously manipulate physiological variable(s) through delivery of therapies conventionally delivered by clinician(s).

    Clinical scenario without PCLC. An elderly female with end-stage renal failure was given a standard insulin infusion protocol to manage their blood glucose, but no glucose was provided. Their blood glucose dropped to 33, then rebounded to over 200 after glucose was given. This scenario has not changed for decades.

    The desired state with PCLC implemented in an ICU. A patient is receiving an IV insulin infusion and is having the blood glucose continuously monitored. The infusion pump rate is automatically adjusted according to the real-time blood glucose levels being measured, to maintain blood glucose values in a target range. If the patient’s glucose level does not respond appropriately to the changes in insulin administration, the clinical staff is alerted.

    Medical devices do not interact with each other autonomously (monitors, ventilator, IV pumps, etc.) Contextually rich data is difficult to acquire. Technologies and standards to reduce medical errors and improve efficiency have not been implemented in theater or at home.

    In recent years, researchers have made progress developing PCLC devices for mechanical ventilation, anesthetic delivery applications, and so on. Despite these promises and potential benefits, there has been limited success in the translation of PCLC devices from bench to bedside. A key challenge to bringing PCLC devices to a level required for a clinical trials in humans is risk management to ensure device reliability and safety.

    The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies new hazards that might be introduced by PCLC devices into three categories. Besides clinical factors (e.g. sensor validity and reliability, inter- and intra-patient physiological variability) and usability/human factors (e.g. loss of situational awareness, errors, and lapses in operation), there are also engineering challenges including robustness, availability, and integration issues.

    US military developed ONR SBIR (Automated Critical Care System Prototype), and found those issues.
    • No plug and play, i.e. cannot swap O2 Sat with another manufacturer.
    • No standardization of data outputs for devices to interoperate.
    • Must have the exact make/model to replace a faulty device or system will not work.
    Security Considerations

    Security considerations for interconnected and dynamically composable medical systems are critical not only because laws such as [[HIPAA]] mandate it, but also because security attacks can have serious safety consequences for patients. The systems need to support automatic verification that the system components are being used as intended in the clinical context, that the components are authentic and authorized for use in that environment, that they have been approved by the hospital’s biomedical engineering staff and that they meet regulatory safety and effectiveness requirements.

    For security and safety reasons, ICE F2761-09(2013) compliant medical devices never interact directly each other. All interaction is coordinated and controlled via the applications.

    While transport-level security such as TLS provides reasonable protection against external attackers, they do not provide mechanisms for granular access control for data streams happening within the same protected link. Transport-level security is also not sufficiently flexible to balance between security and performance. Another issue with widely used transport-level security solutions is the lack of support for multicast.

    Privacy Considerations
    Medical applications need to be conformant with the appropriate medical privacy standards and legal requirements.
    Standards relevant to this use case include regional standards for the management of personal health data, including but not limited to [[HIPAA]] in the United States, [[GDPR]] in the EU, and [[PIPEDA]] in Canada.
    Multicast support. It has proven useful for efficient and scalable discovery and information exchange in industrial systems.
    Existing Standards

    F2761-09 (2013)

    Medical Devices and Medical Systems - Essential safety requirements for equipment comprising the patient-centric integrated clinical environment (ICE) - Part 1: General requirements and conceptual model. The idea behind ICE is to allow medical devices that conform to the ICE standard, either natively or using an adapter, to interoperate with other ICE-compliant devices regardless of manufacturer.


    OpenICE is an initiative to create a community implementation of F2761-09 (ICE - Integrated Clinical Environment) based on DDS.

    MDIRA Specification Document Version 1.0.

    MDIRA Version 1.0 provides requirements and implementation guidance for MDIRA-compliant systems focused on trauma and critical care in austere environments. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU-APL) lead a research project in collaboration with US military to develop a framework of autonomous / closed loop prototypes for military health care which are dual use for the civilian healthcare system.

    Private Health

    Health Notifiers

    Michael McCool
    Target Users
    End user with a health problem they wish to monitor. Health services provider (doctor, nurse, paramedic, etc.).
    In critical situations regarding health, like a medical emergency, media multimodality may be the most effective way to communicate alerts, When the goal is to monitor the health evolution of a person in both emergency and non-emergency contexts, access via networked devices may be the most effective way to collect data and monitor a patient's status.
    Expected Devices
    Medical facilities supporting device and service access.
    Expected Data
    Command and status information transferred between the personal mobile device application and the meeting space's services and devices. Profile data for user preferences.
    • WoT Thing Description
    • WoT Discovery
    • Optional: WoT Scripting API in application on mobile personal device and possibly in IoT orchestration services.
    In medical facilities, a system may provide multiple options to control sensor operations by voice or gesture ("start reading my blood pressure now"). These interactions may be mediated by an application installed into a smartphone. The system integrates information from multiple sensors (for example, blood pressure and heart rate); reports medical sensor readings periodically (for example, to a remote medical facility) and sends alerts when unusual readings/events are detected.
    The user may have additional mobile devices they want to incorporate into an interaction, for example a headset acting as an auditory aid or personal speech output device.
    Data format describing user interface preferences. Ability to install applications based on links that can access IoT services.
    Existing Standards
    This use case is based on MMI UC 3.2 [[mmi-use-cases]].
    Does not include Requirements section from original MMI use case.

    Biomedical Devices

    Digital Microscopes

    Adam Sobieski
    This use case could be horizontal, insofar as it advances digital microscopy for consumers, and could be vertical, insofar as it equips biomedical professionals, scientists, and educators.
    Target Users
    • device owners
    • device users
    • cloud providers
    • service providers
    • device manufacturers
    • identity providers
    Microscopes are utilized throughout biomedicine, the sciences, and education. Advancing digital microscopes and enabling their interoperability with mixed-reality collaborative spaces via WoT architecture and standards can equip biomedical professionals, scientists, and educators, amplifying and accelerating their performance and productivity.
    Expected Devices
    Mixed-reality collaborative spaces are device agnostic. Users can collaborate while making use of AR devices, VR devices, mobile computers, and desktop computers. The expected devices include AR and VR equipment (e.g., head-mounted displays), computing devices, and digital microscopes.
    Expected Data

    The expected data include 2D and 3D streams produced by digital microscopes and recordings thereof. These streams may contain metadata which describe the instantaneous magnifications and timescales of data. The expected data also include the output streams produced by services. These streams could, for instance, contain annotation data.

    With respect to annotating video streams, one could make use of secondary video tracks with uniquely-identified bounding boxes or more intricate silhouettes defining spatial regions on which to attach semantic data, e.g., metadata or annotations, using yet other secondary tracks. Similar approaches could work for point-cloud-based and mesh-based animations.

    Dependencies - Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    To be determined

    Mixed-reality collaborative spaces enable users to visualize and interact with data and to work together from multiple locations on shared tasks and projects.

    Digital microscopes could be accessed and utilized from mixed-reality collaborative spaces via WoT architecture and standards. Digital microscopes could be thusly utilized throughout biomedicine, the sciences, and education. Data from digital microscopes could be processed by services to produce outputs useful to users. Users could select and configure one or more such services and route streaming data or recordings through them to consume resultant data in a mixed-reality collaborative space. Graphs, or networks, of such services could be created by users. Services could also communicate back to digital microscopes to control their mechanisms and settings. Services which simultaneously process digital microscope data and communicate back to control such devices could be of use for providing users with automatic focusing, magnification, and tracking.

    Multimodal user interfaces could be dynamically generated for digital microscope content by making use of the output data provided by computer-vision-related services. Such dynamic multimodal user interfaces could provide users with the means of pointing and using spoken natural language to indicate precisely which contents that they wish to focus on, magnify, or track.

    For example, a digital microscope could be magnifying and streaming 2D or 3D imagery of a living animal cell. This data could be processed by a service which provides computer-vision-related annotations, labeling parts of the cell: the cell nucleus, Golgi apparatus, ribosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and so forth. The resultant visual content with its algorithmically-generated annotations could then be interacted with by users. Users could point and use spoken natural language to indicate precisely which parts of the living animal cell that they wished for the digital microscope to focus on, magnify, or track.

    Security Considerations
    The streaming of digital microscope data should be securable for biomedical scenarios. Access to the controls and settings of digital microscopes should be securable for education scenarios so that teachers can adjust the controls and students cannot.
    Privacy Considerations
    In biomedical scenarios, there are privacy issues pertaining to the use of biological samples and medical data from patients.
    Accessibility Considerations
    To be determined
    Internationalisation (i18n) Considerations
    Output data from services could include natural-language content or labels. Such content or labels could be multilingual. Dynamically generated multimodal user interfaces utilizing such content or labels could also be multilingual.

    Requirements that are not addressed in the current WoT standards or building blocks include streaming protocols and formats for 3D digital microscope data and recordings. While digital microscopes could stream video using a variety of existing protocols and formats, the streaming of other forms of 3D data and animations, e.g., point clouds and meshes, could be facilitated by recommendation.

    Users could select and configure one or more services and route data streaming from digital microscopes through them to consume the resultant data in a mixed-reality collaborative space. Additionally, services could be designed to communicate back to and control the mechanisms and settings of digital microscopes. Requirements that are not addressed in the current WoT standards or building blocks include a means of interconnecting services. Perhaps services could utilize WoT architecture and could be described as WoT things, or virtual devices, which provide functionality including that with which to establish data connectivity between them.


    Smart Grids

    Christian Glomb
    Target Users
    • Grid operators on all voltage levels line Distribution System Operators (DSO), Transmission System Operators (TSO)
    • Plant operators (centralized as well as de-centralized producers)
    • Virtual Power Plant (VPP) operators
    • Energy grid markets
    • Cloud providers where grid backend services are hosted and where Operation Technology bridges to Information Technology
    • Device manufacturers, owners, and users; devices include communication gateways, monitoring and control units
    Expected Devices
    A smart grid integrates all players in the electricity market into one overall system through the interaction of generation, storage, grid management and consumption. Power and storage plants are already controlled today in such a way that only as much electricity is produced as is needed. Smart grids include consumers as well as small, decentralized energy suppliers and storage locations in this control system, so that on the one hand, consumption is more homogeneous in terms of time and space (see also intelligent electricity consumption) and on the other hand, in principle inhomogeneous producers (e.g. wind power) and consumers (e.g. lighting) can be better integrated.
    Expected Data
    • Weather and climate data
    • Metering data (both production as well as consumption as well as storage, e.g. 15 min. intervals)
    • Real time data from PMUs (Phasor Measurement Units)
    • Machine and equipment monitoring data (enabling health checks)
    • ...
    Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    WoT Architecture, WoT Binding Templates (covering protocol specifica)
    The term Smart Grid refers to the communicative networking and control of power generators, storage facilities, electrical consumers, and grid equipment in power transmission and distribution networks for electricity supply. This enables the optimization and monitoring of the interconnected components. The aim is to secure the energy supply on the basis of efficient and reliable system operation.
    Decentralized Power Generation
    While electricity grids with centralized power generation have dominated up to now, the trend is moving towards decentralized generation plants, both for generation from fossil primary energy through small CHP plants and for generation from renewable sources such as photovoltaic systems, solar thermal power plants, wind turbines and biogas plants. This leads to a much more complex structure, primarily in the area of load control, voltage maintenance in the distribution grid and maintenance of grid stability. In contrast to medium to large power plants, smaller, decentralized generation plants also feed directly into the lower voltage levels such as the low-voltage grid or the medium-voltage grid. This use case variants also includes operation and control of energy storages like batteries.
    Virtual Power Plants
    A Virtual Power Plant (VPP) is an aggregation of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) that can act as an entity on energy markets or as an ancillary service to grid operation. The individual DERs often have a primary use on their own, with electric generation/consumption being a side-effect resp. secondary use. This results in negotiations/collaborations between many different parties e.g. such as the DER owner, the VPP operator, the grid operator and others.
    Smart Metering
    For consumers, a major change is the installation of smart meters. Their core tasks are remote reading and the possibility to realize fluctuating prices within a day at short notice. All electricity meters must therefore be replaced by those with remote data transmission.
    Other variants
    Emergency response, grid synchronization, grid black start
    Building Blocks
    • Multi-Stakeholder Operation: Multiple involved parties have to find a common mode of operation
    • Device Lifecycle Management: Since the VPP is a dynamic system of loosely coupled DERs, the appearance and disappearance of DERs as well as the software management on the devices itself requires a means to orchestrate the lifecycle of individual device's respective components.
    • Embedded Runtime: Especially for DERs in remote locations, maintaining a close couple control loop can be expensive if feasible at all. Therefore, it is desirable to be able to offload control logic to the DER itself.
    • Ensemble Discovery: In order to dynamically find matching DERs needed for the operational goal of a VPP, a registry with different options of DER discovery is needed.
    • Content-Negotiation: The different stakeholders have to interact and therefore need a common data format.
    • Resource Description: The DER has to describe itself to enable discovery of single DERs and ensembles, also the operational data needs to be understood by the different stakeholders without engineering effort.
    • Push Services: As there is a fan-out with many devices that probably have a rate-limited connection connecting to one single command center, a bidirectional communication mechanism is needed rather than polling for the reverse direction
    • Object Memory: As multiple and interchangeable stakeholders are involved in the application, a backlog of the object is beneficial for scrollkeeping
    • Privacy: As fine-grained metering information provides sensitive data about a household, the system should show a high degree of privacy
    • Trust: Since the data exchange between the virtual power plant and the distributed energy resource leads to a physical action that invokes high currents and monetary flows, the integrity of both parties and the exchange's data is crucial
    • Layered L7 Communication: Since multiple different links are used for monitoring and control, integration requires a clear and consistent separation of information from the used serialization and application protocols to enable the exchange of homogenous information over heterogenous application layer protocols
    Existing Standards
    • IEC 61850 - International standard for data models and communication protocols [[IEC 61850]]
    • IEEE 1547 - US standard for interconnecting distributed resources with electric power systems [[IEEE 1547]]


