This is an unpublished draft preview that might include content that is not yet approved. The published website is at

Explain complex data

Split out from complex content

See page details in plan


Provide outlines of key themes shown in complex data and graphs.

User Story

I can understand complex tables or graphs as extra help is provided to explain the important features

What To Do

Provide additional help content that explains any complex data tables and graphs and guides interpretation. It may be provided in various forms, for example:

How It Helps

This Pattern builds on help related WCAG Success Criteria to ensure users are supported in understanding complex content. Explaining the presentation of complex data makes it understandable in the content of the content.

More details

The presentation mode of information such as a graph or table may obscure its meaning through complexity. A supporting description and guided interpretation will highlight the the key features the user needs to understand.

Examples, Techniques and Requirements

Success Examples:

Failure Examples:

WCAG Techniques and Success Criteria:

! TODO Add related Personalisation and UAAG topics here !

Key Terms

? Coga is developing a list of terms so should we repeat here or simple link to it ?

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This is an unpublished draft preview that might include content that is not yet approved. The published website is at