w3cdevs Twitter archive for September 2018

September@w3c'>@w3c: W3Cx MOOC, @w3c'>@w3c workshops, business show, etc. https://www.w3.org/participate/eventscal.html

14: opening of a new CSS Basics #MOOC session for #developers #designers https://www.edx.org/course/css-basics-w3cx-css-0x-0 #HTML5 #CSS with @MicrosoftEDU @w3cx @edXOnline

Check out the #digipub workshop's 17 position statements while awaiting for the workshop report! https://www.w3.org/publishing/events/tokyo18-workshop/papers.html

18-19: a #digipub #W3CWorkshop on publishing #manga #magazines, organized by @w3cpublishing and hosted by @Keio_univ_PR's Advanced Publishing Laboratory, in #Tokyo 🇯🇵

26-29: @RestFest conference in #Greenville_SC 🇺🇸 http://2018.restfest.org/east/ #RESTful #apps

26-27: another great #W3CWorkshop on #permissions and user consent #privacy #security, hosted by @Qualcomm in #SanDiego 🇺🇸 https://www.w3.org/Privacy/permissions-ws-2018/ (position papers: https://www.w3.org/Privacy/permissions-ws-2018/papers.html)

Thank you for the translation into Japanese! This @w3c specification (in #WorkingDraft status) defines a high-level Web #API for processing and synthesizing audio in #WebApps https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/WD-webaudio-20180619/ #html5j #w3c_keio https://twitter.com/g200kg/status/1036097073827917825

What's in a name? Quite a bit actually, and getting it right is by no mean easy - the @webi18n has some useful reference material on how to deal with personal names around the world https://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-personal-names.en.html https://t.co/aHfctrZ55X

10-11: @ri gives an introduction to writing systems and Unicode #tutorial @Unicode conference in #SantaClara, CA 🇺🇸 and presents ways to support text layout on the #Web cc @AddisonI18N http://www.unicodeconference.org/program.htm @webi18n

13-18: meet @tidoust to discuss and exchange on how media technologies on the #Web evolve! @IBCShow #RAI https://show.ibc.org in #Amsterdam 🇳🇱 https://www.ibc.org/ #IBC2018

We are excited to announce the upcoming @w3c #free #DevMeetup in #Lyon 🇫🇷, on 22 October 2018! #SaveTheDate https://www.w3.org/2018/10/Meetup/ @UniversiteLyon #OFFBlendWebMix

Register #asap! Our #meetup is open to everyone at no cost, but space is limited: https://ti.to/w3c/w3c-developer-meetup-lyon-2018cc

In addition, do not miss the cool #demonstrations of @w3c #Web technologies either in deployment or under exploration and prototyping: #WebVR #WebAR #MapML #WebOfThings #IntersectionObserver #WebAuthn, Web & Machine Learning, and many more!

Come listen to this year's awesome speakers: @nitot (@Qwant_FR) @alispivak (@MDN) @regocas (@igalia ) @ri (@web18n) and @rachelandrew on topics about #CSS #privacy #i18n #WebDocumentation

We'll provide more detailed info about the talks and the demonstrations in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!

And special thanks to our sponsors @nttcom @stickermule @Qwant_FR @mozilla and @Microsoft for supporting this event!

The first part of @w3c's #DevMeetup on October 22 in #Lyon 🇫🇷 will be a series of #demos of technologies ranging from under ongoing standardization to more exploratory or at the prototype stage: https://www.w3.org/2018/10/Meetup/demos.html

As a first example of exploratory work, coming from https://www.w3.org/2017/sdwig/, the Web Video Map Tracks #WebVMT format allows to share and index videos with location on the #Web: https://w3c.github.io/sdw/proposals/geotagging/webvmt/

A second demo: sharing location with video using #WebVMT to race from London Victoria to Brighton by train in 4 minutes http://webvmt.org/demos#youtube

A first #WebVMT demo: exploring more than a century of aviation history at Farnborough airfield, the birthplace of #British aviation 🇬🇧 http://webvmt.org/demos#intro

Third demo: recording location with video using #WebVMT on a smartphone and loading it into a #WebBrowser to play alongside an animated, annotated map http://webvmt.org/demos#mobile

Come discover all these cool demos presented by @w3c's #InvitedExpert Rob Smith @away_team. The #DevMeetup is free and open to all, you just need to register! https://ti.to/w3c/w3c-developer-meetup-lyon-2018

Check out the test suite developed by the #WorkingGroup: https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/tree/master/webaudio

Great timing for the #wac2018 conference + #webaudioberlin meetup indeed! The #WebAudio @w3c specification describes a high-level Web #API for processing and synthesizing audio in #WebApps #timetoimplement https://twitter.com/svgeesus/status/1042042947762573312