    Zoltan Kis
    Transportation - Infrastructure Transportation - Cargo Transportation - People
    Target Users

    Smart Cities: managing roads, public transport and commuting, autonomous and human driven vehicles, transportation tracking and control systems, route information systems, commuting and public transport, vehicles, on-demand transportation, self driving fleets, vehicle information and control systems, infrastructure sharing and payment system, smart parking, smart vehicle servicing, emergency monitoring, etc.

    Transport companies: managing shipping, air cargo, train cargo and last mile delivery transportation systems including automated systems.

    Commuters: Mobility as a service, booking systems, route planning, ride sharing, self-driving, self-servicing infrastructure, etc.


    Provide common vocabulary for describing transport related services and solutions that can be reused across sub-categories, for easier interoperability between various systems owned by different stakeholders.

    Thing models could be defined in many subdomains to help integration or interworking between multiple systems.

    Transportation of goods can be optimized at global level by enhancing interoperability between vertical systems.

    Expected Devices
    Road information system (routes, conditions, navigation). Road control system (e.g. virtual rails). Traffic management services, e.g. intelligent traffic light system with localization and identification (by satellite, radio frequency identification, cameras etc.). Emergency monitoring and data/location sharing. Airport management. Shipping docks and ports management. Train networks management. Public transport vehicles (train, metro, tram, bus, minibus), mobility as a service (ride sharing, bicycle sharing, scooters etc.). Transportation network planning and management (hubs, backbones, sub-networks, last mile network). Electronic timetable management system. Vehicles (human driven, self-driving, isolated or part of fleet). Connected vehicles (cars, ships, airplanes, trains, buses etc). Devices needed for cargo.
    Expected Data
    Vehicle data (identification, location, speed, route, selected vehicle data). Weather and climate data. Contextual data (representing various risk factors, delays, etc.).
    Localization technologies. Automotive data. Contextual data. Cloud integration.
    Transportation system implementers will be able to use a unified data description model across various systems.
    There will be different verticals, such as:
    • Smart City public transport
    • Smart City traffic management
    • Smart city vehicle management
    • Cargo traffic management
    • Cargo vehicle management


    Smart Car Configuration Management

    Michael McCool
    User interface personalization is a task that most often needs to be repeated for all Devices a user wishes to interact with recurringly. With complex devices, this task can also be very time-consuming, which is problematic if the user regularly accesses similar, but not identical devices, as in the case of several cars rented over a month. A standardized set of personal information and preferences that could be used to configure personalizable devices automatically would be very helpful for all these cases in which the interaction becomes a customary practice.
    Expected Devices
    Personal mobile device running an application providing command mediation capabilities. IoT-enabled smart car supporting remote sensing, actuation, and configuration functionality.
    Expected Data
    Command and status information transferred between the personal mobile device application and the car's services and devices. Profile data for user preferences.
    • WoT Thing Description
    • WoT Discovery
    • Optional: WoT Scripting API in application on mobile personal device and possibly in IoT orchestration services in the car.
    Basic in-car functionality is standardized to be managed by other devices. A user can control seat, radio or AC settings through a personalized multimodal interface shared by the car and their personal mobile device. User preferences are stored on the mobile Device (or in the cloud), and can be transferred across different car models handling a specific functionality (e.g. all cars with touchscreens should be able to adapt to a "high contrast" preference). The car can make itself available as a complex modality component that wraps around all functionality and supported modalities, or as a collection of modality components such as touchscreen, speech recognition system, or audio player. In the latter case, certain user preferences may be shared with other environments. For example, a user may opt to select the "high contrast" scheme at night on all of their displays, in the car or at home. A car that provides a set of modalities can be also adapted by the mobile device to compose an interface for its functionality, for example to manage playback of music tracks through the car's voice control system. Sensor data provided by the phone can be mixed with data recorded by the car's own sensors to profile user behavior which can be used as context in multimodal interaction.
    Additional portable devices may be brought into the car and also be incorporated into an application, for example, a GPS navigation system.
    Data format describing user interface preferences.
    Existing Standards
    This use case is based on MMI UC 2.1 [[mmi-use-cases]].
    Does not include Requirements section from original MMI use case.

    Smart Home


    Media Use Cases

    This section is not a full use case description. It is rather a collection of thoughts and ideas to capture information and provide references and have a common discussion basis. The intention is to trigger new ideas and collect them in a single chapter.
    Tracker Issue ID
    Target Users
    Expected Devices
    Expected Data
    Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    • Sync of media across different devices:
    • people in different homes watch the same content at the same time. Conversation about content.
    • Multi-room sync playback
    • Multi-camera angles
    • Voice control of a media playback device (integration of smart speakers from multiple vendors) Describe proprietary (vendor specific) device control interfaces to control media playback on TV set. (proprietary implementations exist, open protocol is proposed?)
    TODO: Provide links to relevant standards that are relevant for this use case
    Existing Standards & related information
    • Hybridcast [[Hybridcast]]
    • ... and many other TV standards, including additional Hybridcast standards cited from the above reference.
    Further information and resources:

    Home WoT devices synchronize to TV programs

    Hiroki Endo, Masaya Ikeo, Shinya Abe, Hiroshi Fujisawa
    Target Users
    Person watching TV, Broadcasters
    A lot of home devices, such as TV, cleaner, and home lighting, connect to an IP network. When you watch a content program, these devices should cooperate for enhancing your experience. If the cleaning robot makes a loud noise while watching the TV program, it will hinder viewing. Also, even if you set up the theater environment with smart lights, it is troublesome to operate it yourself each time the TV program switches. Therefore, by WoT device to operate in accordance with the TV program being viewed, thereby improving the user experience. WoT devices work according to TV programs:
    • Cleaning robot stops at an important situation,
    • Color of smart lights are changed according to TV programs,
    • Smart Mirror is notified that favorite TV show will start.
    Expected Devices
    • Hybridcast TV
    • Hybridcast Connect application (in a smartdevice such as smartphone)
    • Cleaning Robot
    • Smart Light (such as Philips Hue)
    • Smart Mirror
    Expected Data
    The trigger value of the scene of the TV program. Hybridcast connect application know the Thing Description of the devices in home. (Discovery?)

    Home smart devices behave according to TV programs.

    Hybridcast applications in TV emit information about TV programs for smart home devices. (Hybridcast is a Japanese Integrated Broadcast-Broadband system. Hybridcast applications are HTML5 applications that work on Hybridcast TV.)

    Hybridcast Contact application receives the information and controls smart home devices.

    Hybridcast Connect Application
    Existing Standards
    Hybridcast and Hybridcast Connect: a Japanese Integrated Broadcast-Broadband system [[Hybridcast]], Reference Implementations), HbbTV, ATSC 3.0, etc.

    Leaving and Coming Home

    Tetsushi Matsuda, Keiichi Teramoto, Takashi Murakami, Morio Hirahara (ECHONET Consortium)
    Target Users
    • device user
    • service provider (Home Management Service Provider)
    • device manufacturer
    The purpose of this use case is to improve the usability of home appliances for device users by allowing device users to configure the operation modes of all devices at home without configuring those devices one by one when they leave and come home.
    Expected Devices
    Lighting, Air Conditioner, Security Sensor, Smartphone
    Expected Data
    The operation modes of lighting, air conditioner and security sensor. Reading and updating those operation modes on demand.
    Dependencies - Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    echonet use case
    • Configuration by a device user before starting to use a service
      • A device user logs in the server of a "home management service provider" with which the user has a contract.
      • The user specifies the operation modes of lighting, air conditioner and security sensor for the time when the user is out of home, the time when the user comes home and the time when the specified amount of time has passed after the user comes home.
    • When the device user leaves home
      • The device user accesses the server of a "home management service provider" with a smartphone and notifies the server that the user is going to leave home.
      • The server updates the operation modes of lighting, air conditioner and security sensor according to the configuration specified by the user for the time when the user is out of home.
      • The server reads the operation modes of lighting, air conditioner and security sensor and informs the user's smartphone of those operation modes.
    • When the device user comes home
      • The device user accesses the server of a "home management service provider" with a smartphone and notifies the server that the user will return home soon.
      • The server updates the operation modes of lighting, air conditioner and security sensor according to the configuration specified by the user for the time when the user comes home.
      • The server reads the operation modes of lighting, air conditioner and security sensor and informs the user's smartphone of those operation modes.
      • When the specified amount of time has passed after the user returns home, the server updates the operation modes of lighting, air conditioner and security sensor according to the configuration specified by the user for the time when the specified amount of time has passed after the user comes home.
      • The server reads the operation modes of lighting, air conditioner and security sensor and informs the user's smartphone of those operation modes.
    Security Considerations
    • It is necessary to prevent unauthorized users other than the device user from using the service provided by the home management service provider.
    • It is necessary to disallow home management service providers other than the home management service providers permitted by the device user in advance to control devices at the device user's home.
    Privacy Considerations
    It is necessary to protect the information on what operations are done on the devices that are controlled or monitored at the device user's home. It is also necessary to protect the information obtained from the devices that are controlled or monitored at the device user's home.
    Accessibility Considerations
    User interface provided by a smartphone had better consider accessibility.
    Internationalisation (i18n) Considerations
    User interface provided by a smartphone had better support internationalization.
    The method for controlling multiple devices in an orchestrated manner is dependent on the implementation of a client application in the current WoT specification. That is a reasonable design choice. However, the orchestrated control of multiple devices needs to be implemented by each client application even if the same control is done by multiple client applications.
    Existing standards
    ECHONET Lite ( ) and ECHONET Lite Web API Guideline ( in Japanese ).


    Education Shared Devices

    Ege Korkan
    Target Users
    For the education category:
    • device owners : The university -> Research Group -> Specific Lab
    • device user : Students and potentially anyone who participates in plugfests
    • service provider : The university -> Research Group
    • network operator : The university
    This use case motivates a standardized use of shared resources. One example is when a physical resource of the Thing should not be used by multiple Consumers at the same time like the arm of the robot but its position can be read my multiple Consumers.
    Expected Devices
    Concrete devices are irrelevant for this use case but devices with a physical state is required. However, we have currently the following devices that are connected to Raspberry Pis where the WoT stack (node-wot or similar) is running. Concrete device models can be given upon request.
    • Robotic arms
    • Conveyor belts
    • Motorized sliders where the robots or devices can be mounted on
    • Philips Hue devices: Light bulbs, LED Strips, Motion sensors, Switch. We do not have the source code of these devices (brownfield)
    • Various sensors (brightness, humidity, temperature, gyroscopic sensors)
    • LED Screen to display messages
    There are also IP Cameras but they are not WoT compatible and are not planned to be made compatible.
    Expected Data
    Atmospheric data of a room, machine sensors
    Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    Thing Description, Scripting API, possibly security
    We are offering a practical course for the students where they can interact fully remotely with WoT devices and verify their physical actions via video streams. We have sensors and actuators like robots. Students then build mashup applications to deepen their knowledge of WoT technologies. Official page of the course is here.
    Security Considerations
    The devices are connected to the Internet and are secured behind a router and proxy.
    Privacy Considerations
    None from the WoT point of view since we want the devices to be used by anyone and the devices do not share any information that is related to the students or us as the provider of the devices. However, there are cameras which can show humans entering the room as a side effect (they are meant to monitor the devices). The streams are accessible only to authorized users, the room has signs on the door and there is a cage around the area that is filmed.

