Other baroque ornaments (U+E570–U+E58F)
Glyph | Description | Glyph | Description |
| U+E570 ornamentPortDeVoixV Port de voix | | U+E571 ornamentRightFacingHalfCircle Right-facing half circle |
| U+E572 ornamentLeftFacingHalfCircle Left-facing half circle | | U+E573 ornamentRightFacingHook Right-facing hook |
| U+E574 ornamentLeftFacingHook Left-facing hook | | U+E575 ornamentHookBeforeNote Hook before note |
| U+E576 ornamentHookAfterNote Hook after note | | U+E577 ornamentUpCurve Curve above |
| U+E578 ornamentDownCurve Curve below | | U+E579 ornamentShortObliqueLineBeforeNote Short oblique straight line SW-NE |
| U+E57A ornamentShortObliqueLineAfterNote Short oblique straight line NW-SE | | U+E57B ornamentObliqueLineBeforeNote Oblique straight line SW-NE |
| U+E57C ornamentObliqueLineAfterNote Oblique straight line NW-SE | | U+E57D ornamentDoubleObliqueLinesBeforeNote Double oblique straight lines SW-NE |
| U+E57E ornamentDoubleObliqueLinesAfterNote Double oblique straight lines NW-SE | | U+E57F ornamentObliqueLineHorizBeforeNote Oblique straight line tilted SW-NE |
| U+E580 ornamentObliqueLineHorizAfterNote Oblique straight line tilted NW-SE | | U+E581 ornamentComma Comma |
| U+E582 ornamentShake3 Shake | | U+E583 ornamentVerticalLine Vertical line |
| U+E584 ornamentShakeMuffat1 Shake (Muffat) | | U+E585 (and U+1D1B1) glissandoUp Glissando up |
| U+E586 (and U+1D1B2) glissandoDown Glissando down | | U+E587 ornamentSchleifer Schleifer (long mordent) |
| U+E588 ornamentPinceCouperin Pincé (Couperin) | | U+E589 ornamentTremblementCouperin Tremblement appuyé (Couperin) |
Implementation notes
There is little agreement over the meaning, or indeed the naming, of ornaments beyond those that have survived into modern usage. The glyphs included in this range are the shapes that are used by a wide variety of composers, particularly in the baroque period. For information about the uses and interpretations of individual symbols in this range, consult Neumann (ibid.).