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Provide human help

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Provide Human Help

How it helps

In cases where the user gets stuck or confused for any reason, contact with a human is usually the most effective and suitable solution. Otherwise the user may abandon the process and be left with negative attitude towards the service or supplier.

One or more contact mechanisms should be easy to locate and use from any page or any step in a process.

More details

Examples include

It is important that voice communication is easy and this implies the person providing help can both be easily understood and is able to understand others, allowing for a range of vocal and verbal characteristics. Sensitivity to the requirements of people with learning cognitive disabilities is also important.


Success example:

Failure example:

Technique and resources

Techniques to consider

Full Details in the COGA Design Guide 8.3.4 Provide human help



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This is an unpublished draft preview that might include content that is not yet approved. The published website is at