    Thing Description

    • How to give hints that a particular action should not be used by others at the same time. A new keyword (like `"shared":true`) would be needed for devices that do not implement a describable mechanism.
    • How to describe the mechanism that the Thing implements to manage the shared resources. Does it happen in the security level?

    Scripting API

    • How does the Consumer code change when this mechanism is used. Does it get settled in the implementation or scripting level.

    Use Cases for multiple domains


    Michael McCool
    Target Users
    All stakeholders:
    • device owners
    • device user
    • cloud provider
    • service provider
    • device manufacturer
    • gateway manufacturer
    • network operator (potentially transparent for WoT use cases)
    • identity provider
    • directory service operator
    Discovery defines a distribution mechanism for the metadata contained in WoT Things Descriptions, and allows Things to advertise their capabilities and for potential consumers to find Things that match their needs. A standardized discovery mechanism is an enabler for convenient and ad-hoc orchestration of combinations of Things from different vendors while supporting appropriate security and privacy controls.
    Expected Devices
    • Thing - any device or service that wishes to distribute (advertise) its metadata.
    • Consumer - any device or service that wishes to find Things whose location and metadata satisfies specified constraints.
    • Discovery Service - Mechanism by which metadata is distributed, which can involve a variety of services to handle spatial and semantic queries, register Thing Descriptions, provide access controls, etc.
    Expected Data
    • Thing Descriptions - metadata describing a Thing
    Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    • WoT Discovery
    Note: this is a "horizontal" use case, and is driven by requirements in multiple verticals.
    A user wishing to build or instantiate an IoT service needs access to Thing Descriptions of installed and running devices satisfying specific requirements. These requirements can include being in or near a certain location, accessible using particular protocols or on a certain network, satisfying certain semantic categories, having certain capabilities, or having specific sub-APIs (interfaces). Discovery is the general process whereby WoT Thing Descriptions satisfying a specific set of such constraints are retrieved by a running system.
    • Run-time discovery allows late binding of orchestration services to particular devices and requires that consumers be able to adapt to Thing Descriptions discovered when a service is deployed.
    • Development-time discovery may be useful during system development to build services that can interface to a particular class of Thing Descriptions. In this case what actually needs to be discovered Thing Models, not specific Thing Descriptions.
    Security Considerations
    • The distribution mechanism needs to be able to clearly authenticate potential users.
    • The distribution mechanism for metadata should only provide metadata to authorized users.
    • The distribution mechanism should be able to resist denial-of-service attacks seeking to overwhelm it within spurious requests.
    • The distribution mechanism should be able to preserve the integrity of metadata.
    Privacy Considerations
    • Metadata should only be distributed to appropriate sets of requesters, with the definition of "appropriate" configurable by the source of the metadata.
    • Unauthorized users should not be able to access or infer information that they do not have access rights to.
    • Providers of metadata should be able to withdraw metadata from distribution at any time.
    • Metadata should not be retained indefinitely.
    • The current WoT standards define a metadata format (the Thing Description) but not a means of distributing it.
    Existing Standards
    • WoT Thing Description
    • CoreRD
    • DID
    • Many discovery mechanisms already exist but many do not satisfy all the requirements above, e.g. they may have insufficient privacy controls. A standards solution that builds upon prior work in this area is desirable.

    Multi-Vendor System Integration - Out of the box interoperability

    Michael Lagally
    Target Users
    • device owner
    • service provider
    • cloud provider
    • device manufacturer
    • gateway manufacturer
    • As a device owner, I want to know whether a device will work with my system before I purchase it to avoid wasting money.
      • Installers of IoT devices want to be able to determine if a given device will be compatible with the rest of their installed systems and whether they will have access to its data and affordances.
    • As a developer, I want TDs to be as simple as possible so that I can efficiently develop them.
      • Here "simple" should relate to the end goal, "efficiently develop"; that is, TDs should be straightforward for the average developer to complete and validate.
    • As a developer, I want to be able to validate that a Thing will be compatible with a Consumer without having to test against every possible consumer.
    • As a cloud provider I want to onboard, manage and communicate with as many devices as possible out of the box. This should be possible without device specific customization.
    Expected Devices
    sensors, actuators, gateways, cloud, directory service.
    Expected Data
    discrete or streaming data.
    Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    WoT Profile, WoT Thing Description

    As a consumer of devices I want to be able to process data from any device that conforms to a class of devices.

    I want to have a guarantee that I'm able to correctly interact with all affordances of the Thing that complies with this class of devices. Behavioral ambiguities between different implementations of the same description should not be possible.

    I want to integrate it into my existing scenarios out of the box, i.e. with close to zero configuration tasks.

    The profile specification is currently in development by the architecture task force. The current draft of the specification is available at:
    Recommendations for commonalities and interoperability profiles of IoT platforms:

    Virtual Thing

    • David Ezell, Conexxus
    • Jack Dickinson, Conexxus (Dover Fueling Solutions)
    Indoor Facilities and Power Equipment
    Target Users
    • device owners (retailers)
    • device manufacturers
    • gateway manufacturer
    • network operator (potentially transparent for WoT use cases)

    One of the most powerful features of the Web of Things is the ability for Thing Descriptions (TDs) to provide and abstract interface. This abstraction can remain constant when device capabilities change, when device suppliers are changed, or when new computational capabilities become available.

    A "Virtual Thing" refers to a software simulation of a device conforming to a TD. That TD describes affordances generated in software from inputs that may or may not be similar to a physical thing that the same TD defines.

    These inputs most often (but not always) will refer to data streams which, when examined with intelligent software (an AI), will allow that software to imitate the properties, actions, and events that an actual physical device would normally provide.

    Virtual Thing - Message Flow

    In a simple case, software could interpret data from a new door sensor product (possibly from a new manufacturer) and imitate the actions, properties, and events supported by the older device. This capability allows consuming software to remain unchanged and insulated from the churn caused by introducing new devices into the ecosystem. The consuming software will continue to use the original Thing Description as the interface definition.

    In a more complex case, a data stream can be processed in software to imitate a physical device. Such "virtual things" allow the sensing hardware to be upgraded (in this case to video camera devices) without forcing a complete rewrite of software that was built to consume the original Thing Description. It is also possible for the data stream to be used to imitate multiple "virtual things", and also support new Thing Descriptions alongside the older ones.

    Being able to use existing Thing Descriptions as an abstraction for "virtual things" will allow those with a device estate to save considerable time and effort in maintaining software and hardware in the estate.

    Expected outcomes:

    • Allow newer devices to support older Thing Descriptions using software imitation.
    • Provide powerful new multi-purpose devices, supporting multiple Thing Descriptions.
    • Allow new and old devices to exist side by side in the device estate.
    • Insulate existing software from changes.
    Expected Devices
    • Digital camera device.
    • Digital audio device.
    Expected Data
    • Expected data is defined in the original TDs, and software is used to imitate the older devices
    Dependencies - Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    • WoT Thing Description
    • WoT Discovery

    Retailers would like to avoid the expense of rewriting software when new capabilities become available, and would like to maintain existing functionality even while introducing new and more powerful TDs.

    A video camera produces a data stream that can be processed to imitate a variety of "virtual things" defined with existing TDs. One such TD is a "door sensor." The video data stream can be processed to recognize when the door is open or closed, and can the processing software can emit "doorOpen" boolean events when the door is open or closed, and also emit "doorOpenPastLimit" events if the door has been open for too long. Any consuming software designed to understand the original door sensor TD will continue to work with this more advanced camera hardware, eliminating logistical challenges for retail management and reducing costs.

    Security Considerations
    Devices subject to replay attacks and DOS attacks.
    Privacy Considerations
    Any recording of individuals must be protected as PII. This use case will likely keep any data stream for local processing, reducing the danger of video or audio capture.
    Accessibility Considerations
    None. No direct user (human) interface is affected.
    Internationalisation (i18n) Considerations
    None. No direct user (internationalized) interface is affected.

    Digital Twin

    Digital Twin (1)

    Michael Lagally
    Target Users
    Device owners, cloud provider.

    A digital twin is the virtual representation of a physical asset such as a machine, a vehicle, robot, sensor. Using a digital twin allows businesses to analyze their physical assets to troubleshoot in real time, predict future problems, minimize downtime, and perform simulations to create new business opportunities.

    A digital twin may also be called a twin or a shadow. Digital twin technology may be referred to as device virtualization.

    Digital twins can be located in the edge or in the cloud.

    Expected Devices

    Various devices such as sensors, machines, vehicles, production lines, industry robots.

    Digital twin platforms at the edge or in the cloud.

    Expected Data
    Machine status information, discrete sensor data or data streams.
    • WoT Architecture
    • WoT Thing Description
    • WoT Profile
    • WoT Scripting?
    The user benefits from using digital twins with the following scenarios:
    • Better visibility: Continually view the operations of the machines or devices, and the status of their interconnected systems.
    • Accurate prediction: Retrieve the future state of the machines from the digital twin model by using modeling.
    • What-if analysis: Easily interact with the model to simulate unique machine conditions and perform what-if analysis using well-designed interfaces.
    • Documentation and communication: Use of the digital twin model helps to understand, document, and explain the behavior of a specific machine or a collection of machines.
    • Integration of disparate systems: Connect with back-end applications related to supply chain operations such as manufacturing, procurement, warehousing, transportation, or logistics.
    Virtual Twin

    The virtual twin is a representation of a physical device or an asset. A virtual twin uses a model that contains observed and desired attribute values and also uses a semantic model of the behavior of the device.

    Intermittent connectivity: An application may not be able to connect to the physical asset. In such a scenario, the application must be able to retrieve the last known status and to control the operation states of other assets.

    Protocol abstraction: Typically, devices use a variety of protocols and methods to connect to the IoT network. From a users perspective this complexity should not affect other business applications such as an enterprise resource planning (ERP) application.

    Business rules: The user can specify the normal operating range of a property in a semantic model. Business rules can be declaratively defined and actions can be automatically invoked in the edge or on the device.

    Example: In a fleet of connected vehicles, the user monitors a collection of operating parameters, such as fuel level, location, speed and others. The semantics-based virtual twin model enables the user to decide whether the operating parameters are in normal range. In out of range conditions the user can take appropriate actions.

    Predictive Twin

    In a predictive twin, the digital twin implementation builds an analytical or statistical model for prediction by using a machine-learning technique. It need not involve the original designers of the machine. It is different from the physics-based models that are static, complex, do not adapt to a constantly changing environment, and can be created only by the original designers of the machine.

    A data analyst can easily create a model based on external observation of a machine and can develop multiple models based on the user’s needs. The model considers the entire business scenario and generates contextual data for analysis and prediction.

    When the model detects a future problem or a future state of a machine, the user can prevent or prepare for them. The user can use the predictive twin model to determine trends and patterns from the contextual machine data. The model helps to address business problems.

    Twin Projections

    In twin projections, the predictions and the insights integrate with back-end business applications, making IoT an integral part of business processes. When projections are integrated with a business process, they can trigger a remedial business workflow.

    Prediction data offers insights into the operations of machines. Projecting these insights into the back-end applications infrastructure enables business applications to interact with the IoT system and transform into intelligent systems.

    WoT does not define a way to describe the behavior of a thing to use for a simulation.