Comments and feedback are welcome on #WebAudio's #github: https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues

You can get a sense from the event from the live-tweets thread from @rachelnabors one of the presenters at the workshop https://twitter.com/rachelnabors/status/1041847739468800002

Yesterday and today were the dates for the @W3C Workshop on Digital Publication Layout and Presentation (from #Manga to #Magazines) - “exploring the future of visually-rich long-form digital publications” https://twitter.com/w3cdevs/status/1035779697911713792

See also the slides @fantasai presented there https://twitter.com/fantasai/status/1042338854454231040

All the position papers and slides from the event are already linked from https://www.w3.org/publishing/events/tokyo18-workshop/schedule.html

A workshop report is expected in a few weeks, with conclusions and proposed next steps for this rich topic!

#developers and #designers are using #CSS on a daily basis in their Web developments, but can they have any influence on its definition? Of course they can! And nowadays in a very simple way.

Want to know what it takes to contribute to the development of #CSS specifications that style the #Web? Come hear @regocas (@igalia) at the #w3cdevs2018 #Meetup on 22 Oct. in #Lyon. Register at https://ti.to/w3c/w3c-developer-meetup-lyon-2018

In this presentation, @regocas will talk about the @w3c @csswg: how it works, who is part of this group, where are their repositories and, more importantly, how anyone can provide #feedback to improve the #CSS specifications https://twitter.com/w3cdevs/status/986283413316472837

This talk from @regocas will try to reduce the disconnect between Web developers and the #CSS authors and implementors, proposing a closer cooperation and sharing light about how it can be articulated. More at https://www.w3.org/2018/10/Meetup/

Very related to this work are all the #interoperability efforts that are being performed to build a cross-browser testsuite for the Web-platform stack. @regocas will focus on the web-platform-tests repository and explain how to contribute to it https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt

Congrats to John Daggett (@mozilla), @Litherum (Apple) and @svgeesus (@w3c'>@w3c) and the @csswg for the newly published @w3c'>@w3c #WebStandard CSS Fonts 3 https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-3/ #timetoadopt #CSS https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1042707072926855168

The @csswg is already hard at work towards the next level of CSS Fonts https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/WD-css-fonts-4-20180920/#introduction with planned support for variable fonts

As usual, the work is happening on github https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/tree/master/css-fonts-4

And that new charter of the #WebPerf working group is now approved! 🎉 https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1042792778978283521

The opportunity to get involved in web standards with mentoring from a top notch standardista! https://t.co/UDmnSDgA5I

.@svgeesus shares the whole story about CSS & Fonts https://www.w3.org/blog/2018/09/css-fonts-3-is-a-w3c-recommendation/ https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1042912046445146112

Another demonstration of an exploratory work at the @w3c #DevMeetup, coming from https://www.w3.org/2017/sdwig/, is the Map Markup Language (#MapML) https://www.w3.org/2018/10/Meetup/demos.html

#MapML is a proposed extension of #HTML that integrates the #Web and the #GeoWeb in a way that lowers the barriers to making and using maps on the #Web.


Mobile technology has allowed #WebBrowser and other #Apps to geo-locate the user; MapML allows the browser to geo-locate and represent resources from any Web site!

#MapML is a proposal from the @w3c Geospatial Web mapping #CommunityGroup http://maps4html.org to the Web platform community to collaborate on a standard intended to help the platform to progressively achieve its full potential.

Come discover this cool demo presented by @w3c's #InvitedExpert @prushforth of @NRCan / @RNCan. The #DevMeetup is free and open to all, you just need to register! https://ti.to/w3c/w3c-developer-meetup-lyon-2018

#MapML is currently implemented as custom elements. Our proposal to the Web platform community is to incubate this specification for native standardization.

First, what is the current Intersection Observer API? it allows to detect if a particular HTML element is currently exposed in the visible viewport of the browser https://w3c.github.io/IntersectionObserver/

Introducing another demo of exploratory work at the @w3c
#w3cdevs2018 meetup on October 22 in Lyon: a new version of the Intersection Observer API https://www.w3.org/2018/10/Meetup/demos.html #OFFBlendWebMix

It's already widely used on the Web, with 20%+ of page loads e.g. in Chrome making use of it https://www.chromestatus.com/metrics/feature/timeline/popularity/1368

Its use cases includes lazy loading images, fast scrolling for dynamic lists and detection of ad visibility.

