Kievan square notation (U+EC30–U+EC3F)
Glyph | Description | Glyph | Description |
| U+EC30 (and U+1D1DE) kievanCClef Kievan C clef (tse-fa-ut) | | U+EC31 (and U+1D1DF) kievanEndingSymbol Kievan ending symbol |
| U+EC32 (and U+1D1E1) kievanNoteReciting Kievan reciting note | | U+EC33 (and U+1D1E2) kievanNoteWhole Kievan whole note |
| U+EC34 (and U+1D1E0) kievanNoteWholeFinal Kievan final whole note | | U+EC35 (and U+1D1E3) kievanNoteHalfStaffLine Kievan half note (on staff line) |
| U+EC36 kievanNoteHalfStaffSpace Kievan half note (in staff space) | | U+EC37 (and U+1D1E5) kievanNoteQuarterStemUp Kievan quarter note, stem up |
| U+EC38 (and U+1D1E4) kievanNoteQuarterStemDown Kievan quarter note, stem down | | U+EC39 (and U+1D1E7) kievanNote8thStemUp Kievan eighth note, stem up |
| U+EC3A (and U+1D1E6) kievanNote8thStemDown Kievan eighth note, stem down | | U+EC3B kievanNoteBeam Kievan beam |
| U+EC3C kievanAugmentationDot Kievan augmentation dot | | U+EC3D kievanAccidentalSharp Kievan sharp |
| U+EC3E (and U+1D1E8) kievanAccidentalFlat Kievan flat |
Implementation notes
This range of Kievan square notation glyphs are encoded in Unicode from version 8.0 at the code points U+1D1DE–U+1D1E8.
For kievanNoteWholeFinal and kievanNoteReciting, the symbol is positioned on the staff such that for a note on a staff line, the staff line passes between the two thick horizontal lines. For kievanNoteWhole on a staff line, the staff line passes between the two diamonds. For kievanNote8thStemDown on a staff line, the staff line passes through the top diamond.
In the type of Kievan notation used in modern chant books of the Russian Orthodox Church, the symbol for half note has two variants: the variant with the long tail down (kievanNoteHalfStemDown) is used when the note occurs on a staff line, and the variant with the long tail up (kievanNoteHalfStemUp) is used when the note occurs in a space. Only the first of these characters is encoded in Unicode, while the second character is to be selected programmatically via font features; SMuFL encodes both characters at separate code points.
Kievan notes may be beamed, with stems up or stems down. These ligatures are not encoded explicitly either in Unicode or in SMuFL, but it is recommended that fonts provide ligatures. They may also be available in Unicode fonts via ligature substitution by entering, e.g., the following character sequence: U+1D1E4 Musical Symbol Kievan Quarter Note Stem Down, U+1D173 Musical Symbol Begin Beam, U+1D1E4 Musical Symbol Kievan Quarter Note Stem Down, U+1D174 Musical Symbol End Beam.