    Digital Twin (2)

    Qing An
    Target Users
    Digital twin involves managing a physical device or a group of connected physical devices which needs to be virtually represented, and whose data needs to be understood. Stakeholders include:
    • device owners: need to make data from devices available to digital twin system.
    • device user: users of the digital twin system are indirectly using the devices by accessing their data generated by the devices and sent to the digital twin, and also, by sending commands to the digital twin and corresponding actions can be automatically invoked on the device.
    • cloud or edge provider: the digital twin system may be hosted in the cloud or in the edge.
    A digital twin is a virtual and digital representation, located in the cloud or in the edge, of a real-world entity or system that mirrors a unique physical object, or a group of connected physical devices. Simply by describing a single device’s functionalities is not enough to support the accurate virtual representation in the cloud or edge. To accurately simulate the physical entity or system, the real-time status of device, the relation and rules among a collection of connected devices need be standardized.
    Expected Devices
    Devices can include sensors, actuators, machines, vehicles, production lines, industry robots. Cloud or edge, to host the digital twin.
    Expected Data
    Device status information, discrete sensor data. Device relation information, indicating one device’s relation with other devices in a group of connected devices, and what-if rules.
    Dependencies - Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    WoT Thing Description and Thing Model, WoT Architecture
    By virtually represent the devices and understand their data in context, a digital twin can reflect, in a timely manner across life cycle, the state of the devices based on the historical data and real-time device data. Based on the virtual representation, further services can be provided, like real-time troubleshooting, simulation and prediction.
    WoT does not define a way to describe the relationship and behabior of connected things to use for a simulation.

    Cross Protocol Interworking

    Michael Lagally
    Target Users
    Device owners, cloud providers.
    In smart city, home and industrial scenarios various devices are connected to a common network. These devices implement different protocols. To enable interoperability, an "agent" needs to communicate across different protocols. Platforms for this agent can be edge devices, gateways or cloud services. Interoperability across protocols is a must for all user scenarios that integrate devices from more than one protocol.
    Expected Devices
    Various sensors, e.g. temperature, light, humidity, vibration, noise, air quality, edge devices, gateways, cloud servers and services.
    Expected Data
    Discrete sensor values, such as temperature, light, humidity, vibration, noise, air quality readings. A/V streams. The data can be delivered periodically or on demand.
    WoT Profiles.

    There are multiple user scenarios that are addressed by this use case.

    An example in the smart home environment is an automatic control lamps, air conditioners, heating, window blinds in a household based on sensor data, e.g. sunlight, human presence, calendar and clock, etc.

    In an industrial environment individual actuators and production devices use different protocols. Examples include MQTT [[MQTT]], OPC UA [[OPC UA]], Modbus [[Modbus]], Fieldbus, and others. Gathering data from these devices, e.g. to support digital twins or big data use cases requires an "Agent" to bridge across these protocols. To provide interoperability and to reduce implementation complexity of this agent a common set of (minimum and maximum) requirements need to be supported by all interoperating devices.

    A smart city environment is similar to the industrial scenario in terms of device interoperability. Devices differ however, they include smart traffic lights, traffic monitoring, people counters, cameras.

    A common profile across protocols is required to address this use case.
    Existing Standards
    MQTT [[MQTT]], OPC-UA [OPC UA], BACNet [[BACnet]], CoAP [[rfc7252]], various other home and industrial protocols.

    Multimodal System Integration

    Multimodal Recognition Support

    Michael McCool
    Recognizer system development has arrived at a point of maturity where if we want to dramatically enhance recognition performance, sensor fusion from multiple modalities is needed. In order to achieve this, an image recognizer should incorporate results coming from other kinds of recognizers (e.g. audio recognizer) within the network engaged in the same interaction cycle.
    Expected Devices
    Audio sensing device (microphone). Video sensing device (camera). Audio recognition service. Video recognition service. Devices capable of presenting alerts in various modalities.
    Expected Data
    Command and status information transferred between the sensing devices, the recognition services, and the alert devices. Profile data for user preferences.
    • WoT Thing Description
    • WoT Discovery
    • Optional: WoT Scripting API in application on mobile personal device and possibly in IoT orchestration services.
    An audio recognizer has been trained with the more common sounds in the house, in order to provide alerts in case of an emergency. In the same house a security system uses a video recognizer to identify people at the front door. These two systems need to cooperate with a remote home management system to provide integrated services.
    Support for video and audio recognition services.
    Existing Standards
    This use case is based on MMI UC 5.1 [[mmi-use-cases]].
    Does not include Requirements section from original MMI use case.

    Enhancement of Synergistic Interactions

    Michael McCool
    One of the main indicators concerning the usability of a system is the corresponding level of accessibility provided by it. The opportunity for all the users to receive and to deliver all kinds of information, regardless of the information format or the type of user profile, state or impairment is a recurrent need in web applications. One of the means to achieve accessibility is the design of a more synergic interaction based on the discovery of multimodal Modality Components. Synergy is two or more entities functioning together to produce a result that is not obtainable independently. It means "working together". For example, how to avoid disruptive interactions in nomadic systems (always affected by the changing context) is an important issue. In these applications, user interaction is difficult, distracted and less precise. Discovery and use of alternative input and output devices can increase synergic interaction offering new possibilities more adapted to the current context. Such a system can also enhance the fusion process for target groups of users experiencing permanent or temporary learning difficulties or with sensorial, emotional or social impairments.
    Expected Devices
    A normal client computer with I/O devices that need to be emulated. Alternative I/O devices that need to be interfaced to the client system.
    Expected Data
    Command and status information transferred between the client computer and the alternative I/O devices. Profile data for user preferences.
    • WoT Thing Description
    • WoT Discovery
    • Optional: WoT Scripting API in application on mobile personal device and possibly in IoT orchestration services.
    A person working mostly with a PC is having a problem with their right arm and hands. They are unable to use a mouse or a keyboard for a few months. They can point at things, sketch, clap, make gestures, but they can not make any precise movements. A generic interface allows this person to perform their most important tasks in their personal devices: to call someone, open a mailbox, access his agenda or navigate over some Web pages. The generic interface can propose child-oriented intuitive interfaces like a clapping-based interface, a very articulated TTS component, or reduced gesture input widgets. Other specialized devices might include phones with very big numbers, very simple remote controls, screens displaying text at high resolution, or voice command devices.
    Existing Standards
    This use case is based on MMI UC 5.2 [[mmi-use-cases]].
    Does not include Requirements section from original MMI use case.


    Audiovisual Devices Acting as Smartphone Extensions

    Michael McCool

    Many of today's home IoT-enabled devices can provide similar functionality (e.g. audio/video playback), differing only in certain aspects of the user interface. This use case would allow continuous interaction with a specific application as the user moves from room to room, with the user interface switched automatically to the set of devices available in the user's present location.

    On the other hand, some devices can have specific capabilities and user interfaces that can be used to add information to a larger context that can be reused by other applications and devices. This drives the need to spread an application across different devices to achieve a more user-adapted and meaningful interaction according to the context of use. Both aspects provide arguments for exploring use cases where applications use distributed multimodal interfaces.

    Expected Devices
    Mobile phone or other client running an application requiring a extended and more accessible user interface. IoT-enabled audio-visual devices providing audio and visual information display capabilities that can be used to augment the user interface of the application. Possible edge computation services providing speech-to-text or described video (e.g. object detection) capabilities.
    Expected Data
    Visual display information mapping information from audio to visual modalities, for example text generated from voice recognition. Text from an application that needs to be displayed at a larger size. Visual alerts corresponding to audio stimuli, e.g. sound effects in a game mapped to visual icons. Visual information mapped to audio information, for example, described video based on an AI service providing object recognition.
    • WoT Thing Description
    • WoT Discovery
    • Optional: WoT Scripting API accessible from application for interacting with devices.
    A home entertainment system is adapted by a mobile device as a set of user interface components. In addition to media rendering and playback, these Devices also act as input or output modalities for an application, for example an application running on a smartphone. The native user interface on the application does not have to be manipulated directly at all. A wall-mounted touch-sensitive TV could be used to navigate applications, and a wide-range microphone can handle speech input. Spatial (Kinect-style) gestures may also be used to control application behavior. Accessibility support software on the smartphone discovers available modalities and arranges them to best serve the user's purpose. One display can be used to show photos and movies, another for navigation. As the user walks into another room, this configuration is adapted dynamically to the new location. User intervention may be sometimes required to decide on the most convenient modality configuration. The state of the interaction is maintained while switching between modality sets. For example, if the user was navigating a GUI menu in the living room, it is carried over to another screen when they switch rooms, or replaced with a different modality such as voice if there are no displays in the new location.
    Modalities may be translated from one form to another to accommodate accessibility issues, for example, visual cues into audio cues and vice-versa, as appropriate.
    An AI service may be require to perform modality mapping, for example, object recognition.
    Existing Standards
    This use case is based on MMI UC 1.1 [[mmi-use-cases]].
    Does not include Requirements section from original MMI use case. Variant supporting modality conversion is not included in the original MMI use case.

    The increase in the number of controllable devices in an intelligent home creates a problem with controlling all available services in a coherent and useful manner. Having a shared context, built from information collected through sensors and direct user input, would improve recognition of user intent, and thus simplify interactions.

    In addition, multiple input mechanisms could be selected by the user based on device type, level of trust and the type of interaction required for a particular task.

    Expected Devices
    Mobile phone or other client running an application providing command mediation capabilities. IoT-enabled smart home devices supporting remote sensing and actuation functionality.
    Expected Data
    Command and status information transferred between the command mediation application and one or more devices.
    • WoT Thing Description
    • WoT Discovery
    • Optional: WoT Scripting API accessible from application for interacting with devices.

    Smart home functionality (window blinds, lights, air conditioning etc.) is controlled through a multimodal interface, composed from modalities built into the house itself (e.g. speech and gesture recognition) and those available on the user's personal devices (e.g. smartphone touchscreen). The system may automatically adapt to the preferences of a specific user, or enter a more complex interaction if multiple people are present.

    Sensors built into various devices around the house can act as input modalities that feed information to the home and affect its behavior. For example, lights and temperature in the gym room can be adapted dynamically as workout intensity recorded by the fitness equipment increases. The same data can also increase or decrease volume and tempo of music tracks played by the user's mobile device or the home's media system.

    The intelligent home in tandem with the user's personal devices can additionally monitor user behavior for emotional patterns such as 'tired' or 'busy' and adapt further.
    A service may be needed to recognize gestures and emotional states.
    Existing Standards
    This use case is based on MMI UC 1.2 [[mmi-use-cases]]; original title was Intelligent Home Apparatus.
    Does not include Requirements section from original MMI use case.


    OAuth2 Flows

    Michael McCool, Cristiano Aguzzi
    Target Users
    • device owner
    • device user
    • device application
    • service provider
    • identity provider
    • directory service

    OAuth 2.0 is an authorization protocol widely known for its usage across several web services. It enables third-party applications to obtain limited access to HTTP services on behalf of the resource owner or of itself. The protocol defines the following actors:

    • Client: an application that wants to use a resource owned by the resource owner.
    • Authorization Server: An intermediary that authorizes the client for a particular `scope`.
    • Resource: a web resource
    • Resource Server: the server where the resource is stored
    • Resource Owner: the owner of a particular web resource. If it is a human is usually referred to as an end-user. More specifically from the RFC:
      • An entity capable of granting access to a protected resource.

    These actors can be mapped to WoT entities:

    • Client is a WoT Consumer
    • Authorization Server is a third-party service
    • Resource is an interaction affordance
    • Resource Server is a Thing described by a Thing Description acting as a server. May be a device or a service.
    • Resource Owner might be different in each use case. A Thing Description may also combine resources from different owners or web server.

    TO DO: Check the OAuth 2.0 spec to determine exactly how Resource Owner is defined. Is it the actual owner of the resource (e.g. running the web server) or simply someone with the rights to access that resource?

