Harp techniques (U+E680–U+E69F)
Glyph | Description | Glyph | Description |
| U+E680 harpPedalRaised Harp pedal raised (flat) | | U+E681 harpPedalCentered Harp pedal centered (natural) |
| U+E682 harpPedalLowered Harp pedal lowered (sharp) | | U+E683 harpPedalDivider Harp pedal divider |
| U+E684 harpSalzedoSlideWithSuppleness Slide with suppleness (Salzedo) | | U+E685 harpSalzedoOboicFlux Oboic flux (Salzedo) |
| U+E686 harpSalzedoThunderEffect Thunder effect (Salzedo) | | U+E687 harpSalzedoWhistlingSounds Whistling sounds (Salzedo) |
| U+E688 harpSalzedoMetallicSounds Metallic sounds (Salzedo) | | U+E689 harpSalzedoTamTamSounds Tam-tam sounds (Salzedo) |
| U+E68A harpSalzedoPlayUpperEnd Play at upper end of strings (Salzedo) | | U+E68B harpSalzedoTimpanicSounds Timpanic sounds (Salzedo) |
| U+E68C harpSalzedoMuffleTotally Muffle totally (Salzedo) | | U+E68D harpSalzedoFluidicSoundsLeft Fluidic sounds, left hand (Salzedo) |
| U+E68E harpSalzedoFluidicSoundsRight Fluidic sounds, right hand (Salzedo) | | U+E68F harpMetalRod Metal rod pictogram |
| U+E690 harpTuningKey Tuning key pictogram | | U+E691 harpTuningKeyHandle Use handle of tuning key pictogram |
| U+E692 harpTuningKeyShank Use shank of tuning key pictogram | | U+E693 harpTuningKeyGlissando Retune strings for glissando |
| U+E694 harpStringNoiseStem Combining string noise for stem | | U+E695 harpSalzedoAeolianAscending Ascending aeolian chords (Salzedo) |
| U+E696 harpSalzedoAeolianDescending Descending aeolian chords (Salzedo) | | U+E697 harpSalzedoDampLowStrings Damp only low strings (Salzedo) |
| U+E698 harpSalzedoDampBothHands Damp with both hands (Salzedo) | | U+E699 harpSalzedoDampBelow Damp below (Salzedo) |
| U+E69A harpSalzedoDampAbove Damp above (Salzedo) | | U+E69B harpSalzedoMetallicSoundsOneString Metallic sounds, one string (Salzedo) |
| U+E69C harpSalzedoIsolatedSounds Isolated sounds (Salzedo) | | U+E69D harpSalzedoSnareDrum Snare drum effect (Salzedo) |
Recommended stylistic alternates
Glyph | Description | Glyph | Description |
| uniE68F.salt01 harpMetalRodAlt Metal rod pictogram (alternative) | | uniE690.salt01 harpTuningKeyAlt Tuning key pictogram (alternative) |
Implementation notes
harpSalzedoFluidicSoundsLeft and harpSalzedoFluidicSoundsRight are similar in function to noteheads, and should be positioned relative to note stems in the same way.
harpSalzedoOboicFlux and harpSalzedoPlayUpperEnd may be repeated to create a continuing line, indicating the duration of the technique.