Combining strokes for trills and mordents (U+E590–U+E5AF)
Glyph | Description | Glyph | Description |
| U+E590 ornamentTopLeftConcaveStroke Ornament top left concave stroke | | U+E591 (and U+1D1A5) ornamentTopLeftConvexStroke Ornament top left convex stroke |
| U+E592 ornamentHighLeftConcaveStroke Ornament high left concave stroke | | U+E593 (and U+1D1A2) ornamentHighLeftConvexStroke Ornament high left convex stroke |
| U+E594 (and U+1D19B) ornamentLeftVerticalStroke Ornament left vertical stroke | | U+E595 ornamentLeftVerticalStrokeWithCross Ornament left vertical stroke with cross (+) |
| U+E596 ornamentLeftShakeT Ornament left shake t | | U+E597 ornamentLeftPlus Ornament left + |
| U+E598 ornamentLowLeftConcaveStroke Ornament low left concave stroke | | U+E599 (and U+1D1A4) ornamentLowLeftConvexStroke Ornament low left convex stroke |
| U+E59A ornamentBottomLeftConcaveStroke Ornament bottom left concave stroke | | U+E59B (and U+1D1A1) ornamentBottomLeftConcaveStrokeLarge Ornament bottom left concave stroke, large |
| U+E59C ornamentBottomLeftConvexStroke Ornament bottom left convex stroke | | U+E59D (and U+1D19C) ornamentZigZagLineNoRightEnd Ornament zig-zag line without right-hand end |
| U+E59E (and U+1D19D) ornamentZigZagLineWithRightEnd Ornament zig-zag line with right-hand end | | U+E59F (and U+1D1A0) ornamentMiddleVerticalStroke Ornament middle vertical stroke |
| U+E5A0 ornamentTopRightConcaveStroke Ornament top right concave stroke | | U+E5A1 (and U+1D19E) ornamentTopRightConvexStroke Ornament top right convex stroke |
| U+E5A2 ornamentHighRightConcaveStroke Ornament high right concave stroke | | U+E5A3 ornamentHighRightConvexStroke Ornament high right convex stroke |
| U+E5A4 ornamentRightVerticalStroke Ornament right vertical stroke | | U+E5A5 (and U+1D1A3) ornamentLowRightConcaveStroke Ornament low right concave stroke |
| U+E5A6 ornamentLowRightConvexStroke Ornament low right convex stroke | | U+E5A7 (and U+1D19F) ornamentBottomRightConcaveStroke Ornament bottom right concave stroke |
| U+E5A8 ornamentBottomRightConvexStroke Ornament bottom right convex stroke |
Implementation notes
When designing the Unicode Musical Symbols range, Perry Roland elected to develop a scheme for creating complex ornaments using a series of glyphs rather than defining precomposed glyphs for every ornament, as shown below:1
This range expands upon the repertoire of 11 strokes in the Unicode Musical Symbols range.
The side-bearings for the glyphs in this range must be adjusted carefully to ensure correct positioning. (Kerning pairs may also be used.)
Glyphs between ornamentTopLeftConcaveStroke and ornamentBottomLeftConvexStroke are designed to be positioned immediately to the left of and to join seamlessly to ornamentZigZagLineNoRightEnd. ornamentZigZagLineWithRightEnd and glyphs between ornamentTopRightConcaveStroke and ornamentBottomRightConvexStroke are designed to be positioned immediately to the right of and to join seamlessly to ornamentZigZagLineNoRightEnd. ornamentMiddleVerticalStroke should be used immediately to the left of either ornamentZigZagLineNoRightEnd or ornamentZigZagLineWithRightEnd to provide correct positioning of the vertical stroke across the zig-zag line.
Ibid., Allen, page 539.