Medieval and Renaissance plainchant multiple-note forms (U+E9B0–U+E9CF)
Glyph | Description | Glyph | Description |
| U+E9B0 chantPodatusLower Podatus, lower | | U+E9B1 (and U+1D1D4) chantPodatusUpper Podatus, upper |
| U+E9B2 chantDeminutumUpper Punctum deminutum, upper | | U+E9B3 chantDeminutumLower Punctum deminutum, lower |
| U+E9B4 chantEntryLineAsc2nd Entry line, ascending 2nd | | U+E9B5 chantEntryLineAsc3rd Entry line, ascending 3rd |
| U+E9B6 chantEntryLineAsc4th Entry line, ascending 4th | | U+E9B7 chantEntryLineAsc5th Entry line, ascending 5th |
| U+E9B8 chantEntryLineAsc6th Entry line, ascending 6th | | U+E9B9 chantLigaturaDesc2nd Ligated stroke, descending 2nd |
| U+E9BA chantLigaturaDesc3rd Ligated stroke, descending 3rd | | U+E9BB chantLigaturaDesc4th Ligated stroke, descending 4th |
| U+E9BC chantLigaturaDesc5th Ligated stroke, descending 5th | | U+E9BD chantConnectingLineAsc2nd Connecting line, ascending 2nd |
| U+E9BE chantConnectingLineAsc3rd Connecting line, ascending 3rd | | U+E9BF chantConnectingLineAsc4th Connecting line, ascending 4th |
| U+E9C0 chantConnectingLineAsc5th Connecting line, ascending 5th | | U+E9C1 chantConnectingLineAsc6th Connecting line, ascending 6th |
| U+E9C2 chantStrophicusLiquescens2nd Strophicus liquescens, 2nd | | U+E9C3 chantStrophicusLiquescens3rd Strophicus liquescens, 3rd |
| U+E9C4 chantStrophicusLiquescens4th Strophicus liquescens, 4th | | U+E9C5 chantStrophicusLiquescens5th Strophicus liquescens, 5th |
Implementation notes
To produce ligatures of three or more notes, some of the glyphs in this range have to be combined.
Glyphs should be positioned relative to their starting pitch: for example, the chantLigaturaDesc3rd glyph, which describes a downwards progression by an interval of a third, should be positioned on the staff line or space of the starting note of the downwards pattern; the connecting lines (e.g. chantConnectingLineAsc3rd) should likewise be positioned on the staff line or space corresponding to the bottom of the line; for an ascending liquescent, position chantAuctumAsc on the starting staff position, and chantDeminutemUpper on the ending staff position, with the appropriate length of connecting line between them.
Scoring applications should position these glyphs like any other notehead, i.e. moving them vertically according to the desired starting staff position. Fonts intended for use in text-based applications should include glyphs that present these symbols at different staff positions, and a means to easily choose between them; one possible implementation would be to define OpenType ligatures of each of the glyphs in the Combining staff positions range with each of the glyphs in this range.
The table below shows how to produce some common ligatures, and describes which glyphs should be used; glyphs whose names appear in parentheses are control characters that move the following glyph vertically to a different staff position, as might be used in a font that employs OpenType ligatures.
Example | Description | **Uses glyphs ** |
Podatus, ascending 3rd | chantPodatusLower + chantConnectingLineAsc3rd + (staffPosRaise3) + chantPodatusUpper | |
Clivis, descending 4th | chantPunctumVirgaReversed + (staffPosLower4) chantConnectingLineAsc4th + (staffPosLower4) + chantPunctum | |
Salicus | chantPunctum + (staffPosRaise1) + chantPodatusLower + (staffPosRaise1) + chantConnectingLineAsc2nd + (staffPosRaise2) + chantPodatusUpper | |
Climacus | chantPunctumVirga + (staffPosLower1) + chantPunctumInclinatum + (staffPosLower2) + chantPunctumInclinatum | |
Torculus | chantPunctum + (staffPosRaise1) + chantPunctum + chantPunctum | |
Porrectus | chantEntryLineAsc5th + (staffPosRaise5) + chantLigaturaDesc4th + (staffPosRaise1) + chantConnectingLineAsc3rd + (staffPosRaise4) + chantPunctum | |
Scandicus flexus | chantPodatusLower + (staffPosRaise1) + chantConnectingLineAsc2nd + (staffPosRaise2) + chantPodatusUpper + chantPunctumVirga + chantConnectingLineAsc3rd + chantPunctum | |
Porrectus flexus | chantConnectingLineAsc3rd + (staffPosRaise3) + chantLigaturaDesc3rd + chantPunctumVirga + chantConnectingLineAsc3rd + chantPunctum | |
Climacus resupinus | chantPunctumVirga + (staffPosRaise1) + chantPunctumInclinatum + chantPunctumInclinatum + (staffPosRaise1) + chantPunctum | |
Torculus resupinus | chantPunctum + (staffPosRaise1) + chantPunctum + chantPunctum + (staffPosRaise1) + chantPunctumVirga | |
Pes subbipunctus | chantPodatusLower + (staffPosRaise1) + chantConnectingLineAsc2nd + (staffPosRaise2) + chantPodatusUpper + chantPunctumInclinatum + (staffPosLower1) + chantPunctumInclinatum | |
Virga praetripunctis | chantPodatusLower + (staffPosRaise1) + chantConnectingLineAsc3rd + (staffPosRaise3) + chantPodatusUpper chantPodatus3rd + (staffPosRaise4) + chantPodatusLower + (staffPosRaise5) + chantConnectingLineAsc2nd + (staffPosRaise6) + chantPodatusUpper | |
Epiphonus (liquescent podatus) | chantAuctumAsc + (staffPosRaise1) + chantDeminutemUpper | |
Cephalicus (liquescent flexa) | chantConnectingLineAsc3rd + (staffPosRaise3) + chantAuctumDesc + (staffPosRaise2) + chantDeminutemLower | |
Pinnosa (liquescent torculus) | chantPunctum + chantConnectingLineAsc4th + (staffPosRaise4) + chantAuctumDesc + (staffPosRaise3) + chantDeminutemLower | |
Porrectus liquescens | chantPunctumVirgaReversed + (staffPosLower1) + chantAuctumAsc + (staffPosRaise1) + chantDeminutemUpper | |
Scandicus liquescens | chantPunctum + (staffPosRaise1) + chantAuctumAsc + + (staffPosRaise1) + chantConnectingLineAsc3rd + (staffPosRaise4) + chantDeminutemUpper |