With the exception of Safari, it's available across all the modern browsers https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Intersection_Observer_API#Browser_compatibility

and there is an active @webkit bug on this https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=159475

Specifically, it gives the iframe a strong guarantee that its content is visible on screen, and has not been painted over or altered in any way by the embedding document.

The primary motivation is to eliminate common patterns of fraud and abuse on the Web, #clickjacking in particular, and to enable trust relationships between embedded third-party iframes and their host documents

The demo of the #w3cdevs2018 meetup will be for features under consideration for a next version of the API: it would extend the current API to provide a strong guarantee that a particular #HTML element is completely visible and unmodified

Come discover this cool demo presented by Stefan Zager (@google). The #w3cdevs2018 meetup is free and open to all, you just need to register! https://ti.to/w3c/w3c-developer-meetup-lyon-2018

In her talk, @alispivak will share some of the background history of @mozdevnet and how the Product Advisory Board (PAB) started last year is helping to better create the documentation developers want and need

Introducing another of our great speakers at #w3cdevs2018 in #Lyon: come hear @alispivak (head of @mozilla developer ecosystem) talk about @MDN and its partnership with @w3c and browser vendors to document the Web.

Register at https://ti.to/w3c/w3c-developer-meetup-lyon-2018

The second one was in August and the minutes are (as always) publicly available https://github.com/mdn/pab/blob/master/meeting-notes/2018-07-notes.md

We had a unicorn 🦄 as a guest star!

The PAB had two face to face meetings - the first one was back in January, and we shared back then how exciting it was https://twitter.com/w3cdevs/status/956109136302956544

To hear directly from @alispivak on this and @mozdevnet in general, and meet many of the PAB members who will be at #w3cdevs2018, do not forget to register https://www.w3.org/2018/10/Meetup/

Among the many the exciting projects @mozdevnet is pushing and the PAB is tracking, most relevant for @w3cdevs is a push to make Web documentation a channel for input & feedback to standardization - lots of ideas toward that in our issue tracker https://github.com/mdn/pab/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Astandardization

in a few minutes, the @w3c workshop on permissions and user content will start in San Diego, CA 🇺🇸

The agenda for the workshop over the next two days is online https://www.w3.org/Privacy/permissions-ws-2018/schedule.html

The context-setting talk will be given by @ThisIsJoFrank based on the position paper she published a few weeks ago https://twitter.com/samsunginternet/status/1036954104860434432

We wish all the participants plenty of inspiration to pave the way to making the Web both powerful and respectful of its users privacy!

Permissions and how they're presented, bundled, exposed are key to a number of the most existing ongoing developments in @w3c, #WebRTC, #WebXR and #ImmersiveWeb, #WebPayments among others

That and all the other position papers are linked from https://www.w3.org/Privacy/permissions-ws-2018/papers.html

Introducing our last (but not least) set of demos of not-yet-standards-track work at @w3c #w3cdevs2018 meetup October 22 in #Lyon: #MachineLearning for the Web https://www.w3.org/2018/10/Meetup/demos.html#demos-explo #OFFBlendWebMix

A related #CommunityGroup on Machine Learning for the Web is under preparation, with the objective to incubate dedicated low-level Web #APIs for machine learning inference in #WebBrowser and in products using modern Web engines https://twitter.com/anssik/status/1045002714080575488

.@NingxinHu (@intel) will present three demos of #MachineLearning for the Web.

1) making real-time object detection in browser a reality for compelling immersive Web experiences and more #ImmersiveWeb #MachineLearning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGgiDU-8d60

The Machine Learning Community Group has now been officially proposed: https://www.w3.org/community/blog/2018/10/03/proposed-group-machine-learning-for-the-web-community-group/ with a proposed charter

3) real-time human pose estimation in the browser enabling new class of experiences on the Web ranging from fitness, interactive installations to augmented reality #ImmersiveWeb #MachineLearning

2) image classification in the browser that works offline without dependency on cloud infrastructure. #MachineLearning

All these demos and more will be shown at the #w3cdevs2018 #DevMeetup on October 22 in #Lyon. This event is free but you need to register! https://ti.to/w3c/w3c-developer-meetup-lyon-2018

The report of the publishing workshop #w3ctokyows is not available yet, but you can already enjoy a thorough report from @EDRLab_EPUB https://twitter.com/EDRLab_EPUB/status/1044918870170112000

The #WebRTC spec, which enables #P2P audio-video communication on the Web, has been split into two ✂️: the core work on PeerConnection API on the one hand, the Identity Framework on the other

The work on the PeerConnection continues in the same repository

The work on Identity for WebRTC has moved to https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-identity

Both continue as Candidate Recommenations, looking for implementation #timetoimplement https://twitter.com/w3cdevs/status/988788171977748482