    The OAuth 2.0 protocol specifies an authorization layer that separates the client from the resource owner. The basic steps of this protocol are summarized in the following diagram:

         +--------+                               +---------------+
         |        |--(A)- Authorization Request ->|   Resource    |
         |        |                               |     Owner     |
         |        |<-(B)-- Authorization Grant ---|               |
         |        |                               +---------------+
         |        |
         |        |                               +---------------+
         |        |--(C)-- Authorization Grant -->| Authorization |
         | Client |                               |     Server    |
         |        |<-(D)----- Access Token -------|               |
         |        |                               +---------------+
         |        |
         |        |                               +---------------+
         |        |--(E)----- Access Token ------>|    Resource   |
         |        |                               |     Server    |
         |        |<-(F)--- Protected Resource ---|               |
         +--------+                               +---------------+

    Steps A and B defines what is known as authorization grant type or flow. What is important to realize here is that not all of these interactions are meant to take place over a network protocol. In some cases, interaction with with a human through a user interface may be intended. OAuth2.0 defines 4 basic flows plus an extension mechanism. The most common of which are:

    • `code`
    • `implicit`
    • `password` (of resource owner)
    • `client` (credentials of the client)

    In addition, a particular extension which is of interest to IoT is the `device` flow. Further information about the OAuth 2.0 protocol can be found in IETF RFC6749. In addition to the flows, OAuth 2.0 also supports scopes. Scopes are identifiers which can be attached to tokens. These can be used to limit authorizations to particular roles or actions in an API. Each token carries a set of scopes and these can be checked when an interaction is attempted and access can be denied if the token does not include a scope required by the interaction. This document describes relevant use cases for each of the OAuth 2.0 authorization flows.

    Expected Devices
    To support OAuth 2.0, all devices must have the capability of:
    • Both the producer and consumer must be able to create and participate in a TLS connection.
    • The producer must be able to verify an access (bearer) token (i.e. have sufficient computational power/connectivity).
    • Investigate whether DTLS can be used. Certainly the connection needs to be encrypted; this is required in the OAuth 2.0 specification.
    • Investigate whether protocols other than HTTP can be used, e.g. CoAP.
      • found an interesting IETF draft RFC about CoAP support(encrypted using various mechanisms like DTLS or CBOR Object Signing and Encryption): draft-ietf-ace-oauth
    Expected Data
    Depending on the OAuth 2.0 flow specified, various URLs and elements need to be specified, for example, the location of an authorization token server. OAuth 2.0 is also based on bearer tokens and so needs to include the same data as those, for example, expected encryption suite. Finally, OAuth 2.0 supports scopes so these need to be defined in the security scheme and specified in the form.
    Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    Thing Description, Scripting API, Discovery, and Security.
    A general use case for OAuth 2.0 is when a WoT consumer wants to access restricted interaction affordances. In particular, when those affordances have a specific resource owner which may grant some temporary permissions to the consumer. The WoT consumer can either be hosted in a remote device or interact directly with the end-user inside an application.

    For each OAuth 2.0 flow, there is a corresponding use case variant. We also include the experimental "device" flow for consideration.


    A natural application of this protocol is when the end-user wants to interact directly with the consumed thing or to grant their authorization to a remote device. In fact from the RFC6749

    • Since this is a redirection-based flow, the client must be capable of interacting with the resource owner's user-agent (typically a web browser) and capable of receiving incoming requests (via redirection) from the authorization server.

    This implies that the code flow can be only used when the resource owner interacts directly with the WoT consumer at least once. Typical scenarios are:

    • In a home automation context, a device owner uses a third party software to interact with/orchestrate one or more devices
    • Similarly, in a smart farm, the device owner might delegate its authorization to third party services.
    • In a smart home scenario, Thing Description Directories might be deployed using this authorization mechanism. In particular, the list of the registered TDs might require an explicit read authorization request to the device owner (i.e. an human who has bought the device and installed it).
    • ...

    The following diagram shows the steps of the protocol adapted to WoT idioms and entities. In this scenario, the WoT Consumer has read the Thing Description of a Remote Device and want to access one of its WoT Affordances protected with OAuth 2.0 code flow.

      +----------+                                   |           |
      | Resource |                                   |  Remote   |
      |   Owner  |                                   |  Device   +<-------+
      |          |                                   |           |        |
      +----+-----+                                   +-----------+        |
           ^                                                              |
           |                                                              |
          (B)                                                             |
    +------------+          Client Identifier      +---------------+      |
    |           ------(A)-- & Redirection URI ---->+               |      |
    |   User-    |                                 | Authorization |      |
    |   Agent   ------(B)-- User authenticates --->+     Server    |      |
    |            |                                 |               |      |
    |           ------(C)-- Authorization Code ---<+               |      |
    +---+----+---+                                 +---+------+----+      |
        |    |                                         ^      v           |
       (A)  (C)                                        |      |           |
        |    |                                         |      |           |
        ^    v                                         |      |           |
    +---+----+---+                                     |      |           |
    |            |>-+(D)-- Authorization Code ---------'      |           |
    |    WoT     |         & Redirection URI                  |           |
    |  Consumer  |                                            |           |
    |            |<-+(E)----- Access Token -------------------'           |
    +-----+------+      (w/ Optional Refresh Token)                       |
          v                                                               |
          |                                                               |
          +-----------(F)----- Access WoT --------------------------------+

    Notice that steps (A), (B) and (C) are broken in two parts as they pass through the User-Agent.


    The device flow (IETF RFC 8628) is a variant of the code flow for browserless and input-constrained devices. Similarly, to its parent flow, it requires a close interaction between the resource owner and the WoT consumer. Therefore, the use cases for this flow are the same as the code authorization grant but restricted to all devices that do not have a rich means to interact with the resource owner. However, differently from `code`, RFC 8628 states explicitly that one of the actors of the protocol is an end-user interacting with a browser (even if section-6.2 briefly describes an authentication using a companion app and BLE), as shown in the following (slightly adapted) diagram:

    |          |
    |  Remote  |
    |  Device  |
    |          |
         | (G) Access WoT Affordance
    +----+-----+                                +----------------+
    |          +>---(A)-- Client Identifier ---v+                |
    |          |                                |                |
    |          +<---(B)-- Device Code,      ---<+                |
    |          |          User Code,            |                |
    |   WoT    |          & Verification URI    |                |
    | Consumer |                                |                |
    |          |  [polling]                     |                |
    |          +>---(E)-- Device Code       --->+                |
    |          |          & Client Identifier   |                |
    |          |                                |  Authorization |
    |          +<---(F)-- Access Token      ---<+     Server     |
    +-----+----+   (& Optional Refresh Token)   |                |
          v                                     |                |
          :                                     |                |
         (C) User Code & Verification URI       |                |
          :                                     |                |
          ^                                     |                |
    +-----+----+                                |                |
    | End User |                                |                |
    |    at    +<---(D)-- End user reviews  --->+                |
    |  Browser |          authorization request |                |
    +----------+                                +----------------+

    Notable mentions:

    • the protocol is heavily end-user oriented. In fact, the RFC states the following
      • Due to the polling nature of this protocol (as specified in Section 3.4), care is needed to avoid overloading the capacity of the token endpoint. To avoid unneeded requests on the token endpoint, the client should only commence a device authorization request when prompted by the user and not automatically, such as when the app starts or when the previous authorization session expires or failAs.
    • TLS is required both between WoT Consumer/Authorization Server and between Browser/Authorization Server
    • Other user interactions methods may be used but are left out of scope

    client credential

    The Client Credentials grant type is used by clients to obtain an access token outside of the context of an end-user. From RFC6749:

    • The client can request an access token using only its client credentials (or other supported means of authentication) when the client is requesting access to the protected resources under its control, or those of another resource owner that has been previously arranged with the authorization server (the method of which is beyond the scope of this specification).

    Therefore the client credential grant can be used:

    • When the resource owner is a public authority. For example, in a smart city context, the authority provides a web service where to register an application id.
    • Companion application
    • Industrial IoT. Consider a smart factory where the devices or services are provisioned with client credentials.
    • ...

    The Client Credentials flow is illustrated in the following diagram. Notice how the Resource Owner is not present.

    |          |
    |  Remote  |
    |  Device  |
    |          |
         |  (C) Access WoT Affordance
    +----+-----+                                  +---------------+
    |          |                                  |               |
    |          +>--(A)- Client Authentication --->+ Authorization |
    |   WoT    |                                  |     Server    |
    | Consumer +<--(B)---- Access Token ---------<+               |
    |          |                                  |               |
    |          |                                  +---------------+

    Comment: Usually client credentials are distributed using an external service which is used by humans to register a particular application. For example, the `npm` cli has a companion dashboard where a developer requests the generation of a token that is then passed to the cli. The token is used to verify the publishing process of `npm` packages in the registry. Further examples are Docker cli and OpenId Connect Client Credentials.


    Deprecated From OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current Practice:

    • In order to avoid these issues, clients should not use the implicit grant (response type "token") or other response types issuing access tokens in the authorization response, unless access token injection in the authorization, response is prevented and the aforementioned token leakage vectors are mitigated.

    The RFC above suggests using `code` flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) instead.

    The implicit flow was designed for public clients typically implemented inside a browser (i.e. javascript clients). As the `code` is a redirection-based flow and it requires direct interaction with the resource's owner user-agent. However, it requires one less step to obtain a token as it is returned directly in the authentication request (see the diagram below).

    Considering the WoT context this flow is not particularly different from `code` grant and it can be used in the same scenarios.

    Comment: even if the `implicit` flow is deprecated existing services may still using it.

    | Resource |
    |  Owner   |
    |          |
    +----------+          Client Identifier     +---------------+
    |         ------(A)-- & Redirection URI --->+               |
    |  User-   |                                | Authorization |
    |  Agent  ------(B)-- User authenticates -->+     Server    |
    |          |                                |               |
    |          +<---(C)--- Redirection URI ----<+               |
    |          |          with Access Token     +---------------+
    |          |            in Fragment
    |          |                                +---------------+
    |          +----(D)--- Redirection URI ---->+   Web-Hosted  |
    |          |          without Fragment      |     Client    |
    |          |                                |    Resource   |
    |     (F)  +<---(E)------- Script ---------<+               |
    |          |                                +---------------+
      |    |
     (A)  (G) Access Token
      |    |
      ^    v
    +-+----+---+                                   +----------+
    |          |                                   |  Remote  |
    |   WoT    +>---------(H)--Access WoT--------->+  Device  |
    | Consumer |               Affordance          |          |
    |          |                                   +----------+

    resource owner password

    Deprecated From OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current Practice:

    • The resource owner password credentials grant must not be used. This grant type insecurely exposes the credentials of the resource owner to the client. Even if the client is benign, this results in an increased attack surface (credentials can leak in more places than just the AS) and users are trained to enter their credentials in places other than the AS.

    For completeness the diagram flow is reported below.

     | Resource |
     |  Owner   |
     |          |
          |    Resource Owner
         (A) Password Credentials
    +-----+----+                                  +---------------+
    |          +>--(B)---- Resource Owner ------->+               |
    |          |         Password Credentials     | Authorization |
    |   WoT    |                                  |     Server    |
    | Consumer +<--(C)---- Access Token ---------<+               |
    |          |    (w/ Optional Refresh Token)   |               |
    +-----+----+                                  +---------------+
          | (D) Access WoT Affordance
     |  Remote  |
     |  Device  |
     |          |
    Security Considerations
    See OAuth 2.0 security considerations in RFC6749. See also RFC 8628 section 5 for `device` flow.
    Notice that the OAuth 2.0 protocol is not an authentication protocol, however OpenID defines an authentication layer on top of OAuth 2.0.


    Device Lifecycle

    Michael Lagally
    Target Users
    device manufacturer, gateway manufacturer, cloud provider
    The architecture specification currently does not address lifecycle.
    Handle the entire device lifecycle: Define terminology for lifecycle states and transitions.

    Actors (represent a physical person or group of persons (company))

    Manufacturer Service Provider Network Provider (potentially transparent for WoT use cases) Device Owner (User) Others?


    Depending on the use case, an actor can have multiple roles, e.g. security maintainer. Roles can be delegated.
    There are (at least) two different entities to consider:
    • Things / Devices
    • Consumers, e.g. cloud services or gateways
    In more complex use cases there are additional entities:
    • Intermediates
    • Directories
    The current architecture spec does not describe device lifecycle in detail. A common lifecycle model helps to clarify terminology and structures the discussion in different groups. Interaction of a device with other entities such as directories may introduce additional states and transitions.
    Existing Standards
    • WoT Security
    • ETSI OneM2M
    • OMA LwM2M
    • OCF
    • IEEE
    • SIM cards / GSMA
    • IETF
    • Application Lifecycle (W3C Multimodal Interaction WG)
    All lifecycle contributions and discussion documents are available at:

    Documents that were created / discussed in the architecture TF.


    AR Virtual Guide

    • Rob Smith
    • Kaz Ashimura
    Target Users
    • device owners
    • device user
    • cloud provider
    • service provider
    • device manufacturer
    • network operator (potentially transparent for WoT use cases)
    • identity provider
    • directory service operator
    Using a wearable semi-transparent display, users can be guided by a virtual assistant through a physical area of interest with a rendered overlay to visualize events, annotate structures and other physical features, or visualize live and historical data associated with features of interest (which may or may not be at the same physical location as the sensor generating the data). An annotated map may provide additional geospatial guidance, including identification of landmarks, locations of devices. The system may also guide the user along a specific trajectory.
    Expected Devices
    • Wearable, semi-transparent head-mounted display
    • Headphones for speakers for audio output
    • Geopose and motion estimator (various technologies can be used)
    • Data processor to integrate all data (including live an historical data and geopose), generate annotations for the display, and record/play scenes
    Expected Data
    • 3D Position, orientation, velocity, and acceleration of the user
    • Corresponding geolocation information (latitude, longitude, altitude) for all features of interest, including but not limited to physical landmarks, roads and paths, and locations of sensor's measurement points.
    • Timestamps to allow synchronization between the annotations and data streams and the user's movement
    Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    • WoT Thing Description
    • WoT Binding Templates
    • WoT Discovery
    • Optional: WoT Scripting API accessible from application for interacting with devices.
    • The user can travel around a real space with guidance from virtually defined geospatial data projected on a head-mounted wearable display synchronized with the view of the physical environment.
    • The wearable display can generate position and orientation (geopose) data so that the user's movement will be traced through the physical environment and can synchronized with virtual features.
    • The user can control the video images provided by the system, based sensors attached the display system or other means of control (gestures, voice input, etc.)
    • The technology should include synchronization of playback of stored video media and related sensors, displays, and devices as well as the display of geolocation information from the virtual map.
    • Discovery of sensors should take into account the position and field of view of the user so that data can be retrieved only for the relevant features of interest.
    • Discovery may additionally want to consider the motion (e.g. velocity) of the user to that data soon to come into view can be prefetched.
    • Metadata for sensors needs to distinguish between the location of the device itself and the feature of interest it is measuring. For example, a camera might monitor traffic on a highway. The feature of interest is the location on the highway being monitored, while the location of the camera might be quite far away (e.g. mounted on top of a building).
    See also the Use Case description from the WebVMT Editor's draft
    • Two synchronized displays (for example, a phone and a headset) can offer greater insight and provide clearer guidance to the user by showing different views of the same location, e.g. a top-view map on the phone.
    • A VR (virtual-only) implementation may also be used, with a rendered scene replacing the real scene. This may be applicable to contexts such as a Smart City dashboard where sensor information from data needs to be viewed in context without having to actually visit the site.
    • The head-mounted semi-transparent display might be replaced in some contexts with a handheld display e.g. a phone or tablet. To be useful for AR however, such a device needs a back camera to simulate transparency and capture images of the real environment (optional for VR), and a way to determine its geolocation and orientation (geopose) relative to the environment.
    • The head-mounted display may use a camera rather than being physically transparent.
    • A microphone may be added for voice input, including voice commands. This avoid having to clutter the view with controls.
    • A 3D camera (e.g. LIDAR) may be used to capture a view of the environment, which can be helpful to establish geopose and align annotations with real features of the environment.
    • A virtual guide for a particular geographic location, e.g. a historical site, which visualises past events and buildings in AR, or allows remote users to explore in VR.
    • A medical tool which allows a patient to describe their symptoms using AR, e.g. identify a painful area on their own body, which is also modelled as a 'map' to show internal features and display a treatment guide, including any WoT medical devices.
    • A virtual controller for a city engineer to visualize utilities, e.g. electrical cables or water pipes, and control them. For example, a maintenance engineer could switch off an individual street lamp in order to replace the bulb using an AR menu displayed on that WoT-enabled lamppost.
    • These mechanisms can also be used for video overlay in general. The technologies are related to the recording, playing, and distribution of video content when the data is stored. Playback of stored data and movements would be useful for simulation and debugging.
    Security Considerations
    • If an AR systems is compromised it could be used to guide a user into a dangerous situation while hiding that fact from them, e.g. encouraging them to step over a drop.
    • For the above reason the system should "fail gracefully" if there is any sign its integrity is compromised, and should implement mechanisms (e.g. signing) to detect tampering. Standards should be similar to other systems than can cause physical harm, e.g. automobiles.
    • For a "simulated" transparent head-mounted display using a camera, the system should have a fail-safe supporting an unfiltered view, which should be automatic even if the processor crashes.
    • For all systems the user should have a simple way (e.g. a single button push) of viewing "baseline reality".
    Privacy Considerations
    • Systems that handle or display private data, e.g. medical applications, should respect the relevant regulations.
    • Private data should not be retained by the device or used for purposes other than which it was provided. This includes the location of personal devices. To display information from another's personal device, permission needs to be explicitly granted by that person and this permission should be time and possibly space-limited.
    • Geospatially aware discovery mechanisms that can discover features of interest close to the user.
    • Geospatial filters for discovery that include a pyramid-shaped region representing the field of view of the user. Note: a basic cylindrical, spherical, or rectangular filter region can be used instead and then the irrelevant results filtered out, but this is less efficient than the filter itself supporting field-of-view queries.
    • Geospatial data associate with the metadata for devices. Note that mobile devices may update their position more rapidly than a discovery service may be able to support. In this case the discovery service needs to take the velocity and last known position of the data source into account and compute a zone of uncertainty and return the metadata for sources that might possibly be in the field of view. For sources such as this with dynamic positions, the AR system may also communicate with data sources directly to determine their most recent geolocation.
    • Geospatial queries for discovery.
    • Standardized encodings of geospatial metadata in TDs.

    Edge Computing

    Michael McCool
    Target Users
    Note: User should be "Stakeholder"
    • device owners - may benefit from using edge computing for iot orchestration and compute offload
    • device user - may benefit from reduced cost of devices that can use compute offload
    • cloud provider - may provide fallback for local edge compute services
    • service provider - may provide edge computing service
    • device manufacturer - may lower cost of device by depending on compute offload
    • gateway manufacturer - may provide edge computing host hardware
    • network operator - may provide edge computing nodes
    • directory service operator - provides means to discover edge computing nodes
    • IoT devices are often designed to be inexpensive (so they can be used at scale), small (for ease of installation) and are often power-limited, for example needing to run off a battery. For all these reasons, they usually have severely limited on-board computational capabilities.
    • For applications that require significant computation and/or memory, for example computer vision, machine learning, or autonomous navigation, offloading work to another computer on the network may be advantageous.
    • Offloading to the cloud typically involves relatively long latencies and may also have privacy implications. Edge computing implies offloading to a more "local" compute node with lower latency and optionally under more direct control of the user (improving privacy). This can be important for control applications (e.g. in robotics), computer graphics (e.g. gaming) and for applications processing imagery (e.g. facial recognition).
    • An edge computer is also a convenient place to run persistent computations such as IoT orchestration rules that need to be "always on". Such an IoT orchestration system, in addition to needing to read from sensors and send commands to actuators over the network, may also invoke computationally-intensive services (e.g. image recognition). An example would be a security system that when a motion sensor is tripped, runs a person detection computation, and if a person is detected when and where they should not be, sounds an alarm. The motion sensor and alarm can be IoT devices while the person detection is a computationally-intensive service.
    Expected Devices
    • IoT devices with Thing Descriptions for use in IoT orchestrations.
    • An edge computer providing one or more fixed or generic compute services.
    • A directory or other discovery mechanism that allows IoT devices and edge computers to advertize their availability.
    Expected Data
    • Thing descriptions for IoT devices
    • Thing descriptions for compute services
    • Compute service configurations, e.g container images, WASM code, scripts, ONNX files, etc.
    Affected WoT deliverables and/or work items
    • WoT Discovery - needs to be designed to support services, not just physical devices.
    • WoT Architecture - concept of Thing needs to be expanded to include computational services.
    • WoT Scripting API - essential for programming IoT orchestrations.
    The WoT architecture can provide an interesting approach to edge computing:
    • An IoT orchestration running in an edge computer can consume WoT Thing Descriptions in order to determine how to connect to IoT devices.
    • Fixed services (e.g. person detection) and generic compute nodes (a service that would allow an arbitrary computation to be loaded onto it) can also advertise themselves using Thing Descriptions, allowing an IoT orchestrator to interface to devices and services in a uniform way. This also facilitates support for "virtual devices", e.g. using computer vision, audio recognition, or other forms of analytics in place of a physical sensor.
    • WoT discovery can be used to find appropriate compute services for IoT devices to offload computationally demanding tasks to, assuming those services describe themselves with TDs and advertise their availability via WoT discovery mechanisms.
    • An edge computer can provide facilities either for general-purpose computation (e.g. loading and running a container image, script, etc.) or special-purpose fixed computations (e.g. object detection and tracking, person detection, etc.). General-purpose computation is more powerful but also is more difficult to make fully secure.
    • An edge computation can be stateless (function as a service, FaaS) or stateful. It is easier to migrate stateless computations transparently to new compute hardware but state then needs to be provided by a separate service, e.g. a database, and it is harder to program.
    • Edge computers may provide just IoT orchestration without significant computational ability, just compute offload, or both. Many more use cases can be unlocked by providing both.
    • Persistent computation can be provided in various ways. Rather than actually running continuously, an edge computation might be event-driven, for example.
    • Under discussion are various ways to integrate edge computation with the web execution environment, for example by extending web and service workers.
    Security Considerations
    Edge compute services supporting the specification of generic computation has many security challenges. In addition to the challenges common to cloud computing, e.g. protecting "tenants" from seeing each other's activity, additional challenges arise if the edge computer is offering computation as an ad-hoc service. For example, there needs to be a way to project the edge computer from denial-of-service attacks. An edge computer may also need to be protected from physical attacks. There is also the possibility that an edge computer might be physically compromised so approaches such as isolated containers (protecting the contents from the edge computer's hypervisor), and/or validated boot, might be necessary in some circumstances.
    Privacy Considerations
    Edge computers can theoretically improve privacy since sensitive data can be processed "locally" without having to be transmitted to a remote site. This however is tempered by edge computer's greater vulnerability to physical attacks. To avoid offloading work to a malicious edge computer, some means of evaluating the trustworthiness of edge computers is needed.
    • Explicit support for WoT Things that are services.
    • Sufficient abstraction capability (e.g. "interfaces") to support virtual devices.
    • A mechanism to package and install edge computations that can use the WoT scripting API for orchestration.
    • A general means to manage compute nodes to provide offload targets (e.g. a standardized TD template for compute services).
    Existing Standards


    Functional Requirements

    This section defines the properties required in an abstract Web of Things (WoT) architecture.

    Common Principles

    • WoT architecture should enable mutual interworking of different eco-systems using web technology.
    • WoT architecture should be based on the web architecture using RESTful APIs.
    • WoT architecture should allow to use multiple payload formats which are commonly used in the web.
    • WoT architecture must enable different device architectures and must not force a client or server implementation of system components.
    • Flexibility

      There are a wide variety of physical device configurations for WoT implementations. The WoT abstract architecture should be able to be mapped to and cover all of the variations.

    • Compatibility

      There are already many existing IoT solutions and ongoing IoT standardization activities in many business fields. The WoT should provide a bridge between these existing and developing IoT solutions and Web technology based on WoT concepts. The WoT should be upwards compatible with existing IoT solutions and current standards.

    • Scalability

      WoT must be able to scale for IoT solutions that incorporate thousands to millions of devices. These devices may offer the same capabilities even though they are created by different manufacturers.

    • Interoperability

      WoT must provide interoperability across device and cloud manufacturers. It must be possible to take a WoT enabled device and connect it with a cloud service from different manufacturers out of the box.

    Thing Functionalities

    • WoT architecture should allow things to have functionalities such as
      • reading thing's status information
      • updating thing's status information which might cause actuation
      • subscribing to, receiving and unsubscribing to notifications of changes of the thing's status information.
      • invoking functions with input and output parameters which would cause certain actuation or calculation.
      • subscribing to, receiving and unsubscribing to event notifications that are more general than just reports of state transitions.

    Search and Discovery

    • WoT architecture should allow clients to know thing's attributes, functionalities and their access points, prior to access to the thing itself.
    • WoT architecture should allow clients to search things by its attributes and functionalities.
    • WoT architecture should allow semantic search of things providing required functionalities based on a unified vocabulary, regardless of naming of the functionalities.

    Description Mechanism

    • WoT architecture should support a common description mechanism which enables describing things and their functions.
    • Such descriptions should be not only human-readable, but also machine-readable.
    • Such descriptions should allow semantic annotation of its structure and described contents.
    • Such description should be able to be exchanged using multiple formats which are commonly used in the web.

    Description of Attributes

    • WoT architecture should allow describing thing's attributes such as
      • name
      • explanation
      • version of spec, format and description itself
      • links to other related things and metadata information
    • Such descriptions should support internationalization.

    Description of Functionalities

    • WoT architecture should allow describing thing's functionalities which is shown in


    • WoT architecture should support multiple web protocols which are commonly used.
    • Such protocols include
      1. protocols commonly used in the internet and
      2. protocols commonly used in the local area network
    • WoT architecture should allow using multiple web protocols to access to the same functionality.
    • WoT architecture should allow using a combination of multiple protocols to the functionalities of the same thing (e.g. HTTP and WebSocket).


    • WoT architecture should support a wide variety of thing capabilities such as edge devices with resource restrictions and virtual things on the cloud, based on the same model.
    • WoT architecture should support multiple levels of thing hierarchy with intermediate entities such as gateways and proxies.
    • WoT architecture should support accessing things in the local network from the outside of the local network (the internet or another local network), considering network address translation.


    • WoT architecture should allow describing applications for a wide variety of things such as edge device, gateway, cloud and UI/UX device, using web standard technology based on the same model.

    Legacy Adoption

    • WoT architecture should allow mapping of legacy IP and non-IP protocols to web protocols, supporting various topologies, where such legacy protocols are terminated and translated.
    • WoT architecture should allow transparent use of existing IP protocols without translation, which follow RESTful architecture.
    • WoT architecture must not enforce client or server roles on devices and services. An IoT device can be either a client or a server, or both, depending on the system architecture; the same is true of edge and cloud services.

    Technical Requirements

    The W3C WoT Thing Architecture [[wot-architecture]] defines the abstract architecture of Web of Things and illustrates it with various system topologies. This section describes technical requirements derived from the abstract architecture.

    Components in the Web of Things and the Web of Things Architecture

    The use cases help to identify basic components such as devices and applications, that access and control those devices, proxies (i.e., gateways and edge devices) that are located between devices. An additional component useful in some use cases is the directory, which assists with discovery.

    Those components are connected to the internet or field networks in offices, factories or other facilities. Note that all components involved may be connected to a single network in some cases, however, in general components can be deployed across multiple networks.


    Access to devices is made using a description of their functions and interfaces. This description is called Thing Description (TD). A Thing Description includes a general metadata about the device, information models representing functions, transport protocol description for operating on information models, and security information.

    General metadata contains device identifiers (URI), device information such as serial number, production date, location and other human readable information.

    Information models defines device attributes, and represent device’s internal settings, control functionality and notification functionality. Devices that have the same functionality have the same information model regardless of the transport protocols used.

    Because many systems based on Web of Things architecture are crossing system Domains, vocabularies and meta data (e.g. ontologies) used in information models should be commonly understood by involved parties. In addition to REST transports, PubSub transports are also supported.

    Security information includes descriptions about authentication, authorization and secure communications. Devices are required to put TDs either inside them or at locations external to the devices, and to make TDs accessible so that other components can find and access them.


    Applications need to be able to generate and use network and program interfaces based on metadata (descriptions).

    Applications have to be able to obtain these descriptions through the network, therefore, need to be able to conduct search operations and acquire the necessary descriptions over the network.

    Digital Twins

    Digital Twins need to generate program interfaces internally based on metadata (descriptions), and to represent virtual devices by using those program interfaces. A twin has to produce a description for the virtual device and make it externally available.

    Identifiers of virtual devices need to be newly assigned, therefore, are different from the original devices. This makes sure that virtual devices and the original devices are clearly recognized as separate entities. Transport and security mechanisms and settings of the virtual devices can be different from original devices if necessary. Virtual devices are required to have descriptions provided either directly by the twin or to have them available at external locations. In either case it is required to make the descriptions available so that other components can find and use the devices associated with them.


    For TDs of devices and virtual devices to be accessible from devices, applications and twins, there needs to be a common way to share TDs. Directories can serve this requirement by providing functionalities to allow devices and twins themselves automatically or the users to manually register the descriptions.

    Descriptions of the devices and virtual devices need to be searchable by external entities. Directories have to be able to process search operations with search keys such as keywords from the general description in the device description or information models.


    Use Case Categories

    Security Public Service

    Provides a public service; misuse can result in lack of support to other users.

    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-interactive-public-spaces-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-ar-virtual-guide-1]]]
    Security Private Information

    Handles personal or confidential information. Misuse could disclose privately identifiable information (PII) or sensitive business information.

    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-interactive-public-spaces-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-ar-virtual-guide-1]]]
    Security Safety Critical

    Misuse has the potential to cause personal injury.

    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-interactive-public-spaces-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-ar-virtual-guide-1]]]
    Security Business Critical
    Misuse has the potential to cause financial injury or damage to business operations or reputation.

    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-interactive-public-spaces-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-ar-virtual-guide-1]]]


    Risks are defined in detail in the Security and Privacy Guidelines document. The following just relates risks to categories. Each use case that is subject to a risk results in requirements to mitigate that risk for that use case. Requirements are named for the associated mitigation. Some risks may require multiple mitigations.

    Security Access Control


    The Web of Things primarily targets machine-to-machine communication. The humans involved are usually developers that integrate Things into applications. End-users will be faced with the front-ends of the applications or the physical user interfaces provided by devices themselves. Both are out of scope of the W3C WoT specifications. Given the focus on IoT instead of users, accessibility is not a direct requirement, and hence is not addressed within this specification.

    There is, however, an interesting aspect on accessibility: Fulfilling the requirements above enables machines to understand the network-facing API of devices. This can be utilized by accessibility tools to provide user interfaces of different modality, thereby removing barriers to using physical devices and IoT-related applications.

    Requirements for individual WoT Building Blocks


    Thing Description


    Binding Templates



    The following is under review and development. In particular, the association of use cases with requirements ideally should be reviewed by use case submitters and the status of completion of each requirement is mostly still marked as TBD while we review the alignment of these requirements with current publications.

    The WoT discovery process should have the following capabilities:


    Discovery Network Scope:
    Support peer-to-peer (self-identifying), local (network segment), and global (internet-wide) discovery.
    • Status: satisfied.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-interactive-public-spaces-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smartcity-geolocation-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-meeting-room-event-assistance-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cross-domain-discovery-in-a-smart-campus-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cultural-spaces-museums-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-connected-building-energy-efficiency-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-automated-smart-building-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-all-stop-button-outdoor-emergency-stop-plunger-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-fountain-drink-ice-machine-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-camera-device-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-interconnected-medical-devices-in-a-hospital-icu-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-health-notifiers-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smart-car-configuration-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-home-wot-devices-synchronize-to-tv-programs-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-multimodal-recognition-support-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-enhancement-of-synergistic-interactions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-audiovisual-devices-acting-as-smartphone-extensions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-ar-virtual-guide-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]
    Discovery via Third Party
    Support discovery via third-party services (e.g. a directory service) in order to support sleeping devices and search over collections.
    • Status: satisfied.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-cross-domain-discovery-in-a-smart-campus-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cultural-spaces-museums-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-connected-building-energy-efficiency-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-automated-smart-building-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-all-stop-button-outdoor-emergency-stop-plunger-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-fountain-drink-ice-machine-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-camera-device-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]
    Discovery via Scripting API:
    Be compatible with discovery support in the WoT Scripting API.
    • Status: partially satisfied. Not all features supported.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-interactive-public-spaces-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-multimodal-recognition-support-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-enhancement-of-synergistic-interactions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-audiovisual-devices-acting-as-smartphone-extensions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-ar-virtual-guide-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]


    Discovery Filtering:
    Support various forms of query, including keyword, template, and semantic queries to filter results.
    • Status: partially satisfied. Query interface defined but optional.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-cross-domain-discovery-in-a-smart-campus-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cultural-spaces-museums-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-connected-building-energy-efficiency-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-automated-smart-building-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-camera-device-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-ar-virtual-guide-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]
    Discovery Spatial Queries:
    Support spatial and sub-net limited queries.
    • Status: TBD.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-interactive-public-spaces-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smartcity-geolocation-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cross-domain-discovery-in-a-smart-campus-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cultural-spaces-museums-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-connected-building-energy-efficiency-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-automated-smart-building-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-all-stop-button-outdoor-emergency-stop-plunger-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-camera-device-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-interconnected-medical-devices-in-a-hospital-icu-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smart-car-configuration-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-home-wot-devices-synchronize-to-tv-programs-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-multimodal-recognition-support-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-enhancement-of-synergistic-interactions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-audiovisual-devices-acting-as-smartphone-extensions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-ar-virtual-guide-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]
    Discovery Subnet Spanning Queries:
    Support spatial and sub-net limited queries. Support queries that can span a subnet or multiple directory services.
    • Status: TBD.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-interactive-public-spaces-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smartcity-geolocation-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-meeting-room-event-assistance-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cross-domain-discovery-in-a-smart-campus-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cultural-spaces-museums-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-connected-building-energy-efficiency-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-automated-smart-building-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-all-stop-button-outdoor-emergency-stop-plunger-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-fountain-drink-ice-machine-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-camera-device-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-interconnected-medical-devices-in-a-hospital-icu-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-health-notifiers-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smart-car-configuration-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-home-wot-devices-synchronize-to-tv-programs-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-multimodal-recognition-support-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-enhancement-of-synergistic-interactions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-audiovisual-devices-acting-as-smartphone-extensions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-ar-virtual-guide-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]
    Discovery Scalability:
    Be scalable to large databases of TDs.
    • Status: TBD.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-interactive-public-spaces-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smartcity-geolocation-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-meeting-room-event-assistance-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cross-domain-discovery-in-a-smart-campus-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cultural-spaces-museums-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-connected-building-energy-efficiency-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-automated-smart-building-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-all-stop-button-outdoor-emergency-stop-plunger-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-fountain-drink-ice-machine-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-camera-device-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-interconnected-medical-devices-in-a-hospital-icu-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-health-notifiers-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smart-car-configuration-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-home-wot-devices-synchronize-to-tv-programs-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-multimodal-recognition-support-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-enhancement-of-synergistic-interactions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-audiovisual-devices-acting-as-smartphone-extensions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-ar-virtual-guide-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]

    Data Management

    Discovery Dynamic and Static Metadata:
    Support both dynamic and static metadata (TDs).
    • Status: TBD.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-interactive-public-spaces-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smartcity-geolocation-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-meeting-room-event-assistance-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cross-domain-discovery-in-a-smart-campus-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cultural-spaces-museums-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-connected-building-energy-efficiency-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-automated-smart-building-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-all-stop-button-outdoor-emergency-stop-plunger-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-fountain-drink-ice-machine-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-camera-device-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-interconnected-medical-devices-in-a-hospital-icu-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-health-notifiers-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smart-car-configuration-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-home-wot-devices-synchronize-to-tv-programs-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-multimodal-recognition-support-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-enhancement-of-synergistic-interactions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-audiovisual-devices-acting-as-smartphone-extensions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-ar-virtual-guide-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]
    Discovery Deletion:
    Support explicit deletion of TDs.
    • Status: TBD.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
    Discovery Access Control:
    Support access control for TDs.
    • Status: TBD.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-home-wot-devices-synchronize-to-tv-programs-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-interactive-public-spaces-1]]]
    Discovery Clean Up:
    Automatically clean up TDs for devices that are no longer accessible or active.
    • Status: TBD.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-interactive-public-spaces-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smartcity-geolocation-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-meeting-room-event-assistance-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cross-domain-discovery-in-a-smart-campus-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cultural-spaces-museums-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-connected-building-energy-efficiency-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-automated-smart-building-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-all-stop-button-outdoor-emergency-stop-plunger-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-fountain-drink-ice-machine-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-camera-device-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-interconnected-medical-devices-in-a-hospital-icu-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-health-notifiers-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smart-car-configuration-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-home-wot-devices-synchronize-to-tv-programs-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-multimodal-recognition-support-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-enhancement-of-synergistic-interactions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-audiovisual-devices-acting-as-smartphone-extensions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-ar-virtual-guide-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]

    Alignment with Existing Standards

    Discovery IETF CoRE Alignment:
    Align with IETF CoRE Resource Directories and CoRE Link Format, and DIDs.
    • Status: TBD.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
    Discovery DID Alignment:
    Align with W3C DIDs.
    • Status: TBD.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
    Discovery Extensible Introductions:
    Be accessible via a variety of existing discovery mechanisms as first contact mechanisms, including DNS-SD, DNS-SRV, DHCP, QR codes, and Bluetooth beacons, and allow these to be extended.
    • Status: TBD.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-meeting-room-event-assistance-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cross-domain-discovery-in-a-smart-campus-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cultural-spaces-museums-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-audiovisual-devices-acting-as-smartphone-extensions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-ar-virtual-guide-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]


    Discovery Confidentiality:
    Support best known methods for confidentiality.
    • Status: TBD.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-interactive-public-spaces-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smartcity-geolocation-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-meeting-room-event-assistance-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cross-domain-discovery-in-a-smart-campus-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cultural-spaces-museums-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-connected-building-energy-efficiency-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-automated-smart-building-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-all-stop-button-outdoor-emergency-stop-plunger-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-fountain-drink-ice-machine-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-camera-device-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-interconnected-medical-devices-in-a-hospital-icu-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-health-notifiers-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smart-car-configuration-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-home-wot-devices-synchronize-to-tv-programs-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-multimodal-recognition-support-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-enhancement-of-synergistic-interactions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-audiovisual-devices-acting-as-smartphone-extensions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-ar-virtual-guide-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]
    Discovery Authentication:
    Support best known methods for authentication.
    • Status: TBD.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-interactive-public-spaces-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smartcity-geolocation-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-meeting-room-event-assistance-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cross-domain-discovery-in-a-smart-campus-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cultural-spaces-museums-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-connected-building-energy-efficiency-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-automated-smart-building-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-all-stop-button-outdoor-emergency-stop-plunger-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-fountain-drink-ice-machine-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-camera-device-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-interconnected-medical-devices-in-a-hospital-icu-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-health-notifiers-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smart-car-configuration-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-home-wot-devices-synchronize-to-tv-programs-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-multimodal-recognition-support-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-enhancement-of-synergistic-interactions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-audiovisual-devices-acting-as-smartphone-extensions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-ar-virtual-guide-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]
    Discovery Authorization:
    Support best known methods for authorization and role management.
    • Status: TBD.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-interactive-public-spaces-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smartcity-geolocation-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-meeting-room-event-assistance-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cross-domain-discovery-in-a-smart-campus-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cultural-spaces-museums-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-connected-building-energy-efficiency-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-automated-smart-building-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-all-stop-button-outdoor-emergency-stop-plunger-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-fountain-drink-ice-machine-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-camera-device-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-interconnected-medical-devices-in-a-hospital-icu-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-health-notifiers-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smart-car-configuration-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-home-wot-devices-synchronize-to-tv-programs-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-multimodal-recognition-support-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-enhancement-of-synergistic-interactions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-audiovisual-devices-acting-as-smartphone-extensions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-ar-virtual-guide-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]


    Discovery Anonymous Authentication:
    Support authentication and authorization mechanisms that do not reveal user identities.
    • Status: TBD.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-interactive-public-spaces-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cross-domain-discovery-in-a-smart-campus-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cultural-spaces-museums-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
    Discovery Lifecycle:
    Support device and information lifecycle, trust management, and access controls.
    • Status: TBD.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-interactive-public-spaces-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smartcity-geolocation-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-meeting-room-event-assistance-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cross-domain-discovery-in-a-smart-campus-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cultural-spaces-museums-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-connected-building-energy-efficiency-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-automated-smart-building-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-all-stop-button-outdoor-emergency-stop-plunger-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-fountain-drink-ice-machine-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-camera-device-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-interconnected-medical-devices-in-a-hospital-icu-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-health-notifiers-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smart-car-configuration-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-home-wot-devices-synchronize-to-tv-programs-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-multimodal-recognition-support-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-enhancement-of-synergistic-interactions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-audiovisual-devices-acting-as-smartphone-extensions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-ar-virtual-guide-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]
    Discovery Limit Distribution:
    Distribute TDs and other metadata only to authenticated and authorized entities.
    • Status: TBD.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-interactive-public-spaces-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smartcity-geolocation-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-meeting-room-event-assistance-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cross-domain-discovery-in-a-smart-campus-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cultural-spaces-museums-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-connected-building-energy-efficiency-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-automated-smart-building-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-all-stop-button-outdoor-emergency-stop-plunger-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-fountain-drink-ice-machine-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-camera-device-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-interconnected-medical-devices-in-a-hospital-icu-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-health-notifiers-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smart-car-configuration-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-home-wot-devices-synchronize-to-tv-programs-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-multimodal-recognition-support-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-enhancement-of-synergistic-interactions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-audiovisual-devices-acting-as-smartphone-extensions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-ar-virtual-guide-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]
    Discovery No Leaks:
    Don’t leak TDs, other metadata, or queries to unauthorized entities.
    • Status: TBD.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-interactive-public-spaces-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smartcity-geolocation-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-meeting-room-event-assistance-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cross-domain-discovery-in-a-smart-campus-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cultural-spaces-museums-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-connected-building-energy-efficiency-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-automated-smart-building-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-all-stop-button-outdoor-emergency-stop-plunger-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-fountain-drink-ice-machine-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-camera-device-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-interconnected-medical-devices-in-a-hospital-icu-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-health-notifiers-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smart-car-configuration-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-home-wot-devices-synchronize-to-tv-programs-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-multimodal-recognition-support-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-enhancement-of-synergistic-interactions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-audiovisual-devices-acting-as-smartphone-extensions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-ar-virtual-guide-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]

    User Needs

    Discovery Simplicity:
    Simple automatic discovery of Things and services with minimum to no human interaction.
    • Status: TBD.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-interactive-public-spaces-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-meeting-room-event-assistance-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cross-domain-discovery-in-a-smart-campus-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cultural-spaces-museums-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-connected-building-energy-efficiency-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-automated-smart-building-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-all-stop-button-outdoor-emergency-stop-plunger-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-fountain-drink-ice-machine-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-camera-device-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-interconnected-medical-devices-in-a-hospital-icu-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-health-notifiers-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smart-car-configuration-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-home-wot-devices-synchronize-to-tv-programs-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-multimodal-recognition-support-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-enhancement-of-synergistic-interactions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-audiovisual-devices-acting-as-smartphone-extensions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-ar-virtual-guide-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]
    Discovery Human Authentication:
    Support for human authentication (eg pairing button presses) when appropriate.
    • Status: TBD.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-interactive-public-spaces-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-meeting-room-event-assistance-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-interconnected-medical-devices-in-a-hospital-icu-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-health-notifiers-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smart-car-configuration-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-multimodal-recognition-support-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-enhancement-of-synergistic-interactions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-audiovisual-devices-acting-as-smartphone-extensions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-ar-virtual-guide-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]


    Discovery User Limitations:
    It should be possible for a user to discover devices even if they have sensory or motor limitations.
    • Status: TBD.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-interactive-public-spaces-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smartcity-geolocation-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-meeting-room-event-assistance-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cross-domain-discovery-in-a-smart-campus-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cultural-spaces-museums-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-connected-building-energy-efficiency-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-automated-smart-building-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-retail-camera-device-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-health-notifiers-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-multimodal-recognition-support-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-enhancement-of-synergistic-interactions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-audiovisual-devices-acting-as-smartphone-extensions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-ar-virtual-guide-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]
    Discovery Alternatives:
    Alternative forms of discovery should be supported to address different accessibility requirements.
    • Status: TBD.
    • Supporting Use Cases:
      • [[[#UC-interactive-public-spaces-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cross-domain-discovery-in-a-smart-campus-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-cultural-spaces-museums-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-interconnected-medical-devices-in-a-hospital-icu-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-health-notifiers-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-smart-car-configuration-management-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-discovery-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-multimodal-recognition-support-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-enhancement-of-synergistic-interactions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-audiovisual-devices-acting-as-smartphone-extensions-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-ar-virtual-guide-1]]]
      • [[[#UC-edge-computing-1]]]

    New Building Blocks


    The Web of Things standardization initiative has liaisons with several other SDOs and collaborates on common use cases and alignment of terminology.

    The following section is not exhaustive, it describes the current status, and additional liaisons are under consideration.

    ECHONET Consortium

    ECHONET Consortium is an organization that promotes Communication protocol "ECHONET Lite" for home appliances and housing facilities, which are essential elements of smart homes, to cooperate with each other.
    We are standardizing the ECHONET Lite and promoting the spread of smart homes with support for commercialization of devices which support the ECHONET Lite standards and cooperation with related industries. We also develop guidelines for ECHONET Lite Web API which can be used to access ECHONET Lite devices via a Web server with RESTful Web API.

    At the PlugFest in October 2021, WoT consumers connected to ECHONET Lite Web API devices via an intermediary, which translates HTTP message format. We think that it is desirable for WoT specification to support transparent interconnection between a WoT consumer and non-WoT devices that use HTTP protocol as a transport protocol, including ECHONET Lite Web API devices. We hope that WoT WG would investigate a solution for it.


    ECLASS has established itself as worldwide reference-data standard for the classification and unambiguous description of products and services.

    The [[ECLASS]] e.V. association is currently working on a RDF transformation of the ECLASS Standard focusing the W3C WoT Standard.

    OPC Foundation

    OPC UA [[OPC UA]] is one of the important automation standards for device communication in the factory domain as well as for Industry 4.0 scenarios such as like flexible manufacturing.

    WoT should support a standardized binding to OPC UA endpoints to enable simple application development such as for cross-domain applications.

    Such a binding needs an own set of OPC UA specific vocabulary definitions which should be developed together with the experts from the OPC Foundation.

    This guarantees that the binding is getting accepted within the OPC UA community as well as in the WoT community and avoids heterogeneous (project specific) definitions and incompatible OPC UA handlings in Thing Descriptions.

    EdgeX Foundry

    The EdgeX Foundry [EDGEX] is a community-driven project, organized under the Linux Foundation, to define a reference software architecture for IoT hubs. Its goal is to enable interoperability by combining a set of key IoT services with a set of interfaces to a variety of IoT device protocols and ecosystems. There is a reference implementation of the EdgeX architecture.

    The EdgeX Foundry reference architecture provides a set of protocol translation services and exposes interfaces to a variety of ecosystems and devices. However, it currently lacks a standard and IoT-appropriate metadata standard to describe the device interfaces (and the data models for those interfaces) that it exposes on the network. The WoT Thing Description could fulfill this role; otherwise, the EdgeX Foundry architecture fits within the general framework of a WoT system.


    Many thanks to the W3C staff and all other active Participants of the W3C Web of Things Interest Group (WoT IG) and Working Group (WoT WG) for their support, technical input and suggestions that led to improvements to this document.

    Special thanks to all authors of use case descriptions (in alphabetical order) for their contributions to this document:

    Special thanks to Dr. Kazuyuki Ashimura from the W3C for the continuous help and support of the work of the WoT Use Cases Task Force.

    [[ISO-6709]] [[Hybridcast]] [[NMEA-0183]] [[OGC]] [[OGC-coords]] [[iso-19111-2019] [[IEC 61850]] [[IEEE 1547]] [[OGC Sensor Things]] [[OPC UA]] [[MQTT]] [[BACnet]] [[KNX]] [[Modbus]] [[ICE F2761-09(2013)]] [[OpenICE]] [[MDIRA]] [[OneM2M]] [[LWM2M]] [[OCF]] [[json-schema]] [[WGS84]] [[w3c-basic-geo] [[geolocation-API]] [[iso-19111-2007] [[hr-time-3]] [[rfc7252]] [[rfc